Fire Emblem censored

What happened?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why do people crossdress instead of going full trans?

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Crossdressing is a fetish, trans is a mental illness

No no no no no bros, but Nintendo doesn't censor things.

Sony is SNOY
Steam is cucked
NIntendo is faltering

Yeah, somebody pointed this out launch week but nobody seemed to care. Pretty obvious they dropped it to avoid resetera screaming in their ear about transp*obia.

Same faggot shit, who so cares?

because being a crossdresser and being trans are different things

>Ingrid doesn't see Duscars OR trans people as living beings
The Ingrid memes are all real.

They wanted to avoid any potential backlash from Twitter users with nothing better to do I assume, I hate that they changed it but it's minor enough that I don't really care, and at least the point of it stays the same (pointing out a time Sylvain was hitting on something that embarrassed him) rather than what they did with Fates.




If they didn't cencsor gameplay it doesnt matter, because remeber, video games are NOT art.

I hate how I have to pay the import tax just to get japanese text in my jrpgs. I know why they do it, but that doesn't make me hate it less.

Japanese people laugh at crossdressers, they are just covering their bases to prevent any shitstorm from the west

Video games are not fun either

As long as they keep the japanese version intact I don't really care what they do with the english version, honestly. Most people seem like they enjoy their shitty localizations, so good for them. Even shit like DQ11, you'll find people defending it. It's just like how people will flock to whatever place translates a manga the fastest, regardless of the quality. If nobody else gives a shit, why should I?

crazy how they censored this but Ingrid saying the n word all those times was kept in

stop being so passive aggressive you fucking beta.

We should start to call crossdressers scarecrows

i mean have you seen a crossdresser snd a crow in the same room?

>be a huge fucking weeb
>Consume Japanese media basically everyday (Anime/VNs/Games)
>Get to the point where I can understand some simple words and sentences by pure repetition
>Now able to notice this sort of localizations discrepancies
I don't know how to feel desu

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How am I being passive aggressive? I just don't care what they change in the western release, as long as the japanese version stays whole. It's why I'll only but #FE if it's confirmed that you can at least play the japanese version uncensored.

>Confident in their bodies, most of them are in great shape and jacked
>Some guys want to feel comfy in a dress. See: Popularity of kilts
>Weebs like to do it at conventions and dress up as their favorite characters, Normalfags do it at bars or strip clubs as a prank
>Crossdressers are usually completely secure in their masculinity, and unironically get mad bitches
>Ruining their body with permanent surgery instead of getting therapy or medication for their head, majority end up killing themselves after going through surgery
>Generally have abandonment issues, always form cliques and rage when something doesn't go their way
>Hated by the straights, gays, bis, and everyone else.
>Have to make everything about THEM, just as bad if not worse than furries

As if Sylvain would ever do something like that.
NOA literally understands his character better than the original writer

Attached: sylvain.jpg (1242x1710, 237K)

>Don't know a single lick of Japanese at all
>Characters literally scream ROOTU BEER FROATU
>Text says "Ice cream float."
Sometimes it's just localization thinking you have a quarter of the IQ you do, too.

Sylvain's canonically gay deal with it

This. Sylvain doesn't flirt with shit girls like Leonie.

Keep fapping to your art and headcanon, user.
Meanwhile I'll be over here in reality.

Nintendo has censored things for years and literally everyone knows it, what are you shitposting about?

Not that user but Sylvain straight up admits to flirting with men and horses in one of his supports

>You know professor, with great power comes great responsibility. Hilda called it the “white woman’s burden” Myself as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Ingrid looks directly at the camera
>The Duscur, the almyrans, the dykes... it’s our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can’t? Then they shall Dangle from the ElmTree. The day of the rope is near, Professor. We shall have all Duscur in chains or dead in 5 years, and may the Godess have Glenn killed in a giant Slither conspiracy if I’m wrong. May the godess bless the Faerghus Nazi party!

Because I get money from orbitors and bitches love it, all without being mentally ill and chopping off my dick

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>You flirted with a tranny. a tranny!

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Nintendo of America, business as usual.

Seriously, why are you guys surprised by this?

Because despite taking hormones, some of us don't magically turn into women and end up functionally being crossdressers anyway, because hormones don't work the way everyone thinks.

fetishes ARE mental illness

I fucking cackled at that support

Any hope for an uncensored mod patch?

>character says several sentences
>subtitles: Hmph...

If it's only a few lines here and there then no one will give a shit enough to do anything about it.

Nintendo censors things, what else is new?

You sound like my mom, who thought sleeping late was a mental illness.

Because cutting your dick off is as fucking deranged as getting a plastic surgeon to cut your nose off and turn you into the Red Skull.

Just get a jap xci dude

>What happened?
Nintendo happened.

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How could anyone live without such an important line

More like why people go trans insteaf of being crossdressers?

When the switch is near it's end of life I'll fully hack it, but I'm interested in supporting games I like until then. I have an OG switch so hacking it should never be a problem for me.
I prefer to support games I like because I believe it increases the chances of games that I like being created in the future. I'm not poor, so buying stuff is not a problem for me.

How's maddening mode? About the same as the datamine?

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They didn't cover up any titties in XB2 so everyone pretended they weren't censoring things anymore despite what they did to the script.

>Character says Rean
>Subtitles: haha

>NOA literally understands his character better than the original writer
I know you're shitposting but even so fuck off.

>character says Rean...
>subtitles: I agree with you Elliot, Rean has truly blossomed into a great leader. The wind feels nice today

>people didn't get mad because they didn't know it happeend
woaaah dude amaing refvelation who could have predicted this

wait what's the problem with dq11?

Just goes to prove those who cry about censorship only care about their precious eyecandy tits and not actually about the censorship.

Try the demo, the first character you meet makes it a so bad it's good because of that one word and another that was similar

People will defend "localization" to their dying breath. It's just easier that way for them to accept what's given to them, what they paid for. If you tell them how what and what got butchered in localization then it just makes them seem like fools, so they will defend even the most inane of "cultural changes to suit the buying demographic" to make it seem like they are in the right. You can't just translate what's actually being said, you have to inflect it with a scottish accent or else they won't empathize with the character!

>transvestites are the same thing as scarecrows

Wtf bros Sylvain is gay?

