So how much longer until Overwatch finally dies?
So how much longer until Overwatch finally dies?
Other urls found in this thread:
>make damage the most engaging, interactive role with as much playmaking potential as a tank
>surprised everyone wants to play it, especially when the end-game cards and play of the game favour them
That's why they put it on Switch, to try and fool Nintendofans into playing it, even though Splatoon 2 is probably the most populated shooter type game on the console.
I just want Overwatch, HotS, and Hearthstone to die already so Blizzard can go back to focusing on their three main pillars.
isn't that just "look it's all your favourite blizz characters" and dead already?
>pick Zen
>get to pretend being a healer while actually clicking heads
ez game
>money stolen
what now?
>what now?
close this shit thread
but i'm not done shitposting yet
When was the last time they added a skin that spurred as much porn as Halloween Mercy did? They need to add more skins like that one.
It's already dead.
Only kept alive that TF2 on modern consoles is OBSCENELY out of date and a mountain of reanimated accounts to have whales show off their skins to.
>play shooting game
>game informs you there are too many shooting people and you need to choose a character that doesn't shoot other players
They made all their healers 99% healbots and tanks 99% walls, there's little-to-no realistic damage potential if you have to pull damage out of your ass, and one of the things Paladins and all other OW clones got right is making both equally-capable of damaging AND healing/tanking. Of course nobody's gonna rush to either role if you can't do anything beyond support
I can’t believe this game. I really wanted it to succeed. The concept of a shooter with interesting abilities was very appealing. But it’s like every thing that blizzard does buries the game deeper and deeper into a pile of shit. What the fuck happened to this company? Why can’t they get their shit together? What this game needs is a whole revamp from scratch, taking what they learned and remaking every character
Dude just play tf2, even in its horribly gimped state, it's better than all the trash that tried ripping it off six years too late.
>Dude just play tf2, even in its horribly gimped state
>boo boo sidegrade weapons aren't better than vanillia guns anymore
Overwatch wasn't even the best shooter released the year it came out.
The closest to maybe having an argument in that case is the ambassador. Which trades pester value for pick value.
How can it be that in dota you can just play whatever the fuck you want in whatever position you want while the worst thing that can happen to you is russians screaming over the mic, but in league / overwatch you get fucking banned if you play anything that other people don't like?
what do you mean? the iron bomber. wrangler, tomislav, crusader's (formerly chuck's,) ubersaw, and more are clear upgrades
Because Valve hasn't been corrupted entirely by the cancer of the "This X is Toxic ban it" crowd.
>a completely new blizzard game
>a sequel to a CoD clone that had no decent content support and got left to die
Gee i fucking wonder why 2 didn't sell
TF2 is good, but I wanted more options. Who other than a contrarian wouldn't want new games to be fun and succeed?
>pick techies
>butthurt chat all game long
>>no decent content support
Eat shit and die, Blizzdrone. Go back to buying your loot boxes.
I just wish there was one decent FPS to play
Every single one that isn't dead is hyper-casual
>Kills the streamers
>Oh no this is killing the game!
>trading rollers for plop shots
>Direct hits do 100 damage if you're using stock anyway
>Crusader's crossbow in any game larger than 6v6 players
>Ubersaw when you actually have a team big enough to use the Amputator
Tomislav and Wrangler I kinda agree with though.
who cares about your streaming ''career'' faggot
>says the game with a 170$ lootbox gated skin
Can't kill what's already dead.
Titanfall 2 has no such thing.
Not an argument, game about robots had only three fucking robots and 10 fucking weapons, all they did was release a PvE shitty mode and MAPS, FUCKING MAPS as dlc while both maps and characters are free on OW, both games are shit and it was the last time i bought something from both companies.
Titanfall 2 doesn't have loot boxes you cancerous Tumblrtard. Go back to retweeting Overwatch characters being apart of the LGBTQ+
seeth more you game is now BR shitpile with trannies in it you lost even to OW you are THAT pathetic
Seethe more you absolutely anally devastated Overwatch trannies.
Him refusing to play anything other then DPS means he is part of the problem
>overwatch roles
>play reaper
>have friend be your pocket Mercy
>tfw people complain there's no tank when I'M THE TANK
Blizzard forcing people to have a meta rather than let them experiment shows how shit they are at balancing.
I quit OW back when they removed character stacking from casual play. The game largely seems to insist on being as unfun as possible by focusing purely on the competitive scene, not only that but now they're straight up enforcing meta so you can no longer have 1 tank, 1 healer 4 DPS or 3 tanks, 2 healers and 1 DPS, completely strangulating any form of experimentation and just not letting people have fun with it
no one cares about your boring game incel
Not him but someone i respect said that hots is by far the best dotalike.
even in the worst state OW has not pulled the tranny card yet kill yourself make it 42%
>I just want Overwatch, HotS, and Hearthstone to die already so Blizzard can go back to focusing on their three main pillars.
Let it go user, old blizzard is gone. Don't you remember what they did to SC2 and D3? It's like you want them to continue ruining their IPs.
Don't you have boxes of cereals to scalp so you can have your precious loot boxes?
its stupid overcontrolling
1 character role per team a match with last in line has to take whats left over is what it should be. if you leave then you leave and have to go to another match. were the same thing might happen again. people might block you if you are seen doing it a lot. plus leaving a lot of matches makes you have to wait more.
nope nothin using any common sense
and plus wtf QUICKPLAY has been forced this stupid shit too.
them forcing these retarded rules in games ever has ruined every game they put them in. or the servers. for most normal people. those rules are just meant to give shitty players less skill and make ego maniacs get a boost in how "good they can play" fee fees that go to and run those servers
as far as overwatch, well now i feel like people blame you for a spot they could do better on when im forced to play tank or something not wanting to wait.
>i find zarya overpowerd for me while i have a half decent team or another good tank in certain harder matches
damn shes actually decent when you can play her
charge in with quick getaway, pop shield laugh as i blast their faces charging my lazers while my teamates take damage as they run in and out
Paladins got its balance from SMITE, where tanks are also more damage-oriented and can absolutely 1v1 any glass cannon to death.
TF2 has 7 robots and 28 weapons, plus a full length campaign. What are you on about?
>even though Splatoon 2 is probably the most populated shooter type game on the console
It's amazing how much better Splatoon is designed than Blizzard's piece of shit.
