Hype check

This is going to be revolutionary for gaming. Cloud based gaming that ACTUALLY WORKS will be huge. Anybody else excited for this bad boy? Oh and the controller is sweet as hell too.

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Not interested.


OP is 1000% on the button. I’m sure Google has a lot more tricks up it’s sleeve and more goodies to unveil soon. I’m jumping over from my ps4 and switch to embrace full digital goodness

This is a shill thread

Ironic advertising is still advertising.

How much do they pay per post? Looking to dump my wageslave job and work from home.

??? Just hyped for Stadia my man. There’s thousands of Nintendo and Sony threads all of the time. Do you accuse them of advertising?

But will it be mobile?

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to places that can only employ americans, $0.10/minute is competitive (they don't need to pay minimum wage, but americans have standards)
when you can outsource to get indians or chinamen, the pay is so terrible that it's not worth talking about

When they're this obvious? Yes.

Yes Google Stadia Will Run On Android
Almost any device that runs the Chrome web browser should work. This includes Windows PCs, Macs, and Chromebooks. It doesn't appear that mobile Chrome (Android and iOS) will support Stadia game streaming. At launch, Stadia will only support one mobile operating system - Android.

Attached: stadia.png (805x877, 96K)

This Is painfully obvious marketer syntax and phrasing.

im interested in the controller for the dpad alone, the cloud stuff was okay, really hard to tell cause AC already feels like shit. Honestly I think it's gonna fail for now, and maybe come back in like 5-10 years.

Unironically get paid pretty well but instead of making every post myself I use a forum bot.

I just copied it from Google. Stop being so paranoid

Fuck off shill.
Three second lag isn't ACTUALLY WORKS

Did you try the beta? Doubt it since I Loved it, was awesome, absolutely flawless (outside of getting used to the controls

lol no

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It is but you don’t have to like it

I tried out Playstation Now 's 30 day trial and managed to clear every challenge room in Arkham City and earn the platinum trophy without noticing any lag. If Sony can cobble together a working streaming platform I'm pretty sure the company that practically runs the Internet can do it.

>paid advertising thread still up
Quit sleeping on the job, layabouts.

Do you have direct evidence that ive been paid to make this thread? If not then please shut the fuck up

>getting this defensive
I don't know where you're from, but you sure ain't native.

What is a “native”? You do realize Yea Forums isn’t one person right? If anything you’re the mindless drone parroting others opinions to fit in.

Reviving this thread. Stadia HYPE!

Same here, buddy. Google's not playing around here. This is gonna be a frickin game changer!

Yup. A lot of people fail to realize this. I won’t be surprised if this is the last generation of gaming consoles since cloud base gaming is going to dominate the market. This forum doesn’t get it though

Well 4Channers are mostly anti-progress white Supremacist, so its Obvious they won't like this. Looking Forward to getting my Founders Edition on November 2019!

Nice man. What game are you looking forward to playing on day 1?

You having a nice conversation there, pal? You wouldn't happen to be lacking thorazine, or anything, right?

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>ywn be fucking a cute teenage girl still wearing the school uniform on a comfy rainy day

Final Fantasy 15! That game was ah-ma-zing!

>t.white supremacist

>you have to pay full price for each individual game instead of streaming a catalog like Netflix

Why the FUCK would anyone use this?

to spite Yea Forums

Many people want this. You dont have to like it, but cloud gaming is the future!

>even in their own events trying to sell it it lagged
it's going to flop hard

It hurts

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Any thread about literally anything will have someone saying it's a shill thread. Pay retards no mind.

I have a datacap, as do the majority of Americans(this things main target demographic), so no. I really don't see this doing well.

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>Being so retarded you can't tell a false flagger from the real thing.
Holy shit, Yea Forums attracts the most retarded idiots ever

I literally know nobody that has a data cap

>Snickers will fail because some people have nut allergies!

It's going to be big! Like real money auction house in Diablo 3 big or Ouya big! Maybe even Google+ big!

