How do you define SOUL?

how do you define SOUL?

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Other urls found in this thread: def&oq=soul def&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i131i70i249j0l9.3695.4271..4517...0.2..0.224.459.3j0j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i67i70i249j0i67j0i10.NBkvtDcW3ds&ved=0ahUKEwiW09rQ58fkAhUYHzQIHV_wBIcQ4dUDCAs&uact=5

Something I like def&oq=soul def&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i131i70i249j0l9.3695.4271..4517...0.2..0.224.459.3j0j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i67i70i249j0i67j0i10.NBkvtDcW3ds&ved=0ahUKEwiW09rQ58fkAhUYHzQIHV_wBIcQ4dUDCAs&uact=5
Why do so many people have trouble with this?

Give me that thing.

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the opposite of that gif


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You know it when you see it

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its similar to HEART

Doing a lot with very little.

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To know SOUL you need to have one.


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Is this a real Sonic game?
Which one?
How can I play it?

It's the hub area from Sonic Jam, you can run around a little and do some missions. It's basically just a little side thing to the actual game compilation, but it's really pretty and charming


Search "Sonic Jam".

Something flawed but purposeful.
it sounds like bullshit, but I think humans can see when there is genuine intent and effort behind something.

Its likely why we attribute this to the soul, because its something deeper than our understanding.

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robotnik's "hidden" base

SOUL is another soon-to-be-dead buzzword has lost its meaning due to being a metaphor and not distinctive trait or thing

won`t be the last

Old. Everything new is a soulless cash grab.

This is the one true definition of soul/charm/whatever in entertainment, and it's annoying to see people use the term as a stand-in for "I liked this" instead.

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boring and old just like boomers

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Nice art style paired with attention to detail


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A buzzword used by retards that protects a game with glaring flaws from any criticism by saying it's "comfy" or "passionate", instead of accepting the problems it has like an unbiased person would do.

By attempting to surpass its limitations.

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damn that is fuckin sexy


Something I grew up with and have nostalgia for.

when you can see that someone shorted their life span in exchange of making something nice

buzzwords have no meaningful definition, that is why they are buzzwords.

textbook definitions
now here's the exact opposite

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Any game made by the Japanese

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game i like

>big budget game is considered cutting edge for it's day and uses the maximum amount of resources available
>20 years later: they did so much with so little look at all that soul
you dum dums will be saying cod4 had "soul" within 5 years.

is there an age requirement to play this game? it looks great.

game from childhood soul
game isnt from childhood souless

"The nobility of the resources used"

just about any game is flawed but purposeful

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You have the concept down, btu some of yoru examples arent good.
It should be Undertale vs Mother. (which come close, but I feel Mother slightly beats out the graphical pros Undertale has.)
Then Donkey Kong Countries on SNES vs Yoshis Island on SNES. (where you really see the artistic differences)
I cant speak on the last one, but I feel both are kinda nice, but theres a huge generation difference between doom and splatoon.
Maybe some games more comparable.

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soul: something i remember playing when i wasna kid
soulles: literally everything else
there's no such thing as soul, it's just blinded nostalgia.

And back then the maximum amount of resources available was fucking nothing, so they had to innovate and improvise to get the most out of what they had. You don't have to do that today with modern systems, there's no constraints, no reason to think outside of the box. Hell, AAA developers have so much free space that they decide to bloat every release with 20+ gigs of uncompressed audio.

Mania was made by westerners, and Forces was made by japs.

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fuck off, pajeet

A game that had love and care put into it. Any game from any generation can have soul.

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This. NPCs are physically incapable of these feelings, that's why the concept of soul is so lost on them.

When the devs put actual passion and love into the game they're making, instead of making some by-the-numbers shitty cashgrab.

Compare Sonic Mania, which has soul, to Sonic 4, which is soulless.

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If you're actually asking, then the answer is "love" put into a game. If you can tell that the team was passionate and excited about a project just from playing it, then the game is typically soulful.

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Old is soulful, new is soulless

>lazy rom-hack is better than an original game
Classicfags are the worst.


At least Sonic Team tries to come up with new ideas and move the series forward. Mania is just nostalgia-pandering garbage for the lowest common denominator.

