Why are boobs in vidya suddenly considered unethical?
Why are boobs in vidya suddenly considered unethical?
The one on the right is really creepy. She's got beady, predatory eyes, a psychotic smirk, wears gloomy colors on her clothes, and she looks like she's had a mastectomy. She's like a haunted, life-sized china doll.
Chinks seem to really love Tifa. Just stumbled across this:
>Tifa has all the images and characteristics of the goddess, the appearance of the angel, the body of the devil, the sound of a bird, the eyebrow of the willow, the eye of the apricot, the little mouth of the cherry, plus the standard face of the melon, high The nose bridge, all the beautiful features of the oriental women gathered here, especially the long black hair with the wind and the wind, Tifa, such an innocent female image appeared in front of us, while admiring the 3D production technology, let us also The vision has been fully enjoyed.
Keep the design on the left, but add the thigh highs from the right.
white tifa plz
>have literally the most anticipated remake in the entire history of gaming
>shit all over it with censorship
How is it even possible to fail this bad?
Women are getting too much power. It’s a single global attempt to put them back in their place. That’s why there’s such an uprise in trannies as well. Bumping women back down and replacing them with male women
Right, because its impossible she's wearing a sports bra or anything.
Why don't we wait to see her in that Honey Bee Inn dress first, mkay?
Because they make chestlets and trannies insecure. That's the real answer.
>render made for magazines vs cherrypicked youtube crop
I hate that people prop up Team Ninja's terrible doll models (while never actually playing Dissidia NT). You know why remake Tifa doesn't look like the left? Because she's not in a half-assed arena fighting game. She has to actually emote.
I'm usually a critic of how DOA girls look lifeless as well, but honestly they still have SE beat here.
The point of her character is she gets Cucked slot. Cucked by Cloud, by writers, cucked in novels, in compilation, in spinoff, so it makes sense she gets cucked by ethic department too.
The truly incomprehensible thing is that women, by and large, are fine with big boobs. Otome heroines practically always have big boobs.
I literally do not know who they're censoring this game for.
>genderflipped King Arthur
Oh those wacky Japanese.
>I literally do not know who they're censoring this game for.
It's a response to the vocal minority who think females with big boobs is objectifying to all women everywhere.
>Honey Bee Inn
Because Honeybee is also censored. It's official.
You gave women rights. That's how visually appealing females disappear from media. Also you allow politically correct s o y boy emasculated beta simps work in the industry and control companies as well.
Women should not have rights and men with such attitudes must always be fired and black listed from all industries.
user, people were screaming about boobs on the Atari 2600. What changed is who is doing the screaming. Back then it was the ultra conservatives outside the industry. Now it's the extreme left identity politics mongers IN the industry.
>altering areas to look more modern
Honey Bee Inn confirmed to be a FFXV style hotel. It just gets better and better. Every little change they make will piss off the FFVII fans to no end. So like 90% of the game is going to piss them off. After 23 years of these people acting like FFVII is the holy grail of gaming, they're about to be handed a gilded cup full of urine.
>it's not the edited version
fucking hell, threw me for a loop
Because of hemi-demi-semi-trans-levorotary-chiral-ungerade-gendered tranny """"women"""" who think that cutting their dick off makes them female and can't stand being reminded what the real thing looks like.
Actual women have been completely fine with boobs since gaming began barring the obligatory vocal minority.
>otome King Arthur (female) gets to have big boobs
Because for some reason there is a campaign to stifle male sexuality. Anything and everything a woman finds attractive about a male can be displayed and flaunted free from censorship all day long. Even if it's some abstract shit like "how a male character responds to a female character's (or even another male) enotions". Meanwhile since men mostly find attraction visually, their stimulous must be censored, and obstructed from view. Or just eliminated. Basically to keep everyone on equal footing, we need to start censoring the shit in books and other media that gives girls ladyboners. That's probably the biggest dilemma women have with video games. They just don't appeal. Even if the game contains ALL the shit the girl can emotionally latch on to, the GAME portion just does not appeal. In my experience with women, this is the point where they become frustrated and lash out at the game and its creators for having done something wrong.
oh there we are
she fucks cloud and lives with him. the other one fucking dies.