Guess you don't live in the 99% part of America that does then?

More like Snickers will fail when the vast majority of everybody has a nut allergy, retard.

>as do the majority
No they don't, retard.

But it does not work.
And I don't mean "strick graphicsfag" it doesn't work.
I don't mean "physical only fag" it doesn't work.
I mean that due to all of the issues involved, there is just too much that goes wrong for it to be reliable except for non-action games.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting you failed abortions


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They literally do though, sorry but this isn't actually debatable. It's a fact. You look stupid for denying it.

I can't be excited because I don't even play video games anymore.

I tried the beta and latency in ACO was no worse than on PS4

The service is for people who have the internet to make use of it. Should mansions not be built because the majority wouldn't get to live in them? Don't be retarded.

3 seconds isn't even that big of a deal. They'll probably fix it anyways.

Why make sweeping statements like this when it's not even out yet? You don't know this, and everything that they've shown is contrary to what you've said. I'll probably try it with at least one game to see if works well, and if not, oh well.

The nice thing is I needed a new Chromecast for my 4K TV anyway, and the founders pack was essentially the price of a Chromecast Ultra by itself and includes the controller.
So if Stadia itself turns out to be shit its no skin off my back, I was going to buy the hardware needed anyway and I essentially got a free controller out of it.

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Call me when they definitively fix that trash, then i might me interested
>Who cares if the vast majority cant use my service, it'll be a success nonetheless!
What did I just say about ironic shitposting?

>products/services need to reach a majority to be a success
You are not very smart

based cloud user


My body is ready

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When they intend to compete with Steam and consoles, which the majority already has, then I think yes they do.

No thanks
Fuck off

Reminder for the nth time that "connection speed" means fuckall. The problem is the ping, aka the delay between you and the server, and the best plan in the world can't do jackshit about light speed.

I will play gacha on my tv

You can be successful without beating all of your competition.

>This is going to be revolutionary for gaming.
I don't see how. you still do the same thing with the game rendered at a distance. if anything it will be more restrictive because the company will have 100% control of the game. it will be easier for them to justify selling little tings like cheats. even on console you can save cheat.

>Cloud based gaming that ACTUALLY WORKS will be huge.
Cloud gaming will ALWAYS have some lag and some compression on merit of how the internet protocols work. it will at best be a little worse than your console.

>Anybody else excited for this bad boy?
there is no reason for anyone to be excited about a non product. the most interesting thing that happened to gaming was Pro consoles. you can choose between the entry hardware or the beefed up hardware. a vanilla PS4 that can be found at $200 makes stadia obsolete.

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Imagine being an Internet peasant

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>the most interesting thing that happened to gaming was Pro consoles
You are fucking pathetic.

Streaming is and will always be shit, even in the far future when everyone has lightspeed internet with 1ms delay and a yottabyte down/up.
Just give me the controller. It'll probably be spying on me, but I just want a god damn controller that doesn't suck. Stadia Controller will probably suck, too, if it even exists.

Just get a PS4 controller, it's the same layout but comfortable to hold.

I can imagine some retard said the same thing about streaming video half a decade ago.

Tired of seeing ads on youtube and seeong some random knight yelling and a dyke screaming from a mountain. They are just wasting money on a project that is going to faik hard just like the time Atari tried to make T.E. the movie game or that Apple console during the 2000s which failed horribly

>half a decade ago
>being this fucking young
Video doesn't require input, and I recall watching stupidvideos.com back in the early 2000s.

>streaming video
>that thing where response time is completely irrelevant
>having anything at all to do with streaming games
Do you see what you made me do, you enormous homosexual? You made me post a Wojak. I fucking hate posting Wojaks.

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Remember when dreamcast was hyped up and it died and failed fucking hard despite the billions of money they dumped into commercial marketing? They are repeating history again with this shit just with a different brand name.

You mean as a niche bottomfeeder? So much for revolutionizing gaming as a whole i guess

I don't trust google at all, I'd rather sell Microsoft my soul than play this.