>ultimates aren't overpowered and actually drain if you fail (die)
>your abilities aren't tied to what your character looks like (generally)
>far more varied objectives
>miles faster TTK that isn't plagued by incessant shields and sustain
>It's bad because it affects streaming
Normal fucking people don't concern themselves over how a game affects streaming, jesus christ. It is a dumb feature but the "mememe" attitude of fucking zoomers man
When comparing OW and Paladins, both of their obligatory "summer" skin sets reveals how absolutely terrified Blizzard is of their new playerbase and/or anything racier than Torrid-styled beach attire, Widowmakers default skin has more ass than her swimsuit
This bitch still makes me mad when I get ulted in duels trying to stop them from flanking
Any ult that gives you a small invuln window is a great way to stop the ulting BK someone forgot about if you're not Khan, just ult right into him, Furia works great for this took
role queue doesn't fix faggots.
a pick/ban system could guarantee i get to piss off DPS mains who always play snipers and never kill shit which if implemented would be miles better since stat tracking exists. they would have to get rid of the ability to hide stats for this to have any weight.
Play mystery heroes, problem solved. It's the superior way to play the game anyways.
Bought overwatch 2 months ago because of a friend and I only play hammond, I am having fun.
I play willo half the time so I straight will eat a bk ult just to garuntee their death to seeds while they recover from the explosion
>that one deluded faggot whos trying to convince himself EA hasnt killed his game yet
If you're the 10% that are good then great. If you're the 90% that suck and refuse to swap when you're hard countered and feeding kill yourself.
God it feels so good to see DPS mains suffer. It's like revenge after being the only support or tank in a team every other match pre role queue. That's what you fucking get for getting mad at me for subpar healing or tanking when I'm the only fucking healer or tank and only doing it because no one else would. That's what you get for flaming me when I point out that one of the 5 dps should possibly, just maybe, go healer or tank when I'm out-damaging you all as fucking Hammond. I'm glad they're leaving. I want to see DPS mains go back to CSGO silver rank or Call of Duty where they belong.
I think I started out as the latter but now I am consistently getting play of the game and I almost always push the objective. I still have some maps where I do not know what I am doing and I change to orissa.
Booping half the team into a pit and nuking the rest is pretty fun.
never happens very rarely. tkae that shit and shove it up ur ass blizz shill
That's only an issue affecting the top percentage of DPS mains in competitive, like Grandmaster to Top 500.
I was being hyperbolic but 3-4 DPS is still very shitty. Also it's not rare at all in quickplay, which most people play.
Is it fun being forced to only play sigma and Orisa, tank shitter?
If you didn't know, there's a discord of people who play on TF2 on consoles because of how cancerous the hats and current updates are. The servers are owned by EA, so every time they go down, they have to message EA customer support to put them back up.
It's a hell of a lot better than being held back for so long in Diamond by brainlet DPShitter mains who refused to switch or even try a different role when their team lacks a healer or tank that could change the tide of the match entirely
3 is not a problem. 4 also can be ok. whats worse is sucking and not being able to let somebody else take over for a spot while you switch. nevermind i forgot how just ufkcikng perfect you are and i might as well play singplayer fighting game instead right? cause fuck teams right. fuckin fags
It actually does, you just can‘t pay for them and the contents are forgettable. Also it doesn‘t throw confetti for 5 minutes before it opens, you just click on ia button and text appears telling you what you got.
>people like to play shooty mans in an FPS
shocking truth
That's what you get for being a DPS, shitters. Team games need team tactics. The least you can do is wait longer in queue if you still insist on ignoring that.
Or Bliz could turn casual matches in to free for all affairs with no stack limits and let people jump in and out of matches in progress without penalty or obstruction. Most players don't care of they lost if they feel they did well on their 'main'.
>this is killing overwatch
bruh, overwatch has been DEAD for some time now
and the game was never really great at any point either
stop becoming like the blizzdrones, this company hasn't made anything good in a decade
I heard the game is overloaded with shields now. Is this true bros?
they could try to make tanks and healers not feel like terrible pieces of shit to play but that's probably beyond the skill of the diversity hires managing the game
fuck you fag. stfu go play a fighter game if you think ur so fuckign good.
Retard. People will just queue for dps switch and insist the other switches give them DPS.
damn thats a paladins hero? i might need to play paladins
I just read this as classifications for heros. would be neat if this was the system
just stop playing this trash
just add more tanks and healer characters instead of yet another DPS in an already long list of DPS characters
Orisa shield, 900HP, 9 second cooldown
Sigma shield, 1500HP, regen (???)
Mei Wall, ???, 8 second cooldown
Symmetra, 5000HP, covers entire map
that's actual comps i've seen in games
Paladins is basically Blizzard in a timeline where Ghost came out design-wise
>fat bitch
no thank u
Easy fix, allow for 3 DPS,but make the MMR gained dependent on having switches so if someone picks a switch and solely plays on one role in multiple matches they'll be penalized with lower gains.
The only good thing about this game is the amount of porn that exists of it
hol up is zen considered shit now? all i know about current meta is shields and doomfist
zen's my man so fuck reinstalling if that's the case
>those thighs
Play Siege, it's literally all you wanted
>Titanfall 2 and Siege were both unquestionably better FPS games than OW even at launch
>OW gets dozens of GOTY awards and best FPS awards from video game journalists who get to pretend to be good at shooters by holding down a button
>TF2 dies within the year, and Siege is just now getting attention because of how badly every other shooter fucked up
>Neither will get the awards OW stole from them, history will remember OW as some massive success and the best shooter of it's year, undeservedly
Fuck OW, and fuck lootboxes. People should remember not only how bad Overwatch is, but how lootboxes damn near ruined the entire industry.
so is Rein useless now? I stopped playing the game after Sombra and he was always a must pick.
more of the white haired chick please
>Fuck OW, and fuck lootboxes. People should remember not only how bad Overwatch is, but how lootboxes damn near ruined the entire industry.
Valve & EA popularised lootboxes, not Overwatch. You've been reading too much Yea Forums.
fat in all the right places
He slaps bro. with a Sigma you get the flank pins and dick em down dirty. and 2000 shield gives you a lot of help(only certain maps)
why are streamers such fucking crybabies?
How can you not see you're seeing/highlighting most of her leotard, which is both floating and thicker than you think
Her base skin is pretty great as-is, and reminds me of the Magisters set in WoW, aka absolutely Pimp caster status
What used to make Rein special was that he was a mobile shield tank.
Now every shield can do what he does, but better.
I'm not sure about useless, but I'm not sure how you're going to counter two shields with a rein shield, when the other two tanks behind their shields can shoot while you do fuck all.
Not sure about lower ranks though, so you might need to listen to this fella if you're below diamond
One alt
Rein's fine if he knows to close the distance and has a Lucio+Zarya since Rein swings through shields. He's more situational now but not obsolete, basically in a similar spot to Winston.
HOTS has a rather low playercount compared to LoL/DOTA, but it's still stable. The only part that went 'dead' was the attempt to force it into being an eSport, that shit got canceled and now they're just developing more content at a slow pace.
I agree that HOTs is a lot more fun and laid back than the other two. It's poetic that all of the introduced Overwatch characters added to HOTS are despised for being so generically lame and anti-fun.
