>wearables lower stats
Wearables lower stats
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>this thread again
Has this cunt never been to the city where fucking everyone carries a bag?
Post an alternative to a backpack that doesn't make you look like a huge fag.
Yeah, it's called cursed items. Shit's been around since AD&D.
inb4 struck nerves
Fanny pack
Much more discrete
Fannypack, duh
if people see you walking down the street with that bag, you will look like a huge fag.
depends if ur a huge fag or not
>laptop fits in fanny pack
the absolute state of fat americans
>accessory has high stats but severe penalties
Cigarettes, its like you need to have all that dick in your mouth
dios mio
All academics and researchers carry backpacks around. It makes sense that no one here knows that.
>Using a laptop
>Using a laptop in PUBLIC
how does this contraption work?
There is no alternative. It doesn't matter you wear.
If you're an unattractive male, you're basically fair game for any kind of insult thrown your way regarding your personal appearance and no one will come to defend you.
its a stock image you retard n word
You purposefully omitted the hambeast that originally posted that complaining about other people being mean to her because of her being fat.
Her name's Christine Sydelko.
Isn't it illegal to take pictures of other people at doctor's offices?
i was actually thinking about this thread the other day when i was walking home. not gonna lie the op of the original threads pissed me off
britbongs are inbred as fuck lmfao
>Nothing like wondering if getting coffee will end in a gunfight
>Lol I could take his gun and discharge it if I wanted to
Crazy bitch
Isnt that just that one vine chick that jokes about everything
>accessory doubles damage dealt and damage received
>Existing IN PUBLIC
Just never leave the house, problem solved
>Being alive
>wow look at this faggot trying to carry shit
lol talk shit get hit asshole
I've never understood why britbongs are so obsessed with gun removal.
Backpacks are handy for carrying a load of shopping, or documents for places that still use those.
Looks like a thermometer, she has to keep her tongue out or the gun fires.
Gym bag you incel
You don't have to use it in public but you still need a way to carry it between private locations
>"America, you have a problem."
Anyone else get really annoyed by these hollywood, headline fodder statements? See these types of sentences on the news and social media daily and you can see how its enough to sway peoples opinion
its okay when the nanny state does it
I'd worry more about those fucking shorts.
Jealousy of freedoms and salt about the revolution.
>Oi m8, you got a loisenz for that coffee?
look at her(?) fucking fivehead lmao
This. It's the shorts and converse that are concerning, not the backpack.
I love how every woman in her group thinks their some kind of mega badass that can't be stopped no matter what.
Yeah this dude probably won't feed me my own teeth if I grab his gun because gurl power.
looks like the guy from Jurassic Park
It's just a quick way for foreigners to feel and act morally superior while not actually offering any criticisms or solution.
Every country has fucking problems.
a backpack distributes the weight between two shoulders, your fagget ass bag is gonna fuck up your posture, must be a lot of fucking zoomers in here, take care of your bodies you fucking sperm accidents
and, being an adult male, he wont care.
>a woman thinking she could do anything to a man.
It only really bothers me because she played the victim when people online started calling her fat all the time
I know of HIPAA one would need to sign a consent form to be able to face the consequences. For example, if I am a regular person waiting in a doctors office and overhear someone has an std, I can tell their friends because I'm not bound by any law. But if I worked for a medical company and had access to patient records and signed forms stating I adhere to HIPAA laws then I'm fucked.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I feel like I'd see signs in offices stating not to take photos. Anytime I see a sign, itll just say to keep your phone on vibrate.
How about a tactical backpack?
>implying people who wear their gun absolutely everywhere arent complete dingdongs
I normally leave mine in the car trunk, to be the fair. But if you're carrying laptops/tablets/coloring books, and all that other shit you'd use in a waiting room, I see no issue here.
I would pay money to see this dumb bitch try and draw that guy’s pistol. Fuck it up because she’s a dumb ass and get beat up and charged with attempted assault with a deadly weapon.
