I like Arkham Origins even though it's fucking stupid. Tell me your opinions on this game and the others

I like Arkham Origins even though it's fucking stupid. Tell me your opinions on this game and the others.

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People were pissed off that they didn't use Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill but I think Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker did good jobs and it made sense to get different VAs for the younger version of these characters.

I'm going through Arkham Origins Blackgate right now out of sheer curiosity. It's not a very good game.

Runs like a dream on PC. Gorgeous snow physx, has a good story, the best boss fights in the series, and the Deathstroke fight is kino

Wish they'd give Smith another crack at Batman in something else.

City > Asylum > Knight > Origins > Literal Dogshit > Blackgate

I don't know why some people think Asylum is the best one. It was good but City was better.

Attached: Shadmeow of the Colossus.webm (480x480, 2.95M)

I really like the Batman villains, so the story was awesome for me. The combat was pretty cool too, much faster paced than a lot of modern FPS and RPG games and it was fun playing some of the boss battles where you had to be very precise with your fighting. I also really enjoyed the puzzles. I've considered doing another playthrough of the series multiple times but every time I go to start I just decide to do something else.

What is blackgate like? Isn't it a DS game?

It was a 3DS/Vita game initially. Eventually it got a "Deluxe Edition" that ported it to PS3/360/WiiU and PC.

I always say the same thing so here it is.
Knight>=City>Origins>Asylum gameplay wise

Story wise its

Ambience its

Open World


Notable Mention for the Freeze fight in City and at least some effort in Origins in term of bosses, and the entire Scarecrow segment in Asylum. Though pretty short, the Hatter segment in Knight is also alright.
It boils down to Knight has the most gameplay options and the most developped open world, at the expense of a good consistent theme because Batmobile. Which in and of itself is not bad but gets stuck in a fair bit of the missions because they had to put it in. Also, more Joker. Still the best adaptation of the Killing Joke we got tho.
Asylum is the most consistent but mostly gets points for being the first game without which none of the rest would exist. It has the best story because at least the Joker is well identified from the get go, no bait and switch, no Jason Todd.
City is second best behind those peaks in the series because it does it all well, but loses itself because of Talia. Also the Catwoman segments are not great.
Origins is really last only because it copies the games that come before it way too hard. And it even manages to ruin a good thematic and story because its too busy between the assassins and the Joker bait and switch.

I honestly wish Origins had focused entirely on the assassins and had them all in the main story instead of just half of them in side missions.

Origins was alright. Better than Knight, but not as good as Asylum or City.

Took fucking forever to get used to the different timing in combat. Fuck the tacked on multiplayer mode too. It's the only Batman game I don't have the platinum trophy for.

It hast the best story and charaters designs of the whole Arkham series.

I hated Origins overuse of pre-rendered cutscenes, which you can tell were all ported out to third-party contract.

He is also in BatmanNinja and two other animated movies, those two look pretty shit though, its like batman vs dinosaurs or something

Origins is the definition of soulless.

The problem is that Batman has like 50 different voice actors, so when you throw one of them a bone, you're depriving all of the others.
I kinda want to see Will Arnett play a non-lego Batman.

>the best boss fights in the series
You mean the ones they just copy/pasted from City, and the fight against Deathstroke that was a glorified QTE?

Will Arnett has the potential for some gritty batman voice, if they give it to him that is.

the city design was so bad it was the only game to actually have fast travel. i think the enormous bridge is actually a joke by the developers. troy baker was horrendous as joker because he was just trying to imitate hamill instead of trying his own take on it. the christmas atmosphere was done pretty well and all the different assassins were neat, but not being able to play as any of them in challenge mode was a missed opportunity.

I thought Blackgate was better than Origins. Although I did play it on 3DS, way before it had a PC release, so I wasn't comparing it to the "proper" entries in the series. Origins was just too blatant a cashgrab for me to enjoy it.

>Deadshot boss fight
>Deathstroke boss fight
>including jobbers like Firefly decently
>most of Bane
>Year One references
>detective mode looked better
>Joker getting the upper hand constantly for no reason
>Bane towards the end
>still can't throw thugs to clear space
>suicide squad cockteasing never panned out

I really liked its Batsuit and just its designs in general

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i got this game in the wb bundle from humble bundle but i haven't played it yet. i'm assuming it is the same thing as every other bamham game and their clones where you just mash x and occasionally push y then go around the map checking things off a list.