Yeah, I think I'll pass.
Yeah, I think I'll pass
Shut up
there's never been much in the way of genuine jokes or dramatic beats in borderlands. and the only interesting character moments i care about are the voice taunts after kills. still not going to pay for this game but it remains to be seen just how shit the gunplay is.
That's an insult to Austin Powers. All AP movies are still based and hilarious
*sssiiiiiiiip*. Yup, I'll take one pirated copy of Borderlands 3, please. ....Oh, you want me to 'pay' for you game? *laughs*. Sure, sure, maybe when it's on steam or something with the season pass included. Until then, Randy, I just think it's better to wait and ensure I'm paying for a product I'll enjoy. That's the smart thing to do.
Tim has already paid for everyones copy. So go on lad, this ones on him.
Gold member>Spy who shagged me
Glad they are finally getting called out on this shit. The writing is no different than previous games but they got a pass on it before.
I'm not even sure I'll be bothered to pirate it, its only really fun with friends and nobody I know is even interested in it. Taking it off of Steam really took it off of everyone's minds.
>bonerfarts guy is gay now too
It's all so tiresome.
can't wait to see how badly they butchered Rhys
i dont know if this game is sjw leaning but "inoffensive" jokes are absolutely boring. im sure the humors/jokes will avoid all sexual and manly topics.
>this game is boring except the gay parts
based Tim.
He was gay in the last game though.
>Austin Powers' as a looter shooter
Sounds based to me. Now we only need another Kate Archer game.
He was always gay, where the fuck have you been?
He mentions his "previous boyfriends" on three separate occasions.
Thanks to Anthony Burch, you're better off assuming any given Borderlands character is gay, rather than straight.
kill yourself randy your game is the love guru not austin powers
>His boyfriend
Imagine being so mad that you got into this thread just because of my post, while not reading the context of it. That's really sad.
Borderlands came out in 2009, and 2 came out in 2012. The humor is from a very different time.
imagine praising BL3 you subhuman and have no human rights you worthless bugman
>shitting on austin powers
everyday of my life i'm somehow am even more disappointed by what should be the critics for my hobby
Borderlands has literally had uninstall-tier dialog since its inception. It's always had the least likeable characters you only come to dislike more intensely as you're exposed to them.
It's good that even a review cuck is finally seeing this light and not praising this franchise for writing that's worse than most children's games.
Is Anthony Burch (TGINH) still involved with the writing?
>Help a guy open a burger joint while he yells about burgers a lot
Not gonna lie that sounds based.
He left quite a while ago.
Borderlands 1 writing was tolerable. Borderlands 2 was total garbage though. Only the Pirate dlc was somewhat funny and in tone more closer to B1 than "radicool" B2 schlock.
Recently played both of games and they didn't age well at all. I don't expect the third game to be any good.
Sounds like World of Warcraft
Borderlands was never funny.
Just get it from torrents and play with friends using hamachi. That's what I'm going to do, no way I'm giving money to epicshitto.
So its a borderlands game?
If the gunplay is as bad as it was in 2 I'm not even interested in playing with my mates. Doubt they'd much care either. Why play a shooter when the shooting is crap?
I don't get it, The Spy Who Shagged Me is the best AP movie.
Borderlands never had good writing, it's all the same shit.
Yeah, but would you consider the kind of jokes that teenagers were making back in 99 trying to riff off of Austin Powers to be hilarious now? Or would it be a case of "Oh that's right, teenagers are retards no matter the decade"?
>Or would it be a case of "Oh that's right, teenagers are retards no matter the decade"?
But in that case what was the point of bringing up Austin Powers at all?
>Yea Forums now defending dogshit borderlands writing
I'm not even surprised
Maybe because it's trying to say this isn't comedy, it's people trying to be funny and mimic what is funny and failing badly.’s a shitty movie
Because it's outdated humor that doesn't cater to their sjw views.
Austin Powers is based though
I watched some man of medan and thought the same thing. If you want decent writing, wait for Last of Us 2 I guess.
What? Where?
People could ignore a few sound clips in the first games, you and I both know they can't allow that anymore. It will have to be the Big Gay and poop in your face with custom models and a long makeout scene in 2019.
Hard pass.
>the steamdrones continue to try insisting that pirating borderlands 3 is the best turn out
>completely cutting yourself off from the best part about borderlands (multiplayer) is the best way to play the game
quick question, how many of you steam cocksuckers are full time NEETs? i can only think you'd have to be a NEET to care about corporations so heavily
It's good to see an honest review for BL3, gameplay looks tight as ever but the story and side quests might make or break my experience.