I meant movies specifically. I should have specified.

Congratulations, you figured out that streaming video and streaming games are indeed different things.

mine's a little better

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-10 Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test.png (504x99, 12K)

Movies are still videos retard, get the fuck out of here. How ignorant you can be that you eat up this shit and still try to shit on people for having common sense.

He's either a paid shill or pretending to be retarded to bait you. Either way it's not worth responding.


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You missed the point, I'm not going to break down my post and spoonfeed if you don't have a basic grasp of reading comprehension. Now head to bed, it's a school night.

I can't even tell who is pretending anymore.

I think he's serious, whether he's a shill or not, he is actually retarded.

except the dreamcast had some decent ideas

this is wrong. you're thinking only about input and would make sense if you were talking about playing an online game running on your own system. streaming a full videogame from a remote system also requires streaming the VIDEO which requires connection speed.

>break down my post
Now it is my fault you can't express yourself, lol what a fucking retard.

Never try to make analogies or comparisons to shit on Yea Forums of all places. There are legitimate children here who don't understand parallels that aren't complete equals.

>You are fucking pathetic.
lol why. I'm right.

How do I sell the games I have bought after I have completed them?


Oh boy, I can't wait to wait in a queue longer than first days of WoW just to play an offline game I bought, based Google making the privledge to buy games available to both 240p and 480p streaming tiers

Defending and encouraging console manufacturers to sell incrementally improved products at 1.5x the price. Only a corporate shill or brainwashed drone would defend a practice like that.

How long until someone breaks their shit due to lag on a single player game. I'm actually hyped to see all the shit that will be posted.

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>This is going to be revolutionary for gaming. Cloud based gaming that ACTUALLY WORKS will be huge.

making it USELESS FOR YOU to stream video content while you game or YOUR FAMILY to use.

think about it: essentially you HAVE NO INTERNET while you game. that's retarded.

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You aren't going to get a serious discussion about this on Yea Forums because literally anything that could be described as innovative will be met with cynicism in effort to fit in or shitposting about how "excited" they are for it to fail in hopes they'll finally get their second TORranic.

You haven't moved out yet?
Also that isn't how internet works.

>Only a corporate shill
oh ok you are PCfag. tell me when you non "incrementally improved" PC can play Wipeout Omega Collection at 4k 60fps

How is this innovative? I can play steam games on my phone, with a shitton of lag, but I can.

Bitch it ran worse than psnow does and all it had to do was ping a desktop ten feet away, fuck you.

>He doesn't have a wife and kids
You are not an incel, are you?

I don't have to buy an entirely new PC to upgrade.

>streaming as a service
>input lag

reminder that google+ flopped
reminder that google glass flopped
reminder that every meaningful attempt google has made at novel technology has flopped besides their search engine and their navigation technology


>Also that isn't how internet works.
yes it is.

>You haven't moved out yet?
I have, I have a flatmate. my point is that MOST people share a connection with someone, their parents, their kids, their partners. foreveralone weebs play ass cancer only.

And their search engine doesn't even work these days, and google maps has been illegally copying from OpenMaps for like 3 years now.

>I don't have to buy an entirely new PC to upgrade.
who the fuck said you HAVE to buy a new PS4 pro if you ALREADY you have a vanilla PS4 ?
I talked about CHOICE when CHOICE is available.

At their own showcase of the thing you fucking moron where the fuck else would it have happened.

You still live on your own? Sad

>yes it is.
No, it isn't. When you have something taking up a lot of bandwidth your internet doesn't just shut down. You don't "have no internet" when you're using a lot of bandwidth at once.
Try streaming a bunch of videos at once on your PC then open a web browser on your phone.

Where is your proof that it ran worse than PSNow?

You better get paid to do this.

There's this thing you can do called LOOKING UP PSNOW INPUT DELAY AVERAGES
(Hint: it's less than 100ms)

when will nintendo and google merge?