Nintendo/The West. Hasn't started, hasn't stopped. It's just a state of being. Direct translations are exceptions to the rule.

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Jap here. The original doesnt say crossdressing at all. Says ugly old woman. Try again snoy.

Well, those kinds of changes aren't as horrendously bad as changing the meaning of a sentence or phrase altogether as seems like the case here. Removing religious references is censorship, omitting words is censorship.

Making a character speak like a retard is localization, even if bad localization.

>Ugly Old Woman
try again tranny

man i dun even know moon rune but i recognize girl as the first rune and boy as the last, or is it female and male?

You can expect this kind of localization to continue. Brush out anything inconvenient when necessary, sanitize things as needed otherwise. Whatever keeps the money flowing and the outrage to a minimum. It doesn't affect me so much as I can read 日本語, but it's still complete bullshit. But I can accept nintendo doing this as simply a result of the shitty culture we now live in. I'll be satisfied as long as I can still play the japanese versions of what I like and not deal with this garbage.

My advice to user is you'll either have to learn japanese or cope. The west is done for.

No, plenty of people know about XB2's script changes, people just don't give a fuck and often claim it isn't actually censorship because of bullshit mental gymnastics.

>Character says Arisen

Because even the mentally ill have levels of insanity, and
>cutting my own dick and digging a hole in my loins makes me a true woman
is pretty far on the crazy scale

Edelgard and Femleth for the goth yuri
Dimitri and Femleth for the mommy healing
Claude and Male Byleth for the bro camaraderie and you both refuse to get married

Haven't done church but I guess its Male Byleth and Sothis cunny route

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Both the sub and dub have some shitty voices so who cares? In dub you have shit like Mercedes and in sub you have shit like Bernadetta, pick your poison.

how many weeks do you think edel itched the ditch to the though of finally telling professor how she came up with "black eagle strike force"

sounds more like he'll just fuck anything

>she probably even has plans to make everyone do poses



English localizations from basically all companies routinely remove pedo and crossdressing jokes and references from JRPGs because Japs just can't stop putting degenerate shit in their games, you just don't know about most of them because who the fuck is going to compare scripts to some shitty JRPGs. Maybe when Japan stops trying to creep people out with their genius "humor" it'll be fine.

>hates Duscurs
>likes Almyrans
So is Claude okay because he's half-Fodlan or does Ingrid consider Almyrans acceptable breeding material?

yes because we all know they have such a good track record, this change was due to pedo shit too right?

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>Maybe when Japan stops trying to creep people out

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>creep people out

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>because Japs just can't stop putting degenerate shit in their games
as opposed to the law?

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How good/bad is Fe3H localisation?
If tier or Nisa tier?

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Nowhere close to either of those. Nintendo this generation has been good with translations. Beside stuff like the OP to avoid press bullshit its a fine translation with no bullshit like

>level 21 Byleth Mercenary
>B rank in Swords
>Nothing else
Damn I don't have the skills for Swordmaster or Hero. Should have done more Faculty Training

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I'd post the Lorenz webm but there's no sound on Yea Forums right? Don't kid yourself user, it's basically just as bad, a bit better but not by a lot and is still shit.

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But the American conversation is funny while the Japanese version is just melodramatically edgy and cringey

>Nintendo this generation has been good with translations.
You retard, Xenoblade 2's translation is every bit as bad as Fates'. 3H is a hell of a lot better but still full of rewrites.

Why do you shills keep repeating this, there's nothing edgy or cringey about that conversation. In fact cringey isn't even a word you mutt.

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You know that the vast majority of crimes in Japan go unreported/uninvestigated, right?

>Maybe when Japan stops trying to creep people out
I thought the west was all about having a "sexual revolution" these days, and creating a world where people can talk about sex toys in public?

Oh, right, your puritan morals won't allow that kind of "progressive" behavior.

>but it seems like the west is deathly afraid of words
>2nd replacement just added more

Fuck off

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You thought snoy was the only one censoring? Watch nintendoshills buying and shilling "FExSMT" game again

No I don't, because it's not true.

People here have fake principles and just use censorship as an excuse to hate on something? Shocking ain't it.

user I'm pretty sure it's because Japan doesn't have doctors actively propagate freaks so that they can get that sweet sweet surgery money and post op life time sales of treatment.

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More proof we have shills, there's no way all of them can just be brainwashed to do it for free.

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>spend 2 months shitposting about Sony doing censorship
>people point out how Nintendo did censoring at the past with Tokyo Mirage

fast forward to today
>Nintendo does mild censoring again
>B-b-but it's not major!
>who cares dude
>only gameplay matters when it comes to censoring
>you only talk about censoring when it comes to the company you hate stop being biased

I see self-introspection is still a foreign concept for you people.

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Consolewar cucks are truly cancer.

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B-but Nintendo is totally based now, they give me the anime titties.

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Because it's not essential to the plot. It's just a one off.

I can't wait to laugh about that fucking #FE wedding dress which is the worst censorship in the past 10 years, hell, not even 4kids is that puritan about it.

You forfeit adulthood the moment you use the term "sjw"

I guess in that case it's fine to censor anything that isn't essential to the plot, right?

It's the same thing different month. It's essentially fear mongering over petty things and Console Wars. We had almost zero Pokemon threads. But suddenly when Nintendo talks about Pokemon the threads pop up and it's "Nintendo shit Snoy based" then "Snoy based Nintendo shit" it's all cancer and proves Thanos was right.

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You forfeit your brain cells when you shill.

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There is no way you're older than 13. If you are then your parents failed you.

Why would I give a shit what some subhuman Christian propagandist thinks

Pretty much. Because it's only Puritans such as yourself that get pissy and throw your 8ch tism over it.

Because comments like that are LITERALLY MURDERING trans folk!

So Mugen Souls is a perfectly acceptable localisation then.

I don't know why they censored this but not the C support with Dimitri where she keeps interrupting him to cite Duscur crime statistics.

>Puritans calling others puritans

>can't argue back against evidence
>chimp out like a nigger in full denial
I didn't know real statistics on pedo crimes were propaganda.

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The fact that they did it to avoid backlash from people is the annoying part though. Very few people would care about a change like that, or in the grand scheme of things if certain characters were female/a different ethnicity, it's the fact that it's being done to appease an annoying crowd of moral busybodies that pisses people off.

