Kill a dog in Bloodborne

>kill a dog in Bloodborne
>friend watching me cries "Oh no, why!" and curls up
>his girlfriend has to console him
What the fuck

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i used to run around killing sheep in spyro because it upset my younger brother

I had a dream where I was getting attacked by a Bloodborne dog and I had to beat that nigger dog to death with my bare hands.


do it again

I don't really feel bad about killing rabid dogs in games

>another wojack edit OP
>greentext thread ready for /r/Yea Forums
Get new material reddit faggot.

BB dogs might be the most annoying mob in the whole game.

you sound like a good wholesome brother
shit thread

>press R2
Wow so anniying

I genuinely think women who casually browse Yea Forums need to be put to death.

every older brother does this, right?
I was obsessed with being a scientist one day when I was around 6 or 7, and my older brother would intentionally fail objectives in goldeneye killing every scientist civilian he saw if I was watching him play.
what is it, 22 years later? still haven't forgotten. still not a scientist either.

Not when these exist.

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Tell him if he eats meat he has no right to cry


>I genuinely think women who casually browse Yea Forums need to be put to sex

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Oh no, not the floofboi. Not the heckin borkin blopper. Or something.

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Holy fuck older brothers are goddamn based. My older sisters just tied me up and put make-up and shit all over me.

oh no not that poofter woofter!

As a pit mommy (male) this made me cry so much, I can't imagine what I do if my baby got hurt like that!

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This was written by a grown man.

That fact that this was probably written by an adult male is deeply unsettling to me

Easily the most fearsome regular enemy you gotta kill 2 for Maria's sword

based trranny

>tfw this basedlord has a gf and I don't

imagine crying over an animal in a videogame

dogs are redd!t animals

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Based necrophiliac serial killer

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this didn't happen

is anyone else filled with an indescribable rage when they see people fucking typing like this

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There is nothing more alpha than owning a dog

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>his girlfriend has to console him
Is that like cucking for PC players?

My little brother would play Majora's Mask and let the moon crash into Termina because it freaked me the fuck out, and I'd have to run to the other room so I wouldn't see it happen

Would you somehow be ok with it if it was a woman?

I had a hard time doing this with my brother, since we're close in age and grew up playing shit like GTA 3, so killing random NPCs is something we both did for fun. The only real way to piss him off was to refuse to let him play.

Women tend to act more infantile and cutesy by nature, so this kind of over-emotional nonsense is more forgivable.

Only when it's a hot chick and not, like, some fat old lady in a sweater.

Woman? No
13 year old girl? Yes

>post meme reddit celebrity
keanu reeves is not based

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God I wish this were me

no, but a small child that can't speak properly yet would be ok.

So that's what the Pthumerians get up to down there

you're friends are faggots

honestly you'll probably be happier alone.


It’s much rather deal with Le epic xd memers than this shit

kek, reminds me of one of those insane caribbeans dancing, you know the ones

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Yes, I used to tell my brother the mole men from the movie time machine were real and hanging around any exposed soil. I'm sure I did more shit that I can't remember right now.

>dogs are redd!t animals
You misspelled cats.

I normally hate killing realistic dog enemies.
But fuck all From Software dogs, they are turbo-assholes and always some weird zombie shit anyways.

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To be fair, I come up with stupid fuckin names for my dog all the time.

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I don't care if this is bait, you can go eat an actual dick. Shit, grab two more, since you jerking dudes off is more constructive than you typing.
He's the only Hollywood persona better than Viggo Mortensen, and that's a fucking high bar to get over.

Damn, how many people here would do that if they really worked that well.

I swear their is something wrong with dog owners

I wouldn't say your transition went well if you're still bald after it.

'More forgivable' hardly means it's normal.

My cousin would pretend to be asleep when his siter talked about putting make up on him if he fell asleep first. He turned out to be a huge closet faggot.

>m-muh doggos
I fucking hate dogs.
Literally nigger-tier animals.
Fucking stupid filthy useless noisy pieces of shit.

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Yeah but buying a wig wouldn't be too hard.
And still a lot more successful than current treatments.

Retards act with way with all pets, Ali. You see it just as bad with cats and ferrets.

Some are alright. But most seem to think their dog is part of their family.

why does socjus despise dogs (except pitbulls) so much?

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We get it, Mohammad.



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>Sure I don't have a family, but I have vapid, mass-produced entertainment

Nah, I'm too much of a pussy for surgery. But I'm enough of a fag to fantasize about having something like ranma where I can turn into a hot girl then back into myself at will.

