Tfw I already get a Game Over in the first mock battle of Maddening mode because Dimitri does fucking 14x2 damage and...

>tfw I already get a Game Over in the first mock battle of Maddening mode because Dimitri does fucking 14x2 damage and oneshots my Byleth

This is going to be rough

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck even teatime is impossible

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>not choosing best boy
Sorry user, that's your fault.

Can't wait for the battle of Gronder

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>tfw Hilda unga-ed my whole frontline
Fucking hell

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I chose best boy first run. The Golden Chads are the only house I haven't played yet so I'm using them for Maddening.

is madness/casual more fun than standard? I don’t want to inch across the map every mission just so lysithea doesn’t trip on any pebbles and die forever


There’s divine pulse for that
And no, part of maddening and higher’s “charm” is that its brutal, like war
Until you just put everyone on a wyvern, i guess
>people rushing WL
>the last few maps are packed with snipers and bow knights + brave bow
With how they treated DK i wont be surprised this happen

I set a goal to clear maddening without new game+ and no bonus shit like amiibos or online bonuses. I've already wiped like 5 times on the mock battle. I came really close, had 3 units left and just Dedue and Hanneman were left. Whiffed an 80% hit on Dedue so my last non-Game Over unit was KO'd, then Blyeth and Claude couldn't take out Hanneman before either of them would be killed by his magic damage.

Gonna try again tomorrow.

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So is Maddening actually a fair hard mode or is it Awakening tier Lunatic?

Its brutal so far, but still fair. It's not like Lunatic Awakening where the first chapters came down to literally only turtling behind Frederick and relying on RNG

Let's see if Yea Forums is better at this game than /vg/

Finish my core 10 units on golden deer maddening, serious answers kindly


Don’t be a puss and use Raphael Leonie Ignatz and Lorenz like you’re supposed to



>not at least using Leonie

>be me
>finish all 4 routes
>Lunatic difficulty finally drops
>have no will or strength to replay a single route again

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a rejects run sounds like a fun challenge
>brawler flayn

sub out the strongest for byleth/house leader when necessary

I heard there were same turn reinforcements. Dropped.

I'm pretty sure that was just anons memeing

How the fuck is caspar a reject

He hits like a viking god of death

>warp and silence
lolwut? I just wish she could be dancer

Swap Marianne for Mercedes

Manuela is low-tier on lady casters just because every other lady caster is a demigod

There is, but its not THAT unfair unless you leave your mages’ health low
The leaked (back then) maddening’s reinforcement troops still hit for pnly 2/3 hp of my rather squishy Lys and Marianne, so it’s manageable


What, what do you class him as? I've used him twice and he seems about as garbage as Leonie

Casper is trash tier in the early game until you can grind him Death Blow and Warmaster

That one was a guess. Haven’t done BE yet.

Mostly because you have to baby her hard to be gremory/holy knight with how she come with fucking C+ in bow, yet E in reason and riding

Leonie is fast! F A S T!

what changes are there ? Is it more awakening lunatic or fates lunatic

>Hubert doubles everything
>Dimitri unga'd everything left
>Edelgard unga'd Byleth's dead corpse after
Off to a good start guys

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So far i have noticed
>no real change in general behavior
>boss now leave his shrine when the time come, and hunt you down
>enemies has better stat, weapon and skill, esp the breaker
>DK danger zone is his actual range now, so...
>oh, and he hold that item which nullifies literally every weakness. No deathspike or Knightkneeler for you
And the 1st mock battle is tough as fuck

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>garbage as Leonie
Leonie is the best cavalier unit, if not the only one who can actually utilize desperation. Cavalier having a -10% speed growth malus really confounds me, though I guess ferdinand and sylvan still sitting at 40 speed growth after the malus isnt awful

Make Leonie a pegasus/falcon knight, horses are a trap on her

i feel like horses are a trap on everyone
>everyone gets shit speed as a result
you just switch to flier when you actually need the damn mobility, else grind with a class that doesn't neuter you

oh my bad
i meant switch to horse*
last i checked though pegasus is objectively good for speed stat

>oh, and he hold that item which nullifies literally every weakness. No deathspike or Knightkneeler for you

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That's one of the difficulty changes that are actually good though

It was lame that the unit you're supposed to be terrified of just gets effortlessly one-shot by pic related

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Wyvern Lord, of course. It's between him and Ferdinand, but Ferdinand is harder to recruit, Sylvain is literally free if you're female Byleth. He can also make a decent Dark Knight tank but if you wanted that, you've already got Lorenz who does it better.

It is as bad as bosses that are immune to status effects.

