
Can we have an actual thread about this game?
I personally find the soundtrack to be amazing

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Other urls found in this thread:


t. ranny

I heard it was pro-abortion so I'd never touch it but I already don't play faggot indie games so I'm going to save my money and play real shit. fuck you nerd

>I heard it was
From where? Yea Forums? Why do you suddenly trust Yea Forums?

Latest content is literally dedicated to a tranny.

Its not though?

fuck trannys make me sick. Fucking resetera tranny op is raiding us, fuck him to hell

Id rather play meatboy

>Can we have an actual thread about this game?
>Second post repeats a falshood.
>Fourth posts is tranny spam.
No, you can not OP.

Tranny game


>Playing through the end of Persona 3, which deals with heavy grief
>Decide to take a break to play through the Celeste expansion
>Celeste: Farewell deals with heavy grief
Well fuck. Not to mention some of these jumps are hard as nails, and half of it is just figuring out what the hell I'm supposed to do first through trial and error. Whoever gets that golden strawberry is a fucking madman.

>those blatant trans flag colors

It's a good platformer, haven't beaten 8C or touched the final chapter yet, though. Is it worth getting back into for the new chapter?

>Can we have an actual thread about this game?
I don't really want to.

People are gonna speedrun this damn section, its as long as an extra game like goddamn

Is this a fun game if I like platformers? I don’t give a fuck about whatever politics it does or doesn’t have

>I don’t give a fuck about whatever politics it does or doesn’t have
you're the reason trannys exist in the first place and you're a fucking faggot too

I'd say so. You only need to beat Chapter 8 to access the new content but it is the longest bit of content you'll go through

Best one I played in recent memory. The story is neat but you dont have to read through it



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Yeah, I have no idea how far I'm in right now. I kind of wish that there were the checkpoint flags from chapter 7 just to reference what screen I'm on, but I get the feeling I'll just have to take whatever stage of grief Madeline is in for my progress.

I dont even live in America yet I have to deal with american politics every day

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music is nice but the pixel art is total amateur shit

I don’t give a fuck about that shit either way, I just want to play a game with good gameplay. You’re just as bad as the trannies, you obsessed stormfag.
Neat, I probably won’t pay attention to the story but I’ll check it out

this moon berry is kicking my fucking ass
literally false
>soundtrack written by tranny and head developer is non-binary, therefore game bad
you're just as cringe as trannies and non-binary people if you think this

>ignoring the forced tranny flag in the game

there's a heart lock about halfway through. you won't be able to pass until you've beaten 8C

it's a shit game you idiot. stop pretending spikes and platforms are good. it looks fucking gross topo, the art style is hideous and maskes me wanna puke up. I read some reviews and it was all zoom zooms going on about depression or some shit. cringed hard. why do retards keep supporting these game journo indie shitters?

>Canadian flag, therefore game bad


Interesting unnecessary word to put in to try and fit in on Yea Forums better

It's very good, and the new chapter 9 is fucking amazing. Yea Forums only hates it because it's made by trannys

The gate only needs 15 hearts. That means through 7B.

wow. can you form a sentence without resorting to memes?

more like a thrid of the way through.
t. at that point right now. it gets way harder.

It's forced because it doesn't belong there. Nothing to do with Yea Forums.

It kind of is bad. It's pixelshit Super Meat Boy with a 2deep4u story about a kid wrecking her own cunt because she made silly bitch mistakes and started hallucinating over it.

Forced? Interesting. So the developers were threatened at gunpoint to put the flag in or something like that?

stop spreading misinformation. none of the story is about madeline's gender or her being "trans" you're just making that shit up.

honestly, looking back, it's probably one third, but it took me so long to beat those last few screens that my perspective may be skewed
also the Moon Berry will fuck you up, be very afraid

gotta inject those american political talking points into all forms of media until all artistic merit is replaced with boring faggot propaganda. can't even come to Yea Forums and talk about games anymore without some unironic misdirection about feminists. celeste plays great when compared to its peers like super meatboy, but we get threads like this instead full of retards who care more about politics than video games and didn't even try it. the part that bothers me the most is it's not trolling anymore, it's real.

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Can't you bad-taste trannies go back to Yea Forums?

Why did /pol/ always have it out for this game? Even before the tranny memes they were literally making shit up about this game to get it banned here. Why? I legit don't get it. People were lying saying it had shit in it that it didn't.

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>hours since Yea Forums last seethed about celeste

>soundtrack by transwoman
>head developer non-binary
they were scared and wanted to suppress discussion before the centrists and righties on the board realized that people other than cispeople can make good art

Issue is you don't care about freedom or artistic merit if it doesn't agree with you. If an artist wants to make a game about trannies, you will say it is forced propaganda and not the artists vision. Suddenly, the right of the artist and the anti-censorship stuff ends as soon as it isn't exclusively to your benefit.

Can Yea Forums go one second without thinking about trannys?


you mean anyone not brainwashed enough to go along with the tranny bullshit?

Oh, it had a tranny artist on it? Makes sense now

>it doesn't belong there.

By who's authority? The dev seemed to want to put it there, and its their game. Nobody forced them to put it in


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granted, (s)he did a good job with the music

/pol/ is generally used as shorthand for extremist far right types around here. When people say /pol/, they generally just mean any easily offended faggot obsessed with politics and thinks everyone else is. Doesn't matter if you go there. /pol/ is a state of being.

good job, but that's not the hardest screen

Can Celeste devs go 1 day with shilling?

>I will play this game because it supports my politics

>I will not play this game because it has politics
Yea Forums

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Self-inserting is bad.

I would estimate the amount of times I have seen the word here tranny is easily in the tens if not hundreds of thousands here. Can't say I have seen a 100,000 celeste threads

I just hate pixelated games in this modern era.

It was the exact same shit with God of War, LISA and any other game that they deem is even tangentially against their politics. They don't actually care about whether or not the game is fun, they whine because it's literally the only thing that gives them any semblance of satisfaction or belonging.

Look at how those same dipshits rallied behind Hatred, acting like it was God's Gift To Gamers despite the fact that it was an objectively bad to mediocre third person shooter. They do the exact same shit they claim SJWs do without a hint of self-awareness.

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spikes are so problematic and noninclusive


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You are a fool, there is a difference between being against censorship and supporting a game specifically because it preaches your views. Yea Forums doesn't have some sort of pro-shooter philosophy unless its a mosque.

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> game about aborting your half-nigger son.


The only trans developer on Celeste is the composer, the head of the team and all the other devs are not

Yet everyone seems to think that's what you do if the "if you play a woman you're a tranny" threads are anything to go by.

>I want to murder billions of people and torture others because I saw thing I dislike
And you unironically think you are normal.

>I heard it was pro-abortion so I'd never touch it
as bad and retarded as an sjw who won't touch a game due to muh mysoginy please gtfo off my board


>The only trans developer on Celeste is the composer, the head of the team and all the other devs are not

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He's entirely right and people here have admitted that they would be fine with censoring SJW or liberal stuff for "reasons" and just say it isn't REAL censorship.

