Say hello to your new Smash DLC character!
Say hello to your new Smash DLC character!
the dominos pizza mascot gets her own game now?
I'd actually be 100% down.
>if she gets in, the "miku minecraft" shitposting will spread even more
oh god
that's just one of the project diva models you can download easily for mmd
>imagining the shitposting with that Steve model and a cute miku model with a smug face alongside
Wrong Smash.
Please no.
Those faggots need to die.
wouldn't mind
they should just add nothing but meme characters at this point
I'm already dead, but don't worry, round one! I will resurrect soon!
I know that this is supposed to be a smash thread but are the project diva games any good? The switch release has me intrigued.
Try Future Tone if you like rhythm games, it's one of the best in the genre. I can't really imagine playing one with a Switch controller, though. Musynx, Superbeat Xonic, and Voez were just terrible to control, in my opinion.
What would her moveset even be?
Japanese niconico memes. Her upsmash is the leekspin.
that would be awful, the most generic anime whore there is
okay now i want her in just because of this
>void censoring pantsu
No, thanks.
>doesn't use a sword
Already less generic than half the roster
I would NOT play as big the cat. He is a shit character. #FuckBigTheCat #DamnYouBigTheCat #EatADickBigTheCat #GoDieInAFireBigTheCat #DecapitateBigTheCat #BurnBigTheCat #DrownBigTheCat #FuckYouBigTheCat #GoDieSomewhereBigTheCat #GetBentBigTheCat #SuicideForBigTheCat #DeathToBigTheCat #StabBigTheCat #ShitOnBigTheCat
Unironically I'd want this
I wish this was not fake. I wanted Hatsune Miku on sonic and all stars racing transformed. #FuckYogscast
Yes please