>Byleth sweeper (However you want)
>Claude sweeper (Flying ranged unit)
>Marianne Healer (Build Holy Knight and Sword)
>Hilda Sweeper (Flying axe lady)
>Lysithea Warp first, Mage second, Healer 3rd
>Felix Sweeper (Gauntlets or Sword)
>Lorenz Tank (thyrsus gives Aegis and Pavise)
>Ferdinand Tank (Dodge stack)
>A Dancer. I typically use Dorothea but willing to hear others.
>I don't know.
Anyone help me out here?

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I can see falcon knight but leonie gets nothing from pegasus knight. Cavalier and paladin rounds her stats out perfectly.

what new skills do enemies have ? Are they shared among all those of the same class or are they hand-picked ?
by "better" weapons, do you mean an upgrade or special ones ?

really wish bosses would move their dumb asses in every fire emblem game on any difficulty but they only do it on the bullshit difficulty.

what army commander watches his units get wiped, waits patiently while the enemy all heal up, not notice he's being surrounded, and not run away?

Does the enemy use combat arts? That seemed like a shoe-in for adding difficulty to maps without straight stat inflation

stuffs like lancebreak/swordbreaker, so basically the wepon triangle is back. Havent gotten far enough to see more advanced stuffs like +1 range archer tho. Imagine -blow enemies
They carry steel stuffs much sooner, thats for sure, and have the spd/str to actually use them and not being a 2x fodder

I've been wondering this too. I saw his budding talent of reason early on so figured I'd use my dark seals on him. I was planing on there being a master class for the dark bishop route, but sadly no dice. I made him a dark knight but he's pretty useless because even casting twice he does at most 80% of the damage done by anne or mercedes with one cast. At least with the reason magic range+1 and that range+1 staff equipped and poison strike he can weaken people up pretty well and safely

Sylvain is the best lance wyvern outside of Dimitri

3/4 runs in here, caspar has never once underperformed. That said, I swear brigand actually gimps him slightly. Caspar in my playthroughs survives through being able to dodge 90% of everything thrown at him and soaking the other 10% with his large hp pool. Taking him through brawler instead gets that going so much faster

I went brawler to brigand too, you really need those speed stat. Still that will gimp your res like hell. My Caspar has like 9 res at lvl30, and melt b4 any mages

I don't know how you saw black magic avoid+20 and assumed sylvain should be casting for the sake of damage. His spellcasting is there so he can draw fire, dodge all of it, and put everyone that came at him within clean up range on the next phase

then why have a unit that
>takes reduced damage from gambits
>cant be debuffed
>gets bonus eva
>high def and res
why have a unit that isn't intended to be killed by at least clever positioning and mechanics mastery
see: the chosen in the war of the chosen; hard as balls but fair

Yeah I make sure to throw a knowledge gem on him and master grappler asap before that becomes too much of an issue. That might not fly on maddening though

Manuela has a good pool of white magic and she’s the only character with Bolting that has magic growths to back it up. 4 casts of Bolting as a Gremory is no joke, even if it takes fucking forever to get her there.

That first chapter was actually a bitch
Had to get lucky with a crit from Petra’s personal skill to win

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how do you get petra in chapter 1
or petra's personal

if you're going to throw potshots, it may as well be on someone that can hit 4 times

Sylvain is mostly useful for getting his relic weapon so early.

Maybe I’ve just got horrible luck but across three playthroughs my Sylvain has never had more than 25 speed OR strength by level 40. I’ve always relied on Deathblow to get any use out of him. I really don’t want to roll those dice again for Maddening.

tfw had bernie carry using her personal skill and made dorothea the healer from her personal skill

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You know you can swap units out in the first battle, right? Just because you can't deploy all your team that doesn't mean you can't choose what units from your house you want to deploy (Byleth and Lord aside, you're stuck with them for the mock battle).

>Ferdinand: 10 dex, C heavy armor
>Sylvain: 25 charm, C reason
I can only assume you've only every played female byleth based on that statement

>Byleth sweeper (However you want)
>Claude sweeper (Flying ranged unit)
>Marianne Healer (Build Holy Knight and Sword)
>Hilda Sweeper (Flying axe lady)
>Lysithea Warp first, Mage second, Healer 3rd
>Felix Sweeper (Gauntlets or Sword)
>Lorenz Tank (thyrsus gives Aegis and Pavise)
>Ferdinand Tank (Dodge stack)
Flayn (Dancer/heals/Rescue)
Sylvain (Flying Flex)
Also invest in
>Caspar and Mercedes (Scythe of Sariel, Mercedes Gem)
>Leonie and Linhardt (Inexhaustible)
>Ashe's paralogue gives you boots

oh i was thinking you were talking about the mission with dimi, edel, and claud
yes i was ignoring your image

send help

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>putting your rescue on dancer
tough call, as every time im rescuing is a missed chance to dance

Wait, they released the Lunatic/Maddening update already?