If you want the full Japanese experience, buy the Japanese version and read Japanese. Otherwise fuck off, you're not entitled to a translation, nintendo are releasing a westernized product. The very fact it's in English means they've changed something about it.

Now, on the other hand, guess what company prevents you from experiencing a full Japanese experience? Sony. They're clearly worse, Nintendo aren't doing anything wrong.

Uh, yeah? Don't you know trannies have it harder than cancer patients?

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This isn't censorship, it's a choice in localization and not a bad one. As far as I'm aware, Nintendo often omit cross-dressing and degenerate shit. Or Would you rather have memes and ellipsis instead of what hey currently chosen.

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You consolewar fanboys are truly pathetic, try having an actual backbone and stand for something solid instead of shifting into values that suit you only when it supports your favorite company.

Thanks for describing your mental illness.
This has nothing to do with your Tism fit over Fire Emblem.

Except crossdressers can still be saved, once you go trans you're fucked.


Learn to pronounce
noun: localization; plural noun: localizations; noun: localisation; plural noun: localisations

the process of making something local in character or restricting it to a particular place.
"the tug-of-war between the forces of globalization and localization"
the fact of being or becoming located or fixed in a particular place.
"differences in localization of growth control molecules in carcinoma"

>ctrl+f "omit" 0 results returned

Good luck enforcing this across all companies. You are going to be pissed until the end of time.

You guys still think Japan is based?

Off the top of my head they recently censored MK11 and Square now has an "ethics committee" which reduced Tifa's boob size and censored the FF8 remaster.

Resetera, games journalists and pronoun twitter hold all the power. They have more influence than you think.

The mental gymnastics of this post is astouding, if I use this exact same argument to defend a snoy game you fags wouldn't take me seriously either.

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Is there a bonus for having 100% chance to succeed a class upgrade? I only had D+ in axes, when I hit both lvl 20 and mastered my current class and didn't want time on the next class to go to waste.

>This isn't censorship, it's a choice in localization

if it was change because they thought it was offensive it's censorship

>This has nothing to do with your Tism fit over Fire Emblem.
It does however have to do with your previous claim that censorship is fine if isn't essential to the plot. You still stand by that, right? You don't have any problems with Mugen Souls' censorship, right?

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>Nintendo aren't doing anything wrong.
They're making shit localisations and censoring games.
Sony is worse, that doesn't make Nintendo not bad too.
Why are you like this?

hahaha holy fuck (You) deserve this

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Doesn't it worry you that devs and localizers now have to tip toe around resetera though? It starts off with innocuous shit like this but things will only get worse.

Why shift the goalposts sperg? You are trying to move it to Mugen Souls. Why will you refuse to accept you are having a Tism fit?

Wrong, Nintendo are letting the diseased localisation teams work in tandem with the original creators, influencing their work and trying to cut out things that'd be too much hassle to censor at the source.

The only reason you don't notice this as much is because Nintendo only do this kind of shit for first party games and exclusives.

Both companies are cancer, Sony is just slightly more public about it.

We've gone too far

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I don't think you know what moving the goalposts means. There is no changing an argument here to dry and defend a previous position. I am simply asking you to clarify your previously presented position for the sake of further understanding of it. It is not related to Fire Emblem in any direct sense.
Why are you dodging the question? You wouldn't back down, right?

Reminder they censored her dialogue(and many others)

>Everyone here is an heir or an heiress. But not me. I'm just a commoner.

This is a reused voice line elsewhere in the game. They just used a old line to replace this below. (Pic related proof)

Actual translation is: If you keep looking there Sensei, then even I will get embarrassed

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Censoring violence will always make more sense than censoring sexuality
Squeenix is a company that has spent the last 15 years running itself into the ground trying to appeal to the west

>Screenshot of tweet
>243 replies
>1.1k rt's
>Go to actual tweet
>550 replies

What the fuck?

Reminder that this is why 3H has an unused sauna in it

>Off the top of my head they recently censored MK11
Japan has always had an issue with gratuitous violence, the CERO ratings board has always said that shit like decapitations is a no-no. Dead Rising zombies only have head explosions in the west, and Peace Walker has a fucking tickling rod instead of an electric one for a torture scene.

Things are almost certainly going to get worse as Japan is forced to conform to outdated western ideals, but right now it isn't that bad.

No I do know what it means. I just know you are trying to move the goalposts and having a Tism fit. And projecting your dodging of the question of why you are having a Tism fit over Fire Emblem.

I care about content changes more than texture changes, and I care about texture changes more than text changes. However, I care about politics more than all, so inserting politics even into the text will irritate me more than cutting a sex outfit. Basically, don't compare the kind of censoring Sony is doing to games in general with this text censorship, because they're on different levels. If you want to criticize Nintendo censorship on the same level as what Sony is doing, point to Tokyo Mirage Sessions rather than this text, because that actually is an example of a game on a Nintendo console censoring as egregiously.

People have their heads too far up their ass to realize this and is why translators do not like to engage in explaining shit because people are ungrateful and don't want to learn how the language works and Japanese in general. If the localization had memes, people would complain, of it was literal, people would still complain. omitting content from Japanese is one thing, but what Sony is doing is 10x worse.

They reduced the sexuality too, not just the violence.

They reduced the sexuality of MK11? How?

>You're a dumb child for not sharing my politics
Why do they ALWAYS do this?

>Pokemon threads
>Square Enix bait on the Ethics Committee despite being proven it was a mistranslation
>Paranoia over Resetera
Man now I know this is a bait thread is filled with trolls or people with Paranoid Schizos that need to take their medication.

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>treehouse up to their old tricks again

and here I was thinking of getting switch, what are the chances of buying a hackable switch these days or should I just look for one used?

Post an example of that happening.

This is just retarded. Text changes are often miles worse than content and texture changes.

They're just nowhere near as visible for you because you're a dumb EOP.

Bait thread. Ignore it.

No idea user, I don't even use twitter.

Inspect element


do you get paid to shill that hard?

You slept late and now you're here. Maybe your mom was right all along.

>Removing content, or changing the visuals, is less egregious than removing a reference to crossdressers
You have brain problems.

If you look at serial codes you can probably find one, or just buy used, they're cheaper and the worst that can happen is the screen is scratched, which isn't a big deal because handheld mode is fucking awful.

