Has anyone noticed that women don't really *play* videogames but instead just want to seem like they are involved in...

Has anyone noticed that women don't really *play* videogames but instead just want to seem like they are involved in "nerd culture." Do you know any women that genuinely play vidya Yea Forums?

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Yeah, i knew a woman that played Dorf Fort every day, even.
It helps when you actually talk to women instead of speculating about them in your head while you interact with fellow paranoid schizo incels all day.

This could've been an interesting thread if not for that pic.

My little sister love video game but she have autism so she already weird

To be fair Portal is pretty hard in the later levels

choose your side Yea Forums

Attached: gamingbygender.png (1816x813, 1.15M)

No it isn't.

OP is still retarded though. There are a ton of ugly autistic girls who really do like games.

Both have good games. And if you call TF2 feminine again nigger, we're going to have a problem.

Friends workmate plays sodoku on her phone every day

What was her fort like? Tell me she atleast had a couple slaves

>left: overrated, unfinished, or both
>right: contains microtransactions, the cancer killing video games
I'm on the side of a new plague.

Attached: skull.jpg (111x176, 6K)

Masculine games:
>A few decent games

Feminine games:
>indie games

what the fuck is this atrocious chart

Has anyone noticed that women dont really want to have sex with me? Shit sucks.

My older sister loves vidya, she's the one that got me into it.
But she's a legit autistic NEET.

I’ve never heard of females playing TF2 let alone owning a gaming PC or playing PC games at all

Why is esports 99.99% dominated by men when men have no physical advantage?

i feel like women could get into factorio

Really makes you think, huh?

My hapa wife plays video games and is even better than me in some. That’s my story, hope you enjoyed it.

every women I ever met wanted to have sex with me

>tfw I know this thread will get deleted because true free speech on the internet is long dead

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Have sex sweetie

My sister does, got her into vidya back when we were 10, likes mostly FPS games, turn based strategy games and RPGs, and MGS as an outlier.
We are now replaying Mass Effect together.

The only PC games I ever seen a pretty decent amount of women in is MMOs.

A ham beast at work had a ton of pokemon shit covering her bag. I asked her if she ever played the games and she said she never even seen pokemon just thought the animals were cute

Intellectual advantage

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A. Women don't play video games.
B. Men DO have a physical advantage. Men have faster reaction times and better decision making under pressure than women.

I always thought that stood for "half asian piece a...

nhl 2k hasnt been a thing in almost a decade. the fuck is this

>Tile Matching
What the fuck is tile matching, you mean like Bejeweled?
That shit isn't even a game as far as I'm concerned, just skinnerbox mobile trash to push microtransactions.

>a dress up game is not the most feminine genre in a video game
Come on user

Women are barely different to men. So yeah a lot do.

So, girls are autistic?

Meaning she’ll fuck anyone who says nice things to her or anime has made her want to fuck you.

Has anyone noticed that op don't really *play* videogames but instead just want to make shitposty off topic threads. Do you know any op that genuinely play vidya Yea Forums?

kill yourself

>innate in men
>know tons of dudes who hate having to think even for a joke

Attached: Smug.jpg (1080x1080, 351K)

Right.. is that why the top 400 women in esports earn less than the top man alone (and the top 2 "female" earners are both MtF)

Do you cuddle when you play vidya?

Oh user, that ship sailed a long, long time ago.
Why do you think I'm here?

The same could be said of the waifu PNG dispensers Yea Forums loves.

this study also included trannies

If its cold, yeah. Yesterday we did since it was stormy.

Harassment mostly, most get berated and harassed until they disappear.

That and cultural expectations.

That’s not being fake. That’s just liking a thing. My Mom’s favorite Pokémon is Psyduck and she hasn’t played a video game since Atari. She was just exposed to the anime when I watched it on Kids WB some 20 years ago.

That Dead By Daylight isn't on the right surprises me.

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>men are attracted to big tittied waifu girls
>companies shove big tittied waifu girls in mens faces and charge microtransactions ot make bank
>women are attracted to material wealth
>companies shove virtual representations of diamonds and other gems in their faces and charge microtransactions to make bank
It all makes sense now.

Did you at least make her watch Oreimo?

>Do you know any women that genuinely play vidya Yea Forums?
Yeah, lots.
My sister still plays the fuck out of AOE2/Age of Mythology to this day, my gf is an absolute FPS beast and has been since she was a kid and my ex played a metric fuck ton of lewd weeb shit, open world racing games, civ, co-op shooters etc and all the nerdy chics i've worked with over the years have been pretty much the same, some of the spergier ones would put most basement dwellers to shame with 10k hours in most of their favourite games.

