Stepping on my Switch

First the purpose, then the rules, then the explanation:

Purpose: To entertain anons by stepping on my Switch, potentially breaking it, and posting a video of my loss. This is punishment for losing a bet and should give anons a laugh at my expense.

Rules: I'm going to step on my Nintendo Switch for a minimum of 60 seconds while wearing one of the pairs of boots/shoes you see pictured. The Switch has to be on a hard, flat surface while I'm standing on it. I'm going to post a link to the video of me doing it on here so everyone can watch and lol at my misfortune.

You all get to vote on which pair of shoes/boots I wear and get to give me direction on where I should position my feet and if I should just stand there, grind the treads, wipe the treads, etc. If interested in giving your input, please answer the following two questions:

1. Which pair should I step on the Switch with? See the picture. There are hiking boots on the left, work boots on the right, and running shoes up top.

2. How should I be standing on the Switch? For example, should I stand with the left foot on the blue controller, right foot on the red, and grind the treads?

Reply with answers to these questions, please.

Explanation: I lost a bet with a Yea Forums user who would have given me a gaming rig had I won. The purpose of this is to destroy my only video game device and to look like a complete moron.

I've already done this once, for Yea Forums. See the video here:

However, not everyone was satisfied that I did a good enough job, including the person I lost the bet to. The Switch still works as only the pad on the right analogue controller fell off. I've agreed to do a make-up video asking for input from folks on Yea Forums.

If you think it would be funny to see me grind my Switch into the ground, feel free to post answers to the above to questions. I'll make a video after getting a decent number of replies.

Attached: Switch Stomp Stuff.jpg (1988x899, 649K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The fuck is this autism, get lost retard

what the fuck?
just don't step on your switch, my dude. it's expensive


insert it into ur bussy

Attached: elephant thot extinguisher.webm (600x600, 2.88M)

I'm committed. I know it's dumb, that's kind of the point. It sucks and I don't want to lose my switch but I'm going to follow through.

then just don't nigga what the fuck
this isn't the 1700's, your honor is worth less than a 300 dollar gaming system

If you check out the video, I've already fucked it up a bit. Also, I see through my debts and understand why some people thought I didn't meet the spirit of the instructions I was given. I appreciate the support but I'm going to step on it for 60+ seconds and take my chances again.

So the cost of losing was just to step on it and you already did it?

Fuck the retards, you fulfilled your end.

no you must break your switch now that you've mad this post. I've already tagged you in RES.

Attached: elephant trunked.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

I had to do it with direction from Yea Forums. I did but there was concern that I didn't do it how they expected me to given the instructions, which I understand.

user, you could mail it to me instead.

Everything about this is retarded. Do you honestly think the user you lost a bet to would send you a gaming rig? Also, nobody gives a fuck. This is the elementary school equivelant of "Dude I'll give you 1$ if you let me shit in your mouth" .

It bothers me to see wasted technology/items like this. Somebody took the time to craft something and you just destroy it.

Attached: can you please stop and yes that's me on the right in the dress.jpg (541x485, 68K)

I don't see a timestamp.

I know him in real life and yes he would.

No matter the outcome, they'd have a fit unless you go well past your obligation and completely destroy it.

They don't care about the bet, they want to see a moron break their stuff.

Fucking fetishists

>Breaking your electronic for free
You know theirs an entire fetish around this. If you're going to do it for free you're a retard.

It would be kind of weird if people were paying me so they could jerk off to that

I'll give you a dollar if you let me shit in your mouth.

you should "destroy" your switch by packing it in a box and mailing it to me. that'll really show that user

fuck yeah smash that shit

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You've already advertised your stupidity by buying a switch, why do this?

is this some weird shit thats going to end up on furaffinity

I'm taking from this that no one is interested in answering the two questions. I'll let you be and pay attention for a bit in case anyone is genuinely interested.

uwu pwease step on me next op~

Kill yourself you absolute fucking moron.

is this that humiliation kink ive heard about?

lol op itd be really funny if you came on the remains afterwards haha just as a joke like glueing it back together lol

I have that kink and this is certainly not it.

This isn't sexual for me.

Stream it on chaturbate and do it barefoot with your feet lubricated in mayonnaise haha that'll really show em

Where did you find this copypasta?

If you are interested in talking about this legitimately (answering the two questions), feel free to add me on Steam

why does this thread have to have such uncomfortable fucked up vibes to it

1. Wear the hiking boots.
2. Stand with the heels of your feet on the middle of the screen. Jump up and down repeatedly.

>all these angry tendies
Lmao do it OP

According to the conditions of the bet, I dont have to jump on it. But I can be required to grind or wipe treads.

You're the same guy who used to pay /fa/ for pictures of their shoes, aren't you?