>They're just nowhere near as visible
And this is the worst part. Covering up a character's boobs is obvious and gets people riled up. Changing the script isn't immediately obvious, is difficult to find and prove, and people will constantly defend it as just localisation. Shit is far more insidious.

Toned down the female costumes to be less "revealing".

>this particular example of text censorship isn't a big deal to me, therefore all text censorship isn't a big deal
They changed the texture of a block in OoT to avoid offending Muslims, does that mean all texture censorship isn't that big of a deal too?

Notice the hierarchy I posted? It's not for show, drag up textures and you'll see that I rated them just below outright content removal in severity.

Ideally at this point you would be demonstrating it instead of just claiming it.

>Resetera is paranoia

It's already been shown that devs are willing to bend over backwards for their outrage.

So changing a block in OoT is worse than rewriting a character, gotcha.

>drones defended XB2's lolcalization (lol who cares about dialogues if I can see tits)
>drones defended censorship in Smash (it's not actually censorship because I think it looks hotter)
Of course they'll defend this shit.

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Was this changed reference an example of rewriting a character for censorship, user?

Your lying there's no way they could do that because the women in that game are already wearing burkas

>Paranoia over Resetera

I don't think it's crazy to think devs, particularly those overseas, look at our big gaming websites (kotaku, polygon etc), gaming forums (resetera, reddit) and vocal minority on social media and think they speak for the western market as a whole.

You forgot the power of god ray technology.

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t. resetera poster

Thighs are mental illness?

That has absolutely nothing to do with the Japanese release, you fucking idiot.

I think we can all at least agree that translating for the west is hard work,

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I'm going to punch you in the face.

Yes by Sony.

Don't forget the people who work in the dubbing/localization industry are huge factors.

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I am a tranny from Resetera and I would like to say these two are forum members hiding in a Discord server to make Right Wingers look bad.

>tfw hacked switch
Pirates always win baby.

I only believe the first 6 words

>Less Japanese games come over
>Import Japanese versions
JOP's always WIN baby!

If you're a JOP how are you speaking English?

*I believe all the words the tranny says.

Cause I'm a Happa. Half Japanese half White.

What they said wasn't anything bad though? Seems pretty spot on. Hell, the first one is objectively true.

What does your ancestry have to do with anything? Could it be that you have no idea what acronyms mean but tried to use them anyway?

He's probably from the VN general, that's the only place where people that dumb exist.

Sure fag go back to dress shopping u complete fagtard sissy
There’s no difference between crossdresser and tranny’s both are mentally ill men in dresses and wigs
>hatting on furries

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I do, but people that are outside of the sphere will continue to be ignorant and retarded. Case and point: the image you posted of people saying "beginner" is offensive when it clearly is not. Can't please everyone.

I am from there. How did you know?

Because you're dumb, can't you read?

Probably bought followers/retweeters to artificially boost your importance and relevance.

They use a myriad of lines to hide their true fears.

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>>hatting on furries
After trannies, furries are unironically the biggest fucking cancer to ever grace the internet.

>I know why they do it, but that doesn't make me hate it less.
And why is that?

>What happened?
Don't pretend like this is anything new at all.

>fire emblem has to say dastard
>direct says bastard


>Nintendo America happened.

Japanese Companies can't hold their ass up to those Ameritrannies long enough thoug, otherwise they get KyoAni'd by their own people.

You should ask Kamiya about Kotaku in that case.

Because they can't see the changes.

>seething tranny once again mad that traps are cute and popular while trannies dilate and kill themselves

>tfw no Ingrid gf

>what company prevents you from experiencing a full Japanese experience? Sony
How exactly?
I've been buying the Japanese version of games and playing them?

What is it with videogame companies and anime tiddy, somehow Bayo is ok but not niche JRPG that won't get as much recognition?

Yeah, that was fucking weird.
I expected it would be part of the DLC?
They even mention the sauna a lot of times.

sounds like a red blooded AMERICAN MAN more than anything else. despises shit loves fuckin loves his bros loves fuckin loves the ladies loves fuckin hates shitgirls loves fuckin loves his country hates other countries scratch that never even thinks about other countries because hes too busy fuckin and loving fuckin loves fuckin women from other countries loves fuckin bros from other countries loves fuckin hates something that results in not fuckin

I need to beat my hard normal BE run but I cant wait to meet slyvain.

sylvain coomber maymay when?

Bayo ingame looks like a western character from a wrpg.
Big tiddies are only a problem if they look like they come from Japan.
Whether they actually come from there doesn't matter.

!!! why did they remove an adult teacher offering sex to their underage student!? wtf I hate america now!?

keep justifying censorship faggot

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>Now, on the other hand, guess what company prevents you from experiencing a full Japanese experience? Sony.
How so?

the news article and date and where it can be found are all right there you double faggot triple nigger.

It's understandable, everyone is afraid of the alphabet people.

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i'm not even joking why did they remove it? did they think people who played this game were gonna become teachers and approach their students at night claiming "i learned it from the fire emblem! i-it's historically accurate in the fantasy game about dragons!"

1. (you) (the professor) aka Byleth isn't really adult.
2. grow a dick faggot

No they thought "fuck this is hard to properly express in this tiny textbox what should we do here?"
Even needed two paragraphs to explain this simple Japanese word.

Have sex, but unironically.

What changed?

>A typical bullshit argument by a egocentric americuck localizer.

>that image
Did they really cut the bad ending? Why?
I bought the first bravely without knowing about the censorship and then regretted it and lost interest in the sequel.

1. Those "tiny" textboxes can scroll you retard.
2. I'm already reading text so i don't care reading one more line.
3. kys.

I'm not defending it I just want you to know that localizers do things because of arbitrary reasons just as much as they do them intentionally.
They don't give a fuck and no one checks or disapproves their work (aside for typos).

Byleth is like 22 years old pre-time skip.

>why do people crossdress instead of going full trans?

because male crossdressers only have autogynephilia, trannies have autogynephilia and gender dysphoria


99,9% of crossdressers can be classified as anything, but traps

But it has nothing to do with trannies. Crossdressing is its own thing.

I was talking 2D, because of the screenshot. Real life traps barely exist, that's true.