>You don't "have no internet"
I didn't say you'd have no internet I said your internet would be throttled. as in it would become laggier. if for example you are streaming a game AND you are watching Netflix. your game would become less responsive.

>Just hyped for Stadia my man.
Yeah, that's some glowgoogle speak right there. Like "fellow kids" shit tier of shilling. Want to not sound like a google shill? Say the magic word:

Meaning if anyone else starts using it you'll be forced to deal with lag.

We could use a tiananmen square copypasta for google shills.

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Your choice is coping with a shit experience as more and more games get made for the better hardware or shelling out a bunch of money for an entirely new unit to play things marginally better, only for something newer and better to come out in a year for even more money. That choice is "the most interesting thing to happen to gaming" to you?

>There's still going to be noticable input lag no matter what country you're in and how fast your internet speed is (try setting up Steam Link in your own fucking home and you'll see what I'm talking about)
>It's not going to be a stream-everything-you-want-service, but it's still fucking SUBSCRIPTION BASED
>Unlike what some retards in this thread are asserting, the vast majority of ISPs in dystopian-no-net-neutrality-US give you data caps unless you opt for the most expensive plans, and you're going to burn through that cap super quick with but the controller connects straight to the servers
There's still going to be noticeable lag.

That shit would only make sense if you were able to play every single game in the library by only paying its subscription. I wouldn't mind the eventual lag if the price was fair.

But how it actually works it's like a Netflix where you still have to buy the latest shows on top of your subscription, which is fucking unthinkable to me.

So yeah, fuck that.

Fucking retard, what about the fucking VIDEO quality, this is a fucking STREAMING service, without a fast download speed you'll never reach anywhere close to 1080p in real time. Also a reminder: Even 1080p is impossible no matter your speed because of the video compression, everything will always look like scaled 480p. Reminder 2: Stadia will never work and Google never showed proof of it working properly (even in servers connected DIRECTLY into the fucking PC had performance/input delay issues)

I'm asking for proof that they had 100ms of input delay. Because it sounds like you don't have any proof of that and are just talking out your ass.

>Google will appeal to a market of casual gamers that don't care about latency,
Casuals care about it too, it's detrimental to the experience, I'm sure they will be the ones that shut it down, not "us".

We'll just have to agree to disagree on the definition of "essentially", then.

the same way you sell a movie from netflix, dumbass.

You don't have to pay for each new movie on Netflix dumbass.

But you have to pay for the service to watch them, dumbass.

Stadia charges for new games+ subscription+tip retard, it is not like Netflix.

Seriously, anybody who thinks this is a good idea (or is denying that the latency is problematic) should try buying a Steam Link, setting it up in THEIR OWN FUCKING HOME and seeing for themselves just how noticeable input lag becomes when you're streaming.
It doesn't matter how amazing your PC's specs are (mine was pretty damn good) or how little response time your TV has (mine had basically zero), IT'S ALWAYS GOING TO BE NOTICEABLE.
(And I even used wired connections.)

Subscribing is optional, the only thing you have to pay for are the individual games.

>We'll just have to agree to disagree on the definition of "essentially", then.
You are not making sense: if I play on stadia AND I start watching Netflix, wouldn't that AFFECT my lag ?

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Except it is exactly like netflix in the sense that you can't sell "your" games.

Has google really brainwashed you so hard you completely forgot the concepts of ownership AND rentals?

I was weary of buying digital, but this raises so many red flags.
Again, you don't pay for each movie, anyway that user was just shitposting.

You said
>essentially you HAVE NO INTERNET
I said yes, you do have internet.
You said that saying "essentially" meant that you actually did have internet, it was just laggy internet.
Then I agreed to disagree on the definition of "essentially" since you used it to basically exaggerate when that isn't what "essentially" means.

No, I'm just not an idiot asking stupid questions that I already know the answer to.

How do you sell your steam games?
How do you sell your Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft download games?

You don't, retard.

>I was weary of buying digital, but this raises so many red flags.

