Attached: 445445.jpg (373x716, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i dont know what this is

I love whenever shit like this happens because I get to sit back and watch the whole board seethe over nothing for a good couple days.

Why would they be so happy that this fictional character is mentally ill? What if they had shown that this character had cancer, would they also be cheering on?

neither do i anone

>tranny sjw game is tranny and sjw
uh ok? we already knew why this trash was pushed so hard at that game awards shit like a year ago by all the tranny loving journos, and it wasn't just because of the game journo mode

Attached: celeste 2.png (745x242, 106K)

Remind me Yea Forums. Why do you guys care about trannies again?

Attached: cute.gif (180x180, 81K)


>there are people on this board who waifu'd this "girl" when "her" game first came out

Attached: 1532701348492.png (1280x720, 557K)


Attached: file.png (1173x415, 107K)

Celeste devs says Trans lives matter this makes me so happy :))))))

The fact that people still think this means she's trans just goes to show that people are really just looking for things to outrage over. Pay fucking attention, these assholes love to virtue signal. If Madeline was trans, the devs would be shitting out a thousand Twitter posts saying so in order to farm good boy points. Right now all they're doing is putting something ambiguous in to double-dip.

>there are people who actually play western games

Attached: 1568038644994.jpg (433x482, 39K)

*clap clap clap*

Attached: 1566690348014.jpg (970x1334, 148K)

Say it with me /vpol/~

TRANS ______!

Attached: trans rights (3).jpg (1134x1276, 171K)

what is this character?

The ammount of seethe this game produces is just great. It was already one of my favorites before you retards started getting so assblasted about it but not thats just the cherry on top.

Attached: ED81DD39-F9C5-493C-B79E-36A4E8D63BBE-5217-000005D2B1884268.jpg (640x640, 97K)

>MIGHT have to play this now
more proof any time a dev tries to pander to these people they still wont play the game


That thing has ties with the developers.
"She" is a tranny.

The dick makes it better


Attached: 1556367702760.jpg (827x1516, 139K)



Attached: ugly bitch.jpg (1200x1151, 130K)

It's something /lgbt/ adopted as their mascot, and shitposters decided to spam for (You)'s.
Just ignore them, or if you have to respond for whatever reason, reply in a manner that belittles them.

Attached: 1568083367034.jpg (1024x636, 138K)

If only actual trannies looked like this.

Doesn't this game show your completions status for levels. Timestamp it faggot,

>now it's canon trap porn instead of loli porn

Attached: 1559766123897.png (120x120, 16K)


Attached: 1556367604532.jpg (1006x1171, 142K)


>celeste was a boy
lmao western games.

Its time to take this board from /pol/ trolls sisters.

I went to Cannon Beach in Oregon today with Ampharos!

Attached: Amphybeach.jpg (918x1280, 84K)

Post your feeling that you have not bought this game

Attached: 1561084538209.gif (384x288, 374K)

whats this shit. anyway, games with western cartoon art/calarts characters are pretty much all tumblr games for trannies and sjws. its just Yea Forums games.

Man I would be embarrassed if my fetish had a flag, and it got shoved into everything so much that people just hated you for having the fetish.

I'm glad we fucking ostracize anyone that tries immediately.

Is there a way I can remove this game from my EGS account?

Based and wholesomepilled

be honest a post a real picture of yourself. cover the eyes if you want to. i want to see what you really look like, not this fake avatar you've tried to adopt. come on. prove that you're not all just fat dudes in womens clothing.

I love seeing this lad in every shitty thread.
Its like an angel coming to save me from evil.

Yea Forums: "lol why do sjws care so much about representation in games"

Yea Forums whenever it's not a straight white male protagonist: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Looks comfy. Hope Ampharos had a good time.

Attached: 1553526423795.jpg (540x405, 39K)

Based tranny

If you sniff the back of your hand and it smells like cum then you may just be a closet tranny

Attached: 1562118148381.jpg (189x210, 6K)

Yea Forums is the best board so are all these great new indie games so seethe incel.

I got it for free with some kind of giveaway, So I guess they got money though whoever facilitated that,

You dumb nigs should have known when it was reveled that a fucking tranny worked on the dam mn game

Attached: 1557270823334.jpg (1024x898, 183K)

you will always look like a man

dubs should have never been banned from Yea Forums
Bateman was too pure for this board, I guess.

Attached: 1562873829572.jpg (1280x574, 107K)

That might just be the cum on my hand smelling like cum.

>Plug a trans flag in an okayish platformer everyone forgot about
>Everyone milks it for """representation""" or outrage clickbait
I think ResetEra/Twitter and the people who make outrage videos are in this altogether as a scheme.

Attached: 1556772787134.png (224x224, 30K)

mine doesn't but why would it?


Attached: Kyoko Dab.gif (138x162, 9K)


What kind of shit diet do you eat?

It's just some tiny flags, who cares?

finally some trans representation!
take note, devs!

Attached: 4334432432.jpg (827x1087, 104K)

>faggots in the Game Awards thread called this thing "cute"
>tfw it started talking, and people started raging that their boners got "betrayed"
God, that was hilarious. I guess transphobes really are all closet homos.

Attached: 1554796266857.png (359x338, 197K)

>Yea Forums: "lol why do sjws care so much about representation in games"

>Yea Forums whenever they change it to be woke: "Lmao what faggots.

Attached: 1560726905177.gif (270x188, 1.78M)


Explain the pic then.

>Tranny game for trannies contains tranny shit


>Tfw trannies think they're anime just like white Yea Forumsermin think anime characters are white.

autistic loners

Attached: 1568159375246.jpg (600x958, 289K)

>Ampharos poster is less than 30 miles away from me

Attached: 1561046019414.jpg (500x429, 62K)

I love this thread Yea Forums says trans rights.

I wonder what the flags would look like for each fetish out there

>whenever they change it to be woke:
The game wqs litterally woke from the start

You know what you have to do

Oh well. Guess I'm not playing the DLC.

>tfw fucking another tranny off grindr tonight

fuck bros this is going to make my dick fall off soon but its literally a free ticket to the most depraved sex you can imagine

Attached: 1567909370187.png (1044x869, 185K)


>its litterally just a brown flag

You try to make some outrage but who the fuck cares at this point. Does anyone even give a shit or do they just want some clout for feeling offended or happy?

sure its just for you. i feel nothing about it. im just criticising Yea Forums being such clueless faggots. Yea Forums media like this game with some calarts/western cartoon aesthetics is basically for Yea Forums audience. its not a big issue. its annoyed me a bit that Yea Forums still doesnt even know it.

Imagine getting so triggered by two little flags that you miss out on a game you previously enjoyed.


I beat it trust me bro.

atlantic crossing

Yeah, doesn't the tranny suck some black dude's dick and get aids?

It's weird how much pro-trans stuff is just inserted into everything for free clout

Attached: implying printing.webm (706x360, 2.89M)

Who gives a shit? A hole is a hole.

I'm in Astoria if you want to meet

Attached: Ampharos 3.jpg (600x560, 149K)

>>Yea Forums whenever they have a minority to to be woke: "Lmao what faggots."

Attached: 1560422813466.jpg (588x444, 34K)

is a trans supportive community!
if you don't like it, just leave!

Attached: 4e1f9acc102028d796783843990bfe6a.jpg (945x1063, 121K)

Imagine getting angry about what video games other people aren't playing.

The game was about abortion and depression with a brown haired tan faggot

I am going to guess this is a samefag or two posters coordinating this.

if you want to shift the board culture you need more people working 24/7
just saying

>tfw you don't buy tranny games

Attached: 1567836408978.gif (512x512, 533K)

I really dont understand why Yea Forums hates transgender people so much, just let people be who they want to be, it doesnt affect you.

user, even if you're posting this ironically.