I'd wager healthy, well adjusted and productive women have no real interest in vidya, but the reality is most of them are damaged as fuck from the word go.

God, I wish I had a larping gamer gf.

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So that explains all the gay porn.

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My mute friend plays a lot of DMC and wants Garchomp to fuck her. Also pretty good at Monster Hunter.

>search for "video games" as a shared interest on dating sites
>bipolar titty streamers 75% of the time

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Friends wife genuinely plays vidya for herself, though she has VERY surface level taste. Still, she plays Zelda and Pokémon because she actually likes them. About the only games that she played that deviated from the norm were the Metroidvania’s.

How is Kerbal Space Program overrated or unfinished ?

Me too
My mum always loved Gengar and Poliwhirl and went out of her way to find me the licenced gengar figure while in another city when we couldn't find it at home.

I prefer TF2 and Minecraft over the shit on the left, which is either unplayable or doesn't have much replayability.

She's almost 7 years older than me. I literally used to sit on her lap while we watched Rurouni Kenshin in elementary school.

>women don't really *play* videogames but instead just want to seem like they are involved in "nerd culture."
My sister does that shit and it pisses me off. She genuinely likes a tiny handful of games like BotW and only plays other games to try and sound cool to the friends.

What fucking pisses me off like nothing else is that she said she wants to have a "general knowledge of video games", so when she took up Dark Souls because her friend mentioned it she played for 30 minutes, didn't even beat the first boss, and considered that acceptable knowledge of the entire series, because she could tell her friend about her experience with the game while omitting the fact that she played it for less than an hour. She thinks she can do this for every game series from Dragon Quest to Uncharted, and it drives me up the wall.

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lol fag.

>I'd wager healthy, well adjusted and productive women have no real interest in vidya

The same could be said for healthy, well adjusted and productive men.

My closest female friend actually plays games. She's self admittedly bad at action games, but she had less trouble with Sekiro than a lot of the people who cried about it here.

Based on your post it's accurate.

Incel detected.

>tfw the gaming community is so overrun with fags and whores that use "gamer" as an insult

I fucking hate everything

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>feminine side
>entire categories as a whole with most not even breaking 50%
>men side
>individual games all above 90%
If I could only play those games then I would choose feminine side any day of the week.

>Do you know any women that genuinely play vidya Yea Forums?
Yeah, my wife. She likes JRPGs, strategy, soulsborne, Idolmaster shit, and the Rance series.

why is everyone a fucking weirdo now
wheres the normal people

that is one based redditor

and youd be right
20 years ago
but not anymore

>tfw have never played any games on the left

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I knew a girl who played TF2, every time she entered the server people talked to her and gifted her items and Steam games.
Then we started playing L4D together with her and two friends, she gifted me CS GO and one of the guys went out with her, which made her not play with us anymore. Weird...

>Do you know any women that genuinely play vidya Yea Forums?

No actually I do not. Every girl I talked to only play or watch something because X other person does.

Like a lot of these women I respect, but they baffle me with their inability to have their own opinions or tastes. This applies to a fair amount of guys as well. but they always have a favorite of their own.

Seriously what the fuck do women do all day.

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>100% Ageplayer
Every time. Why? Fuck if I know.

>a large group of women fake being into a hobby to get popular

>call them out on it

>get called an incel

>women can't do anything wrong unlike men

go back to redit faggot

>100% ageplay
This must be a ham planet.
I remember when that site was actually legit before it went mainstream.

Not really, men inherently want to create things, challenge themselves and compete against other men, women just want stimulation and validation.

I've met a metric fuck ton of healthy, well adjust and productive men who play a fuck ton of vidya and are incredibly successful in life, i've not met a single chic I could say the same about.

>teehee I'm antisocial!
>now let me just spend 3 hours doing my hair and wearing a gameboy colour around my neck and take this picture and upload it to everyone online
>I'm such a dork :3

This pic explains it. If she is left, real gamer if she is right, whoring. Same thing applies for men but men do it more with videos and other things.

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That's actually true for most people though. Very few people actually complete their games or play more than a couple hours

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Thats why you never look for a girl that shares interests with you, someone thats fun to be around is best.

Believe it or not, at lot of women do legit get off on the whole loli rape/incest thing.
Like a lot of dudes get off on the /ss/ rape/incest thing.
Myself included.