>It's fine to censor tranny propaganda because it has no value and is going to destroy civilization so it's fine!

Sorry I forgot that politics-obsessed kids and early-college adults were all Yea Forums was filled with now

you're missing the intent of my post. first of all I don't care what devs put into their games. I'll play anything if the gameplay is fun. I'm sick of the pointless bickering about transexuals when we have threads about hat in time or undertale or celeste or whatever the fuck else indie game has a picture of the funny castration flag in it. who the fuck cares. what happened to gameplay mattering the most. we used to rag on boring cash grab games like gone home for playing like total garbage and now it's genuinely enjoyable titles with anything slightly liberal in them. that's what I mean by injecting american politics into everything. I'm tired of being goaded into 'picking a side' on this retarded unrelated shit I just want to talk about fucking video games man.

Should I get this game? its on sale, but I'm apprehensive about supporting the dev.

Honestly it's all the same around this god forsaken place. It's just the "I don't want to talk to you anymore" response has changed appearance.

>there are billions of SJW
Kind of optimistic there, Zoe

Good, now quit bumping this thread

Are you blind?

Wrong place for that m8.

>nebulous claims of "people here" on an anonymous imageboard

You didn't even try.

If you're into the difficult quick restart type of platformers like Super Meat Boy, Jumper and the like, this one's probably the best in its class

>tfw when won't be able to fuck the composer cute boi pussy
Suffering how the music the new levels?

obviously, but at least thread derailing was more creative and entertaining before all this. now every single day it's trannies trannies trannies and everywhere else on the web it's cishet cishet cishet.

>and everywhere else on the web

Nice for you to admit you go to a total of two websites on the internet

Very good

The only people that are pro life don't have sex

Interracial abortion action? Yeah I'm thinking interracial abortion action.

I'm sick of it too but it's the popular bullshit now and there's nothing we can do about it. I suggest finding a group of friends who care as little as you do if only for the sake of your sanity and talking to people who want to actually discuss shit that matters.

Nobody wanted a thread about this fucking game for months after it came out, you're either baiting or mentally ill.

there is literally nothing related to abortion at all in the game

This is what I mean when I say I dont like politics in gaming.

I want to go into a thread on the game and discuss the game and not real world politics.

I dont care what side you're on, if you or your game does something that would obviously cause every discussion to devolve into politics then I'm probably not going to play it.

My favorite part of video games is interacting with the community about it and destroying that so you can make a political statement ruins my experience.

I completely agree with your first point but Hatred deserved being propped up by Yea Forums despite being a shitty twin stick shooter if only because journos were shitting on it and calling for its banning before the game even came out.

I feel bad grabbing about it for free now (thanks Sweeney).
Fuck trannies and fuck non-whites.

>and destroying that so you can make a political statement

So you're blaming a single art piece in the game on this instead of the community for being a bunch of fucking full-retards?

is it not free on Epic Games anymore?

Not anymore

What'd he mean by this?

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>trannies and freaks promoting their degeneracy
>youre just as bad for noticing
lol sure we are.

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The giveaways only last a week.

Totally not a samefag

>Devs put politics in the game
>People decide to not play it
>"Why are you people so political!"

No, fuck you. It's not like that, it's never been like that, /pol/tards like you may be more emboldened to shit up threads nowadays but no regs here get even remotely convinced by your retarded political agenda, whatever it might be. Get fucked.

>Paranoid user can't discern two different post formatting styles

Great job retard

>celeste has blood in her hands

Chappelle is so based

>there are billions of resetera types on the internet

>tranny makes music for game
>this apparently is politicizing
you're a fucking baby

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>No, fuck you. It's not like that
Sorry bud, but just is. I hate it too.
>/pol/tards like you blahblahblahblah
And there he goes talking about something I never even implied because I forgot to say "not him but".

>decide not to play it
You mean derail every thread ever made about it like seething autists?

Even if it was, why the fuck would that even bother you?
Why in the actual fuck would you shitcunts on Yea Forums give a fucking damn about abortion?

whats political about music? did the tranny add lyrics about his mutilated dick? im just saying theyre promoting this degenerate behavior, which is unambiguously a bad thing for society. If youre a tranny, i feel for you, it has to be a nightmare to be that way. But it is the wrong way to be and should never be celebrated. Like furries, pedos and dog fuckers.

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he isn't promoting it in the slightest. his music lacks lyrics, and the titles of the tracks do not refer to the issue. trannies are utterly irrelevant to the plot of the game
there is no politicizing in the slightest, you guys are just mad becuase a tranny made a good soundtrack and you're so insecure that you think admitting it's good will make you look like a libtard

How do you feel about swastikas in video games?
Or funny youtube games man voice acting a minor character?
Or the topic of rape?
Or accurate depictions of black slavery?
Obviously all of those things are fine and don't normalize wrong think, right? If you're this quick to disregard something because is contains something objectionable to you without even considering its other merits you're just as gay and cringe as 'them'.

It's background music for a pixelshit video game lmfao. There are no hidden messages in it telling kids to chop their dicks off you absolute psychopath.

Got this game yesterday. Chapter 8 is fucking my shit up. How hard is compared chapter 9?

So, played through the first stage three times and here are the results. The fucking strawberries are driving me mad already, do I actually need all of them to unlock something or are they just pointless collectibles?

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I never said there was a message in his music doofus, im saying the devs are promoting this degenerate behavior. Which they are and which is why it was considered
>Def the BEST game of the year!
by faggot journos. its a dime a dozen pixelshit platformer with genuinely subpar art. The trannys music is pretty good tho.


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strawberries are collectibles. the only things that actually contribute to your progress are hearts and cassettes, which unlock extra levels
additionally: do not worry about finding the heart in chapter 1. it's obscure as fuck. come back later, and if you get annoyed trying to find it, feel free to look it up. of all the hearts, chapter 1 and 6 are justifiable to google

They're completely optional but tally up at the end of the game for sort of a metroid styled ending card. It's a real shame they don't unlock anything desu.

Strawberries are random collectibles, they're fun to get but if you don't want to it's fine. There is a collectible that is sort of necessary though: hearts. There's one for every A-side and B-side, while the A-side is usually a puzzle, and the B-side is for completing that level. Getting all of those hearts will let you open up new levels! Good luck user, and if you have trouble finding any hearts look them up.

At the end of the game Madeline uses all the strawberries you collect to bake into a pie for a small party for her friends. The quality of the pie depends on how many strawberries you've collected. There is a unique end card for getting zero strawberries, as unlikely as that sounds.

>its a dime a dozen pixelshit platformer

I have a feeling you don't play enough platformers to know how well this is designed

>if you have trouble finding any hearts look them up
anybody with experience in video games should be able to get all of them except 6A without google

The only tranny shit about this game is the music composer and the creator. Literally nothing in the game screams "trans rights" at all. It's still a super enjoyable platformer with good music (and arguably shit visuals).

