GameFaqs is unironically the best place to discuss video games on the internet

GameFaqs is unironically the best place to discuss video games on the internet

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I got permabanned from there earlier this year after making a joke about underage.

The saddest thing is you might be right

It's a semi knowledgeable shit hole where almost every board has its resident shithead that wants to be the center of every discussion.

Still better than rebbit.

Maybe on really obscure or old game boards. Unless something's changed, it's full of kids and easily offended wimps.

That's pretty accurate.

>the general Yea Forums age population is so young now that this is considered news

No shit though apparently the moderation hasn't improved much in the last 13 years.

More and more I'm growing tired of this place and want to go back but then I remember that I left that place for various reasons like a year ago.

I wish I could find a place that were as knowledgeable about video games and had in-depth discussions about vidya without all the constant /pol/ baiting and just general stupidity.

Gamefaqs seems pretty lax on moderation you must have to try hard to get banned it's not resetera

I think /pol/ just wants s GG2, because the first one turned so many people against the left, when really nothing good came from the whole debacle

I got my IP & all of my devices banned for posting a Spoiler tagged Star Wars spoiler when Force Awakens came out

I haven't gone there in a decade but from what I remember
>if the game isn't popular you'll never get a conversation on its message board
>if the game is popular it's overrun with 10-year-olds and various posters have a posse of cocksuckers that follow them around
>you get banned if you hurt anyone's feelings even if you're just correcting misinformation
>the random boards have no video game discussion
What's the secret to using gamefaqs?

I am not ashamed to admit that I am finding myself going there more and more often to read discussions or get info on specific games now days after a decade long hiatus. Between Reddit's upvote/ popularity based board structure and Yea Forums's up-it's-own-ass memery and extreme politicalness, Gamefaqs is a breath of fresh air.

I know that feel, man.

It used to be pretty bad. They seem to let a lot go now. I got modded for saying they're are a lot of third worlders there recently.

if only miiverse hadn't died...

>keeps coming back here to make this thread though

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I've been thinking about just going to twitter myself. I barely browse it so I don't know what the culture is like when it comes to hardcore video game discussion though.


Nailed it. I'm ashamed that I'm mentioned on a few obscure gf community wikis.

jason schreier from kotaku used to be a gamefaqs/luelinks poster

don't. twitter is the worst of them all

No shit the random boards don't have game discussion. Are you fucking stupid lol?

there is no secret, people are simply part of the problem or delusional

Yeah, I still love it. Hasn't changed all that much as far as I can tell.

2014 /pol/ and 2019 /pol/ are two different animals, current /pol/ is mostly old neocon boomers pretending to be kids and redditors that came for ebin memes to dab on teh libtards. /pol/ is this faggy nofunallowed zone for super cereal asswipes, I miss when it was a wacky mix of libertarians, conspiracy theories, and Zyklon Ben comics.
That aside politics have poisoned just about every hobby and fandom. I see plenty of topics on gamefaqs that are nothing but talking points from OAG and resetera, so I don't think they're much better off.

/pol/ fucking hates neocons, more so than the far-left

Twitter is everything you hate about politics and modern life, but worse.

They say they do, but they all sucked Trump's dick despite him being a neocon with an edgy facade.

/pol/ isn't neocon they hate israel

Trump gave Israel billions to build a wall while he failed to do the same for his own campaign promise. He's literally Bush but without the warmongering.

Depends on the board you're on. Some boards have autistic partisan mods, almost every board has at least one autist that will follow you around reporting your posts for every possible minor violation they can if you make them mad. Moderation is not and never has been "lax", some boards are just way more awful than others.

Why is it faggots like you claim to not care about politics then always proceed to state your opinions about the current political climate? This isn't reddit.

It is one of the worst places actually you get banned and your comments get deleted for stating your fucking opinion. I had got warned for saying how I don't like Cyberpunk 2077 because there are to much niggers in this new trailer.

Yeah, they hate Trump too, retard. There's only one thread in there that consistently supports him.

I miss silly shit like HWNDU.

Trump pulled out of the wars and prevented us getting into more. how does that make him a neocon?

8ch was great but now there isn't any real alternatives that are populated decently.

8 was way too slow after the 2016 election ended.

Still several times more popular than other chans not counting this one. I don't know about 420chan either since I never cared to post or even go there.

Bunch of fags sucking cock over karma and popular users. Faggots.