>STILL no good investigation mystery games.
Deadly Premenition
There's tons of them. You just don't play them because they require you to solve puzzles and shit instead of just shoot everyone.
Return of the Obra Dinn
Ace Attorney?
Hotel Dusk
you know what'd be great? a game that 1:1 copies resident evil outbreak but it's with the scooby gang
There is a shitton.
The Nancy Drew point and click franchise alone has like 30 something titles, and another is coming out in November.
Persona 4 is just Scooby-Doo
The Witcher 3 had the potential but they ruined it with Witcher vision and absolutely no interesting way to try and predict the monster you were fighting forcing you to apply specific potions and oils beforehand
Shaggy is a gay furry
hotel dusk
ace attorney
ace attorney investigations
You're not wrong
Some user a while back suggested the idea of a Telltale Scooby Doo game. I'd be interested in it, honestly.
Let's be real. Mystery games suck because once you solve the mysteries, you can never go back to playing it the same way again because you know X is the murderer. Same for movies and tv series.
I always forget Hotel Dusk exists. Is it worth the play? I've had interest in it for some time.
yeah it's pretty good, you can play it on your phone too just use drastic
Here you go, now post velma's tits already.
ghost trick and the sexy brutale are the only games I can think of that come close to the genre and haven't been named yet.
Telling lies
Literally no game is worth playing through more than once except for multiplayer games. "Replayability" in single player games is a myth. And don't give me any bullshit about unlockables.
Puzzles should be solved with gunfire.
I remember it as being reaaally short
Lucky for you I'm a dog lover
>"Replayability" in single player games is a myth.
All of the most popular singleplayer games in the world over the past 40 years are remembered explicitly because of their replay value. Singleplayer games that are remembered long after their release are because people keep playing them repeatedly and/or coming back to them for another playthrough after some time.
I don't see any unlockables in Tetris.
God I fucking love Miscon so fucking much.
Why do his super-simplified lines get me diamond hard?
Not even the best Scooby Doo girl
Hotel Dusk is great and it had a good sequel too.
Please tell me he did more with this version
This is the one mystery game with actual replayability, it's crazy.
Anyone who doesn't wanna fuck Velma is clearly homosexual.
Astral Chain
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
Persona 4 is still worth playing if you know who the killer is.
Danganronpa allows you to do both, kinda
Here's your Velma, bro.
>STILL no good investigation mystery games.
How would you do this in multiplayer, because I feel like this would be the end game for this.
Otherwise you're just playing a story game.
Theres not much to gamify, without making it a simple puzzle game.
In my opinion the real strength of mysteries is the delivery, character, and misdirection.
None of that is really reliant on games without loosely tieing it.
Obra Dinn and Ace Attorney get brought up a lot, and for good reason. Obra Dinn is pretty much the best investigative game out there. Other titles worth mentioning in no particular order:
>A Normal Lost Phone
>The Plainscreek Killings
>Her Story
wtf is this shit? That's a pretty cute design
Still Life?
Oh, and I forgot to mention Sherlock Holmes. Of all the Frogwares games, Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper is the closest to being an investigative/detective game; the others are pretty good, but they're more traditional point-and-click adventures.
what fresh hell is this
What the VA looks like is completely fucking irrelevant. Mystery Inc Velma is arguably the best version of the character, despite her VA looking like this. I should specify that when I say best "best version," I mean characterization, since obviously the hottest version of Velma is Linda Cardellini.
Was it kino?
>Chromatic aberration
When will this shitty meme finally die?
Pics from the new Scooby Doo movie. Here's Fred.
Tbh it goes with the lighting style of the image.
velma x detective conan spinoff of adventure/mystery games where they solve a bunch of cases involving cultists when
going back in time and destroying mathematics
Many, many RPGs are worth playing multiple times due to RNG, traits, party choices, etc. all factoring into your playstyle.
post more of her
Come on user, it's not that bad. Here's Muttley.
>What is Sherlock....
>tfw have velma look
as a boy
never understood why shaggy had a red v-neck in this kino
Literally every point and click game. Expand your horizon bro. 999 for example.
Pics or it didn't happen
inventory puzzles != investigation mystery game
root letter: last answer has a mystery so simple even Yea Forums can figure it out
That's a good Opeth album.
Do we like Velma because the Daphne's of the world are starting to go extinct?
Thanks I was gonna kill myself if I went 5 posts down and no one posted it.