>for some damn reason all the bow knights and snipers are all Ignatz so they can have +20 hit twice
Would be funny

So what I’m getting from this thread is that Maddening isn’t actually well made and that one of the few plus sides is it sort of includes a feature that never should have left (weapon triangle).

just do it the pussy way user

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>turn 41
are you getting mad mastery or is it just fucking tedious

A couple hours ago i think

more like im scared of every enemy in this mode and this is fresh ng so it's really awful. you get like no exp (i was only able to get byleth and bernie to level 5 after this map), and a bunch of turns were used farming dorotheas personal skill to heal because linhardt doesnt have that many uses in faith yet

Did you already run out of vulinary

>lances get nerfed because of Lys
Lys was a mistake

so in response to my question
>yes and yes
ugh the thought intrigues me but im getting the message already that they missed an opportunity to fully utilize their stat caps

Make Dorothea a Gremory for that sweet sweet bonus Meteor cast. Just use Dancer for whatever character you wind up committing a lot of resources to but inevitably winds up rngfucked.

Sylvain has an incredible battalion so you’ll definitely want to pick him up. Also try running someone with the utility battalion that allows for counterattacks from any range. I’ve heard Maddening has a sickening number of Bow Knights post timeskip. Felix or Byleth might make a good hero, but I’m sure there’s a better candidate.

Enlightened One Nosferatu tank Byleth is also excellent.

>base speed of 8
>assuming you go down his expected path with the earliest possible class changes, thats (9*.5)+(20*.4)+(10*.45)= 17 speed growths by level 40 for 25 total

Congratulations on your perfectly average speed growth sylvain(s). The poor strength is weird though

The secret to fighting the Death Knight is to just not. Dark mage is inferior to mage.

during the mock battle and the first half of the canyon map yes, and i forgot to steal the weapons/vulneraries from the house leaders im not joining in the prologue map im fucking bad
i misinterpreted mastery as general exp but when you mention that yeah it's fucking awesome, you can actually level up skills/classes without being too high of a level normally, and this helps if you actually do class up. the plan for me is to at least grab armored knight for everyone because if their base stats are lower than the base for a generic armored knight (it usually will be) they'll get that stat boost upon passing the class. should make the early game less aids

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Lorenz wants Lifetaker for a few builds. Though if you're going to use Lorenz you probably will just bench Lys and she's just there for the easy kills earlygame and warp lategame

>same growths
>dark bishop has built in fiendish blow and heartseeker
I'll give you that its honestly kind of a struggle to fill peoples passive slots with useful, non weapon-skill mastery passives but still: ?

It just demands you know how to play 3H to excel
>Rushing Professor lvl
>Using Luna after gambit spam instead of just Dark Spikes on Death Knight
>Don't overextend for a large bullion side objective and lose units
Lunatic is going to have even more bitching since it typically requires even more retarded strategies to survive the first few chapters

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You get fiendish blow from mastering mage so in the long run you should just use mage, maybe switch over once you get fiendish blow

>Just use Dancer for whatever character you wind up committing a lot of resources to but inevitably winds up rngfucked.
why not just commit to having your evade tank do it
>can dance with reckless abandon
>can evade like no problem
>suddenly a free slot for more offense

>the plan for me is to at least grab armored knight for everyone
Do people not do this by default?

Then you have to wait double the time to get Fiendish Blow. Accuracy is never much of a problem anyway.

at least for NG+ users
>yes im aware you can be a purist
You can just cheatcode in those authority levels
A-level authority stat bonuses are fucking insane

That’s incredible, 3 of my Sylvains were completely average on the dot. Sylvain was my dancer twice so that might rationalize some of his shitty strength growths, but across 4 playthroughs you think I’d have had something to work with.

I think people are sleeping on Ingrid for Maddening/Lunatic. Her and Lorenz rip casters a new asshole thanks to their res growths. Give them a cup of water and maybe a Ward and they can smash the Mortal Savant/Gremory mosh pit in BL’s final chapter. I’m sure the seige magic spam would only get worse in Maddening, so they’ll be even more valuable.

>sylvain always godlike pre timeskip
>fucking awful after every time

Am i just imagining things? Or does the timeskip somehow fuck him over

>never realized the way they intended you to win the mock battle was to go west
>beat it easily after that
I wonder what other intentions we just stomped through

user they added a new title screen of Sothis doing a ********** ONLY if you beat Maddening clean and free of NG+ performance enhancers

Renown boosting stats isn't even an option at this point

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My Sylvain had like 40 str at level 40 and and 30 speed.

>Renown boosting stats isn't even an option at this point
oh rip
>did GD, almost done with BL
>compelled to do my first maddening on BE

I don’t get it

Faith for bishop to shore up resistance might also be reasonable.

The big thing I’m worried about is forgetting to pump up my authority for when the really good battalions start rolling out. I know Marianne’s battalion offers something crazy like +30 hit, for example, and Felix’s battalion is in the ballpark of +20 crit. Those numbers are nuts.