>But it has nothing to do with trannies.
it has everything to do with trannies, both are usually fueled by autogynephilic thoughts

normal men are not interested in crossdressing

You'd think after the flak they got for Fates they would stop, but here we are again.

Attached: tiresome.jpg (492x449, 48K)

I think people don't care anymore because we now get simultaneous releases.
With fates you had months of waiting time which a) allowed people to question what the localizers are spending so much goddamn time on and b) got everyone spoiled on the Japanese game.

Things have drastically improved though, at least they don't change names for no reasons anymore.

You happened. You didn't speak out to defend yourself. You just kept chanting "Not my game, not my problem!" in censorship threads.

Then they came for your games like we said they would. I hope you savor that karma.

"Transvestite" used to be a common word. At some point, trannies thought it was offensive so they discouraged people from using it. The problem is "transvestite" is NOT the same as "transexual". But because they banished the word, they're both lumped into 1 classification now and it further muddles the alphabet soup.

Oh they learned their lessons, they are much better at hiding the censorship now.

Well, this is just outrage-culture bullshit. The woman said it's from a historical and educational perspective. They're not teaching 9th graders that it's okay. They're simply teaching them the definition of the word and how it's applied historically. SJW soccer moms only hearing what they want to hear to suit their victim complex. There's no thing wrong with calling a duck a duck, even if ducks are illegal or immoral.

>at least they don't change names for no reasons anymore
I'm assuming you missed Xenoblade 2.

We already have a character named Homura in casual anime culture. We don’t need another. The bigger problem is that her rename triggers the voices in my head.

Well I take back everything.

Claude held my hand and asked me to dance in the cinamatic

But I'm a dude!

I didn't wanna post the more obscene shit but here you go.

Attached: kuklin.jpg (1465x1361, 756K)

Are there some patch notes for Maddening?

Can I save scum certification exams?

Nowhere does it say 6 year olds should enjoy sexual contacts. It's 1 story from some mentally fucked person. First-person experiences are the #1 teaching tool in all of human history. Re-written stories that suit a narrative are the most regressive and counterproductive. Just because it's not "right" doesn't mean it shouldn't be explained or taught.

The human pattern of re-writing and not learning from history because they shun uncomfortable topics is the cause of most of the world's troubles. Every crisis the world has faced today, has existed in equivilance at some point in the past. We just buried/re-wrote it because it wasn't a cozy topic.

>>Ingrid looks directly at the camera
This right here got me LOL

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No one’s falling for your lies, Jew.

The point is he's making money from publishing it as a book. If he needs victim money he should be getting it from the perpetrators, not the public.

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They should remove all the violence from the game too since its not essential to the plot.

You can't, it's set from beginning of each week. Try again next week.

Correct and the rune next to female is attire.

What class benefits the most from the +1 movement speed item?

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I’m pretty sure that Twitter is a Kiwifarms user.

The point is the west has far far far more problems with pedos than Japan does, this is indisputable. Any justification for censorship based on fighting pedos cannot be taken seriously from nations that cannot even handle real pedos and I'm not even gonna bother posting that scary trash disposal front company the Jews run that got that rich kid killed cause he outed himself on Yea Forums. You can look that shit up yourself.

Japan simply doesn't have enough clout to harbor such high levels of pedo crime rings even if they wanted to.

Attached: these guys clearly came from japan.jpg (615x764, 109K)

Thanks, now I'm even more glad I didn't buy it

They are all retarded one way or another.

Attached: this is a loli.jpg (1941x2859, 1.38M)

That one is rather more productive, not all of them get over their traumas and become decent people. Many in fact are so fucked up, well, it brings consequences to the next generation potentially.

Attached: trannies are harmless.jpg (620x5571, 1.01M)

mitä vittua

>anime girl avatar

>Plz say sike just say sike

It's the consequences of giving their kind excessive attention under the umbrella of equality thanks to not wanting to look racist or sexist. The way I see it, a lot of these cases could have been prevented if there was a bit more skepticism involved just to play it safe but because virtue signalling gets a free security check pass well what do ya know?

At the very least I don't recall many heterosexual rapists adopting kids and showboating before they diddle. After all, what's so special about a straight person adopting a kid ya know? There's no headlines to be made.

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And just in case you think I cherry picked it. I dunno, I have nothing against their sexual preference or whatever but chemical imbalance and just the toxic way that their current generation culture has taken form definitely makes me think even if these people could be healthy and safe citizens they won't have that chance since it's a death spiral.

Attached: Maximum overwoke.png (932x1158, 434K)

That's pretty hot tbqh.

Yeah we should totally trust the article that can’t even spell the title right.

Hey man you can debunk it if you want, but if just a spelling mistake is enough to invalidate something then uh, well let's be on topic here then.

Attached: can't even basic engrish.jpg (1920x2400, 2.6M)

does this mean all localization media are untrustworthy? cause they take grammar mistakes all the time

How about the fact that there’s literally no source to any of what that “Qld” article says?

Attached: watch out for 8-4 enemies of translation.jpg (912x1768, 281K)

It's shorthand for the Australian state of Queensland you geography-failing fuckwit.

>Dude that article is fucking retarded
>You just disagree with it because it’s not spelled correctly, homo
Sure is /pol/ in here

Dude Trans are under my bed. I obsess about Resetera 24/7. They are going to censor my games! This is it. Hurry help Trannies are in my room!!! He-))/;-

Your basis for demeaning that article from that post was literally a spelling mistake, I simply ran along with that logic. If you don't want to have it used against you, don't use such superfluous fallacies in the first place. Are you even capable of understanding how to discuss in a civil manner?

It's good that you know how to make fun of your own kind, but as usual you trannies need to get a better sense of humor, it's like you lost it along with your dick.

No, my basis is the fact that it’s accusing a gay couple of being part of a pedophile ring based on fucking nothing.

Nowhere in your post implied that. Feel free to quote the exact part in

I am back but the Trannies are here!!! Everything is Doomed!!!! Nintendo is Doomed!!!! Sony is Doomed!!!! Oh my God the horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go away Tranny to your discord Server!!!! Go!!!! Leave me alone!!!!

I don’t need to. You’re telling me how any of what that “Qld” article says is true.

Now I have a reason to pirate the game like fates. Thanks user

Nintendo came out and said that they will only censor the first party games.