>not getting all hearts, tapes, strawberries and golden strawberries blind
do you even play vidya?

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Um, sweaty. That's the entire history of the human race. It's literally in our DNA.
Only abnormal nu-humans don't think the genocide of all degenerates is good.

>2A is pretty dickish, too. With the recharge mechanic the game absolutely does not tell you about

what did I just say? all of them should be able to be gotten without google except maybe 6A
if you're that mad about the exception, please, oh god of Celeste Mountain, tell me how fast you figured it out and if you used a guide?
you use said mechanic to solve the first strawberry in 3A. it's not that hard, given the hint after you wake up

>>>implying i got the strawberry

I think it's more about people not wanting to support the devs who are virtue signaling leftists.
I'm /pol/ and i played through and enjoyed the game, didn't really notice anything political and thought the soundtrack was good.

>there's nothing we can do about it

>finishes Farewell
that was fucking hard, especially that last screen, let's never do that aga-
>hears about the moon berry
sigh, where is it?
>in the last screen

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>I think it's more about people not wanting to support the devs who are virtue signaling leftists

>Literally nothing in the game screams "trans rights"

Except you know the main character being fucking trans.

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Even if the janitorial was on it's A game at all times this bullshit would still be going on, there'd just be more of a "us vs jannies" thing.

>I'm /pol/ and i played through and enjoyed the game, didn't really notice anything political and thought the soundtrack was good.
This. If I hated a piece of media based on whatever its creators said elsewhere, I'd never enjoy anything. And I love Tom Cruise movies, they're nutty and great. I don't give half a shit who he is off the screen.

This game has nothing to do with trannies asides froms the guy who created it. Tbf, the only game really about trans shit that I can think of is The Missing of JJ. and it was good

It’s been about 8 months since I’d last played Celeste when I played through Chapter 9 but it took me 12 fucking hours to trudge my way through that nightmare, while chapter 8 took me around 2 1/2 hours. It’s an awesome level, but it feels more like an expansion pack, this could’ve been split into 2-3 levels easily.

Why did you fucks tell me this was a masterpiece? It's an above average platformer with ok music, garbage story, and mediocre art style

How does supporting trans people make you trans?

given how it's never mentioned, it's more likely that she's an """ally"""

The last screen is nowhere near as hard as 7C, and is pretty easy after you've done it once. The moonberry screen is much harder

lol what did I need to play before playing this game to recognize if I was enjoying it or not lol. super meat boy is better, with better music and better levels. Shovel knight is way way better and so I forgive their pandering shit. Uh, fez? I wanna be the guy? What else is there that I need to understand. It just isn't a good nor enjoyable game imo. I got bored by the hotel part Or the cliffs windy part I dunno which ever came later.

An above average platformer is a masterpiece in this day and age.

No, it really isn't. Old games don't just disappear.

>having bad taste

Platformers are literally the bottom of the barrel levels of gameplay nowadays. With all the technology, there is no reason we should be reverting to the 80s

Oh really. What's the top of the barrel then?


Man youre fucking edgy. Need to get out of that teen phase.

Do you really need to ask? He's probably a souls autist.

Super Mario Maker 2 comes to mind if you want something recent

It's not bad. But saying a 2d indie platformer with no real gameplay depth is a GOTY just shows how sad the industry has become

he also probably plays the new COD games solely for the graphics

Soundtrack is forgettable. It only gets the hype it has because a transexual wrote it.

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>platformers are literally bottom of the barrel
>here's this platformer

>win the presidency
>be in the moral right
What do I have to be upset about

Imagine not thinking orange man bad in 2k19.
I'd suggest watching some enlightened liberal influencers such as Destiny or Hasan Abi.

>Matt is just pretending to be non-binary to get Lena compose for him
>This is fantasy, flag could be a country's flag in-universe

>flag could be a country's flag in-universe
I like this, but you have to keep in mind that Theo is canonically Canadian

SMM2 was rushed out. I have nearly 300 hours in the game but the 3D World style is was pretty clearly rushed out the door before it was finished, same thing with the online modes, they’re fucking unplayable. 2 months and not a goddamn word on when they’ll actually finish the game, I feel pretty cheated.

>Goes around unironically saying certain people should be killed enmass
You only care because lefties are pro-choice, they live rent free in /pol/tards heads.

>you fucks told me it was a masterpiece
dummy did you fall for resetnigger false flaggotry? watch a lets play to see the subpar gameplay, the shit art, and the terrible story instead of buying it.

t. Falseflagger.

The game is ok but the soundtrack is great. The composer herself s cute too.

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wow, he passes really well, if I saw him in public before finding out he had a dick I might have accidentally misgendered him

like 80 pixels trigger you retards.

the lengths you all go to, just to avoid playing video games.

I mean, there's a whole subsection of people who won't get MK11 because Jax says "woke" in his arcade ending.

Q: If those 80 pixels don't matter, why put it in the 1st place?

Kill yourself

Don't lie to yourself user, you'd have no idea.

we don't even have a Mario Kart 9 or 10 yet, let alone 11. and who the hell is Jax?
to fill space, duh

i don't think there's anything wrong with rejecting content on political grounds when they make content explicitly political (e.g. making madeline transgender)
it's tit for tat, this stopped having anything to do with the actual gameplay a long time ago

>making madeline transgender
point to the exact line of dialogue in game where she comes out

>This legitimately cute person is what all the bitching is about
At least pick targets that do it poorly like the literal macho men with yeti legs that pretend just so they can go into women's bathrooms.

Every game that involves war, fighting or conflict has politics you stupid cuck.

filthy dumb trannoid scum
remove your dick, insert in bum
drink the cummies like a whore
kys at 24

Attached: trannoids should be openly killed.gif (340x198, 1.66M)

>remove your dick
excuse me, I happen to like my dick. it will stay firmly attached to me as I shove it inside the asses of other cismen, and you cannot force me to remove it

Games about WW2 aren't trying to cut my kid's dicks off

>A tranny made the music?!!
>oh no get it away my ears are turning gay please god no

right here
>inb4 "you don't KNOW that means he's trans"
that's clearly a boy's haircut in the photo

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it's not about politics in video games, it's about having the wrong politics in video games
how hard is this to understand?

>used to have shorter haircut
circumstantial, a lot of girls have short hair
>supports LGBT
circumstantial, what if her mom is gay?
she literally mentions having depression and anxiety, this is beyond circumstantial


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This game is fun.

She's literally clinically depressed and that's a picture of her as a very young child. You need to chill.


>the wrong politics
Shit I forgot you got to decide that.
Please write a manual for the rest of humanity so we can follow your rules about right and wrong.

I genuinely hope you don't have kids. If you do i hope they become trannys for the irony.

Maddy has top tier taste in keyboards

The tumblr crowd is always gonna be screeching about something, but if you complain about it then turn around and start bitching about a Easter egg of 80 pixels at the end of a game you're literally the same kind of whiny bitch.
Who gives a shit what side you're on, if you start autistically screeching when you get your feelings hurt by a video game you're a faggot either way and you should kill yourself.

