She hasn't even written her first unity script yet

>she hasn't even written her first unity script yet
how's that game coming along Yea Forums~

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I've got a box that can collide with walls and move around. Goal is to make some shitty mobile game to learn what the fuck I'm doing before attempting to make a basic virtual pet game.

>he's not writing his own engine

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If you actually want to make game, making an engine is a big waste of time unless your game has something that the already available engines cannot achieve.

>unless your game has something that the already available engines cannot achieve.
What are done examples of this?

That picture should be the genius that is Steve Jobs.

>making an engine is a big waste of time unless your game has something that the already available engines cannot achieve.
Or you're certain that your game is going to sell like hotcakes and you don't want to share the cash.

Achron is the only example I can think of.

Weird space-time shit like . Could also be something entirely new, like a new type of 3D primitive or a rendering approach.


God I miss oreimo


>3D primitive
I'm familiar with primitives in your standard general purpose programming languages (int, boolean, double, character, etc.) but what are 3d primitives? A polygon or triangle object or something like that? And why do these engines use scripting languages like Javascript as opposed to other languages like Java or C?

>don't want to share the cash
Just use Godot.

>what are 3d primitives?
The currently most used 3D primitives(not 3D editor primitives) are points, lines, and triangles. Of these, triangles are the most used in games.
>And why do these engines use scripting languages like Javascript as opposed to other languages like Java or C?
That's entirely dependent on the engine design/designer. For example, Unreal uses C++, CryEngine uses C++, Lua and XML, Unity uses C#, UnityScript and Boo. I can't tell you why, but I can speculate. Unity probably uses C# because it's more productive and gotcha-free(most of the times). Unity itself though is actually written in C++. To the best of my knowledge, most, if not all default components are written in C++ as well. This is likely for the low level control and performance benefits. Unreal probably uses C++ because C# didn't exist when it was being written. Once you build up a ton of stuff on top of everything, changing the core becomes hard. It's got blueprints, which remove gotchas and programming out of the equation. Can't say anything about CryEngine.

>writing unity scripts
Why do that when I can just download an already written script?


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>Unreal probably uses C++ because C# didn't exist when it was being written.
Also to note: Java was around 1 year old at that time. C++ has a ton of features over C. As for the rest of the languages, I can't say.

but she's just a cute..

But I work in Godot

Thanks for the detailed response user. Have you made or are you in the process of making a game?

I'm making music and I'm working a design document to pitch to a good artist I know.

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>being an indie dev in 2019
What's the point? There's 0.00001% chance you'll make at least somewhat successful game. If you wanna program better learn web development and make websites for people, you can earn a shit ton of money like that cuz the demand is high. Games? Nobody wants to play your piece of shit 2d platformer.

Why didn't he bang the one on the right?

>needing to leave the house to meet your gf
There's just no explaining it.

>Unity probably uses C# because it's more productive and gotcha-free(most of the times).
>Unreal probably uses C++ because C# didn't exist when it was being written.
Unity release was 2005, Ue4 is from 2012. Ue4 wasn't to early for C# if they wanted to add it. With Ue4 C++ was intended for performance and Blueprints are the (visual)script equivalent.

Fuck off tranny

Nope. I am in a team though, we're working on a framework on and off.
huh, alright. I did not know UE4 was completely built from the ground up. I figured they would have iterated from UE1(1995).

>There's 0.00001% chance you'll make at least somewhat successful game
Who cares? Many of us are happy if at least one portion gives it a shot and has fun. Plus the process is very educational and enjoyable to many

you guys need an ideasguy?

I am also the ideasguy.

>There's 0.00001% chance you'll make at least somewhat successful game
If you apply yourself for 5-10 years and have a sliver of talent then you probably will make or at least work on a successful game

>Or you're certain that your game is going to sell like hotcakes and you don't want to share the cash.
Nobody has ever made an engine for this reason

Factorio would run like shit on a generic engine

How do you cretins live with yourselves?

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>I figured they would have iterated from UE1(1995).
They did break with Ue4. They also had the script language UnrealScript before with influence from Java but it was abandoned with Ue4 and now it's only C++ for lower level with performance and Blueprint for visual scripts.

W-wow... It's the first time anyones ever called me a she... It feels really good and comforting...

I wish I had an ideas guy to tell me what to do. I'm very direction-less and unmotivated.

anyone that argues with this doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Notch typically programs from scratch, but spends most of his time building the engine.

>practice making games all thetime
>never had an idea I could carry for a month and actually make a game out of it
>finally come up with something
>bored of it

I'm just glad I didn't get to invested in it or something. Do kinda want to go back though.

Already existing engines cannot achieve my workflow bitch.

i screwed around a little with unreal, found it fun and all, but lost all motivation when i went to programming

before someone misunderstands (and recommends me these shitty blueprints), i love programming and frequently use it irl. but in unreal i just don't know how to start and there are all these fucking functions that you need to memorize and all that shit

Yeah, great

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anons tell me a simple online multiplayer idea so I can steal it
I want to practice on the networking, online multiplayer aspect
something simple and basic as shit like pong but with online multiplayer

There's a bit of a learning curve, but from the little I used of Unreal, it seems that gameplay programming is pretty similar between Unity and Unreal.

It's fine if Blueprints don't do it for you, they didn't mesh well with me. For me coding is the most annoying part of making a game, but it must be done.

I'm the flip side thanks to Unity and "bad practice". I've got used to coding game logic fine, but when it comes to programming skill, I'd say I'm just a beginner.


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You don't need to memorize shit. You have an IDE(I hope so, at least). You have the internet, there's a documentation. Look it up every time you want something. You're going to memorize the important content eventually just by the virtue of using it anyway.
C is actually pretty useful and straightforward when you don't have complex programs that need OOP. Saves bloat, too.

Actually, I'm a Godot dev.

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I'm not just an ideasguy i also make music.