To add to this, I personally know several girls that love all the character interactions in Kingdom Hearts. Axel crying? Even as corny and lame as it was? Still made their pants gush with fluids. Try to get them to sit down and play it though? It's a chore for them. They don't enjoy it. So they don't like games and they absolutely become jealous of 2D fictional women. My ex was jealously asking if a picture of an anniemay girl on my phone was my "girlfriend" with all the bitchy attitude that would come from me having a picture of a girl I was actually fucking. I said "are you jealous of the 2D girl?" She said "yeah, a little.". Women are dumb.
Play less-ethical games.
I actually like Tifa's new design, I just hate the circumstances under which it was made.
you mean to tell me that OP is THE guy that is responsible for women's rights?
men like them and men = bad
lesbians are collateral
Literally this. Huge fan of DFC, and overblown cowtits are not my thing. Still rather see a character retain their identity in spite of current year politics.
It's up.
Fair enough.
Tifa's tits are still a good size and her legs are just as skinny as they are in Dissidia.
What's the problem?
god the left version looks so fucking terrible
it's like she's got a pair of bowls taped onto her chest, they look so fucking shitty
they look like someone who doesn't know how to draw good tits drew a pair of tits and just made circles that stay as far away from each other as possible like magnets
everything else is good but her tits fucking suck
Roasties hate that 2D characters are more attractive than they are.
autists gonna autism
>Make her boobs smaller because big boobs are unrealistic or some shit
>Still keep her stick figure legs and arms
Don't forget her brand new buttshield which makes her twiggy legs look ten times worse.
Fucking kek what are they even doing
Boobs damage the eyes and corrupt the minds of impressionable children.
have sex you fucking losers
That's why Chinese girls have no boobs.
The ones that do get some titties are usually alright. Chubby asian girls are a real treat.
I dunno about that.
I do.
Beautiful women with large breasts don't play video games so their opinion isn't heard.
I'll take your word on that.
Because guys started to listen to women, nothing good can come from this.
tick tock bros
Intersectional feminism.
you hate to see it
What does that even mean?
absolutely based
Today we will get a new glimpse of her, I kinda wonder if she will look more like her NT version since it was so popular
Third wave feminism + identity politics. Or in other words, just identity politics.
This has been my biggest concern about the game since they first showed the trailers. So much of the game's story and writing depends on the visual style to sell it. The goofy stuff that made the game fun to play just isn't going to work with 'realistic' visuals.
If SquareEnix was doing this properly they would have had it look like a DQ or Tales Of game, and would have been able to release it 5-10 years ago.
>non-realistic visuals
Come on man, games have to "grow up" now. We need joyless and self-rightous stories, and absolutely no fanservice.
>The goofy stuff that made the game fun to play just isn't going to work with 'realistic' visuals.
Finally, someone else gets it. But the vast majority of people won't. They'll fall for the marketing, like every FF game.
>If SquareEnix was doing this properly they would have had it look like a DQ or Tales Of game
That's why they're doing the realism though. Final Fantasy from the start has been about doing the opposite of what Dragon Quest does. Sakaguchi himself said this in interviews. But Dragon Quest went for bright and colorful anime style of Akira Toriyama. So Final Fantasy found Amano, who drew dark vampires and worked on sienen anime. And as time went on, they kept transitioning more and more towards a fusion of Sienen anime styles and realism. With a bunch of Hollywood trends piled on top. What's stupid is while they tried to make the style more sienen/realistic, they stick to shounen tropes even more than DQ does. Final Fantasy is the epitome of a flashy exterior, but the core is generic and formulaic.
People would prefer an anime style FFVII, closer to the decades of fanart we've consumed. When most people imagine an FFVII remake in their head, they imagine their favorite anime fan art running on top of pre rendered backgrounds. And it would be a smart business decision for them to do this, because anime just keeps getting more popular in the west every year. And Asia already loves it. But when has Square ever done the smart thing? No, Nomura wants to emulate western games and movies. And Square as a whole wants to be as opposite of Dragon Quest as possible.