Reminder that this trend of lazily drawn Steven Universe shit will die out in 5 years because none of these fuckers had children.

If some sjws starts whining about a game I want them to shut the fuck up so I can play it.
So if Yea Forums starts whining about a game I want them to shut the fuck up so I can play it.

Dude you're in the wrong place.
Autistically bitch about video games and call other people out for doing it is all Yea Forums ever does.

nigger have you even seen steven universe? this looks nothing like it.

>what if her mom is gay?
actually ur mom gay lmao

Also that's a tranny flag, in that resolution you just have to look closer to realize it's not gray and white.

The music in this game fucking slaps.

isn't lena raine that autistic girl that does porn

I must be getting old because I can't tell whether that's good or bad

do you not realize how many gays, lesbians, and family members of gays and lesbians support the trans rights movement? allies exist
besides that, it literally could just be an easter egg from Lena, the composer

It's good.

slap (int. v., slang) - to have a wack beat; to make listeners want to shake their coochies and boochies; to be good

>what if her mom is gay?
does this mean her other mom has a dick?

that is a transgender flag, as well as the LGBT flag
there's more than enough circumstantial evidence here

>Pink Blue and White where core colors of the game before it even came out as trans
Long con confirmed

Story is some next level acoustic shit, but the gameplay is a blast, and that's what matters most.

>My insane conclusion jumping is all the evidence I need to know she has a dick

No wonder Madeline is depressed, anxious, and in need of mountain escapism with that.

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>Story is some next level acoustic shit
It's pretty much all electronics and piano actually

come on, if you want to draw trap porn of Maddy so badly you don't need it to be canon. just tag it as rule 63 like a normal person

I know its bait but
Firstly it's not about abortion nor is it mentioned.
Gameplay is more important than story so even if it was about abortion if it's fun to play while cares

>7 and a half hours in
>finally reach the last screen
>oh shit here we go
>check the length of the room with the binoculars
>a few seconds of scrolling go by
>damn this is pretty long
>it keeps going
>still going
>oh god please stop
>at last it reaches the end

Attached: OH GOD.gif (295x211, 1.73M)

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>He thinks tranny will actually get that far.

okay, I admit, the higher res of the childhood photo is almost convincing, but on the other hand, little girls with short hair look boyish almost all the time, the trans flag could be her being an ally, and the prescription is probably for her anxiety or depression

well, after an hour and a half, I finally made it to the moon berry room, and my god, it's even worse that I thought it would be. please kill me
me too, friend, me too

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Damm do I just have to put a trans flag in my game to get good boy point and sale

imagine being so concerned with politics that it ruins a game for you

Gameplay is all that matters, unless I don't like thing

imagine only caring about your own personal enjoyment and not about right or wrong

I mean, you have played it right?

What if those were an American and Christian flag?

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I choked on my coffee holy shit.

it could be for literally anything. all we know is it's for a prescription. maybe it's painkillers? maybe it's for vagina cramps? idk

I thought it just confirmed Celeste as a tranny.

Let's see that death count.

Attached: Celeste_20190909181807.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

>t. coincidence theorist

I'm working on the moon berry so I can't show, but I think it was 1800 when I first completed the chapter

>right or wrong
it's their lives, they can fuck it up if they want to. transpeople do not hurt others when they do what they do, so why care beyond passively thinking they're going against nature?
>Christian flag

Good luck. It's not too bad.

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I've played it multiple times, but most deaths were on the first run.

Attached: 20190911001751_1.jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

Based UABposter.

>get your feelings hurt
Look at this fucking retard. This doesn't hurt anyone's feelings here, trannies are the only ones claiming that everything offends and oppresses them. People just call them out on their bullshit.

I'm straight but I want to absolutely fucking obliterate Alphinaud's boypussy. I want to jam my hard as diamonds cock into his tight pink boypussy while I grind his face into the pillow. I'd pull on his big stupid ears while he whines and cries out in his gay faggy effeminate voice before I flip around and fuck his face until he cries. I'd give anything to see his face when I hold him up in front of a mirror and fuck him so he can see his useless limp cock bounce around while he gets fucked by a real man. God, just thinking about his lithe erotic girly body makes me want to jerk off again.

He's clearly defending himself from crazed uberfeminists trying to castrate all men.

This is a thread of 80% people crying and whining about an easter egg.

>everything is political

No. Only deranged people obsessed with politics believe so.

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Oh, it is the trans flag. The colors made it look greyscale and I thought it was that weird pan flag or whatever the fuck. Why do they need so many fucking flags?

>80% people crying and whining
Not really, most just shitting on retards. That's just how you perceive it. It's in no way equal to ummm oof wtf so toxic transphobic much I'm literally shaking rn.

Nah its the opposite, Madeline is canadian and Theo is from fucking wherever USA

shut the fuck up tranny

>flag could be a country's flag in-universe
Imagine coping this hard.

>That's just how you perceive it
delicious, delicious irony

I want to fuck him while he's tied to a bed, keep him tied up when I'm done and then hang out with his sister

Will China tolerate this?

>dude it just says "fuck white people" in the corner in 8px font, how is that a problem?

Heavily shopped. I remember seeing her showing up during some award ceremony and everyone's illusions were shattered. The voice is super manly too.

>make game with female mc
>tee hee it was a tranny all along
how long until jk catches the wind of that and announces harry was ftm all along?


Sure thing tranny.
Denying the difference is absolutely retarded. Trannies literally claim personally how they're offended and their feelings are oh so hurt. Relatively normal people just don't think that socially accepting delusional degeneracy is such a great idea.

maybe because it feels like they're being rejected for just existing?
t. cisgender and have empathy

D-Doesn't he have a female twin sister?

Yes, it's basically free sales. Counterpoint: Yea Forums will probably hate your game and constantly shit on it.

she's bro tier, not for lewd

You don't become a tranny by "just existing".

remember that transpeople perceive being tranas as something that you are born with, the same with all LGBT identities

not him but it's also the same with any mental ilness
and transsexual urges are curable with antipsychotic drugs


Why is the game so kino?
>basically platforming perfection
>great soundtrack
>all the optional challenge you can want
>pisses off Yea Forums to no end

Attached: 20190910003720_1.jpg (2560x1440, 137K)

>perceive being trans as something that you are born with
Because they're retarded, there are vital extra steps you have to take after "I wish I was a girl" to make me start shitting on you.

reminder that this entire chain of comments is based off the idea that they're snowflakes that get triggered at the slightest resistance. you now know why. never claim otherwise again. thanks

I mean, they don't speak English. in fact, their synth language doesn't even sound like it corresponds to anything they say in the subtitles. it could be an alternate world


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Game is shit, couldn't even bother with reading the story because it's always the same plot of "accepting yourself" that indie titles like to follow.
Gameplay is ass, literally jump perfectly to reach the exit which is not entertaining at all

I added it to by EGS library, since it was free. I didn't realize it was a tranny game - how do I permanently remove it from my account now? I don't want trans filth anywhere near me.

imagine unironically playing and liking tranny games

Attached: 1510756338248.png (480x460, 214K)

Says the animeposter, LOL

>"accepting yourself"
not even the plot
>that indie titles like to follow
name three examples

they do that anyway, so there's really no downsides here

There is nothing wrong with being pro-abortion.