You can't deny it. I know who you are.

please step on my face next op I'll give you my address

is this like a fetish thing for you?

Easy op, put on the boots and stomp on it 60 times. 1 second of boot to switch contact, cumulatively. Don't be a pussy op. Count it out.

Again, catch me on steam if you want to talk further and have answers to the questions:

This is not a fetish.

I'll leave an additional pic of the boots, shoes and switch with an indication of authenticity of this thread in a minute.

Again, no stomping or jumping. Grinding or wiping treads is okay.

eat the switch

>still posting on Yea Forums

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unbirth the switch and crush it with your dilation muscles

Attached: Switch Proof.jpg (4009x2665, 1.44M)

go away

You are fucking stupid. Grow the fuck up, you need to get your ass kicked. You're 16. Go away you fucking summer baby.

> posting on Yea Forums with your real life friends

Holy fuck what happened to this place

I'm 36. We're close in age.

You’re not going to break shit unless you stomp or jump. Weak

Switch is garbage anyway. Microwave it and record and show us a light show

One foot on the screen on foot on left Cntroller, grind treads of both feet for full 60 seconds with full weight

Wear hiking boots

I AM going to master bate to this video, and you can't stop me

are you crying in the video?

Attached: face3.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>No high heels
Why should we even care. If you're not going to wear something that can actually puncture the screen or break into it don't bother and microwave it instead.

You really don't think it would break with aggressive wiping or grinding? A broken connection for the control to the console or enough damage to the screen and it's useless.

Yes, I promise not to cry in this one.

I don't need to know about the masterbating.

I'll count this as one legit request and see what more comes up. If I get multiple different requests, we'll go for more than 60.

>Yea Forumstards bully and manipulate mentally challenged person
>Yea Forums for once acts like an adult and goes "dude what the fuck, stop it, this is retarded"

>He still goes for it
What a shit way to end my day, well, goodnight.

What was the bet?

I am the guy who wrote that nonsense and I was just fucking with you. Please don't use my request. I watched the first video and honestly I just feel sad man, when you stepped in your switch and it turned itself on like "what are you doing to me my friend? Look I am still useful to you, we can still have fun together! Let's play a game! please don't hurt me"

I dunno man, I've smoked a lot of weed tonight, but please don't hurt that little switch any further :(

It's going to sound stupid but it was a long running super smash bros competition.

Are you legitimately taking back your request? I'm committed to doing this one way or another.

Bro, this is highly sexual. You’ll find a nice findom in a few years and be a pay pig before you know it. Listen to your own language and then to your heart.

this is the most pathetic thing Ive seen on Yea Forums, ever

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>smash autist
Not surprised.

Yes, please don't use my request. It hurt my soul to watch the first video.

Do you have a PS4? If so, I want you to do exactly 1 jump on top of it in your video as well wearing the hiking boots. If not, then jump land land each foot on the Joycon control sticks. You said in your vid you would break your games if you were told to, so you should be able to do this request.

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Those shoes... those pants...

Buddy, save your money.

Coooool. k


I don't have a PS4. But I'll consider jumping since that's the main request I'm getting. Do you seriously want me to do that or are you just trolling?

Okay, another question. If I make this video, does anyone care enough to watch it or do people actively not want me to do this?


Do it

Why do you feel strongly about it?

Make it happen, it was a shitty day at work.

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I want you to do it.
I'm settled down here with my snacks ready to watch you cry.

1. hiking boots
2. blue joy con under left heel. screen under right foot. rock weight back and forth forward and back 30 secs

post yt link

Three yeses, one no. I'll do it.

That's even fucking worse.

do it faggot


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You know that we want to see you do it because we want to laugh at you, not with you, right?

do it pls

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what were the instructions you failed to liv eup to?

All these Nintendo faggot ree'ing over a broken Nintendo Switch. Lmaoing at your lives.

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I really don't think anybody cares

except for that one guy that's getting off to this, I guess

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also what was the bet you lost?

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Get some help. You're doing this for the entertainment and approval of people who don't care about anything.

Dude look at the posts times it's all the same stupid faggot telling you to do it, you don't need to keep hurting yourself user

ssshhh let him do it.

>What are time cooldowns on each post

Choke on a shotgun barrel, pull the trigger and fuck off new faggot

I don't even own a switch, I just have empathy for a fellow robot

You actually listed to Yea Forums?

Attached: Capture.png (547x566, 575K)

Uploading a video of this request...

mfw when OP does it and b/c he doesn't waste is life on video games he hits the gym, stops drinking, gets a g/f and become a success.

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Stop being an idiot you're going to regret this a few minutes after you do it and probably cry when you go to sleep cause you're going to realize how much of a retard sad fuck you are for trying to entertain random people on the internet at the expense of $300 from your pocket

Choke on my big dick you virgin turbo faggot

Do it faggot i want fresh material to trigger nintentrannies with

Screen is slightly bent after that.