I like the part where the pirate made a poem and spills his shit when he fucked it up halfway. I got a chuckle at that at least.
Game's probably going to be garbage but it'll be worth a pirate and bringing back my exploits back to Yea Forums.
Some of the shills here are actively dropping as much cash they can on this game so I don't think anyone will feel bad if like a third of the board decides to pirate or borrow the game from a friend.
It'll be good to judge the game without the remose of paying full price at least.
That said, anyone got any chill albums I can listen to while I put the game on mute?
I had KikuoMiku3 in mind
Can't confirm for BL3, but it was very easy to set up multiplayer with friends on a pirated copy of Borderlands 1. I think the pirated copies had an exploited Lan setup if I remember correctly.
Austin Powers would be considered "Cringe" by today's audience, including 4channel.
>completely cutting yourself off
Multiplayer is p2p so piracy and hamachi. Now go back to polishing boots with your tongue.
oh so "multiplayer" is only you and the other person in your private discord, i understand now
your mouth is exclusively on steam's boot so you wouldn't have much to say to random players anyway
>wanting to play with randos
You're the kind of faggot who plays the medic and tries to ERP with strangers aren't you?
>playing with randoms instead of friends
Borderlands shills really are dumb
>playing a co-op game with anyone but friends
Holy fuck, how retarded are you shills?
You could play pirated 1 and 2 multiplayer over LAN and those services that spoof LAN setups, probably be the same for 3 too. Eat shit shill.
t. man with no friends
If you don't have friends, you have to play with randos. You can't really conceive of being able to play with this odd concept called "friends".
Most shills are such unpleasant people behind the keyboard that nobody wants to be their friend, even on social networks. Of course he's having trouble with it.
What the fuck is it with reds and calling people bootlickers? It's one of the more annoying memos you got. The fuck do you mean with your "private Discord" shit, by the way? Why would you ever want to meet someone THROUGH Bordershit?
In the event you're just an armchair commie and not an Epic shill chink, believing marketing is bad for your health.
I mean, what exactly did you peple expect? Of course the game has awful low brow writing, stop acting surprised.
Hell I have no friends and even I think he's a retard
Can’t we just have a Tales season 1.5?
Telltale actually made the writing serviceable
Did you actually expect anything different from borderlands post 2?
i didn't say anything about playing exclusively with randoms in my post. my friends and i have different schedules so we can MAYBE game together once a week, sometimes we can't. i'm not going to let the game collect dust so i'll play with others.
nobody contested my statement about steamdrones being NEETs though, i can only assume this is who i'm having a discussion with and honestly, you guys don't have many years left anyway. hopefully your parents die sooner than later so you can see the end of the rope.
If it's anything like 1 or 2 it will have LAN mode, which is trivially easy to setup for piratefags to play
holy fucking epic duuuuuude*Burps while saying dude*
Fuck of Tim.
I thought the journos loved BL2's shitty writing and reliance on references
Aw, how cute. Now the shill's roleplaying like he actually has any.
>in a t rated game
Your fellow shills on different shifts are not your friends.
Um no, we grew past that. Humor like that in 2019 is just a sad remant of toxic masculinity in this medium.
Once again,
>playing a co-op game with anyone but friends
How retarded are you shills?
>being incapable of playing a game with optional co-op solo
The game isn't exclusively co-op. The majority of my time in Borderlands 2 was alone so I could focus on 100%ing it on PS4.
Post a picture of how manly you are
BL3 has LAN, there are videos showing it already
Just because you can't doesn't mean I can't, so your pathetic friendless existence has no relevancy to me.
Perhaps the most lasting question Borderlands 3 has left us with is: Why does Randy Pitchford love poop so much?
>not playing co-op games with Yea Forums
porn addicts always end up seeking more depraved fetishes when lesser stuff stops doing it for them
>playing coop focused games with anyone but friends
fucking try it nigger, faggoys who run all over the place, dont communicate, steal shit etc.
this aint mmo or maybe it is
>he thinks playing with Yea Forums equals buying
shows you never played with Yea Forums
Never underestimate the power of stupid moms
Also: remember the not Madden meme that lasted a few days in ancient Yea Forums? *sips* Good shit!
Borderlands is that kid who tries way too hard to be liked and funny.
Just be yourself bro.
Is it possible to write jokes worse than what Burch wrote, though? Are they BL2 bad?
Imagine getting hyped for a fucking Borderlands game.