>Again, you don't pay for each movie,
Doesn't matter. The question was "How do you sell the games?" The answer is "The same way you sell a Netflix movie."

>here's why you are wrong
>doesn't say anything
Stop being retarded, you know what he meant, I know what he meant.

There's a big difference between having slower internet and having no internet while gaming.
Why do you give a fuck if you can't stream a 4K game and 4K movie at the same time? In what situation is this happening unless you're living with your parents?

>absolute minimum 10-15ms input latency
Neck yourself, faggot.

lol, I'll give you a free reply just because this thread keep me entertained.
-you can't play offline
-you can't download game files
-subscription based
-paying for each game

>you're living with your parents
Are you seriously trying to use that against me, retard? LOL
I don't want to ask my wife or my son to stop using the internet just because I want to play a fucking single player game at a decent resolution.

Apart from chrome and android everything out of google in the last 15 years is half baked and pointless. This is looking to continue the trend but unlike their other useless ideas this one isn't free so expect it to bomb hard even faster than google+.

A compressed 1080p video stream can be done under 5Mb/s, for higher quality, less lossy compression it would probably be closer to 15-20Mb/s. Bandwidth is less of a concern than latency here.

>99% part of America that does
no that only happens in usa

>you can't play offline
Not an issue for many people anymore, a large chunk of people in the first world are constantly connected to a very fast connection with infrequent outages.
>you can't download game files
Don't see how that's a different point from your first.
Remains to be seen how bad it is when its commercially available, everything is just speculation at this point. If your point is that Any latency is bad, remember that your monitors, TVs and wireless controllers all have significant latency themselves, but people aren't crusading against those.
The subscription is for optional features that aren't that important. Streaming at 4K is superfluous to anybody outside of those who have money to burn and see no issue paying a subscription for the opportunity to use it. Everybody else can just keep away from the subscription service and still play the games they buy with all their features.
>paying for each game
That is how most platforms work
Only decent point

OnLive failed 10y ago liquid sky last year and it had a better business model you bought your games on steam and played on ther server if they go under you still own your game

>compressed 1080p video

Is there an equivalent of Godwin's law for this?

I don't think so, it's just a tradition like saying everything "tastes like chicken."

>not an issue
Needing to be tethered to a connection to play a single player game is not an issue? How the fuck not? Latency adds up, retard.

Not super confident in it mainly since there is no killer app for the service. I just want a Stadia exclusive that makes me want to get it.

Also controller looks solid but I need to hold it first for me to be sure.

>Google actually wants stadia to be used for e-sports
The controller being Wi-Fi connected is gonna be a deal-breaker, let alone the added lag.

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Entirely inferior to xCloud

now try a game that isn't made for retards

I don't live in South Korea so I don't really see the point in using it

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>people in hype for the death of mods
>people in hype for the death of user made patches
really? are people so retard?

how much is sony and xbox paying you to spread false rumors?

No but you spend more just a single GPU that the actual cost of a Pro console with a couple of games. lol

There are people that much stupid, user, it's real and sad.

a single GPU lasts much longer than a console in terms of ability to play new games

Yea, analogies that has nothing to do with the actual topic.
Ovies are non interactive, so streaming them is literally the same experience that watching them in local.
Videogame on the other hand are itneractive and need your input to work, and because of ow the physics in the universe works, there will aways be input delay, it's not something fixable with new technology, it's a physic law.
That's why bringing movie streaming discussion here serve no purpose.

not in my experience. they are roughly the same.

So? You will spend almost double the cost of a new console to upgrade a PC still, if you count CPU, mobo, RAM and all the other stuff, so it will last almost 2 console gens, but you will pay like 2 consoles for that.
And if you spend less than that, there is no way a new configuration will last more than 4-5 years

This, I would unironically shill for the JIDF on /pol/ just to ditch wageslavery.

a top of the line card bought at the beginning of a console generation will be able to play new games well into the next generation, while a console has a hard limit on how long it will be able to play a new game

ok shill

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By making that comparison you're conceding Stadia is a niche service with limited appeal

>There's a big difference between having slower internet and having no internet while gaming.

