will we ever get another Acid game?
Will we ever get another Acid game?
Very likely. Now that Kojima is not part of Konami, you can expect all sorts of shitty non-canon Metal Gear games. Metal Gear Pro Golfing. Metal Gear Racing. Metal Gear Soccer 2020. Etc etc.
>metal gear acid
In MGS5 when you erase the logos of all the REAL Metal Gear games and leave the fake ones untouched...... Acid is one of them which you don't erase. Because it's not real. It's unimportant. It's bad.
MGA3 would've made for a perfect title for the Vita, but I guess they figured it wouldn't print any dosh
idk if konami will even allow the dude to make games anymore, you know...after the incident.
what incident?
quick rundown?
>Just because Kojima didn't make it that means it's bad
What a stupid cock-sucking nigger you are.
I couldn't decide if MGA3 would be more at home on Vita, or 3DS. On one hand, Vita is the successor to the PSP, so it seems natural for it to be on the Vita. On the other hand, MGA2 came with 3D goggles and had a whole 3D mode that you could play the entire game in, as well as well 3D gravure videos, so the 3DS could naturally help with that.
why is there no metal gear general on /vg/? there are at least 4 metal gear threads up on Yea Forums at all times so it seems doable
I didnt care about the 3d gimmick, but I did love the comic style. A sequel in that style would have looked fantastic on an oled vita.
Is it worth playing the Metal Gear Acid games?
Yeah, only the hardest of hardcore Kojima fellaters skip the side games
portable ops was the shit
Sure but if we do it'll be on mobile and so full of microtransactions and pay to win that you'd wish it never existed.
I played Snatcher and Policenauts non-ironically, so that's pretty pro-kojimbo. But I don't really care if he made it, I'm just not sure about card games.
Peace Walker introduced absolutely everything that fucked MGSV up, so I have no idea where the fuck anyone is coming from when they say it's the best handheld MGS. People don't like Pokemon soldiers? Okay, here's a slow base-building/spreadsheet hybrid instead. It also features the dumbest possible version of BB, because despite shooting Boss point-blank in the head and watching her ghost walk away with Spirit, he STILL has to freeze-up and question if the talking Miku robots are secretly her EVERY. FUCKING. TIME
Making that the core of his involvement in Dry Icemans plot also got old really fast when he kept grunting-off everything else in the story, maybe it's because this is where Dave started getting shittier than normal, but BB in PW just sucks, and PO actually feels like a Cold War story, and did the whole "girl fights you in a giant robot" thing a lot less cringier, people claiming Love Deterrence is some sort of kino moment seem to think it's anything other than the series doing wheelies over an already-dead anime shark
A decent game ruined by one shitty ass mechanic stamina.
>Metal Gear Racing
Fuck I want that
>a hind d
>box on wheels
>cyborg ninja raiden running really fast
>vamp running on a track of water
I'd be down for an AC!D 3 that links 1 and 2 and has new gameplay updates, but it'll never happen because of retards like
They're only sort of card games. They're more like weird MGS-based board games with cards
I guess I'll have to give them a look.
Okay, PW has a shit story but Chico, Miller and Paz had promise. MPO also has story problems - it shits all over Frank Jaeger. "heheheheheheh he was always a cyborg ninja!!!!"
I like MPO as a game but fuck that so much
Shinta Nojiri's off in mobile hell now. Ac!d 3 is a legit never ever.
Remember that while Ac!d 1 sold well initially on the strength of it being a PSP launch game with Metal Gear in the title, it was received largely poorly by the fanbase and had virtually no legs. So it was cluttering up used bins within a few months of release, and when the much-improved sequel came about, practically no one bought it. Half the reason Portable Ops existed it because people were screeching for a "proper" Metal Gear game on the PSP.
>because despite shooting Boss point-blank in the head and watching her ghost walk away with Spirit, he STILL has to freeze-up and question if the talking Miku robots are secretly her
Because she told him to. He was still a directionless mama's boy at that point. Not only did he lose his mother figure, Big Boss was also spurned by his government, so he suddenly had nobody to tell him what to do. The best he could muster was using his celebrity status to get some grunts under him and do a bit of mercenary work.
Big Boss was in complete disarray after shooting Joy, he was still hung up on his mentor and needed some guidance, and what she told him just before she died was in conflict with what he thought she raised him for. The robot speaker with some loose facsimile of The Boss's thoughts was the one thing he thought could give him a more concrete answer, so he didn't want to destroy Peace Walker until he got that answer.
It wasn't until he realized that The Boss's ideals were far away from what he thought he should be doing did he do a 180° and become "Big Boss". She wanted to do whatever it took to minimize conflict in the vain ideal of ending conventional war, a world with no need for soldiers. Because he felt as though he was abandoned, Big Boss warped that ideal into leading a private military for hire in a sovereign land where soldiers would always have a place in the world.
Paz was retarded, though.
fatman in an mgs racing game would be fucking based
Its a really well grounded series. The first game had a few minor issues in terms of gameplay but the 2nd game really improved them.