Pink mercy
fixed it for you
sometimes you need that orisa turret ur right. I love playing Rein but its situational now more than it used to be fer sure but more from a "i need to do more damage" perspective
I feel like his shield needs to be increased. It's a lot harder for him to close the distance anymore. You could combo him up with a Doomfist to dive in and distract the tanks, and a Mei wall for extra shielding, but at that point you're forming a very specific comp
>those THIGHS
with moderate healing you can tank as a target and shield. with a zarya its even more. but ur right. too many people know how to kill a Rein nowadays
obviously a pig picture goes with a post like this
I picked up Siege with the recent free weekend and I was pleasantly surprised at just how better it is than just about every shooter that's come out in recent years.
Except most tanks do massive damage.
all shields beyond the base few are all jealousy of zarya, when played right you can shield anybody at any critical moment saving them. shield yourself saving yourself and build up full charge were you can rip through the lower classes while still using your shield to protect urself with once and a teammate if they come in and hel pyou with.
to unbalance the game again is what thye are doing to do something else and always have someone to blame for their constant changing ruining the game
I love how valve did this shit for Dota2 and ruined the game aswell, proving once again all they can do is take other peoples ideas.
Fuck off already with this kike role shit.
Even Ana?
I get the hate for Lucio, Tracer, and to some extent, Genji, being able to move while autoattacking.
At least with Ana you still play like "normal" ranged healer, having to stand still to attack.
Zarya's fine too in my book.
>not playing roadhog on 4 dps teams
You think only streamers suffer from ridiculous queue times due to the implementation of roles? Fucking blizzdrone shill cunt fuck off and die.
Those are the only two who transfered well into moba
yea the way i think they make and shit up the game is, they take anything that takes talent to play, like example zarya, good and shit it up by trying to overpower that one thing.
and i think it is in play, shields. zarya has shields. not as much as people think but theyre pretty ok. so instead of giving other dps a little bit more technical or skillful stuff, they just shit shields out. dumping shields out more and more until the game breaks.
siege is the worst popular first person shooter on the market
it is entirely populated by people that didn't understand or aren't any good at counter-strike
the game was almost dead at one point because of the terrible gameplay and mechanics at one point and the developer has done nothing to fix any of this to this day. people just wanted to play an fps game with modern guns at the time and the game later went free to play
the game is awful, grindy and not fun to play
i think its an insult to have to go into arcade to pick the old quickplay, which they label everyting they ever did that works, classic, now
you insulted your family name when you bought into this shitty game's hype
I lost all the respect to hots after they introduced muh original loli Instead of vashj or blackthorne and now the nigress.
No-one gives a fuck about original characters, people play hots to be illidan, not a we wuz
I just need arcade to be like 2 times more at a time. what kind of arcade has 5 games in it?
Counter strike is played by people who are too shit to play other first person shooters. Siege is at least fun to play.
r6 siege is not fun to play at any stage of a player's experience
it's simply a bad game
I'm afraid you are suffering from retardation
>>make damage the most engaging, interactive role with as much playmaking potential as a tank
half the cast just spams damage as shit
>Trying to apply the dps/tank/healer trinity to an FPS via abilities rather than weapons
They fucked up from this simple mistake.
At least I don't have to play Random heroes over and over to get arcade boxes. I can play good old quickplay now.
Deathmatch and the rare CTF modes also suuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Orphea is fine and fits in with the....lore, of HOTS.
The Hutressnigress though does not fit in at all. She's just a generic, serious hunter from SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY AFRICA DIMENSION that we never heard of before.
I don't think Qhira even got any porn since her introduction. She is that hated. Because of that I said before and also because her kit is overtuned with the invincibility that slows and stuns and adds bleeding effect that lets her selfheal shit ton.
>they added original characters
what the fuck? That's retarded. That defeats the entire point of an "all star" game like this.
That said, I did like the original characters in Marvel vs Capcom 2
I tried it out recently on a friend's PC for the first time.
>pick Soldier cause it looked newbie friendly CoD guy with a gun
>red shields everywhere, like everywhere
>this centaur cow pops a new shield after I break it
>ok whatever, flank the cow
>she gets two medics on her ass no matter how much I shoot at it
Oh eventually I got my ultimate. I pressed it and the game played by itself for a few seconds.
I don't know lads, I didn't feel any impact or in control of the game.
I tried the Widowmaker and Roadhog too but got tired of OW after an hour.
Wait until you see what the latest original character looks like
Pre-nerf roadhog and junkrat is honestly the only fun I got out of the game. It's pretty funny because they are just australian mad max shitposters that somehow showed up in this superhero vs supervillain story
I stopped playing the day they turned Roadhog's gun into a pea shooter.
youre still bad at the game homo
All the guns in this game have the sound design of a nerf gun.
There's no impact, no umf audio queue when you fire.
Worst offender is Reaper's dual shotguns.
DOUBLE SHOTGUNS, that's badass.
Why do they sound like confetti poppers what the fuck?
I don't really understand this non-argument of yours, you say it's not fun but you've literally provided no reason as to why. I've put 40 or so hours into the game since I picked it up for $5 fuckin' dollars during the free weekend sale and I'm having fun with it. It's nothing worth taking seriously, but it's been enjoyable.
Post it
yea holy shit that and some blood would make some for some good stuff
or the could design the other characters to be fun you dumb fucking nigger, even fucknig ubisoft didnt fuck that up with seige
pull out yo dick, warm it up cause you're going in raw boy
I will do one better and post the spotlight video that doesn't even tell you how to properly counter her bullshit.
The main problem is that blizzard never bothered to balance the tanks
Reinhardt has dogshit range, is the only tank that can’t protect himself while doing damage AND he has the lowest dps out of all of the tanks. Even Winston pulls higher dps than Reinhardt because of the jump pack melee animation cancel. This is even worse when you consider the fact that Earthshatter doesn’t do meaningful damage, so Rein himself is completely unable to kill anyone after landing his ult (even Zarya can get a kill out of grav without her team, but rein cant). In this double barrier meta, you can’t even use Earthshatter, so, Rein is completely useless.
baptiste is a better zen
so yes, zen is useless now
I'm glad the Black Panther bandwagon is over
>le lootboxes boogeyman Yea Forums told me about
Overwatch's lootboxes are worthless.
Nobody buys them anymore.
How does this affect players that aren't streamers?
All the new characters have bloated as fuck kits.
>invincibility field
>smg gun
>heal granades
>heal active E
>frog jump
Meanwhile old characters like Zen and McGee
>good orb
>bad orb
>left click, charge right click
>left click, spammy right click
>that community dark elf skin they gonna add
fucking GOD YES
How can you kill the dead?
