What are the two best FPS ever made?

What are the two best FPS ever made?

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Ever? That's up to personal preferences. I have a feeling the two best of this generation will be Ion Fury and Doom Eternal.

>overhyped retro cashgrab
>a game thats not even out yet

>in development longer than both Blood games combined

That’s not powerslave and quake 1.
F.E.A.R is awesome though and blood is decent so cheers to you Op.

DOOM and Arma 3

Perfect Dark for the N64
Unreal Tournament 2004

go drink some bleach, shit for brains

My bet goes to duke nukem 3d and half life 2, call me a tastelet all you want but thats my opinion. I havent played blood yet but fear is pretty mediocre, sure the weapons feel good and the enemies are fun to shoot at but other than that you are just shooting enemies the whole game and it becomes tiresome, then fear 2 came out and while it solved the pacing problem the first one had, it was a fucking console shooter, the only good thing about it was the level design and the mecha sections, a fear game with 1’s gameplay, 2’s mecha sections and 3’s option to control fettel would be the better shooter ever made, fear has an extremely hight potential of becoming something else, but like most of monolith games it only excels in one thing.

top tier taste OP

Attached: thumbsup.webm (620x720, 1.13M)

Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy

Duke 3D

doom 1
quake 1


SS1 and Quake

Female Duke being in dev hell and abandoned thanks to 3drealms incompetence isn't really the same as void point shitting out an ok retro shooter, in fact it's completely different at this point.

Bombshell nor Ion Maiden were never in dev hell or abandoned.

FEAR and Max Payne

I can tell you never played past the Seven Portals.

>What are the two best FPS ever made?
whatever two are your favorite

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Max is a TPS you fucking dingdong

Holy based.

Attached: Breakdown.webm (640x480, 2.22M)