Do these games really deserve to be in the hall of fame Yea Forums?
Do these games really deserve to be in the hall of fame Yea Forums?
where is Cloud?
yes, these are all great games worthy of a top 50 or top 100 list.
Yeah, if you disagree you're a fucking retarded zoomer or just clinically retarded
>no Donkey Kong Country 1+2
>no sonic
>mario 3
maybe if you just learned about video games yesterday
Why is Metroid II in a hall of fame?
Pokemon? No. Never played chrono trigger. The rest are kino.
Red and Blue objectively do not belong there. Regardless of them starting off the franchise, they're easily some of the worst entries in the series.
>bloodborne's not a zoomer game
Okay retard.
He was added into the GameFaqs hall of fame
I think for their time they're very good games but I agree. GS are far, far better even with the level curve problems.
Nope. They have the most pungent soul and are therefor the most beautiful, along with Gold and Silver.
>Any Zelda
>Pokemon RBY
>Metroid II
Absolutely not
T. Retard
>portal over Half-Life
Not that portal is bad, but come on.
post the updated one so i can laugh at how retarded these people are
It's the same except with Witcher 3 & The Last of Us
FF7, Pokemon, Brawl & StarCraft are the only ones that don't belong. Everything else is fine
Kind of Nintendo-centric, isn't it?
Not only is there nothing Sega-related on there (Even if they disliked Sonic games, Gunstar Heroes, Shinobi 3, Jet Set Radio and others existed), but the few non-Nintendo greats are scant, and vary wildly in time period.
Also, Red and Blue are NOT better than Gold and Silver.
Pokemon Red and Blue sure don't. All of the ones that came after are superior in every way.
Easy Allies is a Playstation website, they gave God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5 & The Last Guardian a perfect score
>Pokemon R/B
>Not Crystal, not HG/SS, not Platinum
The fuck?
>the hall of fame
>of videogames
That's stoopid.