Well you only have to do it once. Hopefully. Would be fucking insane to go through every route especially for those who completed each one.

Got a point there about accuracy given that we're talking about mages. Still I'd argue, at least before tonight, fiendish blow is overkill until around timeskip so you aren't missing much in the meantime.

i think from 10 to 20 and then 20 to 30 youre safe to move your goals around a little bit, the exp gain is honestly pretty shit, but then theres no rush to get a certain skill to a certain rank, could honestly just slap authority as a 2nd goal for everyone once you advance up a tier for a class

I legit had to make my Sylvain a dancer my first playthrough because of how trash he was pre-timeskip. He had worse speed then fucking DEDUE

Sticking with just students, I'd probably go

Are you people making him an armored knight or some dumb shit?

Seeing as I couldn't get an answer in the voice acting circlejerk thread, I need a question answered. I just had Miracle proc on Felix and I don't understand how. He doesn't have the ability and has no adjutant (if that can even cause it). How did this man survive?

i assume you never made him a priest, the only thing i can think of is you used that one battalion gambit that grants miracle to its targets

No I made him a Cav. He just got super unlucky. My second playthrough I recruited him and made him a Cav again and he ended up being one of my best units.

Fun fact: Cavalier and Armored Knight have the exact same speed growth penalty of -10%

how about this
>make everyone a mage
>spend 10-20 turns every map with everyone healing each other
>everyones level 30 by the time the timeskip happens

Nope, didn't use anything on him, I just knew I fucked up and got him killed, but he just straight up refused.

What did he have equipped? I know one of the rings has Miracle as a hidden passive

>one of the rings has Miracle as a hidden passive
say what

That require you to be damaged tho, so might be really risky with how targetting work
Apparently they cut a bit of exp growth in maddening too, so optimization will be a bitch

Oh shit, the prayer ring does that? I thought it was just healing. That's a fucking lifesaver.

meanwhile half of the fanbase can't beat the game on normal

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First i'm hearing of it too, but serene's forest is saying its the prayer ring, which makes sense if you think about how clearly inferior it is to goddess ring otherwise

i wouldnt have minded just healthier enemies
no fire emblem game I feel has ever had health sponges, just enemies that were absolute chumps or total ballbusters
I suppose i was wondering why anna sold both goddess and prayer for the same cost

Iirc, yes
The goddess ring can too, and is even better
I wont rely too much on the RNGesus tho

the mock battle is unironically the hardest battle in the whole game

And I thought I was retarded for missing that breaking all of a monster's shields gives you rare mats until my 2nd run. I feel better now

>Apparently they cut a bit of exp growth in maddening too, so optimization will be a bitch
In a way, it's a blessing for mastering classes to units you can only really feed kills to

>is a shit fucking ability
>but that one motherfucker always procs it when you attack him on the Beach party Xenologue

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I don't intend to rely on it either. It just came out of nowhere. I don't think his luck is even that good.

How early do you get the gambit that guarantees surviving combat with 1 hp once? That one is probably the key to smashing the Death Knight on his second appearance. Bonus points the one that makes your units only take/deal one damage for a turn could also be handy for baiting him off of his platform.


does anyone know a decent class for bernie if i want her to use faith? i know mercedes has a thing with bows and healing but is there an option if you want to mainly be shooting faggots and being able to heal.

bernie gets fuckin physic AND rescue if you get her faith high enough and im thinking of doing it

My path for sylvain is fighter>mercenary or brigand>wyvern rider>wyvernlord

Sylvain is AMAZING pre time skip but i think the timeskip fucks with his bases or some shit cause he bumps up 6 levels and it feels like he gets no usefulstats during that time. Ive used him 4 times and hes always one of my best up there with byleth pre time skip but just sucks shit and becomes mediocre as fuck post timeskip. Im playing through blue lions again atm and this time im gonna keep track of everyones stat changes after the time skip

oops wrong image

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Bernie the bear being the only other person to learn rescue besides flayn is some kind of fuck you to us players isn't it

This sounds like something a literal autistic would do.

I literally couldn't level Sylvain up at all until I learned I can just re-do the mission with 2nd DK encounter with him as support to a stronger char - thus level up evenly both of em

So, fresh save maddening chapter 4 DK with BE is a fucking nightmare. You dont even have a tank
I know Lys was too strong, but this is a bit excessive

What’s the best way of mastering classes anyways? It felt like mastering classes took fucking forever. Even when I was making a point to let Dark Bishop Lorenz get tons of action for Lifetaker, I was still at it for what must’ve been 6 chapters.

