So what's the best genre since sliced bread?

So what's the best genre since sliced bread?

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bread slicing simulators

Do Americans actually buy sliced bread? Don't you retards know that ruins it?

you don't buy sliced bread?


sliced bread did nothing wrong

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Wtf they made Hitler-Chan into bread?

no that ruins it you fucking retarded American
fucking hell when are you fuckers gonna get nuked?

Jewish hands wrote this^^^^

I buy BOTH sliced bread and normal bread, fight me.

The normal bread typically gets eaten whole in a few minutes though, the sliced bread sits there for a while.


Strand games

>fucking europoors gnaw and slobber on whole loaves of bread like the fucking animals they are

Please explain how it ruins the bread.


Imagine being so fat you can't slice bread. Maybe you should send the bread to school and have the shooter break it down for you.

rts, no questions asked

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sliced bread tends to be processed as hell already; its appeal is largely its convenience (literally being sliced) and longer shelf life. I don't think the taste is terrible either, but I tend to buy from the "premium" brands.
regular bread IMO tends to get stale a lot quicker, which is why I don't buy it often.

Is it worth it to get a bread machine?

based post
based game

Battle royale


this is the most seething mad europoor I've ever seen

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Canadian here, all breads are sliced except fresh ones at a bakery. What kind of third world country doesn't sell sliced bread?

>all these seething euroshits

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Considering it is illegal to sell whole loafs here, yes we do. Our FDA actually cares about the well being of the people, unlike your shithole country. God knows what they manage to stuff inside the loaf before they pawn it off to you, probably bugs and shit.

The only thing Canadians "sell" are their asses to rich chink cock.

why is that power strip hanging on the wall bothering me so much

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>be american
>get mad when Wal-Mart asks you to stop carrying assault rifles in your store
>OK with being arrested for selling uncut bread
I guess you like your bread cut like your jew cocks.

Yuropoor here, stores sell sliced bread

>read filename
>"not this one"
user, i googled it and that's not the game's name

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Honestly, so what? I was circumcised as a baby... so why should I abdicate the right to do the same to my son? It's not fair. Why should I have to live with a deformed penis but let him remain intact? Circumcising his penis as a baby is the most implacable way of letting him know I'm in charge. No matter what he does, no matter who he becomes in life, he will always look down at his butchered penis and know: "My father did this to me and there was nothing I could do about it. He won."

based retard

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When we stop being the dominant culture in the west. Read: never.

Winning a game of "make the world a worse place for no tangible gain" is kind of a hollow victory.