Well, she's 30 and her parents still control her life because of her mania attacks

You thought your Japaneses doujins weren't real?
Women love old man cock.

Wait, you're telling me she has mental issues? No fucking way, I don't believe it.

The chick here
Pulls this shit a lot, and she has the balls to complain that "gamer guys" either only play casual or ghost her outright


Also more rape fantasies than any sane dude wants to get in-range of

You could of just stopped at not having met a single chic, user.

because people watch men and not women. blame the advertisers. if there was actually a pay gap and women were paid less, why would anyone hire a man?

stop being such an annoying angry faggot and go beat your dick and crying about that girl who fucked chad after smiling at you once in highscool on /r9k/ you off topic posting faggots

not fucking video games

Why does the most autistic website on the internet give dating advice randomly?

that's not entirely the problem though, portal 1 is such a short game that its kind of silly to not complete it.

there are 20 levels iirc. She likely has less than an afternoon of play time in the game if she didn't finish it. Its like watching a single game of baseball and saying you're a "huge sports fan"

esports, not twitch. esports has nothing to do with popularity but skill

this is true.

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Be honest, when was the last time any of you completed a game.

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My sister games hard but uses a voice filter or no mic at all because as soon as anyone in the server finds out she's a girl things get annoying. You probably play a lot of games with girls but don't know it because people lose their shit online, so they have to hide.
I dated a woman who games for a couple years, it was great, instead of movie night we'd play couch coop shit.
Neither one was "nerdy". They just like games. Normal looking women you pass on the street probably play games, you just won't know because most people don't identify themselves with gamer gear.

>fire emblem three houses
>demons crest
just this week

>Do you know any women that genuinely play vidya Yea Forums
yes i do. she plays various co op games with her boyfriend. the only competitive game i know she plays is league with her bf.

Always have, but mostly rpgs and MMOs, and a couple who were really into fighting games.
Girls and women seem a lot more likely to get into a game if they can get into the characters in that game. Shit like FPS' seems like a hard sell because of that.


Faster decision making is not a physical advantage, user. It literally translates to better processing of information.

>women pretend to play games
>women are invading game devs and ruining gaming
>women women women waaaah women bawwww
At this point it's not even have sex, just go take a hike you'll feel better.

>You could of just stopped at not having met a single chic, user.
So sorry that my personal experiences don't align with your head canon user.

And when men talks, people will call him annoying, say shut up and if game allows it will get banned for unnecessary talking.


>Has anyone noticed that women don't really *play* videogames but instead just want to seem like they are involved in "nerd culture."
How does that explain why they play all those games you hate and call "not real games"? Clearly it's not endearing them to you, if that's what you believe their plan actually is. Could it just be you are a giant incel faggot instead?

ITT: The reason Yea Forums are virgins

Yes it is.
Your ability to react is based on the physical and chemical makeup of your brain. Mens brains are wired to react faster and work better under pressure. This is indisputable fact.

I use a mic everyday and I've never been banned. Maybe you're an asshole or just have a really annoying voice.

Mostly play multiplayer or fuck around with some old game I needed to finish or some indie shit.

think it was a week ago I finished total warhammer 2.

I can sympathies with playing a game, and acknowledge you've gotten far enough. Especially for those 120 hour long games.
I've also been painting miniatures lately, so I've got two backlogs to work on

I live with a couple and she plays FFXIV literally all day. HC Raids on 2 characters and is quite good at it.

Why are women incapable of detecting and responding to banter?

When a man plays a videogame and gets called a faggot, he fires back and continues playing. When a woman plays a videogame and gets called a whore, she starts an online anti-hate campaign.

All women have

Its okay to be a virgin.

>Has anyone noticed that Yea Forums don't really *play* videogames but instead just want to seem like they are involved in "nerd culture." Do you know any user that genuinely play vidya?
certainly not OP

Why do so many girls and jojo fags love tf2 so much?

fellating with one of your discordbros is not the same

>left has specific games while right is all over the place
why did you put indie games and undertale separate? also TF2 and pc gaming?
what a shit list.

It's fun, and you can wear silly hats while you kill people.

I got an ex heavily into Pokemon but she was fat and ugly like me so...

My wife plays video games, and through marrying me she has access to a large collection of video games. The other day we played House of the Dead 2 with lightguns in co op. I sat her down to play Sonic 1 on the genesis, and the other day I came home our 2 year old son was sitting in her lap as she was playing DKC on my SNES watching her play. The issue is a lot of women really do in fact do it for attention.

