Comstock? More like COOMSTOCK!

Attached: elizabeth-bioshock-infinite-46123-1920x1080.jpg (1920x1080, 103K)

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I think I nutted to Elizabeth more than any other video game character

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Back when we had cute, hot, adorable female characters
seriously she's the reason I replay Infinite every few years
>that resurrection animation where she brings you back to life

Western vidya women are gorgeous

how did she get freckles and moles when she was stuck inside all day?

>Every night I close my eyes to go to sleep.
>Every night I see Elizabeth's milkers.
>Every night her milkers bounce up and down.
>I reach for them.
>Inches from her milkers.
>Inches from true happiness.
>My life will finally be fulfilled.
>I wake up.

She looks like she fucks futas

Didn't buy the game, because they dramatically reduced the size of her breasts. In the trailers they were much much larger and nicer.

baste and cook for 30 minutes pilled

>Elizabeth futas.

This thread just makes me think of some sort of smash bros equivalent for common SFM characters

>sarah from tlou
>every overwatch girl
>Lara Croft

someone post the vocaroo

>reason I replay Infinite every few years
Fucking disgusting.

You're forgetting
>The Scout

>not being a hopeless romantic classical man



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Bro wtf that's my fetish.

the có €€umbrain meme is retarded and so are you

She's hot, man.

She looks like she fucks alternate dimensional versions of her father

is Burial at Sea worth buying?

Game fact: Her second name is Futascucker

tfw ur bf finds ur poopsock

I hope he saw every single one of the SFM vids of Elizabeth bestiality

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>tfw ur gf find your cunny folder
what should I do?

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he 100% got some prostitute to dress up and larp as Elizabeth
question is, who did he larp back as? Comstock or Booker?

based plebbit

I recognize gold and silver, what's that other stuff in 3 beside it?


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They're both the same in the end.

>tfw ur bf finds out about poopo fetish

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yeah I know but did he enjoy larping as the guy who knew Elizabeth was his daughter or the guy who had no idea?

>short hair
>light eyes
>corset nicely pushing up the tits

Literally just designed for cooms

I like your style, user. Keep it up. One day you'll get an Elizabeth gf.

>Reading the whole thing.
That faggot disgusts me.
>Agrees to get pegged.
>Actual faggot.
>Somehow doesn't draw the line there.
>Wife convinces him to shit on her.
>He actually does it.
>Is only grossed out when she goes to eat it.
Faggots like this need to kill themselves, no control in the relationship.

Pegging aint gay. I have been pegged before and personally don't like the idea of getting fucked by a guy. Maybe it's just the natural unrealistic thought of the absolute perfect body - literal girl body with the superior organ and not a beefy scar. I'm not gay.

That is a lot of cope for one post

>that kid from mass effecr

I self insert as Booker. Imagine having your daughter fall in love with you and run away to Paris with her. Hopefully she won't drown you though.


I imagine Levine trying to flirt with Courtney Draper after larping as Booker in the game cover. The narcissistic fuck shopped his face into his own game protag and ordered everyone to call him Booker. He even made sure that every employee of the production had met him as Booker instead of Ken. As if that would change the fact that he's a fat manlet hack.
So he tries to ask her if she's free tonight, it's not like it's a date or anything if she doesn't want it to be, he says to her "but would you kindly accept my invitation", he chuckles as if she gets his inner nerdy joke.
But she only looks confused and slightly uncomfortable and tells him that she already had plans for tobight with Troy Baker. Levine can't contain his tears. He runs away back to his trailer but trips on a chord and falls hitting his head on a nearby desk.
The entire team runs to help him. Some cleaning lady screams scared how Mr. Dewitt fell down. One of thw producers looks her confused and states that he's just Ken Levine. Before anyone can say anything Ken raises his voice with pain and says "No...I'm both"

>"I like penises and not vaginas"
>"I also enjoy my anus being ripped open so phallical objects can enter it"
>Not gay
You're a turbofaggot. Just accept it and stop trying to convince internet strangers otherwise.


>keeping stuff like that on your phone while having a gf
He had it coming.


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Busted endless nuts to her lol

Sometimes I watch the early Bioshock Infinite trailers and get sad over what the game could have been.


i laughed, i laughed and clapped when i read the funny thing on the funny website bahah

Cinematic trailers are memes

U mad?

>Booker, catch!


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and futa liara

bahah i laughed at the retort, i laughed and clapped


right, you could probably add a few ME girls

>commie revolutionary is shown to be evil and a butcher

She didn du nuffins in the DLC. It retconns her.

Chief Irons


I haven't played the DLC I thought it was set in Rapture
how does that commie bitch figure into it?

Love her squishy tits

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Why are women like this

Tell me!

why do some faggots try to hide the fact their faggots despite everybody knowing their gay

Literal shitposting

can I get Lulu and a dog as the puppet character?

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Her breast animations were great

God I wish Liz was real so she could step on my balls

I still Booker the most out of the entire cast. He's just a slam dunk of a protagonist, an appealing self-insert and a fascinating character in his own right. Levine and Irrational really outdid themselves with him (nevermind Liz's insanely realistic interactions with you and Columbia), I've never played a shooter where the protagonist's dialog so closely mirrors my own thoughts.

>dat massacre at the ticket booth
>Booker straight up explaining to Liz that she is an investment
The writing and attention to detail in this game is so fucking good.

>Tears aren't even introduced yet at that point
This kino is still the gold standard for vidya

I'd coom her stock if you catch my drift