Bad graphics + good artstyle = SOUL
Good graphics + bad artstyle = SOULLESS
Good graphics + good artstyle = SOULLESS

>Sonic Team tries to come up with new ideas and move the series forward
if they actually tried to do that, Forces wouldn't have Classic Sonic and there would be much better level design for the remaining stages


Attached: Classic Vs. Modern Physics.webm (400x320, 2.88M)

>Good graphics + good artstyle = SOULLESS
Fuck off zoomer scum twewy, pokemon hgss/b2w2, megaman and ghost trick get nothing but love in any online discussion

>Getting nothing but love
Maybe if they removed the low health music.

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*tips fedora*

Soul is the phenomenon of deeper attachment to an object. Though usually only through contrast
Art, scenery, poetry, games, etc..

Its easier to spot soul than to spot soulless.

Heres some soul.

Heres some comparatively soulless.

Part of it is color palette, lighting, and artstyle, (particularly high saturation and having the quality of "sunlight" sok = soul) but another important aspect is flaws. If a work is rough it's more likely to have soul than something extremely polished.

Why couldn't Sega ever replicate the original physics?

>There's no such thing as soul

Imagine living such a pathetic life.

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>persona 5 being better than any other RPG
>Wooly World being better than Danky Kang
>Splatoon better than OG Doom
I know it's bait, but you're still getting a (you)

They're both lazy and incompetent. They didn't even try to do it, but they would have failed even if they did.

For 2D: Rushed devlopement timeline with different developers, Dimps mostly
For 3D: Initially hardware restrictions + very short development time, now it's just the latter. To put it in context with how rushed these games are, Sonic started going 3D 3 years after Mario yet has had twice as many 3D games today.

Take me back

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Mario has his first encounter with inner city youth.

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The future sure didn't turn out how we thought it would, huh?

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Playing Pikmin 2 and listening to
as I read through the piklopedia/treasure hoard entries.

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what game?


Thanks for posting that user, I'll skip the second one if you don't mind.

Is it possible for a remake to have soul if it's from 20 years ago?

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Sonic World is beautiful. I'm still amazed how a tech demo is still superior to any 3D Sonic.

What game is this?

There's a reason people say you can "put your heart and soul" into something. A craft, a performance, etc.
It does not denote quality, but rather the love and care put into the art. It does not come as a response to the real world, but as a reflection of the creator or performer. When you experience a soulful work, you are experiencing a part of the one/many behind it. Their baby means a lot to them, and they hope it means a lot to you, too.
That is what SOUL has come to mean to me.

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serious answer: the immediacy of how quickly the art was done and how close the artists tries to bring you, the player, to his state of mind when he made the model or wrote the script. Glossy overproduced animations and models and script and music look neat but they're soulless because it's obvious it took alot of hours and many differant people to bring the thing to life.

meme answer: it looks low poly or low resolution therefore it's soul

a sense of beauty or appeal is suspiciously absent from explanations like these

When, despite graphical limitation, the game has charisma

spotted the zoomer.

It must suck that every single thing you grew up with was a rehash or a reboot or a rebrand of something else that already existed.

This is how I define soul.

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I personally don't feel that it's what makes something soulful, but is often a byproduct.

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Shamelessly ripping off an art style the way cupshit does, automatically disqualifies the game as soulful.

>Going above and beyond hardware limits
>Being the sole dev/part of a tiny team of a game yet adding in incredible amounts of features, functions or additions comparable to that of a large dev team
>If based off a certain style, it completely blends with that style perfectly
>Non-gameplay inclusions that make the game more impacting on a mental/emotional level, aka incredible music, things that come full-circle, etc
That's my criteria for soul anyway

AAA games are flawed. They copy and paste stock photorealistic assets to build their mundane environments. Using rote methods and off the shelf engines. Their only purpose is to make money, not decent games. The actual game is a means to an end. In the past, the head of the company also helped program and develop the game. Now the head of the company is a soulless CEO of whatever publisher bought them out.

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Undertale has soul you shitguzzler

Took way too long for Legends to be posted

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kill yourself autist

Anything that takes as far away from reality as possible. Escapism.

So many games nowadays fail to achieve this, it's mind-boggling. Old games truly are better.

This. Soul is something that makes us feel like we're in a child's dream. In a Disney wonderland, or something. Not just "oh, hey, here's Bing-bing on a grassy terrain."

how do you define good art? it can be as technically impressive as you like and still be less interesting, aesthetic, or creative than another. i guess it comes down to the feeling you get when you look at it. does it feel like a product to be sold or something more.