>tranny game
literally nothing about the game is trans except for the following
>head developer is non-binary
>composer is transwoman
>small, easy to miss trans flag as easter egg in recent DLC
that's it. nothing in plot is pro-LGBT in the slightest, it doesn't shove it in your face, et cetera
>b-b-but the developer and composer!!
is Dorian Gray a gay book just because Wilde was gay? is Middlemarch a female book just because George Elliot was a woman's pen name? is Ender's Game a conservative Mormon book just because Card is a conservative Mormon?

>one of thr best platformers released in some time
>great movement, fun levels and good music
>/pol/posters ruin every discussion about it

Fuck all of you.

I just got done with all the b-sides and my deathcount has passed 4000.

>>one of thr best platformers released in some time

You wont get actual discussion, Yea Forums only cares about this game right now due to drama. Same with reset, the their threads about it are all "i barely started it or never finished it but now i have to go back and play it" while Yea Forums has been "i heard the dev is an sjw so im not playing it"

For me I fucking loved the game and its one of the greatest 2d platformers and level designs ive ever played. But if the speculation about the final chapter stuff is correct, then the dev has alienated me from a game I love and have sang the praises of every day by turning Maddy into a boy. The story was about depression, the story isnt the only reason to play the game, but it kept me going and I liked it. Taking a hot shit on the story with gender politics is going to ruin a lot of that and force me to treat it like FF X-2 where the game was perfect when it ended the first time.

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what did he mean by this

Nothing to see, it's just a different kind of speculation that tries to prove it's a coincidence. Neither is right or proves anything. That "allies" shit is just really stretching it if you ask me.
Regardless, the tranny flag is a tranny flag. At the very least they tried to shoehorn that shit in for no reason other than muh representation.

I'm hoping thats the case and its all speculation. It seems every day is just more stuffing "representation" into every game. I just want Madeline to be a girl. I dont care if trannies want to have their own shit, thats fine, to each their own. But I fell in love with Madeline as a girl, not as a tranny girl.

Except you're wrong.
There is a screenshot from the game with a photo of a grandma and a red-haired boy which is implied to be the future protag.

>tiny singular detail that is barely relevant to the picture as a whole
This is like if I showed you a picture of my room when I was a kid and you flipped shit about the Pikachu plush that stuck out of my toybox and then spent the rest of the discussion obsessing over how I'm a Nintendo shill. Everyone in this entire thread and all threads after it are being ridiculous.

>pic is of her as a boy
remember that the faces of children all look about the same, that the main gender distinction we can make is hair length, and that girls can also have short hair
>future protag

Are you fucking retarded? It's obviously a boy, trans flags and other bullshit. There was a higher res picture flying around.
You can make any excuses you want, I don't support this filth and don't want to have it associated with my account. I'm going to write to EGS support today to remove it.

>is Dorian Gray a gay book just because Wilde was gay
Dude, not him but that is a fucking massively retarded statement. Two of the most prevailing themes of the Portrait of Dorian Grey are homoerotic undertones and rampant hedonism. Yes, it's a gay fucking book. You fucking mong.

>young girls don't have short hair ever

Just because your dick is small doesn't mean it's not there. Well, unless... Okay, bad analogy here. But you should get the idea.

dude, are you fucking retarded? have you never seen a little short haired girl and gotten confused about whether she was actually a boy?
>I'm going to write to EGS support today to remove it.
include your reasoning why so they can go one step further and delete your account, thanks
let me guess, you read the uncensored version, didn't you?

That is a boy. I'm sorry you're brain damaged and can't tell a difference.

Attached: 1568150213022.jpg (916x622, 83K)

No I don't, because I'm a fucking dude and always will be. What I do get is you have no argument. So fuck off.
>young girls don't have short hair ever

If they remove my EGS account because I don't tolerate transfaggotry I'm 100% fine with that.

Dude, I am gay. I know it's gay. I vividly remember Wilde describing gay shit throughout that book, especially as Dorian got more bored with booze women and sex. Granted it's been a decade or more since I touched it, I'm fairly certain about this.

The tranny tunes were grating 8-bit trash, I turned them off.

>No I don't, because I'm a fucking dude and always will be.
Then the analogy works just fine.

Oh boy a reaction image with tons of text. You sure showed me, fag.

Attached: 1293033455740.jpg (126x117, 3K)

well hey, I'm gay too, so we can discuss this
>Dorian being gay
no, it was always Basil. Dorian's just a psychopath who can't connect with people beyond basking in their aesthetic beauty, as if they were statues. Basil had an explicit crush on Dorian. it was heavily covered up by the censors, but it's still there in the subtext
that said, Basil's crush is nowhere near central to the book. the only thing it does is set up Dorian and Henry's first meeting, which leads to the Faustian deal. after that, it's forgotten until he murders Basil. the only reason it's known as the gay book is because (A) literature could not have gay people in that time period without scandal and (B) Wilde was publicly outed as gay in a libel trial shortly afterward

As soon as he started walking I could tell.
You pass fags are delusions faggots, you can always tell.

>You pass fags are delusions faggots
I'm usually not picky about grammar, but I would love to see the tree diagram for this sentence. here's a relevant Wikipedia article:

it bad at best, annoying at worst.

People here just don't care that it bad because either they're gay for the composer or just because it's goes beep boop.

I can't hardly quote myself writing a paper from over a decade ago on the homoerotic tones of the Portrait of Dorian Grey but I must have made some sort of argument good enough to sell to a professor at the time. I have nothing concrete here so you're just wasting your time.
Dorian's just a psychopath who can't connect with people beyond basking in their aesthetic beauty
I seemingly remember this as a given explanation in some terms or another as to why Dorian was attracted to aesthetically pleasing men. Him being a complete sociopath is par for the course.
Aestheticism as a social movement is fairly homoerotic within itself. I can't think of many secure heterosexual men admiring the masculine athletic form.

okay, I see where you're coming from, but Middlemarch and Ender's Game are still valid examples in my original analogy

I'm still mad that Necrodancer got snubbed for Best Soundtrack in 2015 for Undertale

Attached: D66Jx5tUYAEen4y.jpg (1527x2216, 380K)

don't listen to that guy, trannies don't have money, they spend it all on butt plugs, estrogen surgery.

>I'm still mad that Necrodancer got snubbed for Best Soundtrack in 2015 for Undertale
shit is good youtube.com/watch?v=pcamjcoRmrQ

Attached: '-'.jpg (797x599, 26K)

Sure, well I have nothing to say about those two. Good luck in your future arguments in any case, you sound like you'd be fun to talk with

>sees link
it's probably fucking Self Titled or Megalovania or some other meme tra-
>Bergentrückung and Asgore
based as fuck

Didn't like the game before, don't like it now.