Attached: betty spaghetti.jpg (1000x1000, 58K)

Call us crazy, but me personally I don't want mental illness to be normalized in a medium that I enjoy.

Slippery slope, bro.


>Might have to play this now!

Attached: 1540362925919.png (453x599, 127K)

Did he shoot up a place?

God i wish that we're me.

>tfw they haven't topped you yet

Attached: smile.gif (127x136, 67K)

But Yea Forums says every game with a minorty is woke. Even Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear were recently called woke because they have two new fighters that are black

This post has absolutely no logic behind it I'm genuinely shocked. Quite literally what did he mean by this?

Attached: 1521911867407.png (850x575, 603K)

is just trolling or some lost /pol/tard

Who's this Travis Bickle wannabe?

The following is really dumb for me to get mad about, I know
But have you noticed that you catboys just don't exist in pop culture unless they're trans or otherwise a trap (Felix)? The trans catgirl is so emblematic of this to me.

They wanna fuck em

Dark Souls is a real place?

>Supporting murder
Yep never buying anything from this company.

Bad thread

Attached: depressed pupper.jpg (563x604, 89K)

>dude just allow medicine to experiment on people with zero ethical oversight! It's fine bro

>trans flag

Attached: 1516131470720.png (205x246, 6K)


Attached: ujUNmQl.jpg (320x320, 17K)

pfft no.
hes just showing his every day carry.
really shocked how much he stuffed in his pants with those skinny jeans.
Lifting his shirt up for most of them is gay though.


Attached: c8f797d100be72fa86202ac64f78988b.jpg (1388x1742, 328K)

what's the deal with trans shit being in game more and more when they are just a very small minority?

This warms my heart. I'm happy for you amphybro

Attached: 1561469868204.jpg (466x466, 43K)

No shit. It's a different picture each time with some catgirl bitch in the same art style. You think you'd get a repeat but it looks like the fag wants to dump his collection.




Your lost bigot just so you know all devs support trans rights so Boohoo.

Why do 40% of trannies disagree?

Only the hot ones. The ugly ones can join the 40%

Attached: Im+more+into+natalie+mars+_9c12d87cf042ebd0b1b484806d9625b3.jpg (900x1125, 185K)

And we should give a damn... why?

Shut the fuck up you subhuman tranny nigger,!

you mean like litterally EVERYthing thats being represented in games?

if it wasn't a minority it wouldn't get brownie points.

If I ever get off my ass and make that indie game I'm gonna stick a trans flag in it so that you retards give me months of free advertising lmao

Attached: 1540772601017.jpg (600x600, 21K)

Fucking based

basically this
remember to get more people if you want to shift the board culture brother

>might have to play this now
spoilers: he never plays it


Attached: 1555591491124.png (706x768, 793K)

Attached: 1566956767368.png (441x430, 204K)

It's immoral to support the work of anyone who supports the normalization of destroying your body with hormones and getting your dick surgically excavated so you can pretend that the always festering, gaping open wound is your vagina just to indulge what is basically a crossdressing fetish taken to the absolute extreme.

I cannot morally support anyone who is for transgenderism. I will not buy their products, I will not associate with them, and I will continue to push back against the literal insanity they and everyone who advocates for this degeneracy wants to push on the rest of us.

surprised my fetish has a flag. Looks shit though.

Dear fucking god.

Attached: I'M MAD.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

Trannies are so fucking insufferable it's unreal. Eternal damnation cannot come soon enough. Not just death, but as a concept they need to cease existence. I look forward to seeing them all burned by heavenly hellfire into nothingness, along with all the other demonic entities and the wicked.


Attached: 1566137333273.jpg (2560x1600, 2.09M)

>natalie mars
It's nice to see her take a fat one up her log cutter now and then but if you're asking me to cull 40% then she's joining the losing side. There are so many Asians I'd rather keep alive.

Attached: 1564208591907.png (694x720, 362K)

>those massive eyebrows
If he picked a different angle he'd be the spitting image of the woman who shot up youtube hq.

Attached: Ampharos5.png (646x988, 714K)


Attached: Untitled2.png (1455x603, 1.29M)

Calling somebody a closet tranny is just an excuse for Yea Forums to fall further down the tranny paranoid schizophrenia Yea Forums seems to collectively have now.

Trannies already have all the basic human rights everyone else has; anything beyond that would just be pandering privilege.
I didn't really mind trannies before, just felt bad for them, but now they can all rot in a mass grave for all I care, because of this shit being spammed everywhere.

Disgusting because it has two sets of ears.

celeste is a trash SJW game with a literal tranny developer and leftism is a mental illness

Why does he look more masculine on the right

His eyes are empty now, unlike before.


Thank you, Ampharos user. May God bless you.

How was the beach?

Attached: 1527232037864.jpg (300x287, 41K)

Uh huh.

Attached: 1537600873268.jpg (600x958, 226K)

News to me.
The only time I've ever heard about this game on Yea Forums was when people shat on the dev for their politics and spaghetti code.


Wait, wasn't this game about abortion or something? How can it be about that while the MC has a penor?

You'll never accomplish anything in any field. If it takes more effort then a thought then it's out of your reach.

Damn Jim Sterling couldn't handle it anymore.

>might have to play this now!
Fucking yikes, devs that bring politics into games are shit, and people that enable it are even shittier

>Yea Forums seems to collectively have now.

hate is a strong word.
People just cringe at obvious virtue signalling.

people have an extremely high suicide rate :(

Why would you even bring that up jerk?

Attached: 1563360624171.jpg (1024x730, 67K)

Post yfw you didn't buy Celeste or Hat in Time.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x498, 717K)

Your the mentally ill person incel.

but you're the one seething?

suicide rates

Attached: hide.jpg (945x455, 89K)

Attached: 1534870014706.jpg (255x290, 35K)

Thank you for your posts Amphybro.

Attached: 1549374207544.png (450x591, 335K)

Get the fuck out of my state.


bought hat in time. Its alright, but the flag shit was gay.
Taking it down was even more retarded, but whatever.

Attached: 1564605415415.jpg (3471x1759, 3.55M)

What other societal problems do you fight against? Don't tell me you're just a shitposting faggot who isn't actually trying to correct all the things you see wrong with the world.

But aren't you the one who's mad?

Why are you all so sensitive?

hat in time is alright, i havent beaten it yet

What does that have to do with anything? Do I have to make a fucking Wojak to get my point across?
>Game devs add in some trans flag
>Miserable people like and RT it because they think liking it makes them look cool and nothing else
>Only ten actual trannies like it
>OneAngryIncel and Quarter Poundering see it
>Make clickbait as to why some flag in a shitty game is the end of the world
>ResetEra bitch about it
>No-name left-wing sites report it
>Game devs add in some trans flag

Attached: 1524665936747.jpg (480x360, 14K)

>All those compensators for tiny pink penis.
>Under 30 goblino 'white' male.
I can smell the virgin wafting off that guy from the computer. Future mass shooter right there.

The award show made sure I will not ever touch it.
I guess I was one of the few that read the warning signals.

If a game even looks remotely like it was developed by a basedboy or pink haired dyke my brain just filters it out entirely. I don't even know what either one of these games is about.

It's so the faggots who keep shilling this indie trash finally fuck off.

Ugly people stay ugly when they transition. Congrats on figuring that one out.
Have some random pictures of normal transgender people off of Wikipedia.

Attached: 800px-Maianne_Bagger.jpg (800x1067, 94K)

dear god, this scares me. i have the phobia of needles.

Post it

you mean reddit's mascot. /lgbt/ I hardly ever seen this ho posted and the board is full of hate and depression for trannies.

Time for another half a week of this same thread over and over until the next "controversy" happens, just like Dorf Fort and a Hat in Time. You fags are the most fickle whiners on the internet.

