Middle of the night

>middle of the night

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>tfw every single fan on your old PC from 2001 started doing that shit one after the other at irregular interval (case fans, both CPU fans given 2 cpus, PSU fan too)
The last fan to do it was PSU and also straight up stopped eventually "oh nice, it's not noisy today" and the PC didn't shutdown even though there was starting to be smoke. It still worked fine after cooling down though.

Those fans did run 24/7 for 10 years though..

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You don't turn your PC off when you're not using it...?

>not having his PC do several things while you're sleeping, thus using it
although personally I use a mini PC for that now, works on 50W power so it's nice to leave running

Second led cpu fan shitting itself in four months. First lasted 4 years, second four months. Still spins but led is dead. PC works fine. Mobo, psu or fan?

>Have 5 of these in your PC
>PC in bedroom
>Can hear it running from down in the basement
My PC legit sounds like a jet starting it's engines, but it never gets about 30C

Attached: noctua_nf_a14__industrialppc_3000_pwm.jpg (650x431, 38K)

>tfw you keep a bigger fan near your PC to override the noise of the fans
fan noise don't bother me (unless they're broken and going literal apeshit), but fan that speed up/down as needed irregularly is annoying

When was the last time you completely shut off your PC anons?

everyday but that's just my desktop PC, I have another smaller PC that runs 24/7

>middle of the night, about to sleep
>case lights turn on
>keyboard and mouse lights turn on
>fans start going
>get out of bed and turn monitor on
>PC isn't on, but everything else is
>get PC out of sleep mode only to turn it back on to sleep mode
>everything stops

I never use to turn off my PC but this was years ago. I eventually got into the habit of turning it off every night before bed, don't ask me why I never turned it off. I guess I just didn't think it hurt it.

ai is getting advanced to the point of skynet, watch out user, any day now your toaster will get you

I always make sure to turn it off and unplug it when I leave the house. I live in a shared house and the electrical bill can get really high really quick with all the people in the house.

Frequent power on/off can hurt it more than just leaving it run, but typically you wouldn't do that with a PC (once a day at night isn't much). Can be bad with consoles though (I'm looking at you PS3 and your shitty solder that cracks when cooling and heating too often)

..ultimately it's really only mechanical parts that suffer from staying on, if had passive cooling and only SSDs it wouldn't matter at all

Just yesterday. I usually do a complete reboot once a week. I just put my PC to sleep at night.

I just fixed mine. My ethernet cable would wake up my PC. Just change it through Device Manager

>Never gets about 30C
Get better cooling then if it doesn't go down to 30C.
And no you did not mean it goes UP to 30C.

Stuff like this is why I disable all the sleep/hibernate functions these days. It tended to fuck things up on every PC I've had.

>doesn't get above 30C
Fixed it..............

Attached: ss+(2019-09-10+at+09.02.15).png (200x41, 1K)

It's your pc trying to wake you up to ell you it's time to fap to more porn.

>that guy who live patch his linux kernel to update it without rebooting and has a UPS

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Oh look my FFXIV playtime

Open up Geekbench and run a benchmark and post the temp while it's running.

You won't because you don't want to stand corrected.


And why exactly did you install it with LEDs in the first place?

Earlier today to do a diagnostic of my GPU.
It was throttling, turns out its fans don't work.
I'm getting my brother's unused power supply this weekend, so maybe that'll help.
A part of me wants it to be a busted card so I can justify getting a new one.

What's the optimal Cooling system anons?
I was trying to draw a schematic for a PC built into a desk earlier and wanted to know how I should do the cooling.

Attached: thinking.gif (256x192, 30K)

>tfw sleeping next to your laptop and falling asleep to the comforting hum of the fans

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Are we talking like general airflow or getting down to thermodynamics, vacuums, and and positive/negative/neutral air pressure?

>his laptop is audible when not under load

Well, the stand I use for it is.

Attached: foreman.jpg (375x330, 45K)

My PC gets really fucking hot in the summer, and stays cool during the winter. It's absurd. I guess having sub 68F air blowing through really does help a lot with cooling.

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stop using windows 10

my old pc ran strangely silent one day, didn't give it much thought. 3 days later it refuses to boot properly and throws all kinds of errors

turns out mice got into it through a slot above the GPU. the fans on that thing pointed upwards so they would have to walk over them to get further into the case. found some blood and a chopped off piece of tail, those clever fucks jammed the fans with peanut shells i presume after that happened. also lots of piss stains and shit everywhere and several wires going to the motherboard were bitten through

don't complain about the noise guys. cherish you fans. keep them clean at all times. they cool your shit and are sometimes your first defense against intruders

>rats literally infesting your computer without you noticing

You tell me how to get win7 running on a 8700k and I'll be more than happy to.

That's Microsoft reminding you of Windows updates

Yes, it's called seeding.