>argument continues to be undetected
At least you admit you're wrong by proxy.

neither does Yea Forums judging by the amount of pirate threads around here

I don't care to argue with you, I already made my point and don't think it needs any additional support. If you can't even comprehend my dumb retort, it's not really my problem.

Your dumb retort was "hehe you have a small penis" which is not a response to the subject at hand and an admission of defeat.

There's a different between a game having politics as part of the game's plot/universe and having it to get good boy points with whatever politics you defend.

>good boy points
the head developer is non-binary. the composer is trans. they do this because they care, not for good boy points. stop thinking that everyone is as autistic and insincere as you

And Celeste is probably one of the best places to do this, and even with them the actual game is solid as fuck.
That still doesn't doesn't mean it can't be done and that it may be in this case given the whole reveal was done in a free DLC years later and not on the base game. So it does feel shoehorned and done for that.

Not nearly enough to make me stop playing and enjoying the game, just that these kind of character development fuckery is one I loathe as it's clear it was purely for exposure and are used as big or surprising reveals when the idea is to make them accepted and regular.
Don't make your characters gender, sexuality or values something surprising because those are slowly build with time and to mkost people take years to reach.

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>comes to Yea Forums
>goes back to resetera

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>Resetera are eating the assumption right up like the sheep they are
Wow. You're also going to tell me the water gym leader in the new Pokemon is trans too because she isn't wearing a dress or bikini

Describe the plot of Celeste and the reason she's climbing

she climbs a mountain but then falls down a hole and goes on wacky adventures with monster frens and eventually breaks the entire species barrier so that yuri kuma can do gay things with people again

It takes place in Canada. The letters to Madeline also have a stamp that suggests this.

I can't stand pretentious indie pixelshit and celeste looks like someone took that, ground it into a fine powder, then heated it in a furnace to create the ultimate crystallized pretentious indie pixelshit game out there.

Undertale has a really good soundtrack. At least it isn't a 2014 situation where the witcher 3 overtakes bloodborne in every category because westerners are plebs


>it's clear it was purely for exposure and are used as big or surprising reveals when the idea is to make them accepted and regular

Attached: yes and.png (114x189, 35K)

>Im gonna bait Yea Forums with a tranny thread

Attached: file.png (768x1024, 1.14M)

Welll... what I explained. It's dishonest and honestly almost offensive to those going through the procedure. I wouldn't like if someone used my conditiong or issues as a way to get more fame.
The game itself is fine, I liked it, but this thing feels almost out of place. Not gonna pretend this devalues the rest of the game, but not gonna claim this can be ignored. I judge a product as a whole, the entire picture. It's not a matter of trying to reach a final "good" or "bad" because a binary system for cualification is the most stupid thing you can do, it's more just seeing each part and trying to figure out if they were properly introduced to the whole thing, which sadly in this case wasn't.

That's all there is to me. Don't pretend it's nothing that can't be discussed nor that I claim this now devalues the whole product in a relevant way.

That artwork screams Tumblr garbage.
By proxy and seeing some replies, it hits all the checkmarks for the associated degeneracy.

this a sequel?

>It's dishonest and honestly almost offensive to those going through the procedure
How would you know that? Have you gone through said procedure yourself, or do you know anybody who did who thinks the same way you do?


>Have you gone through said procedure yourself, or do you know anybody who did who thinks the same way you do?
The later, yeah. 2 of my roomates are gay, my best friend is gay too and one of my highschool friends who I recently met and hanged again is trans now (the non-operated one). None likes these kind of things because usually it's just corporate/virtue signaling from these people, the trans specially dislikes these circles because she says they devaluate him, that "these people only talk and care about your gender or sexuality, but it's just an excuse to redirect the atention to them."Altho he's also the kind of person who doesn't care if you don't use her right pronouns and only brings her trans condition up if you ask. Pretty cool lady.

I don't doubt in any way that the devs do feel these things and are supporting of it. I said it feels dishonest, not that it has to be. There was a better way to make this, mostly on the main game. Putting it now feels like an afterthought. Imo they should've waited for the next game to explain the whole thing much slower and naturally.
Playing the entire game with one idea and now suddenly dropping "oh she's trans btw" feels like something a bit too big and relevant to the character to be said in a free DLC 2 years after release.

The main character is a tranny

Never heard of this game until yesterday.


True. Throw in a trans flag and a jontron voice, something innocuous from each side and you'll get everyone.

Please stop posting then until you have lurked silently for at least a year.

Attached: Thisthread.gif (300x194, 2.53M)

This game never had a chance on Yea Forums. Maybe we could've at least discussed the DLC if it weren't for the trans flag, it's a shame as the DLC is actually great

What a shame.

I can't wait for America to collapse under its own wait. I hope you fat and gay retards have fun killing each other.

this game could be about being a tranny and getting your dick cut off and having 500 abortions and it'd still be a great game.

I didn't like the story of this game because it felt somewhat pretentious to me and I don't really like those kind of stories in general so I mostly ignored it but I really like the soundtrack and the game was pretty fun.

Wow bro ur so based here's 10 4chinnel street cred points you can spend at the /pol/ cash shop

He mad

It was close yeah

the DLC also has some great music and a lot of cool new mechanics (it is hard as shit though), all you have to do is ignore the story

There is literally nothing wrong with being a tranny if you don't force others to be one or support cutting off your dick

Celeste is a great game and a tiny flag on the ending cutscene doesn't change that in any way shape or form. You never played it if you hate it because of some flag and are just hating on it for the sake of hating something popular

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this is so fucking unfair you make a Celeste thread and get 40 (you)s without even trying. my highest score is 10 (you)s and that was 6 months ago.

I once got like 30 when I posted my legs while wearing Astolfo cosplay

A lot of the songs I've heard give me a gravity falls vibe and the platforming looks like a good mix between fun and challenging. I think I might pick it up, it hits a lot of boxes of things I enjoy

>Making something relevant gets you (yous)

Only a child cares about special attention, either way.

Welcome to Yea Forums, where the most popular threads are bitching about trannies and vidya discussion 404s after 10 posts

A-am I being memed on?
What the fuck is this about abortions and trannies?

>wants to talk about a game
>says that music is good and nothing about gameplay

Attached: 1564121076306.jpg (314x246, 27K)

Kill yourself

>I just want to play a game with good gameplay
And the more you ignore this tranny trends, the lesser game with good gameplay you will get.
Enjoy having developers focusing on pushing agendas than actually developing good games.
But hey, you don't care anyway, right?

Most people rejected his message. They hated user because he told them the truth. [Gal. 4:16]

Misinformation should be a bannable offense

The gameplay is good, hard platforming that teaches you a gimmick or two every chapter and expands on it over the course of the level. Eventually it gets hard as balls but it never feels impossible.