Thats what you get for playing on normal

Im not playing on normal you faggot

I'd say Holy Knight is your best bet for that, but I don't know how good it would actually be.

faith is fairly easy to level through school
it's getting HK classification that's difficult
but vice versa
so in your case since you want to use her spells get her faith to D through school and go full mage most of the game (using lesson plans to buff lance and riding)
>hilda can get bolting
yes it is

>canto, 2x white magic, horse
it's objectively good, bigger plus if the indech crest procs on magic

>i think the timeskip fucks with his bases or some shit cause he bumps up 6 levels and it feels like he gets no usefulstats during that time.

That only happens on normal. Hard doesn't alter any unit stats or levels after the timeskip

Tanking. Later on it doesnt even increase your exp if the dmg is too low, and its a steady stream of +2. In certain case attacking with a broken be used too to lvl up weapon mastery, but some characters just, kill everything even with a broken sword
Put an adjunctant on the unit for a 2-in-1 deal

There’s no class built for it but Magic Bows will let you capitalize on units with good bow skill and magic stats. It’ll get some mileage out of archer Hanneman other than the FREE longbow but he’s probably better ramming Thorons up people’s asses in every case.

Most autistic way but guaranteed? Ganging up on archers again, maybe dodge tanking archers. And then you have taking 0 damage so your weaker units can get hit by a broken weapon instead of iron or whatever the archer had.
Other methods are getting all the kills with reduced exp from being overleveled or conveniently being the tank but not murdering everything at least not until you retaliate.

Why can’t they fucking fix the master class growths already, Jesus.
I understand the logic behind “holy shit cavalry is OP so you get shit growths to balance it” but WHY THE FUCK DO FLYING CLASSES HAVE GODLY GROWTH MODS THEN WHEN THEY’RE EVEN BETTER FUCKING CHRIST
And that’s not even getting into the weeaboo shitheap that is Mortal Savant

>Hard doesn't alter any unit stats or levels after the timeskip
Yes it does. I just hit the timeskip on my BE run and Petra shot up from 27 to 30. That's just one example off the top of my head, but I know some I'd not all of the others leveled.

Pretty sure indech specifies weapon attacks

Doesn’t Holy Knight get stuck with shitty old White Tomefaire?


that's fine either way, beatsticking is just as good
oh christ you might be right but at least it's rescue with 3 charges and not 1 warp charge since we're talking bernie

If your offensive faith magic list is good, then its decent

Yes. HK gets Canto, White Tomefaire, and Terrain Resistance. It's honestly all around worse than DK, but having Bern reach that while also using bows isn't realistic.

im pretty sure if user wants to use bernie's white magic, user is foregoing bows on bernie, but then again it's not beyond the realm of reason to just use bernie as a bow nun and get to C lancing via recruitment or classroom time

>Is there an option if you want to mainly be shooting faggots and being able to heal.

>they shadow released maddening mode
>still didn't beat Astral Chain
Fuck you Nintendo

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>I think people are sleeping on Ingrid for Maddening/Lunatic. Her and Lorenz rip casters a new asshole thanks to their res growths. Give them a cup of water and maybe a Ward and they can smash the Mortal Savant/Gremory mosh pit in BL’s final chapter.

Wait does that mean manuela is going to be the new best white magic unit, especially with how terrifying bolting units are going to be?

Have YOU played the game, nigger? Cause i am right now on hard classic and all my character have shot up 3-4 levels.

>going into chap.4 DK scared shitless
>3 gambit, 6hp
>Hail mary Dimitri in and Crest activated with 10% chance
Well, thats that, i guess

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i mean, it's not like you're taking damage every turn, and as you get more healing rings and a dancer online it's not like they're mutually exclusive

I didn't find it hard to make her a gremory. Just focus all training on reason and a little luck on certification %

Fucking underrated post dobt worry I kekd

why would you need a best white magic unit?
especially when she might be too busy healing while hanneman creams the competition

i dont watch wrestling where specifically does someone react like this

Is making Manuela a Pegasus Knight a good idea or too much of a meme to make work?

>suddenly remembered Sothis and Marianne paralogue: monster edition
>Manuela “alone on a cliff in a game without pegasus carry” edition
>now in Maddening with all their glory

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I'll admit that I keep my characters within 1-2 levels of each other so everytime I hit the timeskip no one gained levels or changed stats. Clearly i'm working off a flawed assumption, my b

This so much, and Zelda Awakening is out in 9 days.

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God I miss the first 3 seasons of the boondocks.

Here's your maddening title screen

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just got bootyblasted in the mock battle as BL

Attached: 6dc.jpg (702x432, 41K)

Higher res
Actually look real nice
>inb4 the Infernal version will be Byleth being a god-king sitting there

Attached: 6C9376E1-6D00-4BB2-9235-0639C0634224.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

What's the difference with that and a post clear save?

Post clear has Sothis on the throne. Is it just the yellower light?

Is there a meaning to this yellow sun light?