You just described the whole game

Can't you at least ask a drawfag to make a less shitty version

feminists love cats

absolute fiction, I doubt your sisters even exist

>I don't care if this is bait, you can go eat an actual dick. Shit, grab two more, since you jerking dudes off is more constructive than you typing.
>He's the only Hollywood persona better than Viggo Mortensen, and that's a fucking high bar to get over.

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I would throw rabbits off cliffs all the time in Dragon's Dogma because it upset my gf

didn't happen

You play video games when you have friends over ? What are you ? A loser ?

Can confirm. I'm a feminist and cats are nice.

You are right, I threw my gf off a cliff to upset the rabbits in Dragon's Dogma

I remember being a kid and I had a friend who was only my friend because his parents had a lot of money so he had every console out there and a ton of videogames. I'd go over to his house just to play his games.

Why is that, a "friend" got brainwashed by his feminist girlfriend and all he does now is post about their cats.

did happen


dogs are supposed to be "the masculine pet". they are like men - larger, stronger, happier, more friendly. cats are "the feminine pet" - smaller, weaker, colder, more distant.

>get bloodborne right around release
>dog in game glitches and won't fucking die, even with zero health
>kirkhammer his ass and he just disappears
>walk around confused
>suddenly attacked from something not visible
>dog clipped through floor and is still attacking me
>still won't fucking die
Actually startled me.

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That's nothing
Try fucking your brother in the ass when he's 11 and you're 13
We never talked about this even 10 years later although he went to see a psychiatrist at some point

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Based retard

everything i said is correct

>pet mammal of any species

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what's up with all the gay erotica that Yea Forums pretends is real?

>Man this dude is reddit and anti based am i rite 4chans
>Oh no someone disagrees with me
>Better post a wojac soi zoomer
>I have now won an internet argument
Don't worry. I grabbed this online so you can >filename me and win again.
Here for you, soiboi.

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Fucking snake hipsters I hate you all
Who do you think you are? A James Bond villain?

They are beautiful animals. Take the snake pill.

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The fact that shit like this makes Yea Forums so mad amuses me. Like they're so antisocial they've never heard retarded baby speak in the hundreds of years it's been around. Yeah it's dumb but imagine taking personal offense and suffering emotional distress from this

I love my chickens
There is nothing like waking up early with sunrise, letting my girls out and watching them rush straight to me so they could get feed

If only I was lying
I still cringe when I think about it
At least with that experience I quickly understood that being gay hurts everyone involved and straight is the way to go


You feed them seed?


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Not ok with it but much less disgusted.

Did he at least consent, as much as
a fucking 11 year old boy possibly could? Fuck you, user. I'm not sticking around for the answer.
Fuck you.
Fuck you

I got bit by venomous one years ago and barely survived
Now, I kill them whenever I see them
Crushing their head has proven to be most effective

>he believes it

lol we got him boys

Careful user, the dogfags will start screaming about much brain parasites.


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In Mario Sunshine my brother and I loved the Strollin' Stu and sometimes we would just have them follow Mario around because they made cute noises

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"My" cat brings me live snakes for some fucking reason, once she dropped a rope on my feet at fucking 3am, I don't know why that cat hates me.

Not him but you are an absolute retard if you mix up venomous and non-venomous snakes, especially since a lot of large non-venomous snakes are specialized venomous snake eaters. If you're in the US and killing something like King Snakes then you are absolutely sabotaging yourself by increasing the likelihood a venomous snake like a Cottonmouth will move in.

She thinks you're retarded and don't know how to hunt, so she's giving you injured prey to learn off of. You're being treated like a stupid kitten.

>he doesn't want to be a james bond villain

I don't think he understood what was happening and neither did I at the time, it took me a few days later to realize that what I did was horrible, at least he has a gf now


That doesn't explain why she brings me snakes, or why she pranked me.

She likes killing/eating snakes. It's just her preference.

I fucking love how they never shut up, smell like shit, and piss all over the place. I also love how dog owners let their dogs shit all over the sidewalk without picking it up.

I guess I should be thankful then.

Nah you should discourage the behavior before a venomous snake gets loose in your house.

That's niggers, not dogs.


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go away wojackoff

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Dogs won't shank you for your wallet.

shaman bone blade you fucking scrub

Hello, little brother.

Dogs can contribute to society.

Blofeld owned a white cat.

>hurr durr u must be a sandnigger mudslime to hate dogs!!!
Fuck off mutt, i'm probably whiter than you and i hate those disgusting shitty animals with all of my body.
You better not bring a dog nowhere near me or i swear to god i will punt the cunt into oblivion and then beat you with its fucking dead carcass, faggot bitch.