What are your honest opinions on the SMTIV duology?

What are your honest opinions on the SMTIV duology?

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IV has a 10/10 OST and IV:A has better gameplay.


I made the mistake of going Neutral and therefore never finished it.

I got bored 20 hours into smt 4

good videogames

I can understand the disdain for friends but I mostly like them except Nozomi and Toki who are awful.

It's better than Persona, but Strange Journey is still the best.

The forced side questing from getting locked into neutral filtered me from finishing for years

is the 3ds version of SJ good?

pretty much, only the art looks kinda inferior to Kaneko, but the new endings are enjoyable.

It's the definitive version.

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They let you do way too much fucking damage.

both are shit, apocalypse is more shit

Should've been on Vita

new content is fun, lots of qol changes overall and the normal game is pretty much the same in terms of difficulty, though expert is harder and more fun imo

new art sucks and having every single attack have a voice byte got real fucking annoying but you can mute it separately in options, also mutes cutscene VO but who cares


IV has a bad camera system.
Didn't bother with IVA but I've heard it's been personafied so I'll pass.

IV was garbage. Didn't bother with Apocalypse.

Is there any kind of consensus on Yea Forums about weather the original or Redux version of Strange Journey is better?
I know that's a loaded question but I'm still curious.

All they need to do to make the greatest smt game ever is to dump apoc's gameplay into a good story.

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The only "defense" of the original against refux that I've seen is the fucking character portraits.


not that I've seen, the worst complaints I've seen are the bad art, odd new names for some skills and space yukiko being annoying, though she's largely optional unless you pick the normal endings instead of the new ones

>Navarre didn't become his Goddess


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Absolutely based.

Navarre isn't very good vs YHVH, if you're gonna be stuck with one partner healbot Pascal is the best

>Nanashi smirks

can i play apocalypse without playing 4? friend gave me a copy of apocalypse for my b-day but i haven't touched it yet

You could, but I'd recommend playing IV first.

A is a sort of alt-timeline branch from 4 with a new MC alongside 4's events and Flynn and friends' adventure that overrides it in exactly the kind of cliche fanfiction fashion you're probably thinking of. All the relevant story elements are covered and the ones that aren't don't matter but there's some flavor context and callbacks you'd miss out on.

You can but I'd recommend playing IV as well.

IV got stale very very quickly. Midgame to endgame is poorly managed and very easy to exploit fusion.

IVa on the other hand was a blast. Everything about it was meticulously paced and I never felt like I was too powerful. Final boss on true ending is seriously the best boss of any smt I've played. Very hard to go back to IV after playing this one imo.

Wight is right

Psssh kid

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IV is mediocre in all aspects while IV:A has the best combat in the series but the worst cast and writing.

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Friends or Edgelord?

The Dark Souls of Persona games.

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friends makes for an easier YHVH fight but almost nothing else changes outside of cutscenes

Yeah but seeing Dagda assblasted is hilarious.

I hate how they did the typical bullshit karma meter thing where all choices are either be a perfect angel or be the biggest dickhead for no reason at all.

I like at least that they call you out with a huge penalty if you go all in one way but change your mind at the final choice

just use a guide for them mate you're missing nothing almost all the side quests are just filler

as someone whose playing through it for the first time should i force an ending with a guide that's a more complete experience or just go along with it.

Might as well ask here bros, but:

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just go with whatever side you like best, though be aware chaos gets a different (easier) final boss and anons might call you a casual for not having beaten the real one, assuming Yea Forums isn't completely shit by now.

If you want to cheese your alignment you can spend like ten minutes repeatedly talking to the hole digging goblin in sector A to rack up points in your given direction

neutral is best son of man

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make it so SMTV has the same gameplay as IVA but the with graphical fidelity of P5, although that would undoubtedly decrease the amount of demons available

so i can set up a save at some point and then just use that to check out each alignment by abusing the goblin?

you could but the entire last and longest dungeon outside NG+ is after the alignment lock so have fun doing that three times

The fucking map when you get to Tokyo ruin the game for me.

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Hallelujah's bullshit utility moves are far too busted to ignore
Shame that once he evolves he starts using shit damage moves and gets noticably worse


Sorry user I've never played the hardtype mod
Normal mode was decent enough challenge-wise my first time

The gameplay and story has some problems but the atmosphere and music is a straight 10/10.

Nope, hardtype is designed for people that finished the game at least once and has a good understanding of the mechanics.

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Alright thank you very much bros, may God bless you.

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second person you replied to and I'd still recommend hard difficulty if it's not your first megaten, though it's a bit tedious because of the 3x shop prices.