Kinda sick of the "GAMEPLAY ONLY GAMEPLAY ONLY" crowd if im being honest with you, you bitches wouldnt play a perfect platformer if it had Pong graphics and sounded like nails on a chalkboard so stop pretending it doesnt matter

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>she MADE me hit her, officer, she MADE me, I swear, it's HER fault I can't control myself

because using just the rainbow flag that represents everyone together doesn't show people how unique and oppressed you are

stop replying to yourself, tranny

There is everything wrong with being a tranny because they want you to support them lying to themselves and go along with it. As soon as they stop pretending that gender isn't biological and fixed, I'll accept them and fuck off.
So, never.
>You never played it if you hate it because of some flag
I have played it, and it was alright. The devs won't be getting any support from me at this point, though, and I'm willing to encourage others to follow that. I don't hate the game, I hate tranny propaganda.

>tfw banned from the Celeste official discord server for saying there's no proof Madeline is trans

>Has Nazi flag next to tranny flag
>Unable to compute ERROR ERROR ERROR

>Results: BRINGED

If they don't matter why omit them? It's irrelevant.

I don't play games made by people with different political views. You should always judge artist instead of art.

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Someone needs to do something like that in a subtle way, I want to see the shitstorm.

>girls can't have short hair as kids
>adult can't be taking a prescription

Boy you deranged

I skipped the entire story of Celeste, I assume it has to deal with depression and accepting yourself from what little I saw.

It's exceedingly unlikely any trans person would keep a picture of themselves from pre-transition around like that

It's actually about tranny abortion. Sensitive topic.

It's strange how much some people seem to dread and fear seeing a couple of flags. Like, you're not gonna start sucking dozens more dicks if you look at enough rainbow flags. Man up, broseph

Attached: 076.png (605x264, 40K)

Pretty much. It's not exactly subtle about it.

The entire thing is about depression and learning to love the shitty parts of yourself in order to improve soooo
Its really blunt

>literally nothing about the game is trans except for the following
>trans flag
so it's a tranny game, done deal.

If Madeline really is suffering from gender dysphoria then Badeline would be obviously male

>supporting mental illness

Attached: IMG_3653.jpg (720x960, 82K)

I guess a hat in time a tranny game too then

(Censored for potentially offensive gendered pronouns)

yes, it is.

>it's just a flag dude
Shut the fuck up, retard. It's real life political retardation shoehorned into a game. Not even an AHiT situation where it was a random graffiti in the sewer, it's on the protagonist's desk. And even in the best case scenario where that it's not actually supposed to imply she(?) is a tranny, the flag is there and has other implications.

I gathered that while not being able to comprehend the text since I had it set to Japanese. Cool how even the visuals work to express the themes and do it well.
I set pretty much everything I can to Japanese to help immerse so I can learn the language.


>5 pixels

>Pro abortion
Only if the aborted fetus is a literal teenage boy which transitioned to a girl

I agree with your sentiment

That's accepting that Madeline is female. He's not.

I bet the canada flag pissed you off too huh

No no no user, AHiT is a tranny game, see?

What fucking canada flag.

> Grow a pair
> NO!

Damn, you told me.

I respect a comitted weeaboo.

Yeah thats what I thought bitch play the goddamn game

>Counterpoint: Yea Forums will probably hate your game and constantly shit on it.
Yea Forums will also pirate your game regardless so who cares about a bunch of poor and unironic incels

canada's flag only represents a fraction of the mental illness pride flags do

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't really defending AHiT there.
I played the fucking game, do you expect me to remember everything? I guess it didn't bother me then, since I don't rembemer. I don't see why it would.

>I played the game but was completely unaware that they were Canadian the entire time

Attached: 1568166794452.gif (500x455, 479K)

Jesus fucking christ it's insane how anti trans you guys are. Just let people make decisions about their life that improves the quality of said life.
That being said, I do think it's more likely Madeline is a "trans ally" than being someone who has transitioned. It would fit the themes more if the bottle was anti depression medication. If it is HRT then whatever, it doesn't affect the core gameplay if you're autistic enough to let something like that bother you.

Oh fucking boy, the characters of this decent indie platformer are Canadian? What an important plot point, let me memorize that perfectly.
What are you even talking about now, wasn't it explicitly about a flag? Put the goalpost back, I don't give a shit about Canada.

Fuck the golden feather room near the end of chapter 9

it is correct, play the game

spikeformers are not decent. They are shit.

this. Making the main character a tranny actually does legitimately damage the experience. I haven't played this and now don't intend to

This game has less depth than super meat boy.

At least in super meat boy, there are times when you can beat the level with slight adjustments made to your trajectory.


Only being a single way to best levels and needing practical pinpoint accuracy. While this doesn't sound bad on paper and makes it sound hardcore, it limits the player to only completing the level in one way vs over and under achieving the level obstacles.

What's the point in guessing which specific way to beat the level and then be greeted by the same thing over and over again.

Fpbp and /thread

So you haven't played Celeste, okay

Alright, sure. I'm no expert.
They Bleed Pixels was better.

Theres like 900 individual screens man, who cares if its linear

Literallywho?: thegame

Attached: 1568187043404.png (655x395, 9K)

Neither are good

Attached: uhksf.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

The more I see of this game the more I notice that it really isnt all that interesting mechanically

This thing got 10/10 in IGN, that's a huge red flag, I'm not touching that garbage

So you're saying I should play Umihara Kawase. I might do that.

So in the end you trust IGNs Opinion.
I mean, surely you do otherwise you wouldnt factor it into your game decisions

>Make the same exact game with different graphics for 20+ years
How do they do it

Attached: mangetsu2.jpg (406x635, 68K)

>Dude strawberrys
>Dude depression
>Muh spikes labyrinth

Yeah, Celeste is really boring, isn't it? So many double jumper dash-formers these days, it doesn't do much to stand out.

Good idea, start with whatever one you want. Sayonara is good for beginners.

Attached: uhksf3.webm (960x540, 2.79M)


Linearity in a game is not a bad thing.

>Supporting anything that panders to trannies

I shiggy diggy

Attached: faggot shit.jpg (1280x2271, 1.13M)

>Bionic Commando clone with shitty graphics

You are aware that you're the biggest shill on this site right, youve been doing this dumb shit on every platformer thread for months

i identify myself as a twospirit
what the fuck is a twospirit

I sure won't download it now

that looks bland as fuck, is this what weebs find fun?

It doesn't play like Bionic Commando, try talking about games you've played. I'm also not a RCG poster so you're wrong. Celeste fans are so angry.

Attached: uhksf41.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

Nicest person you'll ever meet and twisted fucking psychopath, in one.

>Spike labyrinth meme
Yeah you definitely didn't play it

There are no Celeste fans in this thread, just shitposters

No, there's a lot of Celeste fans. There's a huge overlap.

I don't understand the spike labyrinth meme to begin with

Retards that think they have two sprits in their body

Damn they really are just trying to compete for who can be the specialest snowflake.

it's what western platformer developers think is good level design

>There are no Celeste fans
Not anymore there aren't lmao.