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you fucking mongoloid

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Not true. I'm only three of those posts.

You are retard user, grow up.

No you.

Here's the vid of the request.

How dare you disrespect the Switch this way.



Seethe more nintenbab. Go to sleep, baby.

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Sorry forgot link:


I'm really glad that I'm not poor.

I don't play card games anymore
It's been fucking years
But this image still makes me twitch every time I see it


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Enjoy the attention and (you)s
It wasn't worth it

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Give it to me if you don't want it you fucking faggot


Go die already

user im being serious dude. You are a year old 36 man and you are breaking expensive electronics because some retard online told you to. Nigga you are 36, seriously rethink your life and have some self respect, this shit is pathethic.

wtf man

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that's gonna be a BASED from me

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put a slice of american cheese on it

Pretty durable

I mean the switch still works right?

I feel like someone should be helping her.

Good. Now cum in the game slot and insert Mario.

>Already bent it
>Plans on keep doing it
Not for long

He browses Yea Forums what respect do you think he has, nigger.

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>He actually did it
>The switch is still not in pieces
Bah. Good on you for sticking to your word though, retard

It does. I'll continue taking requests and posting more vids if more requests are made.

How was the left thumb stick not fucked?

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>Telling a grown 36 year old man how to live his life

Go fuck yourself retard.
OP, you do whatever the fuck you want.

They're durable. Yea Forums had me stand on each controller and grind for 60 seconds. They still work.

Could you just bash it with a hammer already come on, stop edging me with softcore shit

Thank you for not... jumping on it. I requested that but I wasn't serious.
May I ask, why are you doing this?

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Nikes, and put all your weight on the joysticks

No. But I'll keep taking requests and making vids if you want.

pour milk on it, step on it with a single sneaker, swirl it around with the tip of your shoe-foot as if you were a femdom prostate god

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You're a dumb, sad man. I tried to talk to you and reason with you, but you are simply too low IQ for me to communicate with. You make me sad. I feel hopeless after interacting with you.

I hope you find peace, user

this has to be for a fetish

do a butt slam on it

Screen side down.
Entire weight on the back.
bare feet.

if not then

Okay. Set it on fire, keep yourself at a distance, have something to put it out. 100% serious.

Attached: GzOqlie.png (540x291, 13K)

He is 36 and has a videogame console stepping and humilation fetish, the guy has been fucked for years. Losing a swicth is not gonna help him.

Then i have no interest in this shitshow, have fun OP

Stomp and jump you pussy. Fucking do it.

Um... Are you just gonna keep going and "taking requests" until it doesn't work?

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bro what THE fuck

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This one is next.

Fill the cartridge slot with toothpaste

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the madman did it. OP actually based and findom-pilled.

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You're more retarded. Look at where you are at nigger.

You take small things in life too seriously.

Nintendotards are fucking mentally disabled

the first and third are obviously OP, he made this same thread yesterday or the day before and I guess didn't get enough attention despite blatantly samefagging to bump it


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There is no way this isn't some weird fetish for OP.

But I thought that was the end of the bet? oe was the bet to break your switch?

> you are more retarded
> you are a nigger

Shit like this is exhausting. You show your complete lack of intelligence the second you slap your dick beating sausage fingers on your RGA. Insulting you is like insulting a clown

what the fuck was the bet? we need to know OP

Is this your bully's or annoying older brother's Switch that you stole and are destroying it, but you decided you may as well record the destruction?

Attached: c7c.png (612x491, 106K)

How about you destroy your butthole instead and post a video of you shoving both joycons up your ass.

He probably has some domination/financial fetish.

Either OP is a Sonybro or PCmasterace with money to burn or just hates nintendo. Or its a nintentoddler and is doing this for some weird fetish. either way.

Nintendo BTFO

he is literally getting off to what you're saying so he wins no matter what

Uploading vid from the request to have me stand full weight on the joysticks. They still work but there was a lot of creaking and cracking because all of my weight was concentrated on the heel.

So him "crying" in the first video was actually him getting horny as fuck?

I'm not even that guy, but you're a pretentious fag.

You should kill yourself with your Switch in hand, on live stream.

lmao what the fuck dude

I think the worst part of having to do this isn't the fact that I'm fucking up my only gaming device. It's watching you all speculate about my sexuality on here.


just cum on the switch and be done with it already faggot

Who knows, he is obviously not well in his head, so yeah it could be.

Have you considered not doing it?

You sound like you're being forced to do this. Just fucking stop and pray Nintendo will fix those sticks for free.