Of course they fucking just loved the gay part.
faggot shit makes me puke keep it away from videogames
Why are you taking a Polygon article at face value? Why arent kotaku/resetara/polygon posts banned on sight on basic principal?
Words going around that the jokes are all sophomoric and repetitive. So if you like scatological humour it'll be up your alley but if you're looking for something more (but why would you in borderlands?) you'll be disappointed.
>procedurally generated humor
Spot on.
This woman articulates every single fucking complaint I have about this shit-sucking Skinner box you zoomer autist faggots flock to.
Unexpected but welcome surprise.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Ok, who didn't leash their aspie?
The person you were replying to took the same stance you are, you fucking retard.
so it's a borderlands game
>The humor feels procedurally generated
fucking based holy shit
I'll always remember the doc intro in the first borderlands. It was pretty neat
>Sjws hating it
Wtf I love Borderlands
>Redditland 3
>"his new boyfriend"
If you met a gay guy IRL and he would tell you, right off the bat, "oh by the way I prefer dicks", you'd think he's a self-centred sex-obsessed asshole
So I don't understand why the media keeps portraying the gays this way
Maybe have him say something in passing about it if you stay with him and earn his trust
I'll probably pirate it, have fun for a few hours, mock those retards for being retards, then delete it.
>The only thing they liked was the gay couple
you'll never pass
>pronouns in bio
Opinion discarded.
>getting triggered by a woman saying she's a woman
cock lopper
>tfw when spent 92 dollars on borderlands 3
steam cucks btfo
>whiteknighting this hard for someone doing a review of a series she hasn't even played and had to ask friends on how the first two are like
reddit is a google search away, friend
>bragging about wasting 92 dollars on fucking borderlands 3
weak bait
I'm not playing the first two, I might be playing the 3rd. And the only thing in that thread that matters one iota is "the gunplay is good" because the rest of the cringey shit can be turned off or skipped. The fact that "editor at IGN" wasn't a red flag but pronouns were speaks volumes. You're just looking to start shit.
user, media sexualizes everything and everybody regardless of their age, gender and sexual preferences.
just stop watching that shit.
/our girl/
A game is an experience, gunplay is good but you have the background noise of le witty clever jokes every so often
To be honest though, i know no one who ever cared about the "STORY" or "JOKES" of ANY Borderlands.
It's all about the general game / gameplay.
Also if it won't come on Steam / GoG and even more perfectly a Linux version again, the 3rd one is dead for me anyway.
>you have the background noise of le witty clever jokes every so often
So turn that shit off in the audio options. Just because someone sold you a car with a dildo bolted to the drivers seat doesn't mean you have to drive it away like that.
But how is the gunplay? People don't play borderlands for the story and dialogue.
that sounds awesome
Austin Powers 4 when
>critics shitting on BL3
literally what happened? they used to suck the everloving dick out of borderlands 1 and 2, did Randy forget to pay them this time?
one critic
Giving a game 80s and 90s is shitting on it now?
Maybe gearbox is in dire financial straits and can't afford their usual care packages.
Oop, no, IGN gave it a 9/10 and gamespot gave it an 8. Looks like it's PC gamer that didn't get a blowjob.
Kotaku didn't get access to the early builds because 2K said there was security concerns. That's really got to piss them right off. Guaranteed they're going to find something to trash about the game and give it a low score out of spite.
To each their own, I guess, but to me a game must be "complete" and at least try to be good at everything it proposes
If you don't want your game to be "story rich", just make something minimalistic, but enjoyable.
See, Diablo II. Compare that to Diablo III (which you could also say, "I don't play it for the story, just for my Rift runs"), but in which the bad story invades every single aspect of the game.
I wouldn't give Kotaku early builds of anything either. Fuckers have a history of leaking shit
Unironically this.
That was literally my only take away.
>every relationship is interracial or homosexual
>at least try to be good at everything it proposes
So I guess you're not a fan of the borderlands series then.
wow, claptrap seems problematic.
Didnt everyone turn on Randy for liking piss porn or something?
did uh
did people expect borderlands to be written well or something?
the image in OP was from a 63 review
I was hoping that since Burch fucked off the writing may have improved. Time will tell if the dick jokes are better than constant meme references and homolust.
So? That's one, out of the 20 current reviews all giving it above 80
>reviews matter when they match my deranged confirmation bias
you don't care
none of you care
Why must we continue with this farce? This isn't about borderlands. This is about sticking it to steam people, or EGS people. This is about sticking it to people who like borderlands or hate borderlands. Except it's not even that- you don't care about that either. It's about manufactured drama, a brief spark of excitement in our tired lives, the ability to hate - or love - a company or a person or a team for purely arbitrary reasons and support them or cry out against them. It's about (you)'s.