Im happy that i skipped this. Fuck censorship.

>I don’t need to.
Yes you do, that's how discussions work.
>You’re telling me how any of what that “Qld” article says is true.
This is not even a proper sentence, what the fuck are you saying?

I get it though, you are asking to be spoonfed. and fed you. So why are you still chimping out? Do you not know how to Google?

Holy fuck another bait thread by Schizos. What else is new.

>fucking nothing
>He was so indoctrinated that when interviewed by a queue of US experts, Adam did not reveal the severe sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his “parents” and the Boy Lovers network.
>Queensland Police Taskforce Argos, which targets pedophiles, also fear the same techniques may have been used on several other children who came into contact with the men.
>Newton and Truong’s secret life began to unravel at a New Zealand home in August 2011 when a fan of their work and fellow sex offender was arrested with computer drives containing “happy snaps” of Adam and his parents among images of child exploitation.
By all means keep defending child abusers and pornographers, though.
It only took one second of googling using half that headline to get multiple results on the same story.

I just wanted to tell everyone there is Resetera everywhere. There is a Resetera Tranny outside my window.

That's just your reflection.

Not the user you replied to but he's on point. There's a difference between acknowledging the existence of something and condoning it. Acknowledging pedophilia as an orientation is not the same thing as condoning it. In fact, not directly addressing pedophilia is more damaging than tackling it head on. I recall reading about a psychologist who worked with convicted sexual offenders and the fact that we're quiet about this makes it more difficult for people to receive the help they need which in turn drives them to turn to kids. And he made a point that treating pedophilia as an orientation would go a long way in helping protecting kids. If you want to protect kids, the very least you can do is understand WHY and how the offenders work. And it starts with acknowledging what they have.

Just learn Japanese, it's easy as fuck. Ganbatte neee

I looked and it (you).

But you don't need to let them publish books trying to rake in cash for that. I don't mean to zone out those people either, I would say the same for people who get convicted would fall under the same deal. Like look at Martha Stewart, she went to jail and even wrote a book about it and made bank. Isn't that kinda counter productive to the point of sending her to jail in the first place?

If they publish the book, they shouldn't be allowed profits from it. This may go against the free market but I always felt that marketing your own victim experiences is probably not a good thing to encourage in society, it's kinda like how mass shootings went up after Columbine. Yeah we need to know why it happened, but look at what happened after the spotlight it was given?

Lmao dilate and learn moonrunes

>tries to make a lame comeback
>can't even type less than 10 words without grammar mistakes
See, the lack of dick doesn't lie.

So trannies are not only chimpanzees but they are actually racist. No wonder your manginas are always gaping wide open, you're allied with people you actually hate.

>tries to make a lame comeback
>Gets owned
See, the lack of Soì doesn't like.

The fuck? Stop LARPING and learn moonrunes

What Monica did was irredeemable

But she's so cute...

Found another article about this:

Hey guys what's going on in this thr-

Attached: 1379670009081.jpg (611x408, 41K)

>Trish (not her real name) was a young mother with three children who was trapped; she loved her husband and children but was really a lesbian. There didn't seem to be a way out. It was hard not to be moved by the pain in her story.

It isn't censored, Ingrid is just using some choice words to describe that man.

Sylvain should have been gay, or at least one of the bi options. It makes sense after hearing him say he hates women in his femleth supports, and Flayn saying he’s seduced men.

Once they get far enough, yes.

He hates crestdiggers, not all women

And Flayn doesn’t know what she’s talking about

The guy doesn’t even seem to be even particularly hetero, given how many of his supports end at B.
What’s his ending with Felix like anyway?

they die together on BL, and felix sends him his sword after the last time they meet on non-BL:

Anyone try Mddening yet?
Also those jerseys are silly.

What jerseys?

Well they call it loungewear but they look like jerseys to me

Attached: IMG_20190911_102305.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

What else was in this update btw?

Wave 2 of the season pass and Maddening/Lunatic

>season pass
Ugh, what was in it?

>not translating something that would have gotten them in deep shit with trannies and censored anyway is bad
They could ignore the bitching, but these degenerates already have too much power and exposure as is. Just look at Game and Watch.

Officer uniform for Byleth
Aux map pack, probably for grinding or something, some extra costumes
Bonus items and more quests
New story content

It is very much a basketball or football uniform

Attached: EEJiVMJU8AECNyO.jpg (1137x2048, 355K)

>Aux map pack, probably for grinding or something
Basically this. You know those battles with the giant red exclamation mark? It's that but uses more of the games maps

This game is so fucking ugly

Should I do ng+? How does it work, I’m almost done with GD

It's started already

Attached: IMG_20190911_103352.jpg (1646x1432, 426K)

You load a clear save and you can use renown to unlock shit like professor level, support levels, or extra crests on students.
If you wanna breeze through the other routes then sure, but clearing Lunatic on a fresh save will net you a new menu screen.

Would YOU want Trannyera to start some huge witch hunt at your game and get tons of mentally ill idiots to boycott you and spread misinformation? They don't even do research or see if it's true, they just gather like good little drones and attack whatever they're told to.

You guys would still be bitching if they translated word for word from the japanese dialogue

>ths is the thread that will be flooding the catalogue for the next 10 months or so
It was nice having good Fire Emblem threads again. Going to miss you bros, and the good discussions we had.

Hows the new Byleth VA and how do we feel about Nintendo changing our physical games without permission?

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You can literally change the language in your switch settings.

>Bonus items and more quests
>New story content
And let me guess, it’s paywalled?

No shit, its a fucking DLC from the get go
There is (and will be more) free stuffs tho ie Maddening difficulty

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You can still delete the patch and not update. It still uses the old voice if you do that

Why did the VA change

Old va came out as a creepy stalker. He actually admitted to it. That and he spoiled stuff in his discord

what did he mean by this?

that would be a perversion
has almost nothing to do with a fetish

sexual abuse and generally abusive behavior allegations

I love my wife Bernadetta! They say a single whiff of her is enough to turn you into a lust craved animal!

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He broke the NDA.

I don't like censorship.

Attached: flappaflap.png (898x901, 200K)

i am unironically attracted to the bernadetta smells meme.

why am i like this

It's weird how extreme sexual politics have gotten. Crossdressers and bisexuals both seem to have gotten kicked to the curb because they don't confirm to the dominant narrative.

