Animal Crossing Hopes

Post now any features that you hope to return, or something new that you want for New Horizons... ill start

>selecting soundtracks from previous titles to play
>emulator for older games (zero chance)

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It's not going to return, but I'd like to be able to send letters to other players in their towns without actually being in them. Let's Go To The City was the only one to do this, and I really liked it.

I'd also like constellations to return as well, but I know that's not happening either.

In preparation for New Horizons I am playing Pocket Camp.
Shit's actually fun and cute.

Based on what we've seen so far, NH is shaping up to be almost everything I've been wanting in a brand new AC title; More expressive character models, no more Isabelle shilling, a musical style similar to the pre-NL games, etc.

There's a lot of minor stuff from the older games like glowing spots, golden trees, certain events, and other overworld features that never returned after GCN I want to come back. But I think what I'd want to see the most is the return of Wild World's character episodes.

Sure it's mostly inconsequential and doesn't really affect the game itself, but these added so much to the "lore" and worldbuilding of the series. Prior to Wild World none of these characters really had a proper background to them at all, Sable and Mabel being the only notable exceptions. That's why people liked these so much, even if they're easy to miss. It explains how every significant NPC got to where they are today.

NH is shaping up great, but I'd like to see gameplay including more character interactions.

im convinced they delayed it so players would start their games in Spring which is the least harsh when it comes to starting tier things to dolike planting flowers and stuff that revolves around good seasonal weather

I don't like the idea of it being set on an island and I dislike crafting. Still excited for it. Get rid of that grass rot shit.

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>More expressive character models
That's completely worthless if the dialogue is even blander.

Don't worry, that feeling will disappear after a week or two. The game is utterly mind-numbingly boring.

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No hopes honestly, since it went it the total opposite direction I wanted it to. Not that I won't end up liking it, but none of the features I really want from AC are gonna happen.

It'd be nice to see events like the sports fair return and be expanded on. Animals visibly participating in events made them feel more alive than current events that just consist of a special NPC and some animals standing in front of the town hall or tree doing absolutely nothing.

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This isn't a new opinion, but I think a big problem is that a newer title like New Leaf was lacking charm like the original. Every villager was the same, boring, always sucking your dick type villager.

The music sounded way less experimental, it didn't have as many memorable tracks. The only track that grabbed my attention was 7pm.

In general, they played it way too safe for newer titles on key elements and the game suffered because of it.

I agree with everything you said, especially the music. outside the context of animal crossing it's great, but it's not quirky enough

Playable games just make no sense for Nintendo, they sell them with their online service.

consequences of character creation (since that'll be new)
such as white skin staying too long in the sun dying from skin cancer in the summer
or black skin staying too long in the cold dying from frost bite in the winter
a lot can be done with this mechanism

why would someone draw his lower half like that?

I hope it doesn't force the tropical island theme too much.
I hope the dialogue is more interesting/intelligent and there's much more of it, so I don't see the same conversations twice in... at least a day, but preferably a week or more.
And this is kind of a cumbraĆ­n hope, but I hope characters can have more revealing outfits. The fact that everything is gender neutral now means males will always have covered nipples and females will never have bikini bottoms.
I hope there's lots of activities in the game to keep me playing for years.
I hope the island doesn't feel too small.
I hope there's a little bit of cooking, even if it's just crafting.

I want more town activities
>which we aren't getting because you're starting camp from ground zero
I want better villager dialogue
>we aren't getting that either
I want the acre system
>obviously not
I hope there are loads of villagers, including new unique ones that do not replace older ones
>possible, but expecting disappointment

Overall, it won't have any of the charm of ACGCN so I'll try to like it for what it does have.

people like thick boys

when I buy a pool table or an arcade amchine, let me interact with it.

find a thicc boy to fap to then and leave our neighbours alone

I'd like for them to bring back things like the NES games but have it updated to account for the higher storage capacity or something. I would also like to return to the acre system and ditch the rolling log system because I hate it and it doesn't look good

All I want is NO grinding island. I don't want any grinding at all. You want money? Fuck you do your chores and save your money. Fuck new leaf

>which we aren't getting because you're starting camp from ground zero

You know the stuff we've seen is only like...the first 10% of the game, right? We'll have a full on New Leaf style town by the end game.

im glad theyre improving qol stuff and actually turning stuff we had to circumvent around like paths into actual things. something really polished would be nice.

I just want to be able to choose the villagers I want from the start and not worry about them leaving, fuck forced realism

My wish is that you can either expand your the size of your island and you can visit different islands or even seaports. For example in the seaport you can visit shops like in the older games and get other villagers to move in your island. I still have the hope for this game to be good.

What if you get special in game items if you have the Nintendo online thing like the NES and SNES mini. If you have the online sub then you have the games already so not sure why it would be a problem.

better dialogue
optional special npc story arcs and backstory

This would be a cool

Attached: X1fjS6.gif (320x180, 1.36M)

lots of new sable dialogue

I want more shop NPC dialogue in general. Give me the fucking backstories!

New leaf was my first AC but after playing the one on GC I really want chores to come back.

>most efficient grinding is locked in it
>you cant even sell shit there for extra fuck you
>club tortimer is rat children grief central
>it has exclusive items so you cant just ignore it
The island really was a fucking mistake