>but uses a voice filter
>You probably play a lot of games with girls but don't know it because people lose their shit online, so they have to hide.
Can confirm, voice filters and private profiles on Steam are the best thing to ever fucking happen for chics online, without them you literally cannot play a single game of anything online that has voice chat without getting 10+ friend requests and guys messaging you constantly, white knight faggots, regular faggots, and just non-stop attention from every direction.

It's even worse when you play genres that are 99% male dominated, tacticool shooters and milsims in particular. I've got close to 2k hours in DCS, 4k hours between ARMA2/3 and the amount of drama that's come with that is ridiculous, and I don't blame guys for being the way they are, it's how they're wired, but the reality is you will NEVER be treated as "just one of the boys" unless they literally think you're one of the boys.

It's not me, it's Facebook data about groups and likes from several million profiles

where the fuck are my resources bitch

Can't believe that it's now socially acceptable to be a white knight online. These people used to be lambasted for their autism but now they get away with it everytime.

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That's a god damn man pretending to be a woman

Reacting to stimuli is one thing. But processing information and then making a decision based on that information is another, because a decision can be made much earlier than the action you decided to commit to.

>No Man's Sky
>Full of men

I've been gaming decades before discord was a thing try again lol.

Wait, do white anons actually believe that disliking women is why someone might be a virgin?
Serious question, I only ever hear that from white guys.
You do realize that MOST guys dislike MOST women, right?
Just because we want to fuck them doesn't mean we like being around most of them.

>Tile Matching
>The Sims

Attached: femsoyjack.jpg (243x208, 13K)

bet she never beat that game either lol

>lol just me nerding out playing Zelda on my n64!
>whoops I only played it for my twitter pic and then sold it for weed money

Attached: dogaru.jpg (540x564, 67K)

I'm friends with a girl who is really decent at Melee, and alright at Ultimate. She's smol. Pic related because she has a switch and plays Tropical Freeze in it

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>Prime Mover
How did you know I play those?

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My girlfriend played MMOs as a kid, but doesn’t play any games as an adult. My sister owns a Switch and plays Smash Bros, Pokémon, and every Harvest Moon clone.

I knew 2, sisters. Played WoW and Zelda the last time I saw them.

My sister plays video games. She's also a shut-in NEET.

How can you not fucking tell that's a man?

Attached: man.jpg (480x415, 63K)

>Facebook data about groups and likes from several million profiles
It doesn't mean jack shit then. Do you think women join groups of facebook because they're actually playing the game? I've never joined a facebook group for a game in my life.

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Custom Campaign of SWAT 4 that includes the original, expansion and extra missions like an hour ago.

No chance 45% of Switch players are women. The WiiU and Nintendo online in general had like a 95%(m) to 5%(f) split.

I play battle royals with my Chinese friend all of the time and she definitely is a girl. Either that or my friends bro is gay.

I usually play till end credits. So sue me.

I've dated 2 girls who actually played video games in my life. One was a juggalette which speaks for itself and the other cut herself on a weekly basis and threatened to kill herself if I ever left her. Big regrets.

>even having facebook.

>PC gaming

Did she do it?

>Unironically thinking it's only women who do this
>implying Yea Forums hasn't been INFECTED with secondaries since 2007

There is a really big difference between not wanting to hang out with most women and being stuck in a redpilled, incel, self loathing hate-loop. The former is fairly common, the virgin is the latter.

Yes, she was kinda fat and also a complete emotional wreck.

femcels are real, and they are terrifying

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Plenty of girls that aren't amerishits like video games

>user actually thinks games are fun
Yes, but they're not women you really want to "date"

Women and men have different brains.

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nah she just wanted sympathy and attention

My wife plays more games than I do these days. Maybe wait until you've had a girlfriend or to to start making assumptions.

There's nothing wrong with playing only one platform mainly. I don't play any Nintendo games because it's mostly all shallow boring garbage designed for children. There are people that only play racing games, only play indies, only play MOBAs, only play online shooters. As long as you are dedicated and knowledgeable to that niche, I don't see what the issue is. But if you say you only play playstation but then don't even finish your games, are like trophy level 6, and don't really know anything about quality titles, then that's someone who is just playing very casually.

getting BLACKED isn't a videogame

Not sure how you beat a game that will never be finished...

Do you actually think most of this thread is the latter rather than the former?
If so then I can only assume that you're a white kid.

You can beat my dick until I'm finished.