Bitch looks like Geese Howard, god damn.

What's with all the tranny shit in videogames? No other industry has this much dick mutilation glorification going on.

Stupid incel dont judge a book by its cover ok?

Holy shit nice, you really lucked out on the weather. It's always cloudy as shit every time I've vacationed at Seaside. And you went in September nonetheless.

Attached: 1549825015050.jpg (393x317, 27K)

what's that thing in..."her" hand? the headshit.

Attached: Jenny_Bailey_01.jpg (1536x1904, 2.09M)


Attached: 9cc346c1e03ba834e1fc87eec1d89ad9.jpg (979x1024, 335K)

its a pretty fun final boss.
Its basically a culmination of "those games moments" Yea Forums talks about.

>train level
>snow level
>spooky level
>horror level in a non-horror game

its great.

Most mass shooters are black, though.

I'm gonna keep doing it faggot. Suck it.

>normal transgender people

It's all so tiresome.
It's not about progress, acceptance or empathy.
It's about trying to go viral and $$$.

How the hell come women don't feel fucking belittled and insulted when these jabronis think that all it takes to be a woman is to grow out your hair.

Still looks like a guy

You enjoy being on Yea Forums and watching people who enjoy video games seethe...I think you may need to go back to your private discord, tranny.

>give them free advertising
>so that they'll fuck off

Attached: U3w32Bk.jpg (986x740, 285K)


Attached: Grace_Banu_1.jpg (1445x1014, 73K)

>it's literally nothing
>twitter creams over this crap
>Yea Forums seethes and rages at this crap
are people so bored and have nothing to do nowadays they make a big deal out of everything?

Did i hit a nerve you retard?

>from the get go thought “she” was a tranny
>figure the dev wouldn’t pass up announcing it later
>this happens

Have you seen what the devs of Celeste look like? If so then why are you surprised in the slightest that they'd use their game to score agenda points?

Attached: tumblr_n94vysKnLL1s50j4bo3_400.png (395x386, 137K)

...except the medical industry.

Because roleplayers on Yea Forums are so much better.

alright brought it up in multiple threads so I'm not gonna inject it in another one desu.

>the bars mean different shit
>theres an a-sexual version
>theres a non-sexual (fetish?) version

man tumblr is autistic.

Yea Forums never liked video games

>when you see it

Attached: EEEKF_3W4AAuYhJ.jpg (501x282, 41K)

I still hate how trans men will call themselves men but insist they don't have the same privilege as a cis man and are actually underprivileged

My experiences with trans men have all been like this, is this just how they are?

Attached: 1565587585153.jpg (426x454, 30K)

Not a single thing about this faggot is inconspicuous
It's pretty plane to see he is hiding something

Attached: 1542340891248.png (3840x2560, 90K)

Pic unrelated, I guess?
Guy looks like his name his Bruce Thickrip.

Attached: Coccinelle_Jacqueline_Charlotte_Dufresnoy.jpg (269x370, 20K)

Just lay down your pride and install it user, hundreds of local boy whores are ready and waiting for you, you don't have to deal with any of the bullshit with real women like tinder


Attached: 1510075478885.png (443x451, 99K)

>Dorf fort
You mean when they added in something completely optional that had no impact whatsoever?

Attached: 1554876122163.png (400x400, 180K)

Yeah that's a good point

Apparently. fuck. Who cares. This is such a small, insignificant thing in the grand scheme of the culture war, no one should be getting terribly hopped up over this.

No but I think I did.

Attached: 1567701129592.jpg (920x1024, 170K)

It was fun! I mostly just waded in the ocean because I'm too pussy to swim far out.

Don't tell me you're actually dumb enough to call a gang shooting a mass shooting as if they're not two different problems with two different solutions.

My guess is it's a kneejerk reaction to the loud whiners about tranny shit, as even the tiniest of flags will throw any of these retards into a frothing rage and share the game across social media.

Frequently, some are chiller.

>the fucking hormone pills on the nightstand

That is just a guy with light makeup and earings. The fuck are you talking about. This man jaw and adam's apple can not be hidden

Attached: 1567718072057.jpg (356x374, 36K)

Its not an agenda its personal for them to let their friends know they are loved.

Attached: Candis_Cayne.jpg (768x1024, 422K)

Don't care lmao. Game looked like a trashier SMB with worse music and no character select.

Attached: Based Saitama.png (990x246, 60K)

>mfw never fell for the Celeste meme

Attached: 1524459696311.webm (274x468, 207K)

>give them free advertising
>on a board that hates/dislikes trannies, by constantly associating the game with their bullshit

Attached: 1553039121161.jpg (500x500, 109K)

I don't even want this Image MD5 to be on my filter so do me a favor and never post it again

it's sick

lol are those the pills?

>are people so bored and have nothing to do nowadays they make a big deal out of everything?

How dare you tell us what to be upset by. Your post just enraged me.

>Obnoxious hair to distract from face
>Huge glasses frame to distract from face
>Choker to send blood directly to the dick of a guy who looks at him
>Airbrush to death
Lel, trannies are going all out for these shots

Attached: That's a man baby.jpg (675x1200, 157K)

They're called TERFs, and nobody wants to associate with TERFs, not even the crazies.

Yes, just like how these devs are adding a tiny flag in some static artwork that doesn't impact the game whatsoever.

Attached: C71E5430-D894-4ABE-A553-E6DEA4FF24C4.jpg (900x822, 62K)

>madeline has a dick

Attached: 6c48be64ee89db2a2a94772c39d9f884.jpg (725x1200, 123K)

If you play the game it's pretty clear that the character is mentally ill already without the revelation that the character is trans.

Show me a trans that keeps her male photo close by, no one would do that.

What the fuck is this thread

Attached: 1568179540084.jpg (250x178, 22K)

Oh I have a lot more where that came from.

Attached: 1567395464868.png (750x747, 586K)

TERFs lose me when they talk about killing male babies and shit like that

Yeah, pretty much.
It's the same thing I've experienced. I don't even bother any more. It's not worth the interaction and how their only redeeming quality is playing dress up.

Attached: 1496958745398.png (512x384, 222K)

Never playing a game made by western devs now even if it has anime characters.You can't fool me.

Attached: r4QO3Eg.jpg (840x630, 259K)

>picture of him as a child
Well hot damn, it's a tranny.

Shitpost and counter shitpost.
A true battle for the ages.

He must be a fucking unsufferable trans, i mean, who the fucks have a photo of oneself in your room.

Attached: kurt-cobain.jpg (300x170, 11K)

>baby crawls to a blue card
>parents react with hostility
>baby instead goes toward pink card
>parents laugh and cheer
>baby is happy at the reaction and does it again
Nuke us please

smeagol wants precious pills

Attached: 1559068550450.png (1250x700, 982K)

Didn't the guy who made a game about going up a mountain because the MC is depressed push the NITW guy to suicide?

Attached: 1375986941016.jpg (1280x720, 193K)

Wrong gender not mentally ill.

Where do I go if I don't care if trannies like something I do
Are there still forums or anything
This is all so tiresome
Why do you people make these threads every day to circlejerk about how bitter you are about mentally ill people that are more socially adjusted than you


Attached: 800px-Stephanie_Hirst_-_No_10.jpg (800x1014, 106K)

Fuck off incels, you're just mad a cute girl like me won't even give you the time of day.

Attached: 1560359962845.png (795x753, 823K)

all trannies are the same user, broken unstable people who thought becoming a different person will fix their problems who have to come to terms with the fact that they're still the same person with the same hangups but now people stare at them on the street
they're not worth the trouble of interacting with

this is not /soc/, you dope


I think losing your shit over a message is stupid.
I think virtue signalling is stupid, but celeste is mildly subtle about it.
Making your main character into a fetish for no reason is stupid.
Mocking trannies for suicide is stupid
coddling trannies because they kill themselves is stupid.
The two retards going back and forth in this thread "shitposting" are stupid.
if you disagree, thats your opinion, stupid.