And don't let me start with FFAC.
So basically the entire Final Fantasy series was built on contrarianism?
Companies want to pander to the left, becuase it is full of rich people who like to think of themselves as alturistic.
so basically it’s the video game version of Yea Forums?
Pretty much. Sakaguchi has said "Final Fantasy is the antithesis of Dragon Quest." But he's also said that he modeled Final Fantasy off of the success of Dragon Quest. And that his model in the early games was see what Dragon Quest did, then try to surpass it in story and graphics. Because he didn't think he could surpass it in gameplay and design.
In a way, I respect him for being so honest. But he also had ample time to learn what made Dragon Quest so good and incorporate it into his games. I'm not saying copy the style or gameplay (which he did in Blue Dragon anyway). But learn how Horii polishes his games in pacing, interoperate better NPC interaction, have better exploration and so on. Which all of that could be done with unique visuals and story elements.
>she literally smiles and say lets meet her
>a hour later Cloud flirts with her and asks her to settle down with him
I think she is fine
Nope, breasts still too small, legs too skinny and generic face.
NT Tifa is literally perfection
Literally generic. Look, I'm not trying to hate on your personal tastes. But when most models and actresses all have that same body and face, it just gets old. I used to be attracted to it too, when I was a teenager. But it wares on you when it's 90% of what you see in media.
>they even covered up her legs
Those memes about female game characters all being in hijabs is getting closer to reality.
nice horse face
he thinks he can meet a dead friend again (likely to apologize) and tifa feels the same. she was her friend too (tifa's reaction to her death was one of the saddest scenes in the game)
he feels guilty for the death of a friend, that's it. nothing about love mate.
That's not a horse face. This is a horse face
I’m thankful I never once got excited for the FF7 Remake.
I'm sure he wanted to nail her at one point in the game but yeah, the last bit is about making up to Aerith for what he done to her, hence AC
In this case, it's actually the Japanese censors. They have these strange new rules. Both Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy has had to cover legs of girls or the game gets a higher rating. You can show a girl's cleavage and stomach, but not her thighs. Its so very odd.
And then Commie Sony of America is threatening to block games that "objectify women." Making further edits necessary. At this point, it would be better for FFVII to just take the Teen/Mature rating. It would sell better in the west anyway. All those preteen idiots who only buy Mature games.
you should see the storyboard for this and what it was actually intended to convey
Do tell.
You really have to wonder when they decided that Tifa wasn't going to be white anymore.
From their perspective, she's Asian. Because anime can be whatever you want. Also, her twig legs and updated face, it's even more clear they're trying to make her more Asian. It was clear back in AC.
I can't get over her fucking stick body. It just doesn't work at all in a "realistic" graphics style.
But Asians exist in FF7's universe. It's called Wutai.
And Tifa's not from there. Yuffie is.
>Aerith’s beauty follows western aesthetics, while with Tifa they emphasized the cuteness of her face to follow eastern aesthetics.
Have we seen remake Yuffie yet? How are they going to make her more asian compared to Tifa now that Tifa is asian? Give her a straw hat and squinty Brock eyes?
t. little white faggot with a tiny bitch penis
Have you ever considered game developers can freely show bare ass, but not bare boobs?
Titfags BTFO.
god jennifer connelly is a jewish goddess to be perfectly desu
You're putting real world standards on a fictional world that isn't Earth. By your logic, the people in Wutai are "asian" yet the characters don't have any Asian features except Yuffie's grandfather. The real answer is that anime designs, at least Nomura's, don't show the details that separate different ethnicities, such as eye shape. The only character who looks different enough is Barret. And he's basically the only black guy in the whole world. And he lives in the same area as all the "whites."
But the setting is Earth.
You really want to know why?
Horny coom brains like yourself got so toxic and overwhelming in how you fawned over big tiddie ladies that normalfags and moralfags rejected your opened up, cummed up brain. They see it as something that needs rooting out.
Nah, both are following shitty western beauty standards. The FF team is obsessed with making Final Fantasy as western as possible. And as little like anime as possible.
>But the setting is Earth.