There hasn't been any recently because any game that requires you to look for things in the environment gives you super-inspect-o-vision. You are not required to be observant at all, only to go to the glowing object.
just like your captain
Ghost Trick
no, its because Daphne is a dumb slut that fucks dogs.
You don't look like velma. Stop dying your hair, get a male haircut and don't beat yourself up too much in a few months when you realize how much of a fag you were.
I remember your tummy user.
As a half-fag, I have to say that you're pretty hot. congratulations.
I dye it when it gets too dated for me. Next is blue for Persona 3.
>chicks with dicks
Every fucking time. Why are artists so fucking gay
>I'll just swooce right in!
Pro-Trap tip; You would unironically look cuter with natural colored hair. If you're really eccentric you could go with one of those lighter shades of red-head. These colors really emphasize your gayness, and you're already a faggot.
Also, glasses with big, dark, thick square outlines femenize everything by +30%.
>6-person player vs player game, 5 people play as Mystery Inc. and at least 1 person, sometimes more, play as the Monster.
>There are a variety of maps, each populated with various NPCs. Except one of these NPCs will actually be the Monster Player's secret identity that they can swap to at any time to avoid scrutiny.
>The goal of Mystery Inc. is to go through the maps, seeking out clues that help narrow down what NPC the monster actually is. The Monster's goal is to catch Mystery Inc. players and throw them in a dungeon they've hidden somewhere on the map. If they capture all 5, they win. If Mystery Inc. catches the monster instead, or finds enough clues to figure out their identity, they win.
>The Fred player can drive the Mystery Machine, which is a safe zone from (most) monsters and produces parts that he can use to make traps that can catch the monster.
>The Daphne player has a chance to "goof", which causes the monster to drop her after catching her, and she can find hidden passages nobody else can access. She can also escape when captured without needing to be freed, given enough time.
>The Velma player has a radar that tells her where one clue is at the start of every game, and needs fewer clues than other players to identify the monster, but is completely blinded if she takes damage, which causes her to drop her glasses and makes her go digging around to find them again
>Shaggy has the fastest run speed in the whole game and gains his teammates' abilities if they're captured, but the monster ALWAYS knows his location.
>Scooby can free captured teammates, and if he finds an extremely well-hidden Scooby Snack on the map gains a brief period in which he is invincible and can catch the monster himself. When with a Shaggy player, they can as a duo disguise themselves as NPCs to hide from the monster.
I was picturing it sort of like a highly refined Gmod game with lots of Scooby-Doo flavor. Any ideas on expanding it?
Fuck naw I'm not gonna be a trap fuck that. Cute boy looks are way better.
I also had red hair before I dyed it recently, so that's out the window.
My basic hair style is a very dark black/brown, and it's just not as enjoyable for me.
I like the Souls games so much because going through again and again with different builds and the dress-up involved was so fun
Get some Daria glasses, it'll look cute when you're getting pounded
I have never seen a man more wrong in my life.
I bought some user, but they're way too large for me unfortunately. Even the glasses prior are rather large.
this is a pretty shit opinion
Shadow Of Destiny was pretty good.
The vast majority of white girls fuck dogs, what's your point
You only know that because you want to fuck Sophia Lillis
Post thighs
k nerd
And Deadly Premonition 2 coming soon as well
this game is GOAT desu, absolute masterpiece
Hey tranny. You don't pass and your cleft nose is retarded. Now kill yourself.
I didn't expect "Velma look" to mean dried up, dead hair and a massive chin.
12 separate endings for a game made in 98? Legitimately perfection, the most atmospheric game I've ever played
to be fair, I HAD just showered and used a hair dryer prior.
nigga your bob cut is one way and you're balding
I dont think you know how hair works user
The atmosphere really is amazing, there are a few spots I've stopped and simply watched the bustling city for minutes on end. Really need to get back into it, I honestly haven't finished it once yet.
Do you people actually think hair this color is cute?
I dont get why you people keep thinking I'm trans when I myself am very anti-trans and would never associate with that.
On Yea Forums there are always guys desperate enough to smatter someone with compliments on the vein hope of getting a shot at them.
you gays are catty as fuck
Mystery Inc was a fucking ride, that's for sure.
Christina Hendricks, a lot of women take her existence as a personal attack against them
you dont look anything like velma
she biggen
Umm yes I do? I just blinked and just woke up and it was hot outside and the chair moved and there was an earthquake and wind blew at that moment.