Attached: images.jpg (218x231, 7K)

No bro you don't understand it's different!

>Hello, support. Did you try restarting your laptop? What error message are you seeing?


Attached: giphy.gif (480x260, 1.06M)

IMAGINE not buying an amazing game with great gameplay because of your political ideology

I leave in the morning

Attached: Ampharos 7.png (400x300, 131K)

Attached: ecchi.jpg (468x293, 52K)

Lol, okay, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Why is such a ridiculously tiny percentage of the population so vocal
Was the internet a mistake?

You think this won't tickle Yea Forums's contrarianism and cause people to buy it? And that's without even considering the huge number of normalfags who read the site without posting, and all they're gonna see is "hey a lot of people are talking about this game". Yea Forums's hatred is literally free advertising, just like it has been every single time before.

>Testosterone cypionate
so, you want your balls to shrink or something?

Reminder that all the trannies you see on Yea Forums are just the Bad End route of incels that completely gave up on life and decided chopping off their balls is a "better" choice.

Attached: 1567045517943.jpg (800x2000, 159K)

dear fucking god. the expression make it worse, this man is fucking scary.

>blocks your path

Attached: 89c139ea56dce800827a7b6f0dd78237.png (817x802, 624K)

Attached: 1566156519156.jpg (480x853, 57K)

video games have always been for trans people.

Attached: playstation (2).png (600x480, 38K)

misery loves company

friends don't let friends lop off their genitals.

Yea Forums is not
RetardEra trannies trying to astroturf us are

Learn the difference, it could save your life.

Attached: G1[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.78M)


This the result of welcoming outsiders user. Yea Forums was a shithole before sure but at least then the biggest problem we had was some attention whoring tripfags. Thank /pol/ for flooding the site with politically obsessed autists.


Attached: EdibleWillingHarborporpoise-size_restricted.gif (250x250, 92K)

>posting in a full of sin site
Hypocrite faggot.

This guy turned into Tara Strong

Incels are only cis men you silly.

>Watching GDQ when suddenly Celeste comes on
>Almost immediately all the donations become "This game really helped me fight my depression" "I'm so glad this game was made for depressed people, I know it helped me!"
Stopped watching for the rest of the day. Now this.

Attached: 1452185419465.jpg (618x345, 50K)


>trans people look trans
look at the brain on this one

Um... bros?

Attached: 1567044848597.jpg (632x1024, 94K)

>not an agenda

But it is. 20 years ago no one gave a shit about what your sexuality/kink/fetish was as long as you kept it in private, however things have changed now and trannies and fags feel the need to bitch about why you should respect them in public.

>people feel loved when corporate entities "represent" them


Attached: IMG_E1502.jpg (375x391, 125K)

>Airbrushing in cleavage with photoshop

Attached: 1534405040630.jpg (418x475, 25K)

>males are animals
>girls are girls with cat ears

lol I love it.

>non-sexual (fetish?)
What but a fetish is literally sexual yeah? Anyways all of these plain color bar flags are boring they should get more creative

imagine having to add political shit in your game for no reasons gameplaywise or plotwise, just for a drop of clout.

If you don't want people's political leanings to influence their purchase decision, then why include your political beliefs at all?

Attached: G2[1].jpg (3840x2728, 3.48M)

So are trannies.

So what force is fuelling the recent (X years) beta/social omega male targeting trans grooming wave online/on here?

Gross, show me a real woman like pic related.

Attached: 1560359728897.png (715x740, 779K)

>85% of queer, bisexual & non-binary participants excluded trans women
Holy shit imagine being this unattractive

Imagine having fucking medicine bottle ready for """anxiety"""


So... A photo of a fucking child with short hair and a bottle of pills are enough proof of transgenderism?

Aren't you marginalizing girls that cut their hair short? And girls who take meds whatever the reason is?

Seriously guys. The more "open" a person shows to be, the more classist and twisted is on the inside.

The exception proves the rule.

Attached: 1537622506092.jpg (900x1200, 279K)

Prove it has a penis

Honestly? They hate trannies because they’re the beloved darlings of game developers, popular gaming forums and the entire subculture in general. They’re loved, they’re wanted, their every whim and desire is granted with childish hugs and infantile praise.

And then compare that to Yea Forums; our interaction with the world is cold, cynical. We don’t get treated with love or respect, we have to fight for every ounce of confirmation we can, and even then most people will have a sour opinion of us. At best we’re seen as little more than a lucrative customer, and at worst we’re the asshole of the internet.

Attached: 1427404195533.gif (500x279, 929K)

god damn imagine finding a girl that's litterally you but a girl.

Attached: visible confusion.jpg (428x410, 62K)

Are we being raided,b-bros?


Attached: why.png (2048x1536, 3.99M)

I guess that abortion theory is wrong now

Yeah but he was already cute beforehand

>do you think people on Yea Forums play videogames?

>He wouldn't fuck this.

There's even a character trannies tried to latch onto - a female Hyena who believes she's a dude because she has a psuedo-penis (like all female hyenas). Turns out she's really just a raging lesbian who wanted to be more feminine all along.

Attached: G3[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.52M)

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Attached: anime_anime_girls_kawaii_girl_white_skin_bikini_swimwear_Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka_Gochuumon_wa_Usa (1280x942, 360K)

lgbtism and zionism are the same ideology

>You think this won't tickle Yea Forums's contrarianism and cause people to buy it?
The contrarian thing atm is to disparage trannies, so no.

>And that's without even considering the huge number of normalfags who read the site without posting, and all they're gonna see is "hey a lot of people are talking about this game".
And all they'll see is that it's a game that includes tranny shit.
Truly a great marketing ploy.

>Yea Forums's hatred is literally free advertising

Attached: 1551081607471.png (816x587, 94K)

Some trannies are alright

Attached: Taftaj.jpg (680x511, 66K)

The people who care think pushing gender dysphoria normalization is equally whacked as pushing pedophilia.
Imagine if it was a kiddy diddler flag and think you'd feel then. Here's hoping you're a moral human being who condones that.

Seriously outside of sick fetishists I don't see the market for trannies.

I fucking knew you'd be in here, but this time I've been blessed by a beach photo
Keep doing your thing, Ampharosnigger

Get with the times and accept change who knows you might meet a lovely trans girl if you open up.

Heart effects warning: There haven’t been any long-term studies done to know if testosterone replacement therapy in men has a negative effect on heart health. However, short-term studies have shown that this drug may increase your risk of a heart attack, stroke, or death.

Liver problems warning: Using high doses of this drug for a long period of time can increase your risk of liver problems. These problems include liver cancer and hepatitis. These are serious conditions that can be life-threatening.

Blood clots warning: This drug may raise your risk of developing blood clots in your lungs or the deep veins of your legs.

Seems like a great idea.

I have my team photos in my bedroom back home.

Attached: 51nrnAltGFL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 46K)


>trans did a fucking good and acclaimed game
>/pol/goloids did fucking nothing

Jesus fucking Christ, user. I used to be an EMT, and that image still made me wince.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated as such. By that I mean people shouldn't bully/berate them but they shouldn't be celebrated either. We don't celebrate other mental illnesses like depression or bipolar or schizophrenia so why should we celebrate gender dysphoria? That seems pretty tragic to me if someone feels like they're in the wrong body. I wouldn't want to be in that situation.


Otherwise they're suicidal.

I saw one in line at a gas station today. She was basically me but born as a female. Same hair and eye color, height, and body shape.

Attached: G4[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.51M)

I don't get the mentality of "I wasn't going to play game but now it mentions trans I will" same goes for the reverse too.