It's obvious when the japanese name for the miracle skill has always been prayer. Thanks localizers!

Is there any reason not to class every physical unit as a wyvern lord?

I heard there's an ending where Edelgard can be spared but later killed by Dedue, is this really possible? I managed to keep him alive so far. I heard that Byleth or Claude can't spare her, but not sure if its true

Attached: dedue.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

Pretty much, its minor but super noticable
Bragging right i guess
The light is refered to the goddess herself in any instances, also the fact that she resides on the brightest star of the summer sky. The mural specifically has only her (and Seiros) bathed in light
Tl;dr: light = goddess power, i guess?

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Should be this.

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What are some fun builds for Byleth? Most likely going to do a bro campaign for my first run, I've managed to avoid spoilers so far so if you can avoid those it'd be great.

Armor -> Fortress -> Great Knight. Did it last campaign and it worked pretty good.

What? I got that screen for beating hard last night.

Give him a pair of gauntlet and go to town my friend
You will love it

Faith build because nobody does it and Byleth’s white magic list is actually one of the best in the game

It doesnt glow yellow. Thats the only different

Cheese it and run Ignatz, Ashe, Bernadetta, and Petra, all with the end goal of Bow Knight, archers are fucking broken in this one. And run Felix as something with more defense than his default swordmaster, he's a great tank with Aegis.

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If you ain't going punching pope try to go for Warmaster if Male or Falcon Knight if Female.

I have done heavy knight, Dark knight, Savant, Sniper, Paladin to role play as jeralt with a Vengeance and Wyvern Lord.

I'm going Falcon for maddening BL, wish me luck, I think I will go bow knight for maddening Church considering we don't get a lord unit there, gonna need Byleth to work extra hours as a bow for that one.

AIs can't kill boss units

>punching pope
What's that? I love monks in every setting that has them.

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Enlightened one is punching pope.

Sadly I can't make Fray tormenta Raphael as bishop because the game doesn't let you equip gauntlets on magic units.

*blocks your path*

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The MC has proficiency in sword, gauntlet (punching), and faith (white magic). And his unique class can do all of them
Do note that to use magic the class must have that one blue line that say “this class can use (some) magic”

You should pick eagles or lions for your first playthrough, right? Deer just seem like they're not really part of the story

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Deer is were you find out what the fuck is actually happening, I guess the church already does that but Deer does have one of the better final bosses.

Deer is for more background info of what is happening, while BE and BL have central focus on the war

So it should be lion/eagle for the war>the other one to see the other side>deer to clear things up afterwards

should I worry too much about class mastery or just focus on promoting as soon as I can?

Do the exam as early as you can for the potential base stat boost, check the skill to see if you want it and finish it before class switching.

It's because their not really part of the story that they get everything explained to them in detail.
It should go Deer>Empire>Church>Lion never ever because le boar is a shit and a meme.

Pretty much.


Definitely master the intermediate classes for -blow skills. They are essential for late game build
Beginner classes do have some nifty early game bonus (+2 stat, repositioning skills), but can be ignore safely
+5 hp from noble/commoner might be great if you get it in maddening, cause everything hit like a truck there

catherine carried

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Can't you just steal it with a thief?

Any point in doing maddening without ng+, bros?

You get a small change in title screen if you finish maddening without NG+ bonus.

Interesting. Might go BE, since it's the shortest route.

>83 Avo
>53 fucking speed
what the fuck

Exactly, it also helps round out the whole Edelgard/Dimitri bit

Who'd be more yandere for femleth Edel or Dimitri?

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Are you new to enemy phase pegaponies?

They are assholes.

Stealing is kind of a meme.
I had Petra learn Steal from thief in the hope of taking Seiros Shield from Rhea and Ochain Shield from Seteth on BE chapter 12 but the game told me to fuck off. Though apparently some user said he managed to steal the Ochain shield on chapter 15 of BE.
So it might be lile that with DK and the Rafail Gem.

You need to be faster to actually steal.

>That little red haired girl wandering the monastery

>retard that didn't play the game hates the best route
Blue Lions route is the best written in the franchise.

Is Speed literally a dump stat in Maddening?

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I know. And my Petra was faster than Seteth and Rhea, but I had no option to steal, even after removing all gear.
Can't get any faster than Petra.

>has the magic growth to back it up
How is 35% growth rate good in your eyes?

the big problem is getting enough sword mastery
B+ flight and C lancing isn't terribly unreasonable
but if you stick a levin sword on manuela for a while maaaaybe?

>deer not part of the story meme
not ingrained with the frivolities
most definitely the most cathartic and impactful in terms of what you go through

>most master class masteries suck major ass
because how the fuck are you going to have the balls to stay at 25% hp
props to DK for having the only decent one
>most beginner classes are skippable
you literally complete them in like 25 engagements and monk is attached to non-penalizing growths as well as
>mag+2 and drawback
the latter of which is a universally great skill
>i do agree that intermediates probably have all the good ones tho

Is there a benefit of teaching someone all the classes available?

