
The NSF has taken control of Liberty Island.

Now would you like the crossbow, the sniper rifle, or the GEP gun?

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Why would a game hand out late game equipment right at the beginning?

Where are the dindins, old man?


Give me the GEP gun you damn boomer

Give me a warning before you come in old man.

Do you have any facts to back that up?

the crossbow. I like to make a silent takedown.

All I need is the N word pass.

Deus Ex is proof that letting players break open doors with force is a bad idea.

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A silent takedown is always the best takedown. Give me the GEP gun.


GEP gun please

I'll stick with the prod

Is prod short for productive?

Is it time for din din’s yet?

I'll stick with the prod. Prod with the prod.

is there anybody who unironically prefers sniper rifle?

What's wrong with sniper rifle?

Crossbow is better. The only disadvantage of the tranquilizer dart vs the sniper is that enemies that are hit have some time to alert others.

In HR, tranquilizer dart is not as OP anymore, because unconscious enemies can be revived, so taking out whole areas safely from distance with the tranquilizer dart doesn't work anymore.

the crossbow, a nonlethal takedown is always the most silent takedown

We’re police

dumb. you can pick up the crossbow and sniper from the guys you take down in the first map. GEP you can't get till way later in