>take role system meant for PvE
>It doesn't and never will work for PvP
Gee what a fucking shock this game failed
>pick zen because he's the most fun support
>ebin 5000 hour one-trick widow or genji gets on the mic
>"uhm sweaty zen is suboptimal, can you like change to mercy or moira?"
every fucking time
Atleast Zen can heal the Genji without following him for few seconds after he disappears behind a corner to chase a Tracer.
I need healing
>Tfw you made the enemy team stay spawntrapped with junkrat.
I don't know why they ever went with forcing role lock on everyone. I would've went with some kind of dota ban and draft experiment before that, but maybe the game's balance is too fucked for it.
Should've just made a party finder feature that groups people together by role, then let them queue as a team after they talk it out, instead of putting a hard limit on everyone.
They tried Party Finder, no one uses it lmao
I miss it bros
Don't pretend DPS still wouldn't be the most popular role
>so Blizzard can go back to focusing on their three main pillars.
Stupid idiot. You deserve the trash Blizzard throws around
Having tanks and hard supports at all was a mistake.
I swear to god, no matter what support I pick someone ALWAYS asks me to switch
>pick mercy
>"can we get a brig?"
>pick lucio
>"can we get a zen?"
>pick ana
>"can we get a moira?"
I think people just feel like they have a big dick when giving orders to their teammates.
>It is becoming more of a challenge to load into a competitive game as a DPS player, due to the high demand of the role when compared to Tank and Support
The problem isn't Overwatch nor the role lock
The problem is that 85% of all the players in any dps/tank/heal games want to be game god by killing everyone, so all the kids and incels are playing DPS
If you never pick support or tank, you are a part of the problem.
That's a very uninspired design.
No way in hell Dota's ban system would work in overwatch.In Dota you can get outdrafted and still have atleast a small chance. There will still always be someone in the 100 or so characters dota has that can beat what you opponent has. In overwatch if you can ban your main's top couple of counters the enemy team would be fucked
This looks fun...
Overwatch was fun as fuck during the open beta and the first two months. So what the fuck happened after that? Can we narrow down what exactly happened? Because me and everyone else I played with dropped that shit super hard.
Nobody gave a fuck about them until OW.
And nobody gives a shit about FIFA lootboxes even though they're the worst ones and aren't just cosmetics
it blew up with non-gamers
some things never change
We warned you.
But you wanted role queue.
Reap what you sow, faggots.
This game is just too big of a mess to balance, there's way too many things like stuns, shields and knock backs in a fast-paced fps game so it's impossible to balance. It just gets worse with every new character and slow balance patches.
I find it funny DPS mains are complaining about being unable to find games when the DPS class sucks in general. No one except Bastion has enough raw DPS to gut two shields in an acceptable amount of time (and Bastion sucks regardless) and flanking is made redundant by healers/Mercy being able to revive any if she doesn't get picked off herself. At least Sigma/Reinhart have to do something to regenerate their shield health, Orisa being able to plop down a 900HP shield for everyone to shoot again every 9 seconds or so is just unfun.
DPS classes either need to do more damage to shields or shield health goes down.
It's almost as if different heroes are needed to counter others.
Ana came out and made tanks too hard to kill. I don't think the meta ever recovered from that.
Matchmaking is broke as fuck.
I am normally 2800 for 12 seasons as Battle Mercy but it placed me 1600.
In two days I've climbed to 2200, but I shouldn't have been to do that in the first place
Golds mean nothing. The most they'll reliably tell you is if you're not doing your job.
Did you win or lose?
That's because it was.
No idea why they decided that the only targets roadhog was allowed to hook are those that stand still in an open space without any objects nearby
His whole deal was pulling people out of cover by their exposed ankles
I agree, and i think that was just because it was new.
everyone was still figuring shit out, so it was more fun to come up with creative strategies.
i remember being doing crazy D.Va shit cuz no one played as her in the beginning and didn't know how to deal with a good D.Va player. Now every game is the same because everyone knows whats optimal for each character and each map.
>"Hey, (you) can you pick or switch to X?"
>leave voice chat
thats how i do it
dps classes used to be good back in release times (aside from mccree who was retardedly good) but they were all periodically nerfed until the only characters that could actually get shit done were tanks
This game is the BEST
I wish there was a healer that shoots mercy/dva projectiles that heal and damage shields but do less damage to people.
symmetra is meta against doubleshield
so is doomfist
you are no knowledge
you stink of bronze
The first balance patch was fucked up pretty badly.
For example they wanted McCree to be a counter to squishy heroes like Reaper or Tracer and not a tank killer. Then they rebalanced him and it turned out he became 1-button tank slayer while becoming less effective against the squishy heroes he was supposed to counter.
Blizzard managed to do the complete opposite of what was intended. Pretty obvious they would fuck up even further, especially with the new characters.
People only give a fuck about OW because of the porn
Jesus Christ. So DPS still sucks unless you use two gimmick characters? One of whom wasn't even DPS to begin with.
Wow it's almost like the trinity of DPS, Tank, Healer doesn't work well in a competitive FPS
It upset people that they got hooked out of corners/covers even though they got hit way earlier and Blizzard did their usual thing to fix it
Why they nerfed the functionality of it as well as all but removing one shot combo at the same time is beyond me. Went from one of the most fun to just a pain
>I did like the original characters in Marvel vs Capcom 2
afaik, the "original" characters in MvC2 were actually unused or unseen characters from other games given a finalized design and put into the game instead of being specifically designed for that game
symmetra has been a dps for almost 2 years now, user
>Everyone wanted to play DPS (you know, shooting people in a shoot game)
>Blizzard saw the low playrates of Tank/Support classes, buffed them
>Most people still wanted to play DPS
>Games literally start being deiced by which team has people willing to play Tanks/supports
>Pro Overwatch literally goes all Tanks/Supports with the GOATS meta.
>Blizzard still doesn't want to nerf Tanks/Supports and have everyone play DPS
>Instead forces team to have two of each class, makes role queue.
>People still want to play DPS
>DPS queue line now takes hours, the few who want to play Tanks/Supports get in instantly.
and that's where were at now.
overwatch "pros" just hate it because its new.
Jeff will save overwatch.
Friendly reminder that Overwatch performed well over Blizzard and Activisions expectations and made them millions of dollars in sales and microtransactions
Friendly reminder that even as the game slows down and begins to die, it continues to make money due to cosmetic transactions that outstrip what they wasted trying to make it esports
Friendly reminder you scream into the hurricane, demanding that God hears you
I skipped like 8 seasons. From 3 to whatever the fuck were on now, and I still only play with friends because it's fucking cancer in general. Surprised that my gameplay is considered platinum level, personally think I'm trash at the game.
golds mean nothing but having 47 eliminations (and 27 final blows) with 3 deaths and a 64% kill participation means that i'm probably as effective as i'm going to be
the problem is retarded players, usually healers, whose thought process can be boiled down to "if we are losing, then obviously our picks are bad and must be changed" even if the real problem has nothing to do with that. if anything, having people change away from their comfort picks makes the game even harder most of the time, and having someone micromanage every second of your gameplay makes you want to throw the game on purpose.