>MFW they released Maddening mode two weeks before the release of the grinding DLCs
Nintendo know that these will always sell.

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>Maddening Nemesis
Hold me bros...

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Sothis paralogue was fucking bullshit

Not if you grind in the grinding dlcs™ coming soon for Three Houses!

so how's maddening so far? is tanking still viable?
you didn't *need* to tank on hard, but i hope that it is more necessary now in maddening.
half exp gain sounds scary. but i love that i'll try to make the most of my equipment now whereas before i was more concerned with being frugal.

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evasion tanking will always be viable especially with divine pulse to negate horrible rng

all those wyvern lords that were overkill in Normal and Hard are going to be very much needed lategame.

I cannot fucking imagine doing the final map of Crimson Flower against all those endless fucking Pegasus Knights and buffed-more-every-turn golems without using degenerate warp shenanigans to Galeforce Rhea down in one turn.

Oh, and Catherine is going to be a literal WMD hitting for like 400 damage with Thunderbrand so that entire half of the map is gonna be a no-go zone

>load up Maddening
>battle starts
>abrupt change in the music
What fight was it

Well Chugga literally is autistic

>have the shortest route making it seem like the best choice for getting the new title screen
>but its final maps are actually fucking insane and you barely have time to get everyone ready and trained for it

Edelgard's relic weapon having Dragonslayer when there's only one in the entire game is going to go from pointless to desperately needed, seriously that final map is going to be pure masochism and I can't wait to see the carnage.

I expect every single tile to be covered in yellow xp bloodstains the next time I go online



>lose in mere mock battle 5 times because gorilla and the boar kept raping my ass
>6th time I finally manage not to aggro both at once at mere start
>finally get rid of BE and Gorillagard first
>get rid of BL students as well
>only THE BOAR is left
>everyone not-Lysithea and my Byleth misses him
>he literally only has 1 HP left
>THE BOAR comes along and one shoots my Byleth who had full health

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That's assuming they even reach Rhea when Tailtean and its defeat all the commanders goal is crazy when paired with how huge the map is, along with the transforming beasts, boltingnigger in the middle, reinforcements, Dimitri and so on

There is a reason why they changed it from lunatic to maddening. Because it will get you mad.

Based boar.

Attached: THE BOAR.png (349x360, 165K)

should've made a recording

I was killed by Dimitri and Hilda in the mock battle multiple times as well. Can't wait for chapter 17 a.k.a. chapter in which Dimitri was one shooting everyone even on normal. If he ends up moving init on maddening, then RIP me and my entire units this time around.

ayo senpai

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>enemies so fast that trying to lure with no weapon Byleth still gets doubled

If BE is the toon squad, who the the monstars?

Other Houses really got fucked when it came to their uniform colors

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How are beagles/lions on maddening difficulty? I'm getting fucked hard in deer. Fact that my Hilda got RNG screwed big time isn't helping at all.

Uh isnt Dimitri supposed to be fucking jacked?

Just put the swimsuits in already, that's all anybody cares about.

So, what changes exactly? Do enemies have more fuck you abilities and gear?
Does unit placement and numbers change?
Any changes in mechanics like Divine Pulse or reinforcements?

These look so fucking trash I hate them, they're perfect.

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It was all from his Crest, if you want a real Chad you have to go with our boy Caspar

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>our boy
he's a jobber

They are amazingly stupid looking

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Dedue is love. Dedue is life.
t. my playthrough so far

Are these actual DLC costumes or is someone just taking the piss?

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Hold up, it's out? Do I need the season pass to access it?

No Dimitri is actually pretty slim.

It's Hubert that's a big boi

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>lys has broader shoulders than ignatz

So is this difficulty fair?

>Professor, is there something you want to say to me?

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>those who slither in the dark
>we who rule in the shadows
>the supreme armored company
>the black eagle strike force
How much of this was Edelgard and how much was Hubert?

>Male and Female colors

Based Deer

Not if you are deer.

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Beagles is heavy leaning on Edelgard/10, along with Dorothea's passive. Having to lug around three magic users feels terrible. My plan to fast recruit Shamir is already looking grim with how slow exp accumulates

I picked Deer and I'm have a bad time. My Hilda got RNG fucked so all of us are beyond fucked now.

Why is Edelgard blushing?

I was able to do the mock in a dozen turns pulling both houses but lost two units and feel dirty.