Not only are the land features, regions and entire society nothing like Earth, but the planet is clearly called Gaia.
>spinoff handles tifa better than her own series
Does not look like Tifa at all you complete and utter retard.
Let's be honest, porn games have handled Tifa better than her own series.
>what is a reference
See, retard-kun, this is why you can't draw. On top of just being generally weak-willed and lazy.
Too many faggots in this world.
The spin offs handle everything better than the main games.
>thigh highs
nope, fetishist
Polygons don't have sports bra. They only have size
More retarded babble from the insane literal cvmbrain
Nah it looks like fucking shit. It's just executed poorly because of what drives the push in the first place plus the designer's penchant for shitting things up with overdesigning just like his previous work.
Nothing that gets made with the foundation of "let's water this down and make sure it follows sjw guidelines" will ever be any good, it's just a fact like how you could ask an athlete to play using only one leg. No matter how good the athlete is, he's handicapped so naturally the results will be inferior and most likely shit.
>I like when people don't like something
>me? I like everything
>They have these strange new rules.
Nothing strange about it, it's called the Olympics and Sonyfornia. The remake is supposed to be released on the Playstation remember?
Tifa is White
incel copypasta apology
A reference is supposed to look similar, there is nothing similar between the two besides possibly the color of their hair.
>Hairstyle - different
>Eye color - different
>Eyebrow thickness - different
>Skin tone - different
>Nose shape - different
>Eye shape - different
>Earrings - different
>Tits shape - different
>Lip size - different
>Lip color - different
>Tank top cleavage - different
You have no proof, you just spam this retarded shit as a meme.
I guess there's no Asians in America either because it's not called China or Japan or Korea. Retard.
and the fucking black legs
Watch out he’s going to samefag you now
Those are called stockings, but unlike real ZR, ya know genuine absolute territory and not zoomer bandwagoner ironic weebs, it just looks painted on like textures instead of showing what ZR's true value is, skindentation.
>a modern society with travel equates to a monster-ridden fantasyworld where the country in question still practices isolationism
Did you just not play the game? Or are you literally retarded? Or both?
I love yellow bantz.
>reveal on 9/11
2 nukes for 2 planes
Ah yes practice isolationism must mean absolutes, no possible exceptions over the passage of time. That worked so well for China and Japan right?
You're just plain retarded you cuck, now go work on your bleached.com and fuck off your insecurity is so pathetic I'm sure everyone here by now knows you've had nigger dick up your ass when you were a child.
Nice projection. Too bad I've actually had sex. With girls who have even bigger tits than Tifa.
follow your own advice, tranny
Everybody stop fighting and post tifa.
>waaa I can't touch myself to this fictional woman she's ruined
No one can accurately portray Tifa in a detailed style. Because her original style was devoid of details besides red eyes and a big chest. People just imagined in their heads what she should look like or picked their favorite fan artist interpretation of her. And the official design won't look anything like what people imagined. This remake was a bad idea on every level. Except that all you fags will still buy it just on the hype and FFVII name. Despite whining and complaining about every single change.
Nice reading comprehension, since he went on to mention Sony.
because men like them
everything men like is unethical because we have penises
I'm slightly angrier about that shitty starfield on the right than I am the lefty pandering. Definition of soulless right there and apparently they've lost the plot on what makes FF special.
I would be fine with Tifa's new design if not for the painted on thighhighs and disgusting chicken legs.
Damn, you're right.
>playing a JRPG for its western feel
literal genius
english please, incel
it's called "let's put batman in shorts"
stockings don't belong to Tifa's design
(nothing against ZR where it fits, tho, even if I don't care for the fetish)
>You gave women rights.
Our retarded grandparents did to buy votes/support for their ideologies in the short term. Now it's as sacred as gibsmedats to 90% of the population.
FF7 with the FF8 aesthetic would havve been perfect
When is TGS?