DPS is popular because they focus on the core appeal of an FPS, killing other enemies with weapons that feel good to use.
Landing a heatshot kill is way more satisfying that holding down a healing stream as Mercy for a vast majority of players (there are always a few exceptions, but they only serve to prove the norm).
People figured out the stuff that works, and the stuff that works wasn't fun. So they quit
>>DPS queue line now takes hours, the few who want to play Tanks/Supports get in instantly.
>and that's where were at now.
I see no problem
Fuck DPS niggers
>the problem is retarded players, usually healers, whose thought process can be boiled down to "if we are losing, then obviously our picks are bad and must be changed" even if the real problem has nothing to do with that. if anything, having people change away from their comfort picks makes the game even harder most of the time, and having someone micromanage every second of your gameplay makes you want to throw the game on purpose.
If you're losing with that much kill participation you're either playing with retards who don't know how to capitalize on picks/won teamfights or you're not using voice comms and telling your retards to capitalize on pics/won teamfights.
>desperate attempts by the devs to balance competetive play are killing the game
>not the objectively shit-tier gameplay that drove away most players over time
This. It's a design approach that's inherently antithetical to fps games.
It's not satisfying to land great shots and then watch opponent's health go back up in a matter of seconds, with literally zero effort on their part.
Just like healers, they're the participation award class for mediocre players that lack the reflexes and steady aim to play dps roles. Tanks are bullet sponges that do nothing except slow down the game and further enable middling players through easy-to-land cc abilities.
haha whole blizz universe is white so they had to make a black "original" char. thats so pathic
Is by any chance one of her emotes the wakanda forever thing? lol
it actually does work well in Planetside 2
>dps shitter detected
You can absolutely body the enemy team over and over, but if you're not winning teamfights the kills mean nothing.
I'm gonna guess that this is in low diamond or platinum. You're doing fine, but if this is happening consistently, watch your replays and watch your own team on the killfeed compared to when you get your kills.
If this doesn't happen consistently, then something else is stopping you from climbing.
Good luck out there!
DPS is always more popular because of faggots wanting the big numbers. It's no different in other games
>it's another episode of dps Moira
My bad for being good at fps games. Keep earning those gold healing medals in your babby's first fps, though.
well i mean overwatch has always had the problem of having completely unwinnable games. if someone on your team isn't doing their job, you simply can't win a lot of time. if a reinhardt doesn't know how to use his shield or your mercy doesn't know how to press her one button then you just lose.
a lot of other games in the competitive team-based genre have mechanics to alleviate this. in CS:GO, a good player can easily kill all the enemy players by himself by relying on his superior mechanics. in Dota, bad players naturally become less important to the overall course of the game, whereas good players become more valuable and more impactful instead. too bad overwatch was designed by jeff fucklan who doesn't understand these subtle nuances in game design and fucked it all up in his game
that shit was like 2 years ago. i made it to 3700 mmr in season 2 and then kinda just gave up when the really cancerous metas started rolling in. i only enjoyed the game when it was more about DPS heroes skirmishing rather than the dumb goats shield meme bullshit nonsense that it is now
>DPS is always more popular because of faggots wanting the big numbers. It's no different in other games
This is why you shouldn't dumb your roles down to one being focused on being damage, another on healbotting and another on just standing there.
>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!
>It literally takes 20 minutes to find a game!
>Overwatch? More like Shieldwatch!
I think healing can be done well, like in tf2. The rate of healing is actually reduced when the player takes damage and medic also has a skillful way to heal people bye using his crossbow.
Meanwhile tanks are just completely anti-fun like you said. Shooting at a big shield for 5 minutes is not fun, and having your movement impaired by CC in a FPS is complete cancer.
>next is a very special episode of DPS Ana
>In a team with Widow and Hanzo.
and that is why you remove the fps from fps games?
What nerfs do you think were justifiable in overwatch
I personally think the whole mercy mass res ulting was one. They even made her a better healer to compensate. Then they nerfed her healing.
Healing in TF2 is one "hero", in Overwatch an entire role is dedicated to healing which consists of several heroes.
The role in Overwatch isn't "support", it's healing. That's the problem.
i dont care to play zarya. its more accuracy than
for that small little beam which i think is smaller than symmetras or whatever.
have to use others to boost your weapon and your own shield to buff yourself up so you can sneak in and wipe players out while shielding others helping and yourself.
lol what are you even arguing now?
Frankly I don't like TF2's healing either, because it usually encourages Medics to just be healsluts attached to a Heavy/Soldier/Demo. I think Dirty Bomb did it the best, most of the healing abilities are only designed to heal someone who is out of combat, not to allow them to heal tank during combat. During combat, the healers fight just like normal damage dealers, then heal when things have calmed down.
fuck Twitch streamers
I hope everybody plays DPS so they'll force out all the Twitch streamers
>dont forget a mcree
If you don't report everyone on your team amd everyone on the other team for "griefing toxic racism sexism transphobia mei wall teleporter off cliff throw" then you don't KNOW SHIT about video games and certainly don't want to be flooded by ban notifications when you start the game.
first comment in the thread, but to make it clear
its a first person shooter
nobody wants to be micromanaging their team like its a raid in wow
we just want to shoot people
I purposely bait other players into making misogynistic or transphobic (and even racist comments by pretending to be black) so I can get them banned.
Nothing makes me happier than making people get banned and wasting money on the game. Sometimes I even purposely lose so I can get my teammates mad at me and report them for toxic behaviour.
Ashe fits better with the "sniper dps" gimmick.
Besides, with the rolelock in place, we can only have 2 dps.
Ok? Then go for the DPS queue
People that want to win and have the brain capacity of an actual human will go for the other roles
Why is Yea Forums seething, again?