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>mfw I realized you can just skip this
I don't skip it anyways

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both of them are pretty bad but at least IV feels like SMTI/II and not nocturne

>examine on a ledge after that
>game gives you the option to jump
>if you select it you fall to the entrance with critical health but Dante takes no damage if he's on your team

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bravo fatlus

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i just finished smt4 which was my first smt game and somehow i landed on law route despite fucking killing everything and after beating lucifer im like thats it? i had 77 lvl when defeating him and there were still more demons for me to obtain fuse and shit also thats how story ends? "ay badabim badaboom we gonna press this button to sacrifice ourselves and make world nice and happy'' honestly i thought that archangels were fake because how creepy they were looking and also what were they doing back in the eastern kingdom forcing people to forget their culture burning books and stuff .
its still was a good game but i get more excitement beating minotaur than main big bad

>i thought that archangels were fake because how creepy they were looking
Nah, man, they're real. That's old testament angels for you.

Why is the best equipment so fucking expensive? I'm not paying 400,000 macca for one piece of armor.

Should've bought the money grinding DLC, goy.

IV had the worst last mission that was a laundry list. While SMT: A felt much more coherent and was not so bad.

Because it's the best equipment you dingus

Most games in the series (and jrpgs in general) don't require anywhere near max level to beat the game, it's for secret bosses and such, in 4's case that'd be fiend hunting, which is agonizing so I wouldn't recommend it. Archangels looking wierd and ugly is a 4 thing though, they used to look somewhat normal before whatever guest artist decided they need to be weird monsters.

Apocalypse is special because you will naturally hit level 99 by the time you reach the end and the final boss will still be more than a match for you, so if you're into that it's definitely a good idea.

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Loved 4, but final was just so anime and Persona like, it hurts

I want an SMT where the routes branch out wildly instead of just skipping a boss or two in the final dungeon.

4's endings are notoriously shit
The neutral one is a bit better as you don't die and fight both bosses in a row but eh
4A's got a much better difficulty curve and two endings, one of them's saccarine as shit while the other is the edgiest bullshit you will ever see

>Apocalypse is special because you will naturally hit level 99 by the time you reach the end and the final boss will still be more than a match for you, so if you're into that it's definitely a good idea.
I really enjoyed that aspect of the game, even if the final boss kicked my ass for hours
I liked the feeling of needing to be the absolute strongest I will ever be to stand a chance

>4's endings are notoriously shit
Kys, all endings except neutral were perfect
White should be neutral path of 4

If you like your shit pushed in by the endgame bosses, try EO games.

it's pretty edgy but it's not Soul Nomad or anything, though that goes well past full cheese territory and straight into comedy gold.

>Yo we showed that both paths end up as complete shitholesband starts to swing to the other direction after a while
>But Flynn actually did it the absolute madman

i thought they looked like this tho

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They looked like all kinds of things.

Got me into SMT so I may be slightly biased.
When it comes to the gameplay flaws, IV's difficulty pacing strange. It goes from insanely stacked against you to easy over the course of the game.
The combat is also broken since smirk is invincible and there not being a defense stat makes it so battles are over pretty fast, either you nuke the enemy or everything blows up in your face.
Finally Demons with low MP are just useless. Stat-wise demons were already balanced for having attacks use up HP instead of MP but for some reason they just went with MP which shrinks the viability of demons a lot.
While IV:A greatly balanced certain gameplay aspects like Smirk and the difficulty pacing of the entire game, it just needed a true DEF stat and physical skills using up HP so it could really be the SMT with great flawless gameplay.
Having said all this, I still enjoyed the combat and demon fusion. Combat is fast-paced as in an entire encounter can be dealt with as fast as your skills allow you, unlike most JRPGS where there's so much waiting and elaborate animations.
Fusion is completely unrestricted in IV but it does end up making fusion a really simple process of dropping the same skills on demons over and over. Thankfully IV:A made it so demons have affinities to consider when fusing.

IV has an undeniably great atmosphere thanks to the great art and sound design of its locations, menus and character design to a degree.
Although the different demon designs from multiple generation can make a single screen look jarring, I'd like to think it's intended to look like that both from a cost-effective solution standpoint to have as many demons as possible and also from a narrative standpoint since IV feels like an almagamation from all the released SMT so far.

So far IVA allows for a more seamless recruiting focused run which is how I like to play SMT. The story seems weaker but the characters and dungeon design arr better.

>Get locked into Neutral
>Takes about 90 hours to beat
>Ending is ambiguous af and assumes youve beaten one or both of the others to understand
I was mad