Blue Lions is worse than Birthright in terms of story. Dimitri is a retard who thinks that a literal child, a small girl, could assassinate a king. His stupidity leads to the deaths of millions because he can’t let go of a fake grudge and would rather let his obviously evil uncle lead him around like a dog than come to terms with his own stupidity and submit to Edelgard, who is objectively and morally in the right.

t. Hubert

I picked lions since I saved that route for whenever lunatic drops.
So far it's pretty much throw Dedue in the middle and have Felix/Dimitri kill shit around. Regroup and heal and repeat the same process again.


Muh sensei

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So does it make the game actually fun to play or is it still a slog?

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What kind of chuuni names would Edelgard give to all the plays in the official Black Eagles playbook?

It's like being dommed by a mommy gf, some may not like it but I do

Not him, but how is any of that different from usual Hard/Classic mode when it comes to these routes? Apart from slower exp gain?

Sothis slowly waking up. She will be sitting on her throne when the final DLC comes out.

I'm only a couple maps in but from what I've seen ahead it looks like it'll get you thinking a lot more but won't push you to FE12's higher difficulty levels.

Is early game still the same where everyone does like 5 damage and it takes forever to kill anyone?
That's honestly the worst part of 3Hs for me.

>Felix isn't as broken.
>Sylvain is pain the ass to level and keep alive.
>Ashe x bench is bigger OTP than before.
>Annette isn't Miss Crit every last one of them anymore at start.
>Mercedes is still here to heal so I guess she is the same for me.
>Dedue is still Dedue.
>Can't give proper Dimitri comparison until I reach the time-skip, since punished Dimitri is the one that was broken.
That's just few examples.

It'll take about 2-3 combat arts to put some early bulky enemies down, bear in mind I've only done the mock battle so far so this could be different later, but I still feel as though my damage is good enough.

Does every enemy have silver weapons, bloated stats and dumb abilities in maddening mode way before you get a chance to use them yourself?
That's the definition of artificial difficulty.

>benching the main students

Enjoy that reunion fight user.

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So for those doing Maddening are you on NG+? I stopped playing through GD about 2 weeks ago but thinking of restarting on Maddening but not sure if I should go NG+.

>mfw even Petra gets doubled in the mock battle
How the fuck do I do this?

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I'm not benching them. I'm just saying that they are made for bench at this point. Apart from Dedue who tanks, Felix and Dimitri who do the killing, Mercedes who heals and my own avatar, the rest are the pain and almost useless so far.

You think that's bad? Come to deer house and enjoy the true pain.

The slitherers

that tracks

Chip them with magic/arrow and finish them off with combat art. Since you are on BE, bring Dorothea for that passive heal.

That still sounds way better than the mess I have in eagles.

you don't get the special title screen if you beat it on NG+

This. Nuke isn't as untouchable as she was and even Gorillda isn't as gorilla as she was. I fucking hated the mock battle.

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What is the canon difficulty setting?

i dont know shit about fuckin fire emblem or growth rates or anything but hilda as a fortress knight was the most hilarious shit

the one where Death Knight can't get deleted by a 15 year old midget

Yeah, I saw that earlier. Didn't really like just a simple lighting change.

Please dont insult my wife.

There isn't one, there's never been one and there'll never be one.


Yeah, instead he can take ten battalions to the face and barely come out with a scratch.


When do you get the AoE miracle gambit? I’m planning on crutching on it hard until I can get Wrath/Desperation/Vantage 5 range black magic Lorenz with free Aegis/Pavise online, to carry me through the late chapters.

It’s gonna be tough making a decent team while also keeping the stock students on the curve for the reunion chapter. I have no clue what to do with fucking Ignatz.

Ignatz and Lorenz are grade-A fresh-squeezed bench juice, GD reunion chapter lets you slap them in the back and ignore them.

>Edeltards still trying to argue defending yourself from invasion is bad

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For real though why is Death Knight so bullshit strong? His background isn’t even that special.

the hell are those outfits?

>benching the god of crits

DLC costumes

>Lorenz: a shitty knight or a shitty caster in a house with one of the best knights and the best caster
>Ignatz: Ignatz

Lorenz is pretty shit but he’s my favourite character so I’m committed to making him work.

Oh, I actually didn't realize the game got updated
wow that looks like shit

I swear there's some Fate character Lorenz share's VA's with, who was it again?

Holy shit, FUCK Claude and FUCK the Golden Deer


>All these faggots who bitched about armored class being useless
Where's your god now

the same place he's always been, choking this point

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i wonder if my playstyle will still work
>route every map if possible
>dedicated tanks and dodgetanks
>have a unit for every situation
>level everyone equally

i haven't started yet but i think i'll make these adaptations:
>focus on a smaller cast (like 13 instead of 15)?
>try to farm certain kinds of stat boosters
>more battalion usage
otherwise i'll just try to use what i learned in my previous run and be more efficient.

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Why can't they just release patch notes?
Why do we have to rely on data mining faggots?

Bernadetta has a decent spell list.

Yeah, I'm making her a Gremory on my current file