>encourages Medics to just be healsluts attached to a Heavy/Soldier/Demo
And what's wrong with supporting the push classes that can actually create space? By working with them you create a stronger game state for your team, and if you're smart and actually know the mechanics you can give quick crit heals on the other classes to build uber faster than the other team's medic.
remember when they said hero stacking was a core part of the game and then removed it week one because competitive babbies cried about it
I just want my 6 winston back dammit
ive been to diamond plenty of times in this garbage game
your ability to play an fps is like 1/4 of winning the game
the rest is luck of ultimate usage, your healer and tank choice and if the "1 shot " dps is retarded or not
something that really makes me wonder is why devs, especially blizzard, keep forcing 33% of the playerbase to play healer when it's painfully obvious that maybe only 5-10% of the playerbase actually wants to play them. why do they force this shit in all their games?
i guess it comes down to the fact that they don't know how to design gameplay beyond some half-assed healer/dps/tank trinity bullshit, but still, they could at least TRY to make healers fun. make them all more like how they work in dirty bomb, meaning they mostly focus on killing shit and heal a bit on the side. it's typical blizzard hubris to even refuse to consider making healers something that people actually want to play. instead they'll give extra lootboxes or something to people who flagellate themselves with the shitty role
>6 competent bastions
>6 dvas
>6 lucios
Fun times
im not even fucking with that shit. its too retarded, if iw ant competitive ill go competitive. if i dont and they remove the (((classic))) version in arcade, i will play another mode in arcade or quit. fuck blizzard micromanaging it.
it is ruined. dont care if you agree or dont.
>Moira player
>GG noobs a have 4 gold medals
>all games within a genre should be the same
I don't like OW much but come on
It''s almost like OW is not a pure's like it is a combination of FPS and,,,,
And you hate this game and went diamond multiple times? Damn, that's one hell of a stockholm syndrome
what do you retard blizzdrones actually thin kthat they will? have brains
This is a decent solution because it forces the team that's under-performing in damage dealing to retreat and heal, giving ground to the enemy in the process. Static front-lines that operate on nothing but shield-spam and aoe healing is basically the most braindead approach to an fps game conceivable. Furthermore: Overwatch even fucks up there, because idly shooting the enemy, without killing them is actually detrimental as it charges their ult faster.
Military class shooters solved this shit almost twenty years ago.
"Support" roles like Engineer and Medic should be just as capable if not superior damage dealers in some regard versus pure combat classes which are either versatile (anti-tank + anti-personel) or highly specialized (sniper). No class should be utterly helpless because of some fucking matchup.
"Healing" is for PvE fantasy games; Medics should dive into the line of fire to revive the downed, fighting their way in, not being literally chained to an ally's ass to slowly replenish their health while doing nothing else.
Because it's political and shoved in by politics. They can't just make something which is inspired by blacks and their culture, they have to shove in "THIS A BLLLLLLACCCKKKKKK WOMYN" FIRST and then build around that instead of something like Reinhardt who is a giant dude with a hammer first and then german or w/e his nationality is.
They can pull it off with asians, indians, whites no problems. But when it comes to blacks they just have to stick in the tribal jungle negro shit every single fucking time. And it's getting tiring.
The absolutely "super racist" japs on the other hand. . . can see past the race, ironically.
no i played it when i had fun with it
i can fully acknowledge as a previous enjoyer of the videogame it is no longer fun nor competitive
>plays an rpg
Kills Everquest, World of Warcraft and Overcuck
Stop being a fucking retard
People need to learn radio silence so many fucking useless call outs and mic chatter how can anyone focus on all the shit that goes on when people are constantly talking
Blizzard basically just lifted the veil on everything wrong with their game. Tanks are less fun to play than dps and healers are straight up boring.
The only fun part is dps, but if they did no role lock then people stop using them.
I remember everyone swapping to dva when the enemy was about to get the last point just to run out the timer, good shit
>people want to shoot and hit people in a fps
who could have possibly foreseen this
tell me how im being retarded for saying an fps should probably stay a first person shooter
>too many dps players
>harder to find a match for them
that makes sense given the system in place
>due to the high demand of the role
wait what? so there aren't enough dps players because it's too demanding of a job? is the author saying players demand to use damage characters? if so, that's a weird way to use demand when the phrasing implies a supply/demand issue.
is this what passes for video game """""journalism""""" these days?
Healers are a fucking dumb role in PvP games. In PvE they can work if done properly, but they are a very anti-fun element if it is one of the core pillars of the game.
Heroes of the Storm is boring and tame because healers exist and must exist in every fucking game.
Dota 2 for instance doesn't have healers as a must-have-role, and instead supporting is 90% of the time delivered by utility supports who can often dish out damage.
>OW is a team-based shooter with concrete hero abilities and roles
You were told already
It wasn't any less of a problem that you just got thrown into the game and whoever was the bigger pain in the ass got "his" role and you had to play something you didn't want to. Maybe role lock will motivate blizzard to even out how interesting the roles are to play. Sigma is a good start.
lol keep seething hatfag
Everyone needs their health increased and shields need to be reduced and healing needs to be reduced.
According to ster the devs were really excited about you being able to go 6 Torb before launch. OW wasn't made to be competitive.
>OW wasn't made to be competitive.
until corporate decided that E-sports was where the dosh was and chased that hard, trying to become the next DOTA/Leeg
>pick any healer other than Mercy
>can actually kill people while healing
no because losing isnt any fun. sometimes its a steamroll. i rarely like 5 times in around a year of game time seen 5 dps by themselves in 1 match.
most people make some type of sacrifice to win. a anybody will pick a tank and same for a helaer when noone is switchign from dps usually. then u go out and you see your healer or tank sucks. then you get work arounds throughout th ewhole fuckig match
quick play is supposed to be fun,
fuck you blizzard
Dota 2 doesn't have healbot as a support role because supporting involves more than healing in that game. In that game you can actually support your team by helping them kill enemies through ganks, counterganks, etc. or by pushing, map control, strong laning, and so on.
Did you just purposefully misinterpreted "demand" despite explaining the correct meaning it should have?
He's literally saying the role is in higher demand than tank/heal so people end up waiting longer
My favorite was Jeff responding to people complaining that 6 Winston’s were literally unbeatable and he just said it was a viable strategy.
>HMMMMMMMMMM There are dozens of arcade modes that enable me to pick an all-DPS team and even join deathmatches and shit
>lol no I'll go competitive and then complain on Yea Forums about how I am not having fun
blizzard doesn't want healers killing shit
when ana was strong as fuck due to her ability to heal tanks up to full in a microsecond and occasionally kill a player, the very first thing they did was they immediately crippled her damage output and just made her another retarded healbot that hides behind tanks and DPS and never actually does anything besides click her tanks ass
>then u go out and you see your healer or tank sucks
Then how about you pick a healer or tank you fucking drama queen?
>quick play = competitive
Alright computer time's up, back to blizzdrone camp for you
fuck is this stupid shit retard
you claim people with brains will go tank or healers. by natural selection, and that thats how the games are ran.
shooting people like the other user said is all we want to do and any character can shoot or help out we just want to play. thats what were saying. you need a tank and healer to win for the most part and someone will do it. that is how it works and that odesnt necessitate a brain like you claimed that somene has to have.(for the tank/healer role)
we're tlaking about QUiCKPLAY 2-2-2 right tho?
>So how much longer until Overwatch finally dies?
Overwatch will never die.
