Is this all the action game genre has to offer...

Is this all the action game genre has to offer? Why are there so few great action games where there is literally dozens for other genres?

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>sigma 2
yup, kys

>t. casual bandwagoner who never beat MNM and just regurgitates what some cherrypicked YT video showed him

Marlow Briggs?

DmC and God of 4
Batman with NG, DMC and Bayo
You make some investments in a (You) factory or something?

Just gonna pretend like this is a 3x3 thread

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Vanilla NG2 is much better.

>sigma 2
Also, you should play Sekiro.

8/9, unless you count Project M and Brawl Minus

i dont even know what the fuck mnm is you flaming faggot

Reply to this post if you like Shrek and think OP is a goof

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There are many action games you've never heard of.

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I beat NG2 on Master Ninja, I wouldn't want to play the version of the game that cuts down enemy numbers on screen and removes blood and limbs flying around. NG2 weapons are wasted on Sigma 2, they were balanced around fighting crowds.

Op, you can emulate God Hand. Also, I don't see the best action game of the year 2019 on your list. Play Sekiro.

If I wanted combo wank, I'd play dmc.

I think the other smash games are better but I have the most fond memories with vanilla brawl, especially with subspace and stage build, shit was fun

I think action (churayzees to be specific) are extremely hard to pull of technically combat wise to feel great. Its quite a niche unlike other games were there are "tried and tested" formulas and can be carried by great graphics and a great story, both of which are way secondary behind gameplay, for action games. Since you included Batman and GOW then you could add so many other great ARPGs like Dark Souls, Dragons Dogma etc. which has less technical combat but a ton more variety for approaching it.

>Look for what this is
>Apparently some shitty MMO that already shut down in the west

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fuck you gaymer

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Sekiro just came out. I just got into Nioh and this stance system it has going on should easily be adopted by any action game going forward.
If you're gonna mention Sekiro, you gotta play Nioh. Shit's great.

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shit b8

So what do we action fans have to look forward to nowadays? Literally all I can think of in the future is Bayo 3 and that one Chinese game that's been in development forever.

I'm not gonna get autistic about this, but action is also an element of many other genres, so a pure action game isn't necessarily representative of everything the genre has to offer.

The difficult is about the same on both, it removes the masses of cannon fodder in a few spots to make it less tedious and improve performance.

Case in point. Now fuck off

I don't care about the difficulty, I want my games to be fun, and I find vanilla ng2 way more fun to replay than its neutered version.

Arguably the worst genre in videogames

Show me your arguments then.

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>in a few spots
That's an understatement.

There are way more action games than that.

Eh, I think the girl chapters are actually pretty fun and the only things that are worse is there are a few bosses with slightly changed movesets and the blood (although it's not a big deal and improves performance)

It's certainly not like a night and difference, they are both great games

Plenty of good action games exist. Beyond the staple series and one-shot entries that are always mentioned (DMC, Bayo, NG, God Hand, W101, etc.) there's a ton of decent-to-great ones hidden away on the PS2 and in modern indies.

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Replace Bam Ham with Nioh.

Shit bait. Not even deserve a (you).