Post a more soulful game

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I think the best way to describe soul is when something ends up being far FAR better than the sum of it's parts.
Like everything just meshes the right way and it comes out perfect.
Like Pyre for example, it's just fucken basketball but damn if it aint some soulful basketball

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So this is your brain on sonic, huh? Doesn't matter if care or love actually went into the game, if it has nostalgia it's immediately ruined, yeah fuck the 4 other stages and even the new gimmicks in the old stages right? This game is nothing new at all, just a direct copy paste with nothing changed. And by the way, you have no idea what romhack means at all. So have your (You) I guess.

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Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst

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Sonic Mania is PURE soul

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The only way it could get better is 12 NEW zones.
Then we'll be golden, baby.

nostalgia bait like Mania is the definition of soulless

Keep telling yourself that

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Its a copout that smoothbrained shitters use when they cant construct an argument. Some old things are good. Some new things are good. Not every remake is worse because it has updated visuals.

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I don't, user. I just tune out and disregard buzzwords like that. You should do the same.

Just keep it simple. What you posted has soul. In general, old game has soul, new game no soul.

I really really really want to believe this is bait

It's the weird bridge between nostalgia and imagination

you can't define soul you faggot, you can only feel it. and that gif you posted has a lot of it.

Only way to know soul is to experience, though images can give you a taste.

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Soul means Nostalgia


soul = thing from my childhood
soulless = thing from someone else's childhood


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Game made with love and passion
Game made for a quick buck

These are pretty close...

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This is my definition.

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Technical limitations + sincere effort

This has been a very insightful thread. I'm glad I got to read through it.
There seems to be a recurring pattern where if any sort of creator puts sincerity, love, and honesty into their creation, whatever it may be, it is able to exude those feelings into those fortunate enough to experience it. I've been considering mentioning having a lack of delusion as a trait of Soul but I feel that sincerity covers that.

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You're retarded

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This is correct.
It doesn't matter if nostalgia was a card played in this game, there is so much visible love and passion that went into Mania that you'd be blind not to notice. It has to mean something when the devs didn't make this for the money, they just wanted to make a fun sonic game.

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effort that overcomes limitations
modern games have less soul simply because they do not have real limitations

>Games has ports/remakes with new artstyles
>They all have their own soul and are all good
Love it when this happens

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Old good

>OG Doom
That's Doom II, widely regarded to be garbage.

Persona 5 did not have soul
Conversely, undertale banjo kazooie and doom DO have soul, and I dislike undertale and banjo kazooie

I miss janky polygon graphics.
I wish they'd make a comeback the way 2d sprite graphics did.

nostalgia CAN play a part in it, though I won't lie

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I'd like to personally thank everybody who is teaching about what is soul. Good taste doesn't appear out of thin air.

this but the purpose element is pure pretense on our part because it feels nicer that way
nothing wrong with it

is this meant to show that western games lack soul but have better gameplay?

your nostalgia is leaking that looks awful

for 1998 this sure looked damn good.

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i mostly agree. theres some fun in its design, but a lot of it really looks AND FEELS bad today.
So i think adventure1 is moslty nostalgia.
adventure2 has some ok stuff.


Poor quality bait

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Is there any noticable differences between RIZ-ZOAWD and the US version? Censorship or the like

You can't define it bitch. You either have it or you don't.

Soul is imperfection. When everything develops and becomes more crystalized and perfect, it looses soul. As though it came off a factory assembly line.

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why is the latter music so popular
it's the worst shit I've ever heard in my life

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It absolutely is.

>I can't understand what soul is so I'm assuming based on some superficial observation
the way these threads bring out the bugmen is always amusing

This is literally correct but smoothbrains will disagree with you.

The amount of effort put into minute details that show something is a passion project, and not a commodity being pushed out by an assembly line.

"soul" is an all encompassing term.
its like saying "Digits" instead of "Fingers" or "Thumbs".
Not all fingers are thumbs, blah blah.
In this case, your example falls into the category of Soul, but not all Soul is imperfection.
If anything, its easy to have this bias since humans constantly make imperfection.
But there are products where we see part of it, and say its pretty much perfect. (not all older games are better, and not all remakes are worse. Most of the time its just a certain piece within the remake, rather than the whole thing)

you can have a perfect score in a test, that means you had dedication and cared about the topic.
Is not about imperfection, is about personality.


a buzzword

>how do you define SOUL?
When companies made games to have fun, and not have "how much many faggots can we pander to?" contest

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in return, a person can have care, consideration, determination, etc, and the game ends up seeming souless anyways.

there is no singular meaning for "soul"

Passion can show "soul"
personality can show "soul"
art over graphics can show "soul"
making imperfection work can show "soul"
Accidents can show "soul"

This is why people just say "Soul means thing i like' because it really is a blanket term.
though it can still be argued a thing you like doesnt have soul. which is why people dont like the definition of 'thing i like'.