>be blizzdrone
>too invested in blizzshit
>can't play other games because you'll have a mental breakdown after realizing how much time and money you spent on absolute turd
>be housewife
>never played any real games, only fartstone and match three mobile shit
>play overwatch because fartstone DRM told you to do so
>it's the msot exciting gaming experience you've ever had
>you'll never play anything better because you'll never know that other games exist
>be gook
>be unaware that someone besides Blizzard makes games in the outside world
>have to play blizzturd because gook MMOs are too expensive
>be tranny/faggot
>overwatch is the only game that allows you to press x to be feminine healslut with no effort
>can't play other games because they are too heterosexual
Normal people stopped playing turdwatch years ago (or never played it in the first place), but Blizzard has such a vast army of degenerates of all kinds addicted to their "games" that they can milk their shit forever.
that is what im fuckign saying retard. the claim that you have to force 2-2-2 for any reason is retarded. people want to win. fuck 2-2-2 is has no reason to be in something claimed to be for fun, as opposed to the fuckign competitive shit were tehy claimed it was for balance or some consistent games
>not capable of killing shit
I know you desperately want to shit on a game you hate, but stop pulling things out of your ass
Pick Zen and two-shot kill fuckers.
>missing the point this badly
Yeah that's the point. Supporting which consists of only healing is boring to both play and play against.
If dps could deal actual damage, then you'd see a huge upset in who can heal and who can heal and get picks.
I hate when games Nerf my ability to carry.
they need to also add in a character lock as well.
If healers could*
This, the writing was on the wall when they decided that of all things in anas fun kit it was the damage that needed to be kneecapped
Uninstalled that shit within a day after the patch and never looked back
in competitive
I dont like it in competitive so much either. but in quickplay.. FUCKING RETARDED OHW FUCKING RETARDED CAN YOU BE BLIZZARD?!
no wonder they fuck up everything
did you know quickplay the old version is in arcade now???
yea its called CLASSIC just like the name of everythign else they havent fucked up.
>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!
>It literally takes 20 minutes to find a game!
>Overwatch? More like Shieldwatch!
>Overwatch is not even an FPS!
you're a braindead stupid goalpost moving retard and you should never reply to one of my posts again
Healers are actively shit at killing enemies in various ways.
Be it damage, slow moving projectiles or otherwise functioning in much worse ways compared to similar weapons of DPS heroes, they're all vastly inferior.
Supports have one job and that is to heal.
>not allowed to play whatever class/character you want in a video game
Wow. That sounds absolutely fucking horrible. Do people actually play this shit? I'd rather have fun.
>three fucking robots and 10 fucking weapons
You and I both know that that's a blatant fucking lie. Unless you somehow confuse having 3 of the 8 titans from the start until you level a bit, to only having 3, in which case you might be actually retarded.
stop projecting, drone
You can still contribute greatly in the killing of the enemy team, and not just in the "I heal my team" way
Again, pick Zen.
I'm pointing out the poor phrasing. If there was "high demand for [DPS players]," they'd have very short wait times. The supply of DSP players is too high. I explained this in the post. Learn to read, you ESL cunt.
i agree with you except japs have a ton of jungle negro style skins too
>playing OW after doomfist release
>playing OW after mercy rez change
>never happens very rarely
The fuck? it happens all the time. Before role queue, I would always get five DPSfags and I'd be the only support
Thats once again a thing that came from SMITE. Hi-Rez is not afraid of doing bikini skins because they know they sell.
you said nothing peasant
Why didn't tf2 have these issues?
>Demand for the role
What the fuck, DPS struggle because there is too much OFFER compared to the DEMAND
fucking journalists.
Because the only people who kept playing it after ranked and shit were hat traders.
This has been a problem in all team based games, nobody ever wants to pick support/healer and with a good reason =
I'm not the one playing OW and expect it to be a competitive oldschool FPS
Blizzard went from making high skill, high reward characters like Ana to Brigette.
Link to said discord?
this tbqh
who the fuck wants to play a pvp game to babysit retards instead of killing?
The Overwatch team are the most incompetent of any team I've ever seen.
They had the worlds attention and everybody loved the game and then they killed it by focusing on esports, having the worst balancing of any game ever, and a pitiful lack of content ( lucio ball event every year for example )
Ow...poor Genji picker wants a hug?
Bro just1v1 the genji as Mercy with six spinning aerial headshots while we nerf your mobility 4 different times.
They will never know the fear of the knife and paddle cqb
Well, since now people wait 10mn for a game, they expect fast queuing healers to be healsluts and cover their ass the entire game.
I tell them to fuck off and the first trans I pop to save their asses is when they stop talking.
>fix the interdimensional hook but reduce his shotgun spread which allowed to casually oneshot anything that wasn't a tank
And people STILL wonder why he was shitdumpstered after this
I'm a tank main and release brig was the dumbest shit. Ironic that you're calling me a genji picker when Brig + Symmetra 2.0 meant that the tracer on team could run around with 350+ fucking HP.
It is quite ironic that a colorful "shooter" for children actually rewards individual skill more than actual "esports game" for real gamers.
the game appeared to have depth.
>lootboxes in a F2P game
>lootboxes in a B2P game
I wonder why the other is more frowned upon...
It's a real shame the chances of Titanfall 3 are gone because of Apex legends
>A game can only be team based if it has mmo trinity shit.
Best fucking game right here
l2p other roles sckub
I haven't played this shit comp in 2 years, i only boot up to play mystero heroes and find it fun.
Then go play fucking Counterstrike or Quake you inbred retard. Why the fuck do you play games that you know you are gonna hate? Jesus Christ
The biggest mistake was to put out 100% heals characters that instead of defending themselves are just press key to escape. And to make them feel impactful gave them a retarded heal rate.
So if you don't finish off a guy, in 2 seconds behind a barrier all your damage is undone.
Ahh, give them self fucking heal too while you're at it.
Reasons why Lucio and Zen are the most balanced healers in the game. Low heals that only really work out of combat and even less self heal. (Not talking about ults)
>"professional" dps mains
Maybe learn how to play other characters in the game.
Funny thing is that Hi-Rez actually has lots of women working there and it doesn't hinder their sexualized designs a bit. Including producer (Savannah Teems) of Rogue Company that tries to sell itself with bare midriff and cleavage from the announcement trailer.
dps is not engaging at all. All of the dps characters are just point and click completely brain dead heroes. Tank and Support are much more engaging and require you to actually think about how heroes interact with each other
>retards who don't know how to capitalize on picks/won teamfights
You can kill 3 ennemies and retards will still not move onto the point and 1 tank 1 healer will hold them off all because they're affraid to die.
TTK got nerfed across the board, average time for you to die after a fight has begun is now 7-9 seconds, killing the feeling and fun of the game. Also as a result map awareness is nonexistent because all tactics involve grouping up into a ball of shields and ults since only 2 snipers are able to get individual skills outside of teamfight ults anymore.