Childrens should be safe from shit god dammit, Childrens should live a simple life, away from political shit.

Attached: 1568170604818.gif (482x1039, 817K)

I think you're stupid.
I think your reaction image is stupid.

this is fucking hilarious

>trans character
>Looks female rather than looking like some horrible ogre monster or like a man trying way too hard to look "feminine"
My immersion is completely destroyed, this is completely outside of the realm of believability.

>he wouldn't love his waifu even if they were trans
The absolute state of waifufags.

Attached: gorbo.png (1500x1000, 1.11M)

reddit dot com slash user slash lush_vibes

you got something against little clitties, kid?

>I saw one in line at a gas station today. She was basically me but born as a female. Same hair and eye color, height, and body shape.

Shoulda talked to her.

You must be in some serious echo chamber. Even my left leaning acquaintances think trannies are wierd at best, if not outright repulsive and/or mentally ill.
Normalfags are not big fans of trannies at all.

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: jazz.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)

America was a mistake.

Attached: 1493307706172.png (500x500, 33K)

Manga is Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen, if anyone is interested.

Attached: G5[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.42M)

>Get with the times and accept change
Not all changes are good just because they're different. Even among liberals you mentally ill trannies are outcasts.

Attached: 1567701238593.png (775x780, 545K)

That's clearly false.

>Fucking a man in a wig
That's pretty gay

>we have to fight for every ounce of confirmation we can get

This is where you retards got it all wrong, we shouldn't want ANY confirmation at all. The idea WAS that this place is supposed to be kept a secret, the more notoriety we get the worse the site is. If you want confirmation use fucking reddit and get your upvotes.

>draw a girl
>call it trans
oh nononono AHAHAHAHA

Trannies are literally the ultimate incel ,they project their problems onto other people and cannot stand not having their way, like the same entitled manchildren they are because they haven't changed any of their past behavior because they literally are the same person. The "Have sex" meme perpetuated by trannies was a form of projection and a way of attacking their past selves and identities.

You will never be a woman

Attached: a0K3XjB_700b.jpg (700x724, 86K)

>Mocking trannies for suicide is stupid
this, I still don't get how
>muh 40%
is supposed to be funny, it's just sad.

why do those ill people take anime as a referent anyway? i have been watching anime for like 12 years and have never seen a tranny

Attached: 1530500760815.jpg (374x347, 39K)

>trans people are ugly
>n-uh, look at this brave woman
>that is just a dude in a makeup
>well she is trans so she looks trans
>Yup, trans people are ugly as fuck
Thank you for having this conversation with me.

nhentai > sadpanda

Attached: NO PERVERTS!.png (99x100, 14K)

If actual trannies looked like this there would be zero problems, hell I’d probably prefer them over actual women. But trannies irl are goblins and mentall ill

Attached: 469B2673-A7B5-41DA-9C74-2CA330D51E31.jpg (760x1399, 269K)

>he doesn't troll tranny subreddits by posting pictures of actual women to make all the actual trannies seethe with jealousy

you're right, there is one solution to black gang violence

>The absolute state of "waifufags"

and this.

>instantly goes straight to pedos
Why do you think so much about kiddy fiddling?

>men cant grow long hair
How fucking retarded are you? Like holy shit

Attached: SEETHING.png (515x494, 462K)

I'm sorry, but I personally would prefer not to invest in a relationship with someone so incompetent and utterly hopeless that they don't have a firm understanding of reality or who they are.

Nah, I already have a girlfriend.

Attached: G6[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.39M)

I miss when Yea Forums was about pissing off easily upset retards like yourself, and not about political activism for psychos.

>anal beads on the floor
Heh, I chuckled.

Discord trannies have been here for a while now. Though it might be half trolling ITT.

Why are fathers never in the picture?

Attached: 2971032-minami-ke-twintails-long-hair-blonde-swimwear-barefoot-anime-girls-anime___anime-wallpapers. (1920x1200, 375K)

Is this the one with that chad pig boy that eats shit.

>Fucking a long haired man
Still pretty gay

So as it turns out, consent and heterosexuality are things you rapist pedophile faggot

>375 posts in 45 minutes
>of that 100 posts in 20 minutes

Attached: 1481879301852 2.png (399x242, 119K)

Stop hating and learn to love.

Anime characters are your skin color, except if you're black. Ambiguous for a reason.

Gee, bubby, you sound upset.

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Why yes, I am a woman, how could you tell?

Attached: 719.jpg (1080x1207, 100K)

Yes. I was thinking of dumping that chapter, but the batgirl chapters are much shorter and more easily completed before pruning.

Attached: G7[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.24M)

I just started playing the game, and while I think the execution of the theming is fantastic, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the "gotcha" that is that the main character is trans after all. Not only because of the political implication of making Madeline a tranny given the current climate, but also because it just feels haphazardly slapped on over the more universal theming of the rest of the title. It makes sense that the character is drawn to be androgynous, and it's good that their sexuality and identity is only a footnote to their overall, but this sort of "political imposition" just doesn't sit right with me in a video game.

And I'm not saying "fuck trannies", but I would like someone to clarify why I feel something so insignificant is so cheap.

who cares as long as they are cute desu

Attached: tranny.jpg (500x668, 103K)

Yea Forums maintains that tradition by fucking with trannies.

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Looks like a dude with long hair. A beta, babyfaced dude, but regardless

because authors write what they know.

>not denying being a rapist
>not denying being a pedophile
>not denying being a faggot
any other deviations we should know about? Do you fuck dead animals too?

Only buy Japanese games in this age

>you are a "Joke"
fucking funny

I can do both. If you just blindly accept everything just for the sake of being tolerant you're a fucking moron.

Attached: 1560050976163.jpg (584x1024, 88K)

>trannies now have two hugely succesful indie games out
What's your excuse? If trannies can do it, why can't you?

Attached: SHAR.1682.461.2.png (625x606, 484K)

Attached: G8[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.53M)

Yea Forums is now a bunch of easily offended bitches who get triggered even more than trannies, and literally hates everything it was founded on.

I wonder if normal women post on those reddits for attention.

>Website that downscales everything to 1280p is better than website that lets you see the full resolution.

You can call me a motherfucker, because I fucked your mom last night, lol!

Only the composer is a tranny.

>but now they can all rot in a mass grave for all I care
i keep telling my fellow trannies that if they keep pushing and supporting fundamentally indefensible positions (mass immigration, pro-islam (wtf?), etc) that we're going to get blamed for it and when the pendulum swings the other way we're all going to be in a world of shit but none of them will listen to me
at this point i am okay with whatever happens to us because frankly i think we deserve it

>What's your excuse? If trannies can do it, why can't you?
busy jerking off.

Why is nobody helping these people? Why are they encouraged? They are mentally ill and this is self harm. Mutilation.

>n-no you
uh huh, okay yeah, oh yeah and then I was like 40%

Attached: G9[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.56M)


Inclusion not exclusion maybe when you find your true self your be more open to difference.

I told you it was a tranny game

We don't, which is why they don't belong in video games.

Relax, bigot. Just teach your kids how to be hetero the rest of the year. :^)
Oh, right. You don't have kids...

>Why is nobody helping these people? Why are they encouraged?

I wonder if someone in charge just said "fuck it" and this is societies new Darwinism.

dab on the Yea Forumsincels!

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>this entire thread

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

Literally the only people saying Madeline is trans are trannies, the developer never did. The pills are just ordinary depression shit. If Madeline was a tranny, pic related would definitely be crowing about it for free good boy points, but he isn't.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (274x155, 15K)

it's more fun to troll /lgbt/ by posting a cis woman and asking if she passes, the answer is always no lmao

Attached: Bokosuka-Girls_09-28-15_001.jpg (640x452, 169K)

no its just Yea Forums is absolutely unfamiliar to Yea Forums media and a bunch of you faggots innocently consume games like this, and the Yea Forums morons and Yea Forumscucks are sperging out. if you know about american comics or cartoons the combination of western cartoons and tranny/sjw agendas is nothing new.