You don't know what a spike labyrinth is if you keep parroting this meme in Celeste threads.

The game has become an embarrassment to talk about

Where's your proof that it's me personally "parroting" it?

You sound like a repressed tranny user. You know HRT isn't that expensive, right?

The virgin "chad":
>I will not play this game because it has politics

>lol platformers are for babies

is English not your first language?

all trannies must fucking hang!

super meat boy but not as good with 2deep4u feefee story.

it's much more mechanically interesting than meat boy

This is actually the proper usage of the meme.

>finally reach moon berry
>hmm maybe there's more. better look around first
>oh look a boost orb

Attached: 1486373297817.jpg (1300x906, 101K)


this so much holy shit

Any relation, even within family, that describes an asymetrical relation, or a relation of hierarchy, is political, you uneducated swine.

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Answer the question

>Game centers around multiple factions each with their own politics, each with their own flaws and advantages
>Game has multiple LGBT characters one of which can be the player if they so choose
>Is still considered one of the best games ever made by Yea Forums standards

And yet I bet most of the people in this thread have no idea what it is because they're too underaged to play games simply for their merit like this board used to

>new IP
>dodges the question and then tries to tell anyone else to answer one
As expected of a Yea Forumsedditor.

>bUt EvErYtHiNg Is PoLiTiCaL
>did you know mario is about communism??

You absolute fucking cretin, you fucking scum, you centrist piece of shit. I hate motherfuckers like you. There is an absolute concrete difference between war games based on actual events or creating fictional ones based on them and blatant transexual LETS ALL CUT OFF OUR DICKS AND BE FAGGOTS FUCK TRUMP propaganda.

You absolute fucking scumbag

Faggotry of this game aside, it's just a shitty platformer for turbo autists to speed run. It doesn't look remotely fun.
>b-b-but it has a great soundtrack
I don't play games for the music.

oiFire Emblem is shit

>It doesn't look remotely fun.
so you haven't played it

I've sat and watched my friend play the game, it's just super meat boy minus the potential.

Guess what game inspired Super Meat Boy

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I guess you could apply it to that but wrong, I'm talking universal acclaim and a game quite a bit older than the new FE games

So do you hate every war game that isn't about an actual war that happened?
Since that's political too, but not rooted on reality?

It's super meat boy with good mechanics and level design

Super Mario Brothers you retard

It's about a tranny. So no, no abortion I am afraid.

>Metal Gear Solid is SJW
>Zone of Enders is SJW
>Final Fantasy Tactics is SJW
>Fire Emblem is SJW
>Every wRPG ever created is SJW including The Witcher (which is based for having white people)
>OG Mass Effect was SJW

Every game created is a derivative of Tennis for Two, including Super Meat Boy. Why are you playing shitty ripoff games user?

Do people who post this image truly believe it

That's because there's a puzzle aspect to it. You're meant to find out how to beat the level, then nail the execution.
It's why I like the game. I beat several levels of meat boy just by panicking and getting it right by accident. You can't really do that shit in celeste.

I hope you mean actual pro-abortion, not that degenerate pro-choice trash.

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I answered your question nerd, if you want to extrapolate said answer ad infinitum go ahead but you're still a faggot

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Yea Forums bitches about anything. They'll shit on a good game because "muh politics" then defend the worst shit because it's by the company they like.

>I will not play this game because it has politics

>now let me play my brownnbloom middle eastern themed cover based shooter and angsty jRPG where belt wearing teenagers kill god

You're avoiding the point that Celeste the flash game was a direct inspiration for Super Meat Boy, and Super Meat Boy.

Maybe you should have tried to make a point then rather than being a circuitous faggot. Also, fuck your pro-abortion liberal shit game you baby killing asshole

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I made a point. Celeste came before Super Meat Boy, and 2018 Celeste is just a far more fleshed out successor to the original (free to play) flash game, which is also included in the game.

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You sentenced your children to die the moment you combined egg with sperm.

I actually disliked Mortal Kombat 11 as a part Slav part North African mutt because the way they simplify issues was so fucking mindnumbing it hurts. It's like if I went back in time and tried to fix Slavs by destroying the Teutonic Order or if I tried to save the Berbers by killing off the Ottomans our the Arabs. It doesn't fucking work that way you idiot. You literally do not solve slavery by stopping whites from becoming slavers, that's not how it fucking works, also Africa would not theoretically become a megaopolis overnight either, there would still be quite a lot of regions of Africa filled with poverty and ghettos unless the problem with tribalism and tribal militias were fixed as well. I don't care if it's Mortal Kombat and it's not supposed to be taken seriously, if the game tries to deadpan tell me that the world would be a better place if one buff African-American cyborg who has no relation to any African tribe were to go back in time and fluently explain in the English-American language to stop being slavers and would cause Africa to become some fucking paradise megalopolis, I will fucking refund that game.
>Turns out you CAN have everything
Fuck off. You can't solve territorial disputes and thousands of centuries of conspiracies and fix the world, let alone fix the continent of fucking Africa.

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>being this afraid of death
Eternal life is easy, just accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.



If afterlife exists, then what's wrong with murder? Secular pro-lifers I can understand, but religious people should be very promortalist.

Gambling with fates of others is not bravery, fucktard.

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>if recovering after a long and painful period of having cancer exists, then what's wrong with cancer?

What gamble? Truth isn't based on your personal feelings or on your apathy/confusion about what is true, user.

Literally just bought Celeste for the second time. Once for my Switch, now again for my Mac. I'm also a tranny too.
Stay mad /pol/

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own those cons, sister!

Needs more tits

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>havent played in months
>get to like the 4th screen in the dlc
>cant for the life of me figure out why i keep jumping off walls instead of climbing
>search a video of the DLC
>see person jumping straight up walls while hanging on
>wtf how is he doing that
>options > controller config
>mfw forgot grab even existed
>tfw literally retarded

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Killed six trannies today. Fewer than usual but still good. Almost finished work on the gas chamber.
I'm cyber-Hitler from the future btw.
Stay mad /lgbt/.

The difference is I did what I said

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earthly logic: because it fucking hurts
god logic: ?????????

Also, Heaven isn't to cure our booboos, it's there so we can praise God brand god. Heaven isn't made for us, we are made for Heaven.

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>Praise God

Id rather suffer 3000000000001 years of pain

>Not blurring out your name
You sir are the very definition of an imbecile on Yea Forums.

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>organized religion

I'm a tranny though. That's my girl name.

...You are literally doxxing yourself what the fuck is wrong with you?

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Are there any other good precision platformers like Celeste?

Not that user but I hardly think anyone cares about your steam profile

I remember that one Czech-American user that false-flagged and retardedly posted his Steam profile which also had all of his private information written on it and got doxxed pretty fucking hard and also managed to put shame on my country. So no, people do care about your Steam Profile, especially if you say a dumb provoking thing like that.

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So you're either a self-hating retard tranny or consistently RPing as one, from what I can tell.
Sorry, I feel like even being /pol/ that stays mad is better than being you.