Any Yea Forumsirgins figure out a way to launch BL3?

Any Yea Forumsirgins figure out a way to launch BL3?

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Imagine actually being hyped to play a game filled with poop jokes

shut the fuck up boomer
take your salty virgin ass back to and cry your unending stream of butt tears on the shoulder of your fellow faggots instead of shutting up another thread with your gay faggty ass opinions

fpbp, this game is proof that manufactured hype can sell anything

using the wrong pronouns for fl4k on the gearbox forums will get you banned

duuuude, youre gonna XD so much while hearing le funny meme jokes in your bland shooter

>manufactured hype
>number 4 in the series
Anyone pretending this game is going to be worse than the average game is retarded.
At minimum it will be the same game as the previous ones where you can sink a few dozen hours into it.
BL3 is as risky as EDF 5.
The formula already solved at this point

POOPY POOPY POOPY PISS SHIT BARF PUKE BLOOD PEE POOPY POOPY *pop culture reference* *meme from 2010*
summed up the game and its predecessors, got to play it early.

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Thanks to Randy I think i'll just skip this.

More like Memelands 3! More like Bordermemes!

im betting you went the full mile and pre-ordered the game just so you can smear extra premium shit on your face before gargling it down faggot.

awwwwwww yis bruh haha!
*hits blunt*
I'm so HYYPPEED for this game it's gonna be epic! XD
*hits blunt*
woah.... dude I just thought of something! I bet theres gonna be a fortnite easter egg bro! thats gonna be lit !!!

haha GOT EM! good job bruh! haha can I suck your dick lol no homo hahaha

uh oh, stinky

I wonder how shit the writing is gonna be this time

I'd rather suck a dick than pay Randy to play Memelands3.

Looks like the same fucking game all over again.

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border lands is fucking garbage

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You wanna suck mine user?

no homo

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why the fuck would I be hyped for borderlands 3

I'll figure out how to launch it whenever it gets cracked, the download will probably be a waste of time but who knows, maybe this time the guns will at least feel good to shoot

What time can we expect the pirate version?


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is it still epic exclusive? ill pass.

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Gets the game hours before yuropoors
feels good to be american

I've played the whole game and I can confirmed there's absolutely nothing in it. You can all go to sleep now

It's fun fuck you all

Good now fuck off this thread

just play borderlands 2 its the same game

I mean, I'm not gonna not play it.

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>my friends love this shit
>they bought me every single game
>I had to play it with them
>have more than 200 hours in each one because of it
>BL 3 launching, already afraid about what is going to happen
>Friends decide not to play it to boycott epic

I never imagined that activism would really make the world better, but now I believe

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