Stop this. Stop this farce.
>SIR Hammerhead and bla bla bla bis BOYFRIEND
oof, not gonna play gay garbage. Considered pirating but now I won't even do that
The fuck are you going on about? I was just pointing out to that critics aren't shitting on BL3 except for a single exception
just because you're a disaster tourist doesn't mean everyone else is.
I played first one when it came out, second one shortly after it came out
I liked it at the time, even though I felt the story was kinda cringe, it had its moments
It feels a lot less engaging now, plus I grew up
hammerlock was mad gay in 2
Thank you based Tim! I'll make sure to mute the dialogue and turn off subtitles so I can play the game that he paid for me to play.
There are more named gay/bisexual characters in BL2 and TPS than straight ones
It's a really clumsy was to introduce homos in your game, they feel without purpose to the story and more like representation for the sole sake of it
Hammerlock isn't a bad character, but he falls victim to the over-representation in Gearbox games ; I guess their message is "it's the future, everyone is bi lol" which doesn't sit right with me
Sounds fun go back to your anime
I miss the mayor chick from BL1. They shouldn't have killed her off screen like that.
They shouldn't have killed Roland just so Burch's faggot husband could fill his slot. They dropped the ball on so many fucking things it's infuriating.
What's the argument over buying and getting this and not playing the 2 free games they just give away? They all look the same.
I mean I love stupid dumb stuff and I liked the previous games sounds like I will like this one too
Even the worst Anime is better than the best Borderlands story.
BL1 was "wacky world with occasionally serious moments and characters".
Shank may have been a huge faglord, but he had some charisma and some aura about him.
BL2 and arguably TPS is just "dude ultraviolence and memes lmao" without the foil of more serious and down-to-earth characters.
Tannis was funnier in BL1 too.
It's called an exaggeration, entertainment if it was just like your life there would be no reason to watch it
Tannis kind of turns me on, IDK why people act like she's toxic waste, i'd fuck her...
Austin Powers is really funny, so is this game unironically based?
>they're unironically going for the - your PC parents won't like you playing this - angle
I'm not fucking buying your game Jeff.
Mostly out of principle and the fact I hate loot n shoot.
>game forced me to experience microtransactions and early access
>they treated it as a joke, how dare they
Did journalists always sound like this?
Am I missing something, were they always secretly trying to sell games by making them look cool and edgy?
it didn't. the game will sell massively
I prefer a subtle and subdued tone to my vidya with the occasional culmination than it being WACKY and EXXAGERATED all the time, it feels more like Rick & Mortimer than anything else.
Borderlands has never been good.
They're literally just making something fun
I watched Austin Powers movies with my parents when I was 10
You don't understand the goal of borderlands it's just supposed to be fun
It isn't supposed to be a deep gripping novel
Something can be fun with a more subdued tone
See: original Portal (Portal 2 is more wacky but still enjoyable)
Of course, that requires actually good writing skills and not (to quote that woman who perfectly summarised the series), "procedurally generated humour"
I liked it when it came out, don't regret the hours I spent on it, but it's just stale now. And of lower quality than the originals.
I'll be borrowing this game from tim and even then I'll be going into it with a lot of caution. after how stupid 2 was with their level scaling.
it was a different time
>I dug the homos
>If you met a gay guy IRL and he would tell you, right off the bat, "oh by the way I prefer dicks", you'd think he's a self-centred sex-obsessed asshole
They already do this. When you meet a gay guy they either verbally tell you how gay they are or, if not, then literally everything else about them and their mannerisms tells you that implicitly anyway. There are no "subtle" gay guys that are still in the closet. This is a meme pushed by other homos to make them seem more natural.
Internet is not IRL you retard.
99% wont bring up shit when you talk to them. But you would have to leave your room to know that
More like "Memelands 2". More like "Memelands: the Pre-Memequel". More like "Bordermemes". More like "meme meme meme meme meme meme".
this is one of those posts where i legitimately can not tell if it's ironic or not
like it could easily be bait but in a thread like this i'm inclined to believe you're a manic schizo who really thinks like this
now that the dust has settled, what did he mean by this?
>buying a game from randy bo bandy in 2019
Who the fuck is this stupid?
Still, we’re getting the best Austin Powers game ever.
Borderlands games are boring as shit to me
but even I know that the tone is supposed to be fun and lighthearted
The game must be really bad if a nigger who announces her pronous thinks its bad, even when it is supposed to be super woke.