He's obviously a snoyboi. They're petty enough to waste money on a Switch just to break it and post it online.

there's no speculation here

Kill yourself you mentally defective faggot

Why do you have to do this? What the hell is going on here?

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Here's the new vid:

once its broken and the thread dies it'll be you speculating about your own sexuality.

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>not broken
at least you delivered m8

What the fuck is wrong with you, why are you so committed to this? This just not actually be your switch or something. Are you mentally ill?

this has got to be some of the weirdest footfaggotry I've ever seen

I got into a competition with someone who agreed to give me a gaming rig (I know him irl and know he'd follow through). He and I don't actually get along and he wanted me to do this because it's my only gaming system and he thought it would be funny. I also always follow through and he knew that I'd do it.

holy shit you are actually retarded

Finna based.
How long are you doing this for?

two download only games for $100

This is getting pretty hilarious

OP might be a suicide risk

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Stepping on it it's kind of boring, you should do other requests like the one asking you to cum or fill the cart slot with toothpaste

I don't think this is a fetish thing at all, I think this is somebody taking advantage of an actual autist

Supposedly is a bet he lost and he has to do it because some Yea Forums user told him to so he can keep his """""honor""""" aka guy has a humiliation fetish and gets off to breaking his switch, he might be a latent homosexual too.

This hurts to watch. You should talk more through the video btw, about whatever

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Depends on how many requests I get.

Not part of the deal. If I got a new switch, theyd be on my account and I could download them on the new switch though, right? I can't get a switch right now so I guess that's your point.

unkempt room, dirty, smelly hamper. No way this guy is a homo. Just a btard

Based and weightpilled, keep going OP, keep milking nintendofag's tears

Holy fuck user you just bought Div OS2 please give me your account since you clearly don't care about it

Oh I get it, you’re a retard who’s thinking that if you post your EPIC switch destruction vids on Yea Forums, it will give you a following on youtube

>Actual autist

So a 4chaner

hey did you beat astral chain before doing this? or did you drop it?

Or, maybe he just wants to do something because it's fucking funny.

Christ you people.

I just bought it. Haven't beaten it.

First of all, what was the bet you lost?

You are in the closet aren't you?

do people with the focus and drive to finish a game cruise Yea Forums to make bets to destroy their own property?

Fuck yeah.

Holy shit. A smash bros competition.

It's not funny, its weird and pathethic. Also with the backstory added it's also kind of gay.

>I just bought it
damn it was that bad this dude is destroying his switch after only just starting it. PS4 definitely dodged a bullet not getting this turd.

Attached: ps4.png (633x874, 56K)

Work boots, put oil on the sole of the left shoe and step on the screen, do nothing with the right foot

new request. stand on screen with nikes with one foot on tippy toes then bend knee to show full weight

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>put oil on the sole

foot fags from other boards have found the thread

Wear the hiking boots.

Turn the Switch over so the screen is facing the ground. Place both feet on the back of the switch itself, not the controllers. Shift your weight as much as possible.

Yeah, it sucks.

Okay. Can you explain what you mean by bend knee to show weight?

This one

>believing artistic works of fiction

Is this your first day on Yea Forums?

I'll do this next.

well it might be hard cause you have to be somewhat limber but just like keep on you tie toe as long as possible. having all the weight on a small area is actually going to do something. not this two foot shit.


"I'm a fat fucking cuck, i'm a fat fucking cuck, i'm a fat fucking cuck" repeatedly for the duration of the 60 seconds

white niggas are so fucking weird.

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Fuck yeah you will.
And I will watch it because I love it.

the absolute worst thing that will happen is that the joysticks will break. OP probably had bum joycons and is just bs-ing of boredom and already ordered new ones. only thing sugggested that might actually break the switch itself is

Do this one next please, I appreciate it

>tfw at this point you’re done trying to convince this autist to stop and are just along for the ride

I must admit I’m having fun

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clean your room

just curb stomp the screen lengthwise with work boots holy fuck

>weird, pathetic, kinda gay
You must be new here

watch his first video, the dude already stepped on the screen and bent it

You can hear him crying in the first video on the account (the one in the OP)
Or it's him audibly getting off to this

I don't even know what this game is, why the fuck do I know this card in particular

New vid uploading of me standing on it screen down, rocking my weight around. It seems to be in tact but both controllers jiggle a bit and the left stick might be less responsive

I've seen a lot of shit on here, but this makes me real fucking sad. Do something with your life, fuck

Nice, now do this one

I don't think I could balance on it. Sorry.

You're right next to a door, hold the door handle, or press your hand against it

get help bro. not even joking, seriously get help

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why the fuck are you making all these videos? just wait and do all the suggestions in one video you retard

New vid

Is this still entertaining anyone? If it is, we can keep going since I said I would do my best to fulful all requests. My switch is a beast apparently.