There's messenger bags which look slightly less gay, but are still bags. Also, why are people sitting here suggesting a fanny pack is somehow less flamboyant than a backpack? I've only ever seen middle aged women at theme parks using those things.
Unlike you, adults use laptops for work, and they often have to work while out of the office.
Chicken butt.
>pit bull
Nigger loving ham planet
>accessory makes you immune to one element but vulnerable to another element
>wondering if getting coffee will end in a gunfight
this might have sound dumb a few years back, but now there is at least two mass shootings a week.
I don't understand people who think time stops every time they decide to take an action as if the world will wait for whatever their dumb ass thinks it wants to do.
People who carry long arms around all the time are annoying but a hand gun? The whole point of a handgun is self defense, why bother owning one if you don’t carry it? It’s not going to protect you if it’s locked up in your car or at home.
Suicide yourself
What the fuck is with that stupid top knot hairdo that seems to be popular nowadays?
I have literally never seen a single person actually look good in it. It's the hair equivalent of a propeller beanie.
its a cop
Waiting rooms are considered public spaces, even in doctor's office. Not 'municapally public', but public in the sense that HIPAA and privacy laws wouldn't apple. The actual exam rooms is another story. For example, I wouldn't risk taking a picture in a shared hospital room with 3 or 4 patients divided by curtains.
Best part is that since that's in NYC as she's claiming, that means that the man in the pic is a police officer (Because Open carry is not legal in NYC).
On top of that, that's a class 3 holster, only the guy wearing it can remove the gun without struggling for 5 minutes
I have never heard of any social stigma in regards to using a backpack. Why the fuck would anyone care if you use a backpack?
It’s not meant to look good it’s because she’s lazy.
>the hair equivalent of a propeller beanie
kek'd at how accurate this is
>dex affects speed
This is such a fucking joke. Tons of ugly people wear fitted suits and it improves their appearance 10x. Sorry you're ugly and have no idea how to present yourself.
It's weird how women think. If I was behind a guy with a holstered weapon, I'd personally feel more safe. Yet women shit the bed at the sight of a gun. I don't get it.
>mfw I carry a backpack as my lunchbox because I have to physically climb to my jobsite every day
>judging some guy for wearing a backpack
Is this the same bitch that took a photo of some kid in class with a jug of water? Fuckihg hell.
Statistically speaking, it's insanely unlikely it's going to end up being used to protect you at all. More likely to shoot you or one of your family members, either deliberately or accidentally.
That's a two step holster. It is literally designed so that someone can't do what she's describing.
Also, Manhattan? The guy must be a fucking cop.
I've seen scrawny guys who talk like that in the gym. They're always funny.
Every fucking time.
not really a hairdo but chicks do top knots to tidy their hair because it gets annoying for them, the blob has really messy ass hair though
>physically climb
Can you post a picture user?
I've never heard of climbing to a jobsite.
because stupid the only time you wear a backpack is when you're in school and that's the only time it's acceptable to carry anything on the back because from that point on you're expected to purchase a vehicle and then put all your consumer goods in that instead
I carried a fake gun on me for years and the only person who ever made a grab for it was some kid who probably didn't even know what it was. All I wanted was to cave someone's skull in but it never happened. Feels bad man
hilda and the mountain king
You sound almost as stupid as the woman who thinks she can disarm that guy.
We'll see who's laughing when I snapstack your tabula.
I got to call bullshit. You have to have special fucking connections in NYC to get a carry permit. Shit is insane here
>woman with the man bun
good ol jew york city
>Dude brings up statistics
>You call him dumb
You're as dumb as they come
It is very clearly a police officer
source for the cropped porn hombré.
I'll try and find it in a bouroo though.
>Dude brings up coming
>You call him come
You're as dumb as they coooooooooooooooome
>"bulking" nerd thinks he can beat my feng shui
Are there really no scientists on Yea Forums at all? Not even some grad students?