Whoever wrote that tagline is too entrenched in Hollywood "entertainment" failure social circles. I honestly don't know what that even means.
homos detected
>haha no one can tell im gay i don't bring it up im a subtle gay
no, everyone knows you're a bunch of flaming perverts the moment you open your big gay mouth. stop spreading reddit tier lies on Yea Forums
Most likely but it remains to be seen if would have sold better if it just had launched on Steam. EGS is absolute fucking ass for discoverability so not everyone will get the memo.
you don't need to proof social norms, you either know them, or you're a tone deaf faggot. the fact that you don't know this is proof you're a fag because we're all talking about you being homos when we see you.
>here let me show you how real world social norms works with some twitter and "news" screenshots
>the internet is real life
cringe, homo
>Sir Hammerlock is now gay too
oh for fuck's sake
borderlands 1 did the jokes/story the best.
As in there weren't characters constantly yelling "jokes" in your ear via the communicator. And the story was just "there's bad guys over there, go them so I can let you through"
The DLC has some actually good jokes and fun stories/dialoug though
Yeah because Borderlands 1 and 2 definitely weren't fucking trash for zoomers and Gearbox definitely doesn't deserve to have gone under years ago.
I you enjoyed that fucking trash too, Faggot.
If you get the "i like to suck dick" experiences in real life, then maybe your problem is in the places you visit :)
This sounds like the kind of nonsense Noah Caldwell-Gervais would come up with.
Austin Powers isn't for kids but he's right, Austin wouldn't say fuck, outside of some kind of deliberate emphasis for comedy. It's very out of character.
It’s not a funny joke and if they make the entire game tedious for the sake of a bad joke, it’s a mark against the game. I rarely take a journalist’s side but this is a valid complaint.
So how come the other BL games got a pass for the same shitty writing but BL3 doesn't? Did 2K forget to bribe?
Different times user. Though BL2 got shit on plenty during its heyday, people just didn't care other.
Also the "magic" of looter shooters faded when it was basically "kill enemies get loot" from the beginning
If you play it for the "gameplay" then you're more retarded than the audience the humour is aiming for.
I don't FUCKING care. People shit on the games all the time but that doesn't change the fact that 2 is one of my favorite games. Now fuck off if you're not gonna tell me how good the gameplay is.
>Taking it off of Steam really took it off of everyone's minds.
This is more poignant and interesting than people will give it credit for. People that were here when Borderlands 2 came out can attest to this. Yea Forums was overflowing with threads about Borderlands 2. But Borderlands 3? It's practically in stealth mode here. There's barely any chatter about it. As soon as it was announced as an Epic exclusive, long-time PC gamers (the ones that have been playing the franchise for a decade, coincidentally) wrote it off. Sure, there's console gamers. But 56% of home gaming sales are done by PC gamers. Particularly FPS (And simulation/management type games)
So you have this combination of the game looking and sounding like shit, with PC gamers ignoring it on top of that. I mean, no one cares. It's gotten like 1/10th the traffic that Borderlands 2 threads had and most of it is just bitching about Epic -- not even discussing the actual game.
It won't flop. It will sell a bit (but not well) because it's a major franchise and normies are a thing. But we've already seen several examples this year of how sales don't make a game good or memorable. Many games vanish off the radar, such as RDR2, as soon as the hype is proven unwarranted.
>BL2 is one of my favorite games
What a gay
It's absolute dogshit and wears out its welcome after two hours. So it's pretty much the same.
>Yea Forums was overflowing with threads about Borderlands 2
Because it was shilled to shit
>2 is one of my favorite games.
We share a board with people like this.
Find a new word. Express your thoughts and reasoning clearly. Stop shitposting. Add a picture to further draw attention to your post (fanservice works best). This is how discussion happens and you get (yous).
>all these seething new faggots
Any game with LAN support can be played over VLAN.
>2 is one of my favorite games
Hahahaha, now that's just sad. BL2 is absolute garbage gameplay-wise. Nothing but meat shields and enemy spam to make for a game where you just constantly hold M1 and hope the enemy dies quick enough. Was BL2 your first FPS or something?
The sites giving out good reviews for BL3 have ads for BL3 or other 2K games on them.
Yeah same, I put like over 100 hours into BL2 when it came out and thru it's dlc cycle. I recently replayed the all 3 of them and fucking hated all of them. Presequel feels the best and has the best characters for build variety and actually ultimates, but fuck me the story, world and quests are fucking dogshit