Chapter 1 of 4 down.

Attached: G11[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.65M)

Because the "trannys" in anime, aka traps, are literally just women drawn with penises. It represents an ideal that they strive for and will never achieve.

trans is a virus. currently not curable, once you get infected theres no hope for you anymore. what this virus do to its host is make them unable to reproduce and kill themselves before the age of 30. the ultimate goal of this virus is to destroy humans on earth

Attached: 1550463888302.png (1080x440, 729K)

I don't wanna be a girl.
I just want to be cute but my body doesn't allow it so i play cute characters.

imagine being this autistically triggered

grindr is a shit app with ZERO cute boys and a fucking 'trans' option but no 'cute, crossdressing hung trap who is 100% secure in his gender' option.

Chapter 2/4 start

And yes, vampire bat girl is trying to give the MC the big succ.

Attached: t1[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.38M)

Live and let live the world has enough hate already.

>black leggings
>goth necklace
>short black hair

just realised how perfect she is.

Flip a coin faggot.

Attached: 1560359240155.png (716x724, 255K)

Normalfags don't fucking matter, they’re isolated in their own worlds of FIFA and Madden, and if the Big Man on TV tells them that Trans Rights is the thing to support, they’ll either support it or at WORST grumble some obscenity before ignoring it. Their opinions don’t matter.

An apathetic majority doesn’t matter when it comes time to tallying up who is for or against something. They might as well not exist. The people who actually hold a strong opinion are the only ones who matter and the majority of those people adore Trans.

It's weird how people these days think little kids can actually make these kinds of decisions or even know what goes into them. This is the same level as a kid wanting to be a dog when they grow up.

Attached: cute_swimsuit_girls.jpg (895x1024, 97K)

>tfw we're never getting another Minami-ke anime.

and, as always, the loyal dog saves her master.

Attached: t2[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.86M)

Based dabbing in kassfag

>And then one day, for no reason at all...

I said this last thread but it's reactionaism: prior to 2012 or so Yea Forums didn't give that much of a shit about them either way and you outright had anons mentioning being trans here and there without the deluge of DILATEs and such.

Then SJW shit got big in vidya journalism and Yea Forums veered into hating anything the LGBT community/SJW's supported out of reactionism and tribalism.

Why do you people even fucking care?
It was always "indie soi Es Jay Dubba Ewe pandering garbage" from the start wasn't it? What goddamn difference does it make it there's a flag now if you alraedy decided you hated it?

Who exactly do you think you're "BTFO"ing here?

Attached: 1544472941098.jpg (600x564, 44K)

ummmmm sweaty

Attached: 74.png (522x212, 20K)

>does picture equivilent of "deadnaming"
>has pride flags so small and well-hidden that no one apparently noticed until now
>MFW I go on Twitter and point that out

Attached: YOU'RE WELCOME.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

you know this was a troll post right? anyone who actually support tranny shit would never spell it "transgendered". You fell for extremely obvious bait

Attached: okkid.jpg (431x450, 40K)


Sorry, but preference trumps all of what you just said. One's true self is found when they operate independently from the judgment of others. I can say without shame that I have no interest in your alternative lifestyles, but can you say you support those lifestyles without shame? The fact that dozens of organizations and parades exist would beg to differ.

And now the shoes on the other foot, huh?

men bad

Yeah, she's a beaut.

Attached: t3[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.5M)

Co is like old v before the election tourist came.

That's every donation on any stream. Attention whores ruin everything. If it's not some gay shit about depression people have to talk about their fictional mother dying of cancer 60 seconds ago.

>Cute before
>Cute after
Well, no shit, and guess what:
>Ugly before
>Ugly after
keep that in mind.

Attached: ED6MpHQXoAEYclf.jpg (680x510, 61K)

And still looks more feminine and prettier than your mother and anything from your family lmao.

Attached: HTB12ajrQXXXXXacXXXXq6xXFXXXY.jpg (2560x1489, 759K)

I'll never understand the thought process of
>S-Shit, he said I was [Something]
>I know, I'll say he's that thing but even more so!

Attached: 1542331358741.png (640x653, 874K)

I love my wife Shiburin!

Attached: __shibuya_rin_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_starlight_stage_and_etc_drawn_by_zuho_vega__9f10c7224e2872 (554x1024, 76K)

Some do, it's just only the ugly ones stand out

See above, the ones who aren't tumblrtards or manjawed just don't make a big deal out of it and don't stand out. It's an issue of confirmation bias.

Attached: trans.png (1548x758, 1.76M)


or whatever zoomers say these days

Attached: t4[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.2M)

Nice painting.

Why the fuck are the records shelved like that

>thinking they care shit about you

I'm a tranny and what I wouldn't do to go back to 2012. even 2014, it didn't really go off the rails until US election season. all I want right now is for everyone on both sides to shut the fuck up about us

that one had a lot of surgery... you now that right? you can tell the hairline has been lowered and their chin has been worked on

Cool bug fact: certain species of butterflies will use their proboscis to jab into an animal's eye to drink their tears.

Attached: t5[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.3M)

Step out of your echo chamber. You have delusions of grandeur bigger then the "EXPOCT OS" retards.
As far as the response to trannies from normals, I can assure you that outside of superficial polite mixed company, where such things generally aren't mentioned to begin with, it is a resounding "yuck" across the board.

But shit like this already happened.
and childrens are taught political shit like genders studies very early.

Attached: 1568160043901.jpg (705x696, 27K)

Transgender are mentally ill and should not be praised.

where is legosi?

>no u are the triggered
That's not how it works.

Attached: bobcat.jpg (1614x1080, 341K)

>I still hate how trans men will call themselves men but insist they don't have the same privilege as a cis man and are actually underprivileged
never happend to me. every transman i know are pretty nice. every transwoman i know are fucking faggots


>I'm a tranny
work on your voice hon

Attached: 1566273194472.png (360x521, 263K)

>picture of herself as a child (male) on nightstand

Does this actually happen? I thought most trannies tried to delete their past and destroy photos and evidence that they were once men after transfiguring

Attached: thinksplosion.gif (375x375, 1.39M)

Attached: BKrxw0.jpg (2560x1600, 659K)

A father figure would have prevented the anxiety and gender dysphoria.

Panda is a hard M by the way. She literally orgasms from being physically beaten, and there was a side chapter where the MC tricks and berates her for like 20 minutes and she comes out of it on the verge of splooshing.

Attached: t6[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.12M)

i surprised the doujjin community hasn't done something vile to the trans mascot girl

oh god this cat is very cute i want one

It will never not make me laugh that at one point he swore he would never do porn.
Now he's a massive cock hungry slut

Attached: 1466889779939.jpg (960x640, 477K)

based and trannypilled

It's Yea Forums. We like to shitpost. Why were Stu making pudding threads a thing? Same reason.

Theres nothing wrong with celebrating who you are only fascist hate freedom of expression.

That only works for a very short time frame though. Even effeminate men start gaining more masculine features very quickly once they hit around 30.

10 years from now that dude is going to be 50 lbs heavier and look like a drag queen.

>we don't celebrare other mental problems
You haven't been to those places yet, my sweet child. They do. They really do that.

Attached: 1565815723698.jpg (1024x594, 83K)

Maybe 5% of trannies look alright in pictures, 1% actually passable in motion and zero once they open their mouth

>mentally ill character is a tranny

What a fucking surprise.