It is still very entertaining, and we're a ways off from bump limit,let's keep it up. I just need to see a single foot long ways video

The absolute state of this thread

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Because people didn't seem to trust i'd do it I opted to make a video for the first one that seemed serious and have continued that way as each request takes some time.

>Switch still working after all this
Great advert for Nintendo

I want you to yell

BRADU PITTU NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in an asian voice while you step on it. You'll be Yea Forums royalty.

Attached: chad pitt.jpg (480x579, 183K)

>Is this still entertaining anyone?
yeah it's entertaining in the same way that messing with chris-chan was entertaining

Anybody else masturbating to the videos in this thread? I am

>Not New Balance

Looks like the Nintendium mines are still operational.
Now jump on it

Just fucking stop. Stop going on Yea Forums and go to a counsellor and start lifting. Browse /fit/ instead, It's ridiculous you'd do anything for Yea Forums, especially when Yea Forums's real culture left pre 2012.

Yes please. Next vid though, whatever request you do, before stepping on it, can you say

"What do you get when you cross a fat ass Yea Forumstard with a board that abandons him and treats him like trash? YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE"

and then step on it

Is this some sort of fetish? I'm not sure why you dont just jump on it or something.

Do the oil one, or something more different, just stepping on it is boring as fuck


There's a chance I get through this with a function, even if janky, switch.

You have more options than you're picking. See op.

No barefoot.

I hope you all know you're playing to this gay fetishist's whims and getting his fat ass off to this masochism shit

You enjoy being gay, Yea Forums?

He just needs to start doing the quips we're suggesting

This is genuinely stressful for me. I don't want to lose my switch. If you feel bad, you in no way need to participate. If you find it entertaining, I'll keep going as long as the requests match the criteria in the OP

1. Nikes

2. Stand with a single foot on it, long ways (parallel with the screen) and slide your foot back and forth so the Switch scrapes the ground under your foot


This is boring now. Just break it or stop posting. Shit or get off the pot.

that makes zero sense you attention whore

1) Hiking boots

2 Switch face up. Place the back half of your feet on the switch screen, and the other half on the ground in front of the switch (So effectively only your heels are on the screen). Shift weight back and forth, lean back with all weight on heels

break it with a hammer instead

I really, REALLY hope this is just a richfag shitposter with multiple Switches

can you please do work boots, place Switch in kickstand mode, then stomp it flat after

He won't stomp it, but I like where you're going with kickstand mode. Maybe he could press his foot down on the top part where the vents/cartridges go?

one of the videos has fucking spiders crawling around on his floor. he isn't rich.

Spotted the fag

>Rich people don't have the occasional insect infiltration
Which video though?


rich doesn't equal classy or mentally well, user so no reason he cant have spiders

Who the fuck cares?

Uploading this right now: This is next:


But he's doing what I want and I want to see this, so I don't give a fuck.

You need to go back.

Thank you based switch stepper

now sit on it
1:28. he comments on it though.

you first, my friend

That would do nothing but cushion it

lol, just lets the fucker keep on walking

Here's me scraping the switch over the ground:

The rocking on the screen is next.


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>People telling him to stop

Fuck off, this is the first OC Yea Forums has had in forever. God forbid we have a remotely entertaining thread with an user damaging his Switch among the pages and pages of nonstop wojaks, pepes, and smash threads.

I don't own any. Sorry.

Really enjoyed that one user, I like your hopping and balance technique, had a nice rhythm to it

we talk about VIDEOGAMES stupid faggot ass mongoloid not this Yea Forums tier shit. Kill yourself right fucking now.

Only true Yea Forumseterans remember this one

Attached: Pack up your stuff Flip, you're fired.png (1899x1080, 1.39M)

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Here's me rocking back and forth onto the screen with the heels of the boots.

What is the image supposed to convey?

Is this a Nintendo shill proving how durable the Switch is?

Sorry forgot the link:

jump on it 2 times

Attached: the president.png (571x650, 708K)

I feel like this whole thread is a viral nintendo marketing technique. OH LOOK! YOU CAN JUMP UP AND DOWN ON THE SWITCH AND IT STILL WORKS! HOW DURABLE, BUY IT FOR YOUR CHILDREN NOW!

i hate this thread

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>that voice

you okay dude? you sound kind of dead inside or something?

1. Hiking boots please

2. Can you please remove the joycons and stand solely on the screen portion, then sorta rock your weight on it\do the twist?

Also is it too much to ask to get some dialogue in there about being a cuck or something, and losing the bet, maybe some context

Still not jumping. I have a chance to have a usable switch after this. All of the options are in the op - grinding, shifting weight, wiping, boots, hiking boots, and nikes, etc.



