Happy 9/11, Yea Forums!

Happy 9/11, Yea Forums!

It’s been 20 years. Were you alive on that day? If so, what vidya were you playing?

We had a day off from school, and I didn’t know or care the reason why. I was playing Mega Man Legends 2 and sipping Ginger Ale until my parents barged in and commandeered the living room TV.

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I was too young to remember

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>2001 was 20 years ago

I think i was playing Power Stone 2 on the Dreamcast

nobody cares dumb amerimutt

Almost 20 years**


I vaguely remember 9/11, I also remember how much easier it was to fly before then

Goddamn terrorists, imagine how much pleadabt it would be to fly in the US if you didn't have to weigh your goddamn toothpaste or go through a body scanner with 200 other people

pokemon silver

>It’s been 20 years. Were you alive on that day? If so, what vidya were you playing?
I was in high school. Classes were all canceled but we were all still in the building. Just wound up watching the news in the library all day with everyone. I probably played Diablo 2 later that day.

>t’s been 20 years.
Why you fucking lie on the internet?

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I was about 10 and I also had my day at school get canceled (I lived in FL very close to where the president was so they like emergency evac'd us). I spent the day playing Ocarina of Time.

*How much more pleasant

Apologies, I'm drunk

I'm Canadian I remember the neighbor lady from America calling crying about it saying turn on the news I was just 12 and didn't care

I wonder if they'll be a sale today

>9/11, and any kids born on 9/11 are legal

Anyway, I was playing Smash 64 with my little brother and kicking his ass with Mario.


He's rounding, obviously

pretty sure America never recovered from this.

I was in school and the teacher turned on the tv, then started crying. Didn't give a shit then and I don't care now. Post your best 9/11 memes.

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Majora’s mask. You just made me realize my parents only ever bought me good games, which is surprising because it would have been by random chance. They tried their best, but I would get things like only book 4 of a series or get things like ffx while I only had a PS1. They knew
I had an interest in these things, but didn’t really understand them.

In a better timeline I probably wouldn’t have been a gamer.

When I was in high school me and a friend of mine dared each other to write "I

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I didn't play jack shit that day. I watched CNN nonstop on the school's TV. I was grade 10 at the time.

>eastern european shithole that was years behind everyone
probably flimbo's quest on a fucking commodore 64, maybe mario/contra on a nes clone. can't remember if i've got my first "real" x86 home pc before or after 9/11

i can remember everyone behaving like it's a big deal while i felt like it's just yet another big news thing in tv. i guess i wasn't entirely wrong since this doesn't concern me, but it's funny to remember one of loudest terrorist attacks as a big bother since mother wouldn't let me connect nes to tv because she had to watch it

I was 7, I remember coming home from school and my dad telling me that "World War 3 is coming soon because of this" while watching the news. I was horrified for a couple weeks or so thinking that my house was going to get bombed as I slept.

I live in Canada.


>had angry teacher, always yelling at kids
>really hated the ADHD kids
>had two sons that worked in one of the towers
>constantly mad
>enter sandman
>some goofy pranksters decide to remodel the nyc skyline to make Deus Ex canon
>teacher is freaking out, making phonecalls, running around
>we get to go home
>she stops being as mean to us
I'm pretty sure both her sons lived, too.

I was playing Crash Bandicoot 2

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>20 years
In any case, I was alive. Wasn't playing vidya because I was at school at the time.

World War 3 has already started
but it was a kind of different form compared to former world wars

It 100% was, but my god, the rush you can get from essentially permanent marker-ing a gigantic target on your chest is incomparable.

I saw a shitload of grounded planes at the airport. A couple months before that, I remember waiting at the gate for someone. I might have been playing Crash or Spyro.

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They even forced us here in Sweden having a silent moment in 2001. I think i was the only one in my entire school not participate. I fucking hate swedes, cowardly weak minded shits. Thank Oden that was borned a norwegian.

banjo kazooie the Egypt level

hope everyone was playing urban terror

I miss Saddam.

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I was 7.
I had school that day, and my parents were up all night watching the news. I get up at 6am to get ready for school. When I get home from school I played runescape for the rest of the day. I didn't give a shit about what was happening to some buildings in the US.

>having empathy is cowardly and weak minded
edgy fag

give the man a break he left school on 9/11 and never went back

I was probably playing something on the gba like Circle of the Moon or Advanced Wars.

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I just hate them in general, everything they do them manage to sink even lower.
And yeah, having empathy when it has NOTHING to do with you is pretty silly.

you've never been comfortable with who you are then

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Do you guys remember what you were doing on that day? I was at school and got sent home early and didn't know why. I asked my dad why, and he lead me to the tv, turned it on and didnt say anything. It was on like every channel and radio station. I didnt understand why it was happening but it scared the shit out of me.

