you've been tasked to show Kingdom Hearts to Walt Disney, how does it go?
You've been tasked to show Kingdom Hearts to Walt Disney, how does it go?
I imagine pretty shit since I'm a jew
I can't imagine he'd be too happy with his stuff become weebshit, and then later super weebshit.
I try to warn him about the Jews, and how its better he suicide bombs his own company than let it go the way it has.
He has me removed by force and instructs the guards to shoot any kikes who come in asking to be hired or invest.
>You remember those zips, right Wally? Look what those crazy bastards came up with!
>shows him THAT scene
>"user, prep the nukes. We're going in for another round."
>get this shit out of my face
This man only cared about money user
He lost his soul and passion to achieve success, you can read his biography, his favorite characters and styles only did well for a short time and after that he changed to please the masses
He demands KH be shut down as a series. And I smile, because that was my plan. He also demands all the live action remakes of animated films be stopped. And fixes the rape of Disneyland. And sells Star Wars/Muppets to other companies.
"My company is run by a WHAT!??"
I'm like 99% certain that Walt was certificate lolicon so he would be like "sure, why not if it prints money".
Well I'd probably run away in horror after seeing his frozen head starting to blink
>so this wojak guy and the frog, they get posted constantly?
>bring me moot asap
forgot pic sorry vros
>that’s one sexy little girl you got there
based walt.
he'd probably like birth by sleep since it was mostly based on stuff he had input on.
kingdom hearts is the least embarassing modern disney has on it's catalog,all their live action movies have "ugly nigger who dont know how to act and would never have a carrer as an actor in a regular world" pandering,they also now rehash old animated movies by making them live action,of all things, and their cartoons have become flash puppet tier
Walt would have taken video games way more seriously than the leaders that came after him. also he would be secretly addicted to anime.
he'd say, "damn, this is kino. nomura is a genius."
Kingdom Hearts has at least 40 THAT scenes. You're going to have to be more specific.
"You comapany is now run by jewish in the future sir"
I would show him all the video games I know with sexy little girls.
Ape Escape 3 is one... Ha ha
Hint: it involves water
>Gives Nomura the keys to the park.
>"Walt, I swear, the Japs will love this shit."
>My company owns WHAT now?
>So is Mickey Mouse in the public domain?
How do you respond?
Walt Disney would think anime is closer to his old stuff than what Disney has been producing the last 20 years.
Fun fact: Disney had strong ties to Japan in the 50s and 60s. Almost opened a theme park there. But had a disagreement with the management of it, so he pulled out. The Japanese company went on to open the park anyway, just removing the Disney theming. And it was such a good replica of the original Disneyland, it stayed open for 50 years. Only closing in the 2000s, because Tokyo Disney was stealing its business.
I'd show him the sales figures first and foremost to influence his impression.
>That video of the guy who was doing a full Weird Al "Skipper Dan" routine on a jungle ride at that park when there was only a curious American amusement park enthusiast on board
Except even anime itself has changed drastically over time
We went from works being influenced by Scrooge McDuck comics and Bambi to the shit you see today
what happened to anime in the late 2000s is one of the most severe and widespread examples of becoming soulless I've ever seen.
Whales ruin everything, user. Miyazaki may have taken it too far with his boomerism but he had a bit of a point.
Anime isn't a genre or a set style. It's a medium. And it's bigger today than it has ever been. There are still shows being made today that are like the anime in the 1960s/1970s. There's also lots of new types of shows. Hell, there's Disney published anime series. This meme that all anime is "moeshit" or "shounen" just shows how ignorant you are.
There's also tons of Disney (and WB) references all over anime, since Tom and Jerry and almost all Disney animation is still huge over there. Japan is keeping the 2D classics alive, despite Disney trying to kill them in the west. That would be why Disney probably would appreciate Japan more than America today. That and Japan still has standards. He'd probably kill himself after seeing the identity politics and crap going on in America today. And what they did to Disneyland.
About like this.
mediums change too
you are foolling yourself if you refuse to see trends or changes
theyre trying to make money, obviously theyre going to follow and create trends to cash in. hence isekais
modern anime is pretty close to having a set style
>user, prep the nukes. We're going in for 40 more rounds.
>idiots generalizing anime don't know what they're talking about, more at eleven
Go ahead and make your case about the trends and set style. I will provide plenty of examples to prove you wrong.
Hahaha. Imagine Walt watching the new Mary Poppins, the original having been one of the last things created before he died. Everything is nearly the same but massively dumbed down and simplified to an absurd level. A movie that taught life lessons about saving vs. giving not being an easy black and white choice being reduced to "durr bank man bad" and ruining the safety of the cartoon world for a cheap chase scene that leads nowhere. Maybe someone did do this and it's what killed him.
Is Andrew Ryan back in the new bioshock?
Imagine him hearing they had to bring animators "out of retirement" to do the animated scene, because all their best talent had left between 1970-2000. Then they dissolved the whole animation department in the mid 2000s. And now a bunch of liberal hacks write scripts focused around Twitter trends and identity politics and Koreans animate it.
Reminder that the "Walt Disney was anti-Semitic" narrative is a myth propagated by literal communists.
>Mr. Disney! I've come back in time to warn you about a man named Michael Eisner. Whatever you do, make sure nobody at your company ever hires him!
He would think it’s weird but give it a pass when he sees the money it makes.
He hated Jews and Commies, Man was based. Better artist than any leftoid too.
probably wouldn't be super thrilled about the nips getting in on his intellectual property honestly. who knows though. maybe he would be happy that Japan and America were on good terms enough to collaborate on things.