Attached: E020AAB9-5CF3-458A-A732-790CB9213FC5.gif (663x373, 1.72M)

BREAK IT!!!!!!!

maybe he's committing suicide after this but wanted to get some final lulz in.

fuck. ok.

grind the left joycon rail against the floor using your hiking boot

I felt bad for you when you lost your balance user, are you okay?

this kills the switch

Best one so far

I have limited space and don't want my roommate to know what's going on. Can i just do the scraping video again but face down without joycons. Does that work?

my sense of humor degenerated to the point where this is the hardest I've laughed in weeks

Attached: IMG_0081.jpg (453x500, 46K)


And I'll wear work boots as requested.

This is great. Thanks OP

Attached: 5437523429084820924.jpg (502x652, 73K)

Yes, just mimmick this one, but screen down also interpret dialogue

>I really don't want to lose my switch

then why are you doing this user? whats the next step of your master plan? drop some lore on us

Attached: 1538516975580.jpg (452x339, 37K)

Ok, but try to get as much movement along the ground as possible.

He has to keep doing it until people stop making requests, he lost a bet on Yea Forums

Catch up on the story so far newfag

We need skater dialog

sorry user I just tuned in so I'm a lore-let

I'm gonna need you to take those joycons into the bathroom, and I'm gonna need you to put them way up inside your butthole, user. Put them way up inside there, as far as they can fit.

cum on it

Attached: 1558520601765.jpg (779x576, 38K)

Don't worry user, you're up to speed. Now make an epic request following the rules in the OP so he doesn't stop. We need that shit broken STAT

there is a vile energy at play here

seductively move your bare toes around on it and press buttons

Attached: coomer.jpg (800x450, 31K)

1. wear workboots
2. place switch on one foot so that 2/3 of it is resting on the boot
3. with your free foot, place remaining weight on switch

diagram to help you visualise

Attached: diagram.png (872x706, 18K)

just give it to me instead so that I dont feel tempted to spend money on one anymore

meant to say 1/3rd of it resting on the boot

You have to do this one OP.

Skating on it scratched the screen up bad. Still works but it's very badly scratched, degrading the qualty of future play. Video coming.

This is the most fun I've had in a long while my dude

Attached: IMG_20190802_200713.jpg (796x982, 167K)

OP do you know any tricks? Do a 360 Bigspin and nail the landing by stomping and launching Astral Chain

I don't think there's going to be future play after this thread


audibly kek'd, thanks user

This kills the switch.

>degrading the qualty of future play

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Attached: whatswrongwithyou.gif (336x252, 1.05M)

I'm so glad I'm an insomniac and could be up to see this shit go down

Attached: 1562792504834.jpg (693x720, 34K)

Nah, this bitch is a tank, nothing will break it

Has nobody requested bare feet? I thought you degenerates were all footfags.

Way to backpedal on you own logic, you fucking retard.

He's said no bare feet.

He won't do that, read the rules in the OP

1) Hiking boots

2) Take off both joycons, put one of them away and one of them on the ground. Place the switch, screen facing down, on the joycon. Place your feet on opposite ends of the switch and press your weight down by squatting repeatedly, while also occasionally shifting left to right, like a see-saw

>degrading the qualty of future play

Attached: philtheexclusiveskiller.jpg (500x700, 22K)

OP can you link the thread that you lost the bet in? I'd like to get some context on this whole thing

Here's the most recent vid:

based thread t b h

This one is fucking brutal, holy shit. You monster.

How can one man be so based, so committed to the mission, putting everything above his own needs...

Attached: 1566149379782.png (705x700, 462K)

whats the name of this kink

fuck. ok.

>no bare feet
Whats the fucking point if i cant get off


Attached: 1560669599189.jpg (225x216, 46K)

are you allowed to leave that bathroom? you've been in there for like 3 hours

fucking footfags man

Where the fuck is this one OP

Here's the most recent. Filming another.

This entire thread is a viral marketing campaign by Nintendo to show how durable the Switch is.
Break out the hammer, OP.

Physicallycdinged watching this one desu

Hey OP can you stand it on its edge (like how when it's docked) and step on it that way? Try to balance yourself on it, see if it can stand the pressure. You're the hero Yea Forums doesn't deserve.


Attached: B9DBC8F2-1767-47F8-A868-155054FAE369.png (367x358, 81K)

I like seeing the creativity regarding methods for op to fuck up his switch increase as the thread progresses

I don't think I could balance.

Yikes, are you going to cry when it inevitably breaks from all these requests OP?
Yea don't do that one, I could see you falling and I don't want that user

hiking boots, stand on the top of the system (meaning, balance it with the vents in the air), and rock left to right. you can hold the counter for balance if need be, but you must put as much weight onto the switch as possible.