That info is off.

Attached: just give us an inch bro.png (486x344, 225K)

>What are you doing here?
>Looking for someone to spend the night with.
Wow, completely impossible to translate that one, truly Japanese is too intricate to be preserved without completely destroying the meaning.

Cause he wouldn’t shut up about getting into Smash.

>I see self-introspection is still a foreign concept for you people.
Likely because anybody with an iota of common sense will just play the Japanese version. Sony is censoring Japanese releases too.

Localizers are talentless hacks.

Attached: 1567990819536.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

>anybody with an iota of common sense will just play the Japanese version
Takes more than that to know japanese.

If you haven't given up on localizations by now, you should be considering suicide.

those moon runes could say literally anything
you have to go back

Attached: functioningwall.jpg (832x478, 25K)

Oh I have, but on the other hand the alternative isn't viable. It's kinda like my stance on the government that rules me, and wants my kind dead.

>those moon runes could say literally anything
Believe it or not, but it is actually decipherable text, if you're a trained professional.

>GODtendo censoring the fuck out of their games any sort of pro tranny disgusting shit
BASED as usual.

Where? Don't even recommend Duolingo.

>learning something isn't possible

Attached: 1271352567960.gif (256x224, 10K)

Believe me, I've tried. It'd be easier for me to terrorize the localization companies into complying with my demands.

What r you taking about? It’s the same. Trannies are scarecrows after all.

Anime traps, and this is anime we're talking about, are pretty cute.

Attached: nice grill.png (329x657, 290K)

The solution is quite simple: Stop being an EOP.

Pic unrelated
A trap with short hair isn't a trap, it's just a dude in a skirt.

When is hair short?

Attached: Ass was fat.png (543x903, 598K)

>no replies

>translation treats trans people and scarecrows as equivalent
Pretty hilarious if you ask me

Trans people don't just scare away crows, but any sane person in the vicinity.

??? what i feel like some peoople dind unnerstand my post

Anything shorter than shoulder length may as well be a man.

I'd like to agree, but by that logic my 90% female workplace would have less than 20% women.

That sounds about right.

Attached: hair.jpg (907x883, 249K)

>implying 90% of women these days aren't trying to act like men in every facet of their lives

bayo is rated M anyway so they probably don't care

They're almost all old cunts, but they aren't as bad as young cunts.
Besides, having shorter-than-shoulder hair is a half job requirement. The alternative is that you have to tie it up.

Didn't think I'd need to bleach my eyes today.

Is it true this girl hates niggers?

Everyone hates niggers, user.

>The alternative is that you have to tie it up.

Attached: ponytails.png (1280x720, 726K)

I don't have a problem with ponytails or buns either, but most choose to keep it shorter than shoulder length.

That's because they're lazy and thus obviously bad people.

Attached: long hair.jpg (1280x1577, 354K)

>Lazy = bad
By that logic I'm probably the worst of them all. But that might also be why I don't mind so much. Also because they are old women.

>snoybois are so desperate to play games they are going through the scripts of localized Nintendo games to find something to shit on
Have you guys started on Astral Chain?

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>Astral Chain
How censored is it?

pubic hair is classified as a fetish in modern day society. do you not realize the irony of that?

>What’s his ending with Felix like anyway?
this pretty much

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Strangely, I play every platinum game with english dub, and the game kinda threw me into that so I didn't wanna change it later on.


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armpit hair too

women aren't allowed to be as they are for some reason

Because you're supposed to be attracted to little girls, women with such hair are past their prime and no longer sexually attractive unless you're a deviant.

Just learn Japanese so you don't have to deal with West trash anymore, they give you the bare minimum when you can exert yourself and go beyond, learn an entire new language and enjoy things you never could before.
Ditch the bottom of the barrel and just go beyond already.

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If it was as easy as pressing a button I would have, but languages are not my forte. I can barely learn the language that neighbors my own and is very similar.


>only on Yea Forums
That theory would conveniently explain makeup as well. I'm not sure on the of it validity though.

People have been shaving pubic hair for literally thousands of years.

>*validity of it

>I'm not sure on the of it validity though
Do you know why you aren't allowed to be attracted to children?

Attached: Udklip.png (1461x69, 18K)

It's not true because japan has a big thing for pubic hair and considers shaved pussy to be way more lewd, since that is what prostitutes used to do.

western society is just brainwashed by jews

In the West? Well, prostitutes, I guess.

From the 5 minutes or so I watched of the English version, they changed a fair bit. Lots of very unfunny gags they added to try and flex their writing skills or something.

You never would have known any of this if this thread didn't point it out.

But as long as it happens, threads like these WILL appear to point it out.

True, but it's not like they removed an entire fucking mode like they did in Fates. Nothing will be as bad or flagrant as that.

> it's not like they removed an entire fucking mode
You been to the sauna yet, user?

Calling Fire Emlbem Amie a "mode" is overdoing it, but you are right that this is less of a transgression.

Yea Forums TOLD ME SO

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They aren't self mutilating lunatics.

Is the Sauna available in the Jap version and not in the US version? If not then shut the fuck up you retard, we are talking about modes removed purely because of censorship, like the headpatting mini-game from Fates.

its redpilled because you recognize youre a gay faggot that wants cock in his ass, but not even you are degenerate enough to chop your own dick off.

you had me until your defended furries, faggot

My headcanon is they removed the sauna in both versions after treehouse paid the japanese dev team a visit and said "Get rid of that".
You can read up on their new localization policies and stuff, they have regular meetings with the dev teams during development now and switch games have to be the same in every region.

Or they cut it for different reasons like time. We won't really know the true answer
>inb4 DLC


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I tend to always expect the worst.


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Who cares? I can't remember the last time I played a localization.

based no trannies allowed

By EOP's

What do you mean? EOPs can't make these on their own, as history until a few years ago has proven.

Nigga I played fates in Japanese and after the first 2 or 3 times I never bothered to do the petting thing again. People just like to complain I guess.

I don't think ancient Egypt is considered the west.

When comparing to Japan it is, but when saying "the western world" in a western context it isn't.

>another round of fire emblem censorship
fuck SJWs

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No, he's not and it doesn't change the fact that Era is shit

Of course not, but they can easily find this and say it's censorship to stir shit then the stupidity spreads.