People think they want to have more survivability in shooter games but then when they actually get it, they think the gameplay is boring without knowing really why. Reason is nobody likes playing with worthless peashooters or chipping away health. There is no gunplay if the guns dont feel impactful.
>You can absolutely body the enemy team over and over, but if you're not winning teamfights the kills mean nothing
You don't get that many kills and kills participation in a game where you spend most of your time respawning. If you have this and still can't win teamfights it means the rest of the team is just shit scared and stays behind cover all the time doing nothing.
Why would you want HotS to die? It’s the only product blizzard has with soul and love poured into it.
>soul and love
i think you mean THICK and ASS
>making streamers whine and complain
And supports often have strong impactful spells so they don't feel useless when a fight happens.
More like there's fucktons of healing
Don't forget they actually have options to help themselves against counters. Juggernaut fucking you over with his ult? No problem just get a ghost scepter and the problem goes away
I'm surprised people play this game for a long period of time (unless you're some sort of streamer and such). This game's bland as hell. I couldn't even stomach 2 days of it during beta and on release.
Also, I never understood why at least some people want the 2/2/2 format in the long run. Yeah it makes people play other roles and supposedly make matches more quicker to start. However, what I don't like about it is the potential it has to stop certain tactics. It's impossible to do things that you (and hopefully your team) want like say a plan that requires 3 (or more) characters of the same role.
You can complain about preventing potential assholes and such but then again, you are pairing up with complete strangers. Unless you play with a group of friends, you have 0 idea what your team is like and can't think of a proper pre-battle plan until the moment of fighting arrives.
Splatoon 2 has several issues and suffers from the usual irrational Nintendo decisions and general Japanese game design philosophies, but that being said, it's still loads of fun and a much better game than Overshit.
t. 1200 hours in Splatoon 2
It's "high demand of the role" though, not players
it was dead on arrival, sooo..
The issue with HotS OCs is that you have to go and unlock them through grinding or pay. If Amingo requires $5 to unlock but wolverine is given to you for beating the tutorial, you’d be salty about amingo existing.
Maybe he should pay a competent tank/healer to play with him. But really this just exemplifies how shit Overwatch has always been. Such a disgrace that this garbage game isn't dead yet.
>wait 20+ minutes for a game
>have retards for tanks and healers because the SR is inflated as fuck for it
>waste 10 minutes of your life
this shits unplayable now
Yeah, I play it at most 20-30 mins at a time. After that I get bored because of the shallow gameplay and stupid design decisions. I only play it when I know I have to leave soonish.
Play support, faggot
Genji, doomfist, and tracer have some of the highest skillcaps in the game though, that's why it's fun to be able to get good at them and be able to wreck the entire enemy team.
>wait 20+ minutes for a game
That only happens in TF2
I still have fun with HOTS, even though i'm the casual AI playing cancer thats killing the game.
Why wait 10 minutes for a quickmatch when I can hop into an AI match in less than a minute?
You don't get any more gold or xp for it, so whats the fucking point?
If quickmatch gave me more shit and incentive to play, then sure, i'll give them my time.
I do my friend.
>dragon mommy
>Christmas cake Jaina
>short stack chromie
>loli donut steal
>titty monster tyrande
>new negress is even cute
>bara sonya
>lunara and desert queen zag for monstergirl fags
HotS has a waifu for everyone, and if your a gayfag you’ve got bara for days and even twinky anduin
t. anglo cuck
>Orphea is fine and fits in with the....lore, of HOTS.
only because she's a fucking mary sue that's getting the lore written around her, the hots devs can't write for shit
>Because of that I said before and also because her kit is overtuned
Like Orphea at release? Shitting out damage with infinite mobility and sustain?
I miss playing splatoon2
Boot it up right now, squigga
It's already fucking dead. Died 6 months after release.
AI is very boring in HotS you have to just enjoy grinding for grinding sake. I honestly enjoy the chaos that is QM, very satisfying to pull wins out of stacked against you comps and even just to have the insane games of 3 healers 2 assassins vs 2 healers 2 assassins and a bruiser or 4 v 4 tanks
Zen feels atrocious to play ever since they nerfed the speed of his balls and right click charge time a year or so ago. Because fun is not allowed for healsluts.
>It's impossible to do things that you (and hopefully your team) want like say a plan that requires 3 (or more) characters of the same role.
That is part of the point, user. Pro OW was plagued for almost a year with GOATS comp which is 3 tanks 3 supports deathball. Blizz couldn't do shit about it, didn't even try, so instead they forced 2-2-2.
Headshots make a ding sound and give my peepee tingles. I can't help, it's like Shattered Horizon helmet visors.
QM HotS during beta and early in its' lifespan was a lot of fun. When did it all go to shit? For me it started with Li-Ming release, even Kael wasn't so broken on release. Medivh followed shortly after that and started PROTECTED BTW cancer and then Tracer dropped into the game like a bag of wet shit.
In what way you're the tank
>can you narrow it down to what exactly happened?
The arrival of competitive having a god awful system first season for ranks
The arrival of new characters that completely fucked up a carefully balanced and fun meta to the game
Those 2 things fucked the game really hard for me, I remember playing Genji and Ana was literally impossible because she could sleep dart you AND self heal, so a backline fighter was useless against her. Shit just wasn't fun, and got worse as more characters got added until I stopped playing around Doomfist.
I assume he is THE TANK by healing with the damage he does with his insane meatshots after being carrird by his pocketMercy on the way to melee range.
is blizzard really this dumb?
>carefully balanced and fun
>not le dps tank healer combo that it’s been in games for fucking decades
>its another faggot streamer shits their pants because the devs dont cater to them and only them episode
Good luck trying to advertise your game when streamers can't access it.
Games did fine before streamers existed, lil zoom
I believe Blizzard has sold Overwatch to pretty much everyone who would buy it by this point. Marketing is over.
That's why they're porting it on Switch, everybody knows Overwatch and they hope there's potential consumers who own just Switch for gaming and most like most of all that people who already own it would buy it again for the "on go" meme.
No they didn't, they were covered by shitty magazines instead.
So, in other words, they did fine before streamers existed.
Yeah but they didn't make the bank they do now
I think role lock is dumb, but overwatch has expected people to learn/play multiple roles since it was released.
Are you implying the children who watch streamers actually buy the games they watch?
That's apex you complete mongoloid
>genji dies in the beginning of the fight
>come back when his team lose 5v6
>finish some people with low hp after the battle ends
>dies again before regroup
>47 kills
>3 deaths.
this game is such a fucking joke but the bigger joke is the fans who pretend it was good beyond beta/release
Your game barely passes as a shooter, you barely need to aim in this fucking game