Attached: t7[1].jpg (1920x2728, 1.21M)

I'd fuck this cutie. Too bad that 99.9% of trannies are ugly or completely insane

Attached: 1568176929246m.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

he looks like that one crippled youtube guy that has a permanent soi face

Because it's free advertising, even a single flag will get you weeks of retards screaming on here and talking about your game.

Men having sex with men sounds pretty gay, so I guess them fucking faggots is correct

>you slip and fall, slam onto your face
>people nearby burst into laughter
>"haha they must be so triggered"

Attached: 1458590407093.jpg (620x670, 93K)

i used to post on Yea Forums. so know well about it. although i finally stopped posting it a few weeks ago cause the board utterly turned into su fangirl/capeshit movie fanboy board. you cant talk anything other than them anymore. every thread dies fast and cant gather people. also mod seems to have started banning any kind of east vs west thread. you cant talk about nothing other than su, some calarts cartoons. old dead franchises like avatar, and capeshit.

The best part is they are still not gonna buy the game

8/10 pages for chapter 2. Thread is hitting post limit, so my dump ends soon.

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It's hard to hate on trannies because at least they believe in something and have an ethos other than total nihilism and disillusionment.

Attached: 1568178833470.jpg (1024x731, 78K)

>Even effeminate men start gaining more masculine features very quickly once they hit around 30.
>10 years from now that dude is going to be 50 lbs heavier and look like a drag queen.

How fucking retarded are you? You do realize that only happens because of testosterone and trannies block their testoserone with drugs or get their balls chopped off right? The older manly ones you see waited way too late to get on hormones, but the ones who get on them early enough just age like women do.

How absolutely fucking garbage is US education that you don't know how the endochrine system works? Why the fuck do you think men and women age so differently? Its fucking hormones you absolute inbred moron

Attached: autism.jpg (1920x1080, 90K)

Advertising to who? The people that already decided not to buy the game or the trannies seething that those people didn't buy the game?
Use your brain, bro.
You think some newfag is going to wonder in and see this shit show and want anything to do with it?

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Very young kids aren't that different so you can always say you were just very boyish when you were young

It's a profitable business.

there are actually a lot of trannies who hate all this shit too, but it's hard for moderates to take back the mic from extremists to begin with, let alone when their entire community has been co-opted by psychos who deplatform them if they dare speak up. I don't really get why people feel they have to transition but I'm fine supporting them, as long as they're the type that actually recognizes it's a medical condition and they don't literally change sex. but you don't usually meet that kind of tranny online.
source: know some trannies irl who are over it

Your testerone decreases as you age, numbnuts. Back and ear hair, however, do not.

The problem isn't pride, because that's not what those parades are for. The parades are desperate attempts at gaining approval for something the participants know to be wrong. Why do you think the suicide rate is so high in the LGBT community? Why do you think the depression rate is even higher? In the US men are free to do as they want (as long as that falls under the law), however that also means men can freely subject themselves to a lifestyle that is not ideal and that tears them apart. The LGBT community is a mere delusion among men, a desire for happiness paired with a void of it.



Remember, trans people are mentally ill and don't deserve special privileges for their delusion.

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I want to fuck a dullahan

Testosterone in men does not decrease to natal female levels no matter how old you get. Stop posting, you're fucking retarded and have no idea what you're talking about

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Of course it’s “yuck,” but they go along with it anyway because it’s the Right Thing To Do, and they believe that because the people who earnestly support this shit tell them to. That’s why their opinions don’t matter, because at the end of the day they never act on them - oh suuuure, they don’t want to hang out with a Transsexual, but the moment somebody actually asks for their opinion on them it’s platitudes and niceties - that speaks of submission, of them at the very least bowing to the opinion of the minority who very clearly hold the reins on the conversation.

In other words, their opinions don’t fucking matter.

>It's weird how people these days think little kids can actually make these kinds of decisions or even know what goes into them.
It's actually pretty simple user.
Women never mentally develop past being children, so they think children can make these decision since THEY are allowed to make those same decisions.

Women are eternally children, and not even in the way that gets my dick hard.

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Nobody cares about Madeline anymore
They should make a prequel where you play as young granny

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White males have the highest suicide rate so your making shit up.

I will NEVER understand the trannies who don't. Like they don't realize it's the most immediately clockable thing.


Here's where I left off. The chapter after the bat arc introduces pic related.

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That doesn't negate my post at all, regard. You were flat out wrong. Deal with it.

>people feel loved when corporate entities "represent" them
Holy shit, it would be sad how much trannies and faggots love being corporate pawns if it wasn't so goddamned funny.

>thread isn't prunned
just fuck mods, what are you doing? someone could post some loli and this shit would still be going. do you work (for free.)


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Because they're bending the law and government institutions to favor them. Remember that if your kid goes to public school and demonstrates behavior typical of the opposite gender, the administration will literally threaten your custody of your child unless you have them undergo medical treatment.
I don't give a fuck what people do to themselves, but when you use the guns of the state to force that shit onto others, that's when I have to put my foot down and tell these people to go fuck themselves.

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>i have no idea how hormones work
>im going to keep posting as if i do

user theres no need to keep embarrassing yourself. It's not your fault that you received a nigger tier education that didn't teach you grade 4 endocrinology.

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>thread reached bump limit in one hour

Who's the dude in the pic? I'd be willing to bet that pic is at least a couple years old and there's already probably a big difference. Sauce me.

Apparently you don't understand, projecto. Shooting up estrogen doesn't make you a woman. It never will.

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>why do you hate the glorification of mental illness and cult community that lure impressionable and lonely young people into a lifestyle of denial and self mutilation
No man is an island, user. If you don't look out for the mental health of your fellow countrymen you may find yourself stuck in a collapsing nation at the mercy of the insane.

Native Americans are higher, actually.


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>everyone who laughs at me is a tranny
Oh no, honey, sweetie, is this your first week posting?

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Why do these threads keep showing up?
Do these faggots have nothing better to do than to show up and "derail" threads like this?
If they hate Yea Forums so much, why do they keep coming back?
Did they lie to themselves?

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That's a really weird thing to complain.
Since the state force everything upon you.

I've seen aftermaths of massacres
I've seen rotting people in hospital wards
I've seen animal maulings
And this is the shit that gets to me.

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Have fun with aids

So is this a JK Rowling where they made up lore later to make them trans or is that actually canon in the original game?

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>Whites have the highest suicide rate in a nation primarily composed of whites

Wow, who would have figured. Also fantastic job attempting to pretend the suicide rates among white men was anywhere near as high as pic related. Stay delusional.

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>Is also a tranny

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>surely these titty skittles will make me a woman completely devoid of masculine features!
*blocks your path*

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Yeah, but then why should they have an exception? Anyone who wants to use the state to force their personal ideas on me is wrong, tranny or not.

We are taking Yea Forums back from /pol/ incels.

How are trans threads always the most active threads on Yea Forums?

>I'm going to sit here, wasting my time, making greentext posts
>This isn't damage control at all!
Go back

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Women shouldn't have the right to vote.

There i said it, women are ruining the country and the planet.

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I have. Now go dilate, hon.

I'm not clicking on that you dumb faggot.

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Don't (you) my post, swine.


People are sick of trans shit and virtue signalling and it shows

there is is still hope for humanity left.

So it's multiple levels of bait.
Welp, time to hit my backlog. Can't make sense of anything anymore. Maybe that's a good thing. I don't want to admit it, but maybe it is.

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you sound like a born again christian.

If having functional genitals is seething, then fuck yeah I am.

Off topic threads are always the fastest in Yea Forums.
Also they tend to be the most interesting sometimes.

internet discussion is like 99.9% of the population of the internet talking about the 00.1% of individuals with retarded opinions likes trans rights.

Whos ready for the absolute shit show that's going to be 2020

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the only thing you're doing is strengthening our resolve
You are the minority here

I'm curious Yea Forums. How many of you in here are actual virgins?