Ten times 0 is still 0.
The doomers tried to warn us... It was only a matter of time before... COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME
I work on the water. I climb on boats, ladders, scaffolding, tires, ropelines, boards, whatever it takes to get on the bardge.
we had a school shooting and then we wanted them removed
i dunno about the US but we care about our kids i guess
Statistics which are heavily biased to get the desired result.
Counting gang violence using handguns that aren't legally owned in the first place or suicides.
>He doesn't like Propeller Beanies
How does it feel not flying everywhere?
>ass man
he sounds based to me
you got to be fucking kidding me. she was bitching about a police officer with a gun. what reality do women inhabit
Sorry man, please don't take me to the ground.
>this post
Just say you weigh 600 pounds next time.
Nice non gaming content.
I thought the same thing about the holster
This picture hurt me
Even off duty cops are expected to have their gun on them because they are "always on duty" or some dumb bullshit.
So it was probably a cop off the clock getting some food.
A fucking messenger bag is all you need you fucking sped.
This. I carry one every day to work where I have weird long hours, So I keep a good chunk of stuff in there and if you ride any train or bus in the city you'll find most if not everyone, men and women of all ages carry backpacks.
stastically speaking most guns never hurt anyone. There’s about 400 million guns in the USA and yet people aren’t accidentally shooting themselves or each other at any significant rate.
Women are stupid. What do you expect?
Even if you don't know anything the baton should be a pretty good indication.
Generally people why carry a gun for self defense don't also have a collapsible baton. Kind of pointless.
>3rd from bottom right side
is that the golden one?
>There’s about 400 million guns in the USA
And the majority of them are owned by less than 5% of the population. Statistically speaking of course.
I carry a backpack with me most place, although I leave it in my car if I am going into a place such as the doctors or the store.
But there is nothing wrong with that anyway in the era of laptops. Shocking, I know.
Why is this a bad thing?
A fannypack motherfucker. Fight me
>that guy with no neck
Never said it was
Backpacks are great, no matter the age.
Whenever i go to wizzards i'll pack my box of munchkin, magicfolder, my p&p notebook etc. into my backpack and can carry it without any issues.
Name one (1) better way to carry all those things as good as a backpack can
He was made for that lift.
>crazy bitch grabs your gun out of your fastened holster like magic
>bust out the baton and smash'er noggin all the way back to jolly ole engulund
>phew, good thing I had my baton or this witch could had taken out the whole dunkin donuts.
>all these fannypack posters
My niggas.
When I was young I thought they were just for fags and old people, but now I see how useful they are.
>tfw to sweety too backpack
newsflash, messenger bags are for faggot hipsters
how did you come to this conclusion
That is an Overgrown blind ass woman wearing two chins
Jesus Fucking Christ
>work in a/v
>have to carry around a shitton of tools plus a lunch because fuck trying to buy food downtown during breaks
i guess im a fag now
>that bottom left
What in the god damn
fat cunt
guy on the far right looks like Downie Brad Pitt.
A classic thin leather not wide and tall but long messenger bag. Had something like pic but longer and dark brown. No shiny metals really minimalist.
If they got nose jobs a lot of them would be chads
That poor fuck
Because gun ownership is expensive and becoming increasingly more of a privilege than a right. Why should guns be hoarded by a tiny sect of the population instead of arming a more even spread of your citizens?
Glass house
My aunt lol
Even if she was good looking she's rotten inside
some of these guys dont look that bad
He's holding a mop too lol.
>no chins on any of them
>massive 5heads, squished facial features, incel eyes from glasses
Delusional. Chad doesn't need a nose job.
If you hadn't specified dark brown I would have called you a tasteless faggot, black leather almost never looks good.
Well the switch is too big for his pockets, so....
I know you find it hard to believe people use their laptops in public places to attempt to lead productive life's because you haven't left your parents basement yet.