Attached: 1568170135015m.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

the diagram clearly shows the screen facing down. you have to redo

Imagine if the mother elephant decided she didn't like that

Why are white people like this?

Attached: 1512507334019.png (1093x1077, 1.6M)


What if this is OP's fetish and we are helping him get more and more erect with each video

Attached: 1536452931771.jpg (574x574, 256K)

Uploading this. Whole thing is bent. Appears to still work.

this but cum into the vent and/or charging port on the bottom
then dock it

dont make me have to conduct an exorcism on you op


Discoloration in middle of screen. Works but right analogue stick makes a crunchy noise.

Kill yourself op I don't give a fuck about your switch but this is cringy as fuck. This shit belongs on reddit.


Hiking boots, put your feet on the black edge of the screen long way

well its obviously fucked beyond rapair now op, just break it and end this already

1.) Work Boots

2.) Remove the joycons, with the screen face down across a spare shoe(or a solid object), stand on each side of the back of the console.

Pic related is diagram

Attached: Diagram.png (547x499, 26K)

Seesaw vid:

He literally just did this one, but with a joycon instead of a shoe. Which is better

Attached: brothat'scringe.jpg (720x540, 28K)

I don't have to use props. Just flat ground.

Just watched that one, idk, it's barely on the joycon

It slid off the analogue and scraped the middle of the screen then focused the bend toward the mid top. I did damage.

You just filmed a similar one with a joycon under it, how is that flat ground you fuck? You broke your rule already, now film it

So is your plan to just use it in TV mode forever now?

stop being obsessed with that stupid website

Somebody better get in here with a big brain creative way to break this fucking thing

Also, listen to the sounds it made...

The joycon is part of the switch.

keep the switch even after its broken then cuck it by playing a brand new switch next to it


>can't afford a switch because I pay for my dad's medication
>this guy can afford to do this

I don't think it will dock anymore. It's bent.


1.) Work boots

2.) detach joycons, and balance the switch on it, stand on foot in the middle, lifting your other foot so full weight is applied.

Attached: Switch step.png (559x500, 10K)

Request: Do the see saw one with the joycon again, except this time, put the joycon with the black railing side face down, and put the switch ontop of that. With the rocking and squatting of course. Really get down there for those squats

Why do white people do this?

Just fully destroy it already

was literally just thinking this. like what else is there that could even be done?

Two in one vid.

Because we can buy another one

I've still got some ideas up my sleeve...

Yea Forums - crowdsourced gay nintendo findom


Are you going to cry when it fully breaks?

reminder that you have to redo this one since you ignored the rules

Attached: 1534752975556.jpg (768x1024, 167K)

he cried when one of the joycons broke, he'll probably hang himself when this breaks

Fuck, we hit bump limit in less than 100 posts. We gotta break this thing fast

I feel fucking miserable. I put so much time into this.. Still works. Couldn't balance joycon on the rail and stand on it. Have to skip that. Sorry.

I'm desparite enough I'd play it like this as long as I can. But I don't know if the fan works with it bent or what.

He can't stop until requests stop, so he better start up a new thread if that happens

Newest vid.

Drop your switch into a happy meal box with food still inside and step on it.

Do it, faggot.

Attached: 1562885880033.jpg (443x471, 89K)

Stand on the middle of it with the screen on the floor, it might fix the bend

1.) Nikes

2.) Just copy the diagram and break that kickstand

Attached: Kickstand snap.png (510x501, 10K)

I will.

>skipping a request because you're afraid it will break it

Coward. Why even make this farce of a thread if there will be no real results? Man up

Request for you sir. bit of a different routine but can you prop the switch up against the sink and dig your heel into it with work boots

I couldn't keep it balanced and put my feet on it.

Noooo, it was perfect at first, with the controller thingies as far apart as possible, why did you move them??

I'll do this on the next vid.

This. I demand a re-do

Flat surfaces only. Grinding, wiping, standing. work or hiking boots or nikes. You decide placement of my feet. That's it. No sinks.

Seeing console cancer being destroyed is amusing.

1. place joycons under screen-up switch as indicated in the diagram
2. with boots, place weight on the two indicated spots

Attached: how to.png (1059x863, 137K)

Work boots, same as this, but with the screen facing upwards and the joycons as far apart as possible


very well, can you do work boots, switch facing up with joycons removed, alternating stepping the long way

I think we’ve been defeated lads. Fucking Nintendo and their Nintendium alloy can’t be broken

Which is why OP needs to put his Switch face-up on the ground with a Nokia 3310 on top and stand on it.

Attached: 1518390873687.png (230x219, 10K)

Hopefully it snapped the thots neck

we want to see his switch break, we don't want him to drop to earth's core

i think i have the same hamper as you


Next video is kind of a dud. The requests you all are sending are next to impossible. I have to balance the switch and then step on it. Stepping on it makes the whole thing fall. It doesn't work. Stepped in the screen lengthwise and broke the kickstand though. Video coming.