He'll yeah brother

If you can play with 30fps you can play with lag

>playing with 30fps

Attached: horrendous.gif (500x281, 399K)

ok retard

>>you can't play offline
>Not an issue for many people anymore
as we just established using your connection for anything else WHILE playing on stadia WILL result in more lag. so yeah it IS an issue.

>Remains to be seen how bad it is when its commercially available
people are saying SteamLink has lag. as in streaming from your bedroom to your livingroom.

>>paying for each game
>That is how most platforms work
Stadia is a service not a platform.

>playing at 30 fps with lag and compressed 480p video

No you can't

>If you can play with 30fps you can play with lag
bro why are you so stuborn lol. you said something stupid and now you just add more stupid to it instead of admitting it

>30fps is unplayable

Fuck off with this always online apologism
>>you can't download game files
>Don't see how that's a different point
>giving the benefit of the doubt when it comes to latency
Double retard

once you've played with 60fps, it is

Attached: face.gif (500x281, 581K)


And yet your dumbass thought the two were comparable

>30fps is the same as input lag
Ok retard

Go away Google intern, your company's mind tricks don't work here
Just take my captcha and fuck off already

Imagine having a minimum 12 ms input delay on top of controller innate input delay and game logic processing input delay.

This is what consolebabbies believe.

Lol buddy, what third world are you in where you call yourself a gamer bro, but don't have internet connection at all times.

I don't really see the point of this, but then again this is aimed at dumb console cucks

Your point is moot, people have been streaming movies over the internet well before 2014. Seriously you should be embarrassed for making such a stupid comparison


I know right, just turn on tethering on your phone and play on a mobile network.

Xbox go home

have fun with lag out the ass

>no cross platform support
Dead on arrival

I know this is a shill thread but the controller actually looks comfy. Shame about the xbox layout.

>symmetrical analog sticks
>xbox layout

The button labels user, they're backwards. confirm is the right button

That shit is about as "comfy" as the ouya controller

Subscriptions are a trap.

Ironic shilling is still shilling user

I tried cloud gaming with a small company that had 1070/1080 setups. was getting 30ms to their servers and honestly it was better than I expected. the worst part was actually picture quality. input latency wasn't too bad

google is what preceisley now? search engine barely makes any dent in any thing realistic. its supposed to be a catalog. they do literally almost nothing. but they have been talking about using it for propoganda lately busted so. pure propoganda

bhahahah this is so shill like its lke blizzard forums, or idk thats the only place i been to lately im sure it slike other sites i can think of

holy fuck shut all websites down so retard can play pacman in 3d here
>what a fat waste of bandwidth all in teh name of piracy
will this shit be worth to pirate or is it all showoff

thats the point they want the internet to be a single player and at most, jackpot gambling experience. you dont see it? look at the dumb games now with "cosmetics". nobody wants that shit, its bullshit. they want the stuff to be (((valuable))) and able to be gambled with and get kids into gambling which they already have.
internet solo experience is what htey have been attempting to do

>imagine being hyped paying for guaranteed lag and triple a junk

>This is a shill thread
Like the hundreds of Girls Frontline and River Shitty Girls shill threads?

shut the fuck up

Can you at least give me a hint as to who employs you? I'm tired of being a poorfag.

>le ironic shilling thread

>hyped for ping and lag

>Oh and the controller is sweet as hell too.
Basically - they took perfect x360 controller and made it worse. How much do you get paid for lying?

google itself doesn't even believe in this.

i think this is just some zero effort "product", and its only use is as a marketing tool to sell more google fiber.

I forgot this thing existed, what a failure.

Hard pass

ISP infrastructure pinged, it hasn't pinged back yet..

US net is dog shit and expensive STADIA will never work because THE US FUCKING NET SUCKS. No one will understand the problem because they use their shitty phones all day.

Who cares, it'll be dead and forgotten this time next year