I see a lot of people referring to 'technical limitations' or impurities ITT which is definitely a good line of reasoning
However I think it would be more accurate to define soul as the unique and memorable artstyles that came through as developers tried to get the most out of these limitations
You can still make soulful artstyles in this day and age, but it's far less frequent now the limitations have been entirely removed

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I really wanna play Sonic Adventure on my Dreamcast now, are there any benefits to playing SA2 on the Dreamcast compared to the Gamecube?

God, Ristar really is peak Sega

False equivalency. You did not study the test with 100% efficiency. There was undoubtedly flaws in your studying process, yet you achieved a perfect score. A learning AI that scanned the test and perfectly solved each problem over the course of a few minutes is Souless. The analogy here is when something becomes more and more systemized and perfect it looses soul. A hand whittled wooden bear will always have more soul than a computer, laser cut bear made in a factory.

nah. my childhood had 2007 which was the greatest year gaming has ever seen.

Are there any fanports of Sega Saturn games that work on Sega Dreamcast?

Undertale has a lot of fucking soul, stop being contrarian.

>yarn yoshi
>better than tf
Come the fuck on that game was a soulpocalypse.

as others here have said, a game successfully developed with a heartfelt idea rather than something made by-the-numbers

(1) I never felt that way with machine made products vs hand made products.
The only time ive hated machine made products is when they were too imperfect.
(2) You keep trying to rationalize the idea of perfection vs imperfection, while defining perfection as imperfect in the same breath.
Your idea of what an abstract concept, such as "Soul" cant jump around between abstract and objective truth. You defend it with only objective logic, or only subjective logic. not a weird mixture of both, when its convenient to your logistics.
(3) what you mean is not imperfection, but what people make of imperfection. plenty of "imperfect' products are shit. some people turn that con into a pro.

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it does, but i feel they meant in the games artistic graphics.
artistically, there was little effort.
the effort was put into the gameplay/plot mostly, with it dwindling and being rushed near the mid way point, till the end.

imagine thinking AI's are 100% efficent.
Next you are going to say a handrawn animation has more soul because is more imperfect.

>a game desperately trying to distance itself from EarthBound, yet still feeling like a romhack, has soul
go back

Whitehead did it for them.

imperfections are often a byproduct of soul, not soul in itself

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undertale is lazy trash and deltarune even more.
The only effort is in the music.

machines are tools.
they are only as "perfect" as a person could ever be at their best.
they can only ever achieve what people made them achieve.

You're the one using false equivalency.

Images you can hear

>it doesn't have soul because of arbitrary reasons surrounding its creation

seethe, gay

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Sometimes I really wish I had an SNES growing up, it seems like such a neat console.
I regret not getting that mini SNES when it was out.

>One aussie was able to reverse engineer the original sonic games to make an accurate as hell engine with bonus benefits like widescreen, 60 fps at all times and free sprite scaling and rotation
>All of Sonic Team hasn't been able to make a semblance of physics since the dreamcast era
The absolute state of nu-Sonic Team.

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To put it simply, SOUL is the human element.

Whenever a human being creates something, they put a piece of themselves into that work. Why does paintings still exists when we have photographs? Because we love seeing the world through the eyes of somebody else, its how we connect with other human beings.

When people talk about SOUL in video games, they talk about that little magical touch that makes something distinctly human. If you look at old games you will see the human touch all the time, because technology was so limited and it was hard to replicate reality. The developers had to come up with ideas to make their games work.

The fog in Silent Hill? The devs needed to cut down on draw distance.
The graphic novel cutscenes in Max Payne 1? The devs couldn't afford fullblown cutscenes.
The entire art-style and open sea of Wind Waker? Made with Gamecube limitations in mind.

Limitations have tendency to bring out the creativity in humans, and it is that human creativity people love. People don't want reality, they want an abstract version reality.

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just emulate nigga.

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Honestly, the physics in the Sonic Team games are so consistently bad that I'm starting to suspect that they just copy&paste it from game to game. No one actually knows how it works, so they just keep it around forever instead of redeveloping.

I do but it's just not the same as having a nice little console available.

i agree, i kinda want to build my own console with a raspberry, doesnt seem that hard.

