He adds almost nothing to the game except exposition, and the game would be better off without him

He adds almost nothing to the game except exposition, and the game would be better off without him.

Attached: 4-aeYst7Ll.jpg (640x363, 44K)

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Like every mascot character in existance

fuck off

It's why P3 is the best.

But their mascot got a whole sequel.

He added the swimsuit competition.

and he has a cute boipussy

Attached: 1346205071985.jpg (1417x1886, 839K)

>Friends sister looks eerily similar to this

>Think about teddy


that's beary concerning

Attached: de9c15f8d66107286458be1d8b8c19ef.jpg (2301x3200, 2.07M)

3 > 5 > 2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>> 4

There any good Teddie doujins? Whenever I start looking I go full COOMbrain and just jack it to a Chie/Rise one. I don't have the fortitude to do an extended search.

nah not that i know of, i just try to find a blond "girl" that looks like him

I don't even understand how he got a persona. It just feels like another case of "3 did it, so 4 will do it too".


Attached: boring-content1.jpg (600x398, 61K)

He's a shadow. or something. They didn't exactly explain it well and probably didn't want to because they didn't think about it too hard.

Never said she was female.

Good shit, user. Thank you for this.

At least he's cute.

Until he opens his mouth. Which is every single moment he's on screen.

only one way to shut him up user

Attached: ted.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

Ahhh just like Morgana. Why tf Atlus gotta do us dirty like that

I'd take Teddie over Morgana any day