(s)he's in

>(s)he's in
>how do you respond without sounding mad?
>play her game
>what's the appeal of _____?
>would you?
>*ruins your sense of exploration*
>this is a Japanese ______
>(console)fags BTFO!
>Marie Rose
>Toon Link and Young Link
>she killed millions
>NOOOOOO, YOU CAN'T JUST ____ (posted with söyboy wojak)
>fuck ____ and fuck ____ (posted with either tuxedo pepe or character from FOTM game edited to look like tuxedo pepe)
>I got banned from a game for saying nigger
>(gacha jpg) is CUTE!
>yes I do _____. how could you tell?

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.jpg (800x534, 10K)

Attached: fuck.jpg (1080x1083, 133K)

Attached: fuck.png (424x409, 67K)

Thanks for the filters

embrace the madness and set yourself free

Attached: c.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

This is not a nice thread.
Please refrain from making similar threads in the future, thank you.

Attached: 1416232628771.png (210x310, 45K)

Based and hivepilled

go drink some bleach, shit for brains

I am beginning to think it's not actual people posting and some autist made a shit post bot.

based and cutepilled
cringe and won't make it

Attached: sweating.jpg (850x1063, 206K)

>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! ding ding ding! Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>CRUNCH CRUNCH Insert pretentious opinion burp
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>Shitty thing about game What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of insert band or album
>Smacks lips
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>Why did you stop playing Overwatch?
>What are some games that X
>Cute feet
>Buy my game
>Eastern design vs. western design

Attached: 1526762243182.png (1410x1733, 789K)


Attached: scared.png (792x792, 374K)


Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

advertisers and bots senpai

Attached: Brat 2 Guns.webm (720x480, 2.2M)


Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Attached: 4am.gif (500x375, 366K)

so boomer (and by extension zoomer) was all one guy?

god bless forum bots


Attached: 1554918521512.png (234x248, 11K)

Attached: dcqr75h-503be9a6-c9b2-492f-88f4-b841bfa377c1.jpg (617x800, 65K)

I like gachas

Attached: ump40_shot.webm (800x450, 44K)

>if you post it enough times it becomes "board culture"ans very epic

no you don't, you like generic waifus


Attached: 1564983759636m.jpg (1024x572, 35K)

I don't but I still play them

Attached: ugly bitch eating.gif (400x370, 2.33M)

Posting a Soijak proves you aren't qualified to talk about board culture

Attached: shutterstock_291431081.jpg (1000x667, 339K)

Attached: 1566955200672.png (450x655, 247K)

I like gachas too user

Attached: 1F8B3123-3B3A-4D03-8EF2-6D1569B487A1.jpg (1278x1821, 1.17M)

Attached: 5494BBEB19EF49659DA0C70D48A35C76.png (1694x1124, 179K)


Attached: Ampharos.png (299x299, 111K)

which one's you?


>Still 100% correct

So fucking accurate, especially all the parts that rip of weebs. God I fucking hate weebs

for me? it's ERPers

I prefer bunnies.

Attached: 1562874491508.png (996x1080, 670K)

this works because it's spam in it's purest form
this doesn't work because it's made for cumbrians

That's a very rude thing to say. I just like bunnies.

Attached: 1488836458934.webm (1920x1080, 2.46M)


I don't see what that has to do with bunnies.

Attached: bun.gif (720x720, 1.2M)


Attached: fast.gif (720x720, 1.19M)

faster user faster

Attached: 1549419061522.png (792x792, 790K)

>People are figuring out the enforced status quo
Sorry folks, were going to have to delete this thread.

Attached: 4787E140-C7BD-4950-B5C6-BA2D11CF6781.jpg (1023x685, 107K)

Attached: really fast bun.gif (720x720, 806K)

It can't possibly go any faster right?

Attached: 1549465754751.png (1080x1080, 1.42M)

You dont look like one of us

Attached: efa.gif (205x274, 16K)

Let's find out!

Attached: turbo bun.gif (720x720, 432K)

The legs look like a swastika now

That's plenty fast enough, user. Let's give that cutie a break for now.

Attached: thickbrowed.jpg (301x267, 19K)

it's not fast enough

Attached: sleepy bun.jpg (581x329, 119K)



Attached: coomer.png (390x348, 143K)

And then there's me, just cooming

Attached: coom.webm (640x480, 545K)

>Buy ____'s game
>Are you gonna play ____'s game?

>Comment that you just made

Attached: you.jpg (342x281, 20K)


reminder that anybody that uses "board culture" in their post is a /pol/tard tourist

Also from reddit.

Attached: Capture.jpg (218x831, 82K)

>those rules
talk about cringe

any post with a frog has a 99.9% chance of it being someone who regularly posts on reddit.

Attached: youcan'tmakethisshitup.jpg (746x984, 96K)