Got a good guide on that by chance?
Maybe I'll do the same.

how's pre-calc goin' for ya?

Superiority through rose-tinted glasses

For me Soul and Cozy kind of go together but cozyfags never get a thread

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sorry i dont.

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Based nintendo dabbing on the gays


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SNES was an amazing console.

Soul is entirely subjective, and usually takes into account how old or happy you were when the original came out. If you disagree, you are literally delusional on the same level as Boomers who think you can still get a good job out of high school by walking up to the manager and shaking his hand.

What if I'm a zommer and still like everything before unlike now?

Based and powerful

>who think you can still get a good job out of high school by walking up to the manager and shaking his hand.
i smell projection and bitterness.

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an actual good answer in this thread

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I smell underage, you fucking stink.

why are you posting shitty oracles fanart with a bootleg pride ganondorf OC?

I'm a high school dropout who got a decent software job making 60k. If you cant get a job it's on you buddy

Another bugman spotted

>proceeds to chimp like a bitter oldman
dont worry familia im sure your situation will eventually improve.

If it's old, it has soul.

Note that the games today that are new and soulless will, in time, become old and soulful.

Theres just something about that late 90's to early 00's japanese game aesthetic that just feels so fucking good. I'm not very articulate and not entirely sure what it is, but theres a certain focus on vibrancy, a lot of blues usually with a focus on water and endless skies (sonic adventure,final fantasy x, kingdom hearts, skies of Arcadia, even a bit later with mario sunshine and windwaker etc) that seemed to permeate so many games at the time

I dont know if theres a name for it but I fucking love it

>Apple Market
It's so much bigger and better looking in my memories, and I played it on an emulator in the 2010s. So much fucking SOUL.

God damn the Studiopolis background is so comfy.

MS Act 1 is the only shitty part of Mania. i seriously don't get SEGA's obsession with Tornado levels. i haven't seen a single person that liked any iteration of it.

It did kinda waste a level slot yeah, but at least it's a bit more interesting than Sonic 2's.

Knuckles has a separate and superior MS act 1 (with one of the best themes in the game at that). I havent checked but I'd be surprised of there wasnt a mod out there that replaced Sonics act 1 with it

There was, actually. It inserted it into Sonic's campaign with altered layout pieces so he could complete it with his own moveset. Only problem is that it was ages ago and was never updated for the newer versions of the game so it's broken.
Also shout out to the encore version of act 1 for being an entirely new level as well.
And you're not wrong, it's one hell of a good song, almost gives me wild canyon vibes at times.

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Was persona 5 really that soulful though? I mean its a all around good experience but its not blow me out of the water unique.

funny i love windy hill, pretty much the only one i like from SA1.

pre '06 Sonic + Mania
post '06 Sonic

Policenauts is a 10/10 game. Play it.

Saturn version is better than the PS1 version, both are fantranslated/patched.

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Don't you mean Windy Valley?

I am a sucker for Rabi-Ribi's style too.

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yeah that.

>implying zero gravity isnt the most soulful 3D sonic experience

>watered down OG Riders
that's a no from me

SOUL is just when devs actually bother to put some love and attention to detail, when they think more about the players than making money.
Usually games like that are far and few today ever since the gaming industry became mainstream.
Everything is made to make money and to appeal to the wider audience. bigger teams maybe means games pushed out faster and with arguably better quality, but at the cost of what makes it good in the first place since bigger teams make it hard to follow one vision.
Theres a lot of things involved too, maybe its not all the fault of the creators, maybe its economic reasons, maybe its the publisher trying to make bank on new trends, maybe its just poor decision making even political influences of the modern day affects it.

Like the saying goes, Too many chefs spoil the soup. simple as that.

It doesn't exist until you need to go there right? That sounds pretty hidden to me.

No kidding

Attached: gTAgTED.png (1920x1080, 180K)

Old Sega in general is fantastic.

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Shit I've been looking for this game for ages, what is this? Is this Rocket Knight Adventures?

Dynamite Headdy

Dynamite headdy, treasure game I believe. Rocket Knight is Konami. Both are fantastic games

so you're retarded.

Go to bed.

so long gay bowser

SOUL = something you have nostalgia for

NiGHTS was peak SOUL for Sega, I'm legit pissed off we only got one sequel and even that was shit

Attached: NiGHTS.jpg (460x215, 31K)

SOUL and SOULLESS are just autistic attempts at trying to grasp passion projects and phoned in shit.

I miss it too, user

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