>SNES Nintendo Switch subscription service drops
>No Donkey Kong Country
>No Earthbound
>No Super Mario RPG
SNES Nintendo Switch subscription service drops
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Oh look, it's that blue guy who will never be in Smash
There is a surprising lack of JRPGs for a console that practically defined itself with them.
What is Super Mario RPG? Why do all the characters look like shit? Who is that Kirby looking character with Geno from Smash Bros? Why is Geno there?
Only one of the greatest RPGS for the SNES.
I honestly cannot tell when I'm being baited or not anymore, so just in case you don't know Super Mario RPG here's a link to a pretty good storyboard summary of the game from start to finish:
There's a lot of essential SNES games they're never going to get to.
>first fucking month
>"Why isn't every game on it?"
That this is so wonderful. So much nostalgia bombs reading through that the first time.
Seeing Samus in this may have given me a fit girl fetish.
there's no reason they can't release the full library at once. fuck licensing
How are you supposed to know you can move blocks to open doors in alttp? This game has a lot of leaps in logic
saving smrpg for tie-in to geno release
maybe they're going to re-release them individually and sell them to nincels for the umpteenth time for $19.99
Just tell him to play the fucking game. It's not long for an adult.
>For an adult
I don't think most posters here qualify
Thanks for linking to this art user, it's great.
Just because they appeared on a Nintendo console doesn't mean that Nintendo can just up and throw it on any storefront, because A) old IP is still owned by publishers both 3rd-party and rival, and B) Nintendo isn't gonna pay for something when they have a free normie-friendly in-house library that's "Mario" enough for children
It's obvious the focus of the initial game selection was for the online multiplayer.
>B) Nintendo isn't gonna pay for something when they have a free normie-friendly in-house library that's "Mario" enough for children
pretty retarded argument since the games op mentioned are on multiple VCs. they're more than willing. it's really just that they don't want to drop too much shit at once. gotta spread the content out over years.
why is she on roids?
Super Mario RPG sucks and Geno would be terrible in Smash
What's stopping you to emulate them on your pc, cuck?
I'm just happy that Brawl Brothers was added
Shit was great, especially on the rooftop where the Led Heds can't make the jump between buildings.
SNES RPGs can still be resold standalone or in overpriced bundles
I think it's more a case of keeping the players wanting more by slowly releasing more and more each month.
Yeah but the ones that are there are pretty good If you lived in Europe and got based Terrranigma
It's working on me at least. I'm casualing my way through nostalgia bombs, and I still have backlogs I never got around to playing (Super Metroid and BoF). Right as I start to get bored and dick around with the more obscure games, Reggie will get me irrationally hype for a new RPG-heavy drop.