If Kairi was turned into a cute little brown girl Walt would've put his stamp of approval on the game immediately.
>probably wouldn't be super thrilled about the nips getting in on his intellectual property honestly.
He was planning an animated film with Tezuka before he died.
Read the thread. Walt was working close with Japan on many things.
Neat. I'm sure he probably would've been all about Kingdom Hearts then. Especially the first one.
If only. Like 75% of the bad things that happened in Hollywood can be traced back to Eisner.
Walt Disney wouldn't like most shit from the jew era Disney
>a highly competent saboteur > an ignorant saboteur
>”What do you mean the current CEO of my company is an ethnic Jew?”
I feel bad for Walt
>Start up film studio with your brother that focuses on animation with the goal of providing films with original ideas that families could watch
>Even adaptations have their own creative flare, like Mary Poppins
>Also join an anti-monopoly group in Hollywood and never be greedy
>His company is now owned by Jews that are making constant remakes/sequels of established series they created or were created by someone else
>Company is also now a massive fucking monopoly that owns more media than it should. It continues to buy out all its competition and fill theaters with sequels/remakes/adaptations
>Company is also extremely greedy with demands, like with their deal with Sony for getting Spider-Man
The whole disney jew meme comes from a portly fucking irishman who was commie as fuck and upset that disney wouldn't bend the knee to him. So he went around posting fucking disney anti-jew memes for years in his assmad state. The reality is that many of the animating techniques and effects and sounds and music were created BY JEWS, Walt Disney actually confided a great deal into jewish creators and it's one of the reasons why Disney is still running today and by jews for that matter. Why do you think the fucking disney copyright is still going? The jews are paying fealty to a man who essentially employed the fuck out of the for generations. Even helped him make how to films for things like anti-tank rifles, tanks, mines, rifles and hand to hand training during the war.
Walt Disney was pretty based and very Anti-communist, but only after that irish fat fuck wouldn't fuck off. Any time you see anti-disney nazi shit it's usually some one related to the hollywood communist machine still prattling on.
>Start up film studio with your brother that focuses on animation with the goal of providing films with original ideas that families could watch
Wrong. Even the official Disney documentaries point out that Disney started his company to make money, first and foremost. He did have ideas about making certain kinds of entertainment and films. But he mostly achieved that with his shorts and Snow White. After that, he started gathering people with new ideas and claiming them as his own. Or adapting established works. He was the one who pioneered the idea of letting other people do the work, then putting his name on it. He was the Edison of Hollywood.
>Also join an anti-monopoly group in Hollywood and never be greedy
It has some sexy little girls in it, I think he'd appreciate it.
>films with original ideas
95% of Disney's canon films by the flagship studio are adaptations of fairy tales, children's books, or legends/myths.
Not that user but Disney poured retarded amounts of money and effort into pretty much everything between Snow White and Bambi, and a bunch of those movies didn't make back their own production costs and were produced at the expense of the studio. Walt was certainly a businessman and driven by profit, but there is great consideration for artistry in the company's earlier works. Those movies could have been produced cheaper and quicker, but they weren't.
>he started gathering people with new ideas and claiming them as his own
Walt assembled strong talent and equipped them with the resources and funds to have them do good work. Is that not what management is supposed to be about? Everybody knows that he wasn't much of an artist himself, but his contributions to animation are undeniably huge. Classic Disney is still today the greatest locus of animation talent in history, and when people learn animation they learn the techniques that were developed and used at Disney studios. The dude elevated the art form, shittiness about screen credits and stuff notwithstanding.
And those adaptations had there own unique aspects that made them different from the source material.
Take Mary Poppins for example. The film is a lot more light hearted than the original novel with things like musical numbers and animated parts mixed into live action.
In contrast, something like the Avengers Infinity War is just the comics with a few minor changes, like the colors of the stones and a change in Thanos’s motives.
Not only that, but Mary Poppins was providing something unique at the time for theaters, while the Avengers is just more Capshits that has been made for over a decade.
Do you have a source on that first part? Because I know he had his brother do all the financial work so he could focus on making films.
And yes, he actually did join an anti-monopoly group in Hollywood.
>Not that user but Disney poured retarded amounts of money and effort into pretty much everything between Snow White and Bambi
People play up the cost, but it wasn't that much compared to other fimls in Hollywood. They're just considered huge costs because animation itself was considered a risk. Snow White was made for $1.5 million. Pinnochio was made for $2.6 million. Dumbo for $1 million. Bambi for $1.7 million and so on. Sure, some of these movies lost money in the box office. But they made thousands of times more back in merchandise sales.
>and were produced at the expense of the studio.
Disney borrowed other people's money for every movie. He put plenty of his own money in, but you're acting like Disney bankrolled the entire thing himself. He never did this, even in his later films which he could have easily funded himself.
>Walt was certainly a businessman and driven by profit, but there is great consideration for artistry in the company's earlier works. Those movies could have been produced cheaper and quicker, but they weren't.
It's a case by case basis. Everyone knows he started production of Pinocchio over. But he didn't do this for a lot of other movies that needed it (like Alice in Wonderland or Peter Pan). And the longer into his career he got, the quality of his films went down. As well as the cost going down. He started caring more about the branding and building theme parks than he did about the movies.
>Walt assembled strong talent and equipped them with the resources and funds to have them do good work. Is that not what management is supposed to be about?
It's not management to have others write and animate movies, but then give them secondary credits and sometimes even remove their credits from the film entirely. Go back and watch a bunch of the middle era movies and you'll see stuff Don Bluth worked on, and his name isn't even in the credits. Like Robin Hood. It's little wonder why he left the company.