1.) Nikes

2.) Switch screen up, both joycons on the screen with the joysticks down, one foot pressing both of them into the screen, full weight

Attached: middle screen.png (526x432, 11K)


Whatever the next request you do is, can you please say

"Fuck the Joycon boys, rot in hell Etika"

I wore work boots, sorry forgot. It didn't look like it did any damage. My switch is a beast. Video forthcoming.

No worries on the shoe choice

First vid is a dud. Broke the kickstand though.

Here's joycons on the screen.

Attached: image.png (872x649, 23K)


Thanks for delivering, I think the killer would be seesaw alternating between screen up and screen down, make sure to step on the edge of the switch

home stretch to bump limit, it's crunch time.

1.) Work boots

2.) Do pic related with the screen actually facing down.

Attached: screen down.png (726x625, 35K)

Funniest thread in days. The seething replies from retards that are hurt by this only make it funnier

Attached: 1567452476559.jpg (865x586, 221K)

Unironically bored. You aren't gonna use that shit in handheld. Just destroy it. Do this but stomp on it.

its 2am on a wednesday why did you expect high octane creative switch stepping ideas

He's going to make a new thread if it hits limit


Hiking boots, leave one joycon attached and place the other one under the screen. stand with both feet at the edge of the console (including the attached joycon) and shift your weight back and forth. 60 seconds.

Pull the sticks out from the joycon one by one and post a video, this is like tendie torture porn.

This, except also apply upward force with the foot that isn’t doing the stepping.

what even was this bet?
the silliness of this situation is funny tho, late night Yea Forums threads are very hilarious indeed

>275 nip dollaridoos for that shit
at least it's not Betsy Johnsons, those shits are ungodly tacky, who the fuck actually buys those

This pls

Another vid.

Uploading this:
Toe came up and slammed switch on floor. Still works though.

1.) Work boots

2.) Like pic related, with one joycon attached, apply full pressure to secure it on the floor. With your other foot, lift the screen portion of the switch upwards

Attached: The slipperoo.png (559x531, 22K)


Explain what you mean?

OP, you seem to want to come out of this with a working switch. You should stop taking requests. The requests will not stop until your switch is broken. Nobody here will be satisfied until it is.

Hold the switch vertically with one foot and press down on the sticks with your heel.

A bet's a bet, user

Honestly user your commitment is admirable but don’t you have to fucking sleep? You’ve been in that fucking room for four hours. You’ve done enough, you are dismissed. Leave.

op why don't you do something harmless with your mental illness instead like shooting up a school

Oh come on, looks like you intentionally slid your foot out. Also, you're not standing close enough to the center so of course it's not doing anything


Attached: 1541189327451.jpg (400x400, 20K)

He's not dismissed until the requests stop. But you are, goodbye.

Almost at the bump limit, this is finally going to end...

Attached: 1447365453620.gif (512x512, 425K)

Screen is fucked after seesaw. Will continue to take requests.

Is this some fucked up fetish?

at 00:09 we get a glimpse of his face

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1920x1080, 272K)

You win. If you want me to rip off controllers tell me. fuck

What about it?

How are you people still alive?

looks kinda s 0 yish

Isn't ripping off the controllers using your hands, thus breaking the rules?

I'm scared

I think he means stand on the joycons and pull them outwards gripping the buttons/analogue with the treads.

That's a wrap boys. Fuck. Sorry we broke your switch OP

thats my fault. i hope you enjoyed this. If there's further damage you want done, tell me. Otherwise I'll go to bed.

>That exhale when he sees the screen
God damn. Why didn't you faggots stop making requests


see if it docks

You skipped this one. DO THIS ONE

What more will that do?

dock check please

Break the joycon rail off

You were supposed to alternate as in, but a win's a win

It doesn't

Waste of time, we know it won't fit. Also it's about time to make a new thread OP

just jump on the switch.

sorry man. what's next for you?

More requests?

What the fuck is this thread and why am I reading it all

Seesaw screen upwards
Seesaw screen upwards
Seesaw screen upwards
Seesaw screen upwards


If I was a betting man: jerking off then suicide.

>its the people telling the guy to break his shit's fault that he broke his shit

Attached: jay eyeroll.gif (189x195, 605K)

Attached: 083[1].jpg (413x395, 19K)

New thread

Yes more requests
How I just told you, by doing

>Implying I made requests

I'm just here for the ride

Either that or he's getting blackmailed by some discord tranny.



Your jeans are fucking awful

Attached: download.jpg (217x232, 12K)

This shit is just sad to watch

stepping on games

where's the screen up seesaw? thought it was uploading. don't lie.