I'm laughing at this but I'm also very sad at the same time since this is literally what's going on rn. Can't wait for these kids to grow up in the future only to realize they were pushed into these things but not able to live a normal life as the male/female they were biologically born as due to literally being put on medicine since they were toddlers and going through with irreversible surgery.

Nah, that's more the proportion if you are going off of trans people who are visibly trans/announce it online, but the majority of trans people don't call atrtention to it at all.

Not that most pass super well, but a lot do pass to a servicable degree and a lot more then just 1% do well. Same deal with voice.

No, they just started HRT really early, like 13 or 14.

That being said even people starting it later can pass really well, but the more you wait past 22 the chances of you passing without surgery goes down dramatically as time goes on and especially if you aren't particularly feminine to begin with, it's sort of a crapshoot to begin with

Like pic related got super fucking lucky

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100% based

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Nobody should have the right to vote, women included.

It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be a wake-up call. It's dressed up as a meme so it gets spouted by meme loving retards.

>tfw dodged most of the American powerhour but this is the first thing I see in the morning and will probably be the only thing I read until I get back home in the afternoon
I shouldn't have done this

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No Yea Forums supports trans rights now this thread is proof. It wasnt until /pol/ incels started raiding this thread to push hate.

I'll cast you a spell when I hit 30, user

Why is it always male to female trannies?
Why aren't there any games featuring ftm characters?

>Finally! Some epic new SJW outrage culture! I was so bored! haha DILATE! have sex! incel! tranny!

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And submit yourself to an totalitarian regime? retard.

>Same deal with voice.
I've seen lots of passable trannies but never one with a passable voice.

Cause they're uglier and look more desperate desu

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What do you mean?

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because men bad.
You know I actually want to hear the mental gymnastics the lgbt fags pull trying to explain women transitioning into cis males.

Why do these fags always latch on to anime and jap games? It's like /u/ they read too much into shit and get pissed off later.



>but the more you wait past 22 the chances of you passing without surgery goes down dramatically
I'm so glad I was like five years too old to fall for this stupid trans meme. I'm too old to ever pass now and thank god for that. Vanity and pride saves me once again

Because testosterone is one hell of a powerful hormone and the transformation that FtM trannies is much more pronounced.
Plus they have far less image issues. If you fail to pass as FtM, then at worst you just look like an androgynous, short skinny dude. If you fail to pass as a MtF then you look like a horrible fucking ogre. So there's much less need to desperately cope with the results if you're FtM.

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how come all these trannies are whites?

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US presidential elections. If you thought 2016 was a trip buckle up, and that's not even considering the possibility of trump getting re-elected

On one hand, I look forward to the mindbreak that will come with a second term, but on the other hand, I fear they really will try and escalate things to civil war if it does happen, they'll just go completely batshit and start killing people they percieve as 'the enemy' with their sudden newfound love of guns they were generously provided by unknown 'benefactors'.

Trannies? More like dead by thirties!

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They are outcasts even among the lgbt community.
Rejecting femininity is tantamount to committing high treason.

Because this shit is pushed on whites first and foremost as a means of population control.
Actually because white privilege allows them to fuck around with what are essentially cosmetic surgeries while everyone else is too busy trying to survive in a world stacked against them.

Trannies should not exist.

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>So as it turns out,

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I actually think it will be much less interesting if he goes a second term. It will be real fuckin hard to top 2016.

We had HWNDU, Antifa vs Proud Boys, far right leaders getting sucker punched in the street, that vagina march or whatever. Pretty good times. Seems like things have cooled off a lot since then.


>gay indie game has gay shit in it

I am so surprised!

Nobody actually cares about it, the topic is artificially being spammed. Nobody gave a shit 2 years ago, and people will resume not giving a shit when this blows over.

Because when your top of the socioeconomic and political food chain, you get bored and create your own problems.

What kind of cruel god exists to let people walk around as suicidal abominations rather than turning them in to women? Or better yet never letting them be born like that in the first place.

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I wish I could live in the fantasy land inside my head too, snowflake, but it just ain't happening
You tranoids pushed too hard, too fast and actual human beings are disgusted with you, no matter how well they disguise their displeasure. The fact that the only way your ideology can thrive is to force people to tolerate you under pain of hate crimes and state enforcement is proof enough that you are not actually welcome by anyone who can still be considered human.

Don't blame god, blame the degenerates who enable them

>591 / 218 / 196 /
I genuinely wish Hiro would delete Yea Forums. It hurts to see it in this state. It hurts to see any post-2007 Yea Forums.

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It's the same natural selection that has been taking place for millennia. Only now that humans are no longer on the food chain nature had to find a new way to cull the weak.

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So, real talk, what's gonna happen when they mass suicide?
We just gonna pretend this never happened, or do we remind people that things got weird for a while?
Are we going to have more videogame threads on the videogame board? Will Yea Forums even exist in 10 years?

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U rappin' bad.

there would be nothing to enable if god never made put it there in the first place
sounds like god is quite the sociopathic asshole

>Will Yea Forums even exist in 10 years?
Probably not. Internet regulation will only become more strict as the years go by and eventually a place like Yea Forums will be deemed too dangerous.

Real cute bro

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It's so weird seeing anons constantly bringing up the suicide statistic while simultaneously participating in the reason why trans people commit suicide in the first place.(bullying, harrassment, not treating them like people)

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filthy dumb trannoid scum
chop off dick and place in bum
lives off cum like an asian whore
die before age 24

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mentally ill idiots that need to be gassed desu!

>What is tor

With luck in 10 years Yea Forums will get delisted and the redditfag and reseterafag population will decrease drastically due to them not being able to search Yea Forums on google.

Religious people like to think of God as being just and good but really God is true neutral. He just laid out the rules and let things play out.

Yeah, that's the tranny demographic. What's your point?

based mung

I shit on trannies on Yea Forums constantly and not once in my life have I ever actually "bullied" or harassed one.
In fact, the ONE tranny i've met in my life I actually got along with relatively well.

what is the head on the batton supposedto be?

this picture is so american it hurts

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>implying I don't post women on /pol/ with "do i pass?" so retards can reply with "NO YOU LOOK LIKE A MAN LOL KILL URSELF"

How trannies view themselves. The uglier the tranny the cuter the anime avatar they use.

Guess we'll see, but I doubt any of those people can stomach even the thought of another four years under Trump, which is why you're seeing them scramble to lock down the internet space so hard ahead of the elections.

Honestly I would expect at least a few attempts to false flag Yea Forums into the media again just like what happened with 8gag to get us taken out by this time next year. They're going to pull out all the stops to ensure Trump can't win.

What the fuck are these contradictory statements? Are you saying it's ok to bully them online but not real life?

>tfw look like a girl, but refuse the tranny shit
feel good to be like that.

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>Not treating them like people
No, it's not that.
It's treating them like children. Because that's what they are. They're like a child who throws a tantrum because they didn't get what they wanted, instead of dealing with it like a normal functioning person.
They chose to do some drastic, and often a permanent way to deal with a minor, almost non-existant issue.
They are choosing to slowly kill themselves. Nobody wants to respect that. Shit happens in life, people deal with it. But not them, they just want to go full blown escapism instead of doing something rational. They do it in a way that negatively impacts normal people to the point where we are fed up playing pretend.

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attention whore race

I used to be 110% live and let live, but these days that's not enough, apparently now if you're not pointedly FOR something you're not useful and you get painted as against it until you double down and sing the praises of the underclass.
I enjoyed not giving a shit, do what you want, love who you love, it's none of my business, good luck to you.
But you don't get to do that anymore, and I'm being forced to take a binary position, it's not gonna be the one the one where I grovel.

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pls be bf (male)