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I was 6 and remember class being postpon
ed so we could watch the news on the library tv. Don't remember if I played vidya that exact day but I used to play a shitload of Sonic 3 at that age.

>someone in their 20's during 9/11 is now close to or in their 40's


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I was born on the 12th so I always hear about 9/11 before my birthday.
I was born 99 so I don't personally remember.
I do remember the shift in culture though.
Growing up I got the last remnants of the 90s as it melded away into the 00's.
Makes me nostalgic for a simpler time.

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>having empathy when it has NOTHING to do with you is pretty silly.
Impressively edgy.

holy shit you really are subjects of the american empire

>9/11 happens
>decide to wage war against terror
>illegally invade a country that had nothing to do with sunni extremism or WMDs
fucking why?

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I was 10! That was the N64 era's beginnings. Good times.
But the rest of 2001 aside.
Was in the living room. Saw one of the towers on fire. Used it as an excuse to get out of school first and foremost. Don't pass up the opportunity.
After I got out of school though I just kept watching. Then a plane actually ran right into it. That's the point where I was like "Oh shit what the fuck?"
Around that time it was like Super Mario 64, Bomberman Heros was a good one, some Chameleon Twist (holla at my chameleons) and probably some Gauntlet Legends down the line.

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I thought it was the 9th of November !

>Were you alive on that day? If so, what vidya were you playing?
I was playing with toy mini plane I got from one of those Kinder eggs when the news came in, I'm not shitting you.

>3rd grade
>teacher makes us watch it even though we're a bunch of kids
>4th grade
>teacher makes us watch it for the 1 year anniversary
>we get to watch the clip where you can hear people jumping out of the tower to escape the fire
>5th grade and so fourth they keep on doing this
>"Why are you guys so desensitized to violence? VIDYA GAMES?!"
It felt like some sort of shitty psyop

how many moments of silence have you had for the people of yemen

The 90s ended on 9/11/2001 as far as pop culture is concerned.

I feel the 00s vibe began to fade away around 2008 and fully died out at the end of 2012-early 2013

because after russia collapsed america lost it's big enemy and lost their main motivation to exist and needed to find a new one
now we've turned our confusion inward

why not? fuck ragheads

I was in school, nothing seems out of the ordinary and then the teacher came in to quiet us all down and told us in really poorly worded terms what had happened. Some dipshit asked if planes were gonna fly into the school and he got laughed at.

>Growing up I got the last remnants of the 90s as it melded away into the 00's.
Nigger you were born in 99. You are the worst kind of 90s nostalgiafag.

Ultima Online

I love watching American dies. There's no people in the world I hate more.

>ashes and burning documents from the smoldering buildings flew all the way to my school yard
>everyone was being taken home early
>tv was turned on all day but signal was fuzzy due to the fucked everything
>get taken home and play a dog raising simulator on pc
It was a surreal ass day that I'll never forget for the rest of my miserable life.

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What, an edgy cunt? Please, I've always lived for this kind of shit. Project harder, gayboy.

i was a 3 year old watchin my dad play games
my dad was playing pilotwings on dreamcast around the time

>create DHS
>create ICE
>create TSA
>$100B a year on security theater
but we can't afford anything

I happened to be listening to AM radio at 1AM and it was all going down. My dad burst into my room that morning with a newspaper saying it's all going down. I told him I already knew.

He asked me if I wanted to go to school. I told him no and went back to sleep. That was the last day of school for me. I dropped out and became turboneet.

because it was supposed to be an easy social engineering project, but they didn't account for actually being complete inept and the world not working the way they assumed it did

Yeah, I was having sex with your mom when the plane hit. She was screaming "omg user stop stop was that a bomb?" And i slapped a few times because I wasn't done yet. It was surreal bro.

You didn't think the war economy was gonna be stable after the Second Indochina War ended, did you? Besides, Saddam had annoyed the federal government before. It was only a matter of time.

It was all part of the part of the plan.
>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and
this is the real interesting part
>the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction".


good amerigoy

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you from brooklyn? i remember the smoke stretched all the way to the fucking hood of brownsville/ENY (where i live)

all they did was rearrange federal law enforcement agencies into a more unified entity, because they didn't cooperate properly.

Zionist neocons, that's why.

>be in 4th grade
>school tried broadcasting news of the attack to every classroom but fucked up the connections
>everyone gets sent home confused

I could be personally biased since I personally saw 9/11 happen outside of my apartment, but I think you'd have to be a sociopath or an edgy shitposter to act like you didn't care about the event or that you found it amusing.