The JOPs are great in that regard, if EOPs are being wrong then they will jump at any opportunity to tell them so.

as i said in another thread video game translation is like the bottom rung of translators, getting the people who were “okay” in the language but either dont care about nuance or are fine with changing stuff to reflect another countries culture.
the autists who care about stuff like that wind up translating novels/historical stuff/etc.

Being a bad translator and being bad at the language are not necessarily the same thing. You can argue that they are bad at the language for some cases, but turning "crossdresser" into "scarecrow" is the other case of bad translator.

>it's not actually censorship because I think it looks hotter
don't forget about their other retarded cope excuse:
>it's not censorship because it's a first-party game!

this shit again?
fuck those localisator, just translate and stop censoring

That's more of an oponion, not a fact.

Depends on whether it was a conscious choice of the translator to make that translation. While I can't say I know for sure, it definitely is physically possible to find and ask the translator directly (assuming they'll bother to reply) and get the true answer (assuming they'll answer truthfully).
My point being that there IS fact involved in this, but I'll admit that my post is merely speculation.

It is possible to un-retweet and un-like something to remove your support for it. Odds are that a bunch of trannies initially supported this but then realized there would be a backlash and removed their support.

It's a VERY huge difference and it's unlikely that so many bothered to unlike and un-retweet.
Unless most of it is bot controlled of course.

I don't agree, pixie haircuts (ie Escaflowne) can still look pretty cute, they're a trap if they make you think they're a girl, regardless of hair length.

Sort of like how a tranny with long hair isn't actually a trap if they don't pass in the slightest.

Crossdressing isn't perceived the same way in the US as it is in JP and it wouldn't be interpreted as the goofy light-hearted jab it was.

wait how is crossdressing seen in japan?

That's way too many people deciding to do that

More than likely the person bought likes/retweets because they were clearly trying to start some sort of movement. Twitter then banned the bot accounts that liked/retweeted and now he's left with those numbers.

underrated post

apparently less sexual and more comedic

It's often times used as a gag in anime, so more comedic

Wait what was the original translation?

I would be frightened if those boycotting me were actually potential costumers.

The bits do it that way too. Monty Python are crossdressing in half their skits it seems like.

It's very boomer type of humor because boomers didn't even conceive that an obvious man in a dress would be seen as sexually attractive

so a crossdresser is more like a clown is that what you're saying? like if someone does that willingly at a party that'd be the equivalent to putting on a silly hat or something?

There's just less of a "eww fag/tranny" connotation. If they left the joke in the US version everyone would have blown up about like they did itt instead of laughing and moving on. it's still a sex/gender thing it's just more normal there?

>pixie haircuts (ie Escaflowne) can still look pretty cute

Attached: 1497263616807.jpg (325x532, 71K)

>it's another "/pol/ thread hits bump limit" episode

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am i supposed to know who that is???

>so it's still a sex/gender thing
No. Where did you get that from?

No, just recognize the words.

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I fail to grasp why someone would do it willingly and not after losing a bet or something like that.

the smaller a games audience the more butchers feel like they can get away with without getting in trouble.
It's like how the ghost stories dub was okay to do since literally nobody cared about the original series it was mocking.

Fire Emblem, Dead or Alive and Mortal Combat all have large audiences, what are you talking about?
Smaller games at least have the opportunity to fly under the radar.

For comedic reasons?

Because it's "quirky" and "fun". Why would someone willingly poison themselves with alcohol?

ok i get it

I actually don't think you do.

ok then please elaborate because I reallly think I did, I thought it was like cosplay-lite basically

shut up, faggot

Just read, bro.

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Because you can enjoy drinking alcohol without vomiting and fucking up your liver. It's abuse of reward system in your brain, but in the end life isn't perfect efficiency, nor is it about hedonism above anything else.

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>I thought it was like cosplay-lite basically
Depends on what you consider "cosplay" to be. Most of the time it's attentionwhoring, and that's sometimes also the case if you see someone crossplaying at a con. But if someone wears a silly outfit in a video, the sillyness sometimes stemming from wearing clothes that don't fit someone of your gender, then it's most likely something else.
If you don't consider cosplaying attentionwhoring or a matter of "looking pretty" then you might well have gotten it.

Crossdressers enjoy the experience of wearing clothing meant for the opposite sex knowing full well there's no possible way to fully and actually change sex.

They aren't hurting anyone and they aren't encouraging others to hurt themselves.

The third text box is almost a correct translaiton... almost.

It censored gay shit, so no reason to care. Carry on folks

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>censorship is only bad if it's stuff I agree with

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shouldn't it be the other way around

>removing degeneracy


All fetishes are mental illnesses you coomer

That's almost to the level of those two assassins in Fates having their entire support conversation "localized" as ellipses back and forth to each other.

>it is bad only if condition is fulfilled
>condition: motive 51 agrees with is censored
>agreement check for "gay shit": negative
nope, checkes out

It's only bad if it's stuff he disagrees with. Aka he disagrees with the censorship in a particular case, so it's bad.

why do left wingers do this shit?

To protect the LGBT community from being played for laughs.

yeah, if stuff he agrees with gets censored, it's bad, otherwise it's not. that's what I said

But that's all they're good for. Trannies at least.

Trannies in the localisation department? Are they cute?

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So basically they fail to realise that if you can't joke about something because it's too sensitive it will never be considered normal.

how do you know this is a left wing initiative?

You're right, LBGT shit being censored is always a good thing. They only have themselves to blame for forcing themselves into places they don't belong. Let's hope it continues ramping up.

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because it always is.

>Real life traps

They exist. They are called children. Put a 9 year old boy in a dress and you can't tell the difference.

ah yes we must censor lesbian porn...

why are left wingers like this?

FE, large audience is still a relatively new occurance, DoA has never been that big, and MK has nothing to do with this conversation since we're talking about why Japanese games get censored. try and follow along phoneposter-kun.

>large audience is still a relatively new occurance
Awakening was 2012. Seven years ago.

And by the way, I'm not a phoneposter. Nor has the reply chain ever been specifically about japanese games.

But you could mean he agrees with the censorship in a particular case, so it's good.

Ayy R U Blind?

go away pedo