>RE Outbreak style game trailer
>But when most models and actresses all have that same body and face
Actually, ever since Advent Children gave her the photorealism treatment, Tifa's one of the very few conventionally attractive vidya characters that I can almost instantly pick out by face alone. It's hard to put into words, but she just has a serene, but also a soulful intensity to her face and facial expressions that isn't really all that prevalent in most vidya heroines. That's why the in-game Remake model bothers me so much; that kind intensity is gone and what's left looks more like a somewhat competent cosplayer than Tifa herself.
I'm still a hardcore Aerisfag, though.
Soi virtue signaling
Nothing about Tifa is unethical.
nuTifa, as badly designed as it is, is still better than that goblin
Insecure women have made large breasts a shameful thing in their circles, and quite a few of those circles are blogging and vidya development. The excuse is that large breasts objectify women, so clearly no female character should ever have big tiddies.
The actual reason is of course, envy. If the situation were genderswapped with muscled pecs or big male packages as the sex symbol in question, in a female-pioneered media being saturated by males, you'd start seeing the same scenario play out; The "incels" trying to erase the "chad standard" or whatever, because they have a complex and think they're in a position with enough power to recondition society.
What bothers me is it's working on some people. I've got a friend who gets genuinely upset over blatant sex appeal. He thinks it's the progressive thing to do, which is fucking insane in the context of history. I don't advocate for everything to look like Dead or Alive or Senran Kagura, but sexual repression is hardly the answer and will backfire just as it always has.
>Why are boobs in vidya suddenly considered unethical?
literally jealous women and seething trannies
>the nose bridge
Excuse me.
>They have these strange new rules
FF7 is CERO C. It's rated the same as Neps. DQ is rated CERO A. Don't make up shit when you don't know fact from fiction.
>upset over blatant sex appeal
For me I only get upset when people sexualize Samus, I know she is supposed to be physically attractive but I love her because of the suit not what's underneath
>You should sexualize characters the way i wanted
>You shouldn't sexualize characters the way You wanted
How does it feels to know you're as bad as SJWs?
Fraid so
Tifa is still hot as fuck, you're all pathetic
>Why are boobs in vidya suddenly considered unethical?
Because a large number of males are lactose intolerant, thats why they drink soý.
All they have to do is give her the original design as an optional outfit.
Also the dress and cowboy outfit and whatever she had in the original game.
FF7 characters are all asian. Not pinkeys
>everything is fine
0.000002$ has been deposited to your account, Mr. Goldbergstein.
you have to be 15 or a fucking wizard to be upset about this.
Based as fuck.
>censorship is acceptable
Have sex.
>y-you're imagining it! There's nothing different exdee
>i-it's a translation error, g-guys!
>s-she's wearing a sportsbra, incel!
>s-sh'es still hot! W-who c-cares?!
>lol, it's such a minor change only [autist/vigins] would care about it!
Every censorship thread like clockwork the shills follow this progression. I'm pretty sure by now I could duplicate the script-outline SE feeds their shills with a 90% fidelity.
friendly reminder
you guys know you can hire prostitutes right
you dont need to use games to get off
you know you can post on pedoera right
no need to make retarded posts on Yea Forums
I fucking hate Roberto Ferrari now
didn't they hire him because they said jap devs tend to make white characters look too asian and he should keep them in check?
kinda ironic since they turned everyone asian now in the remake when originally it was only yuffie
YEARS AGO they tried to turn this fucking world INSIDE out and seize control of all major banking INSTALLATIONS. THEY WERE responsible after all. They knew that by CONTROLLING the population with mainstream entertainment they could influence an generation of weaklings. Perhaps nazi germany was right after all. DICK all to this shit. Start using your BRAIN. Absolute swiped up fuckers cant even hear the alarms going off.
shit. Sauce me, friend?
>8.5 hours ago
good luck
>and not zoomer bandwagoner ironic weebs
Glad someone said it. Fuck secondaries.
To answer the OP's question; liberals seemly want ALL fanservice purged from Japanese media and quarantined to hentai. Why? I don't know.
christ almighty
why do they bother censoring it if it's not a big deal and just a pixelated T rated game?
That's the million dollar question that apologists can never answer.
No Tifa has spats too, but also stockings, and a skirt. It's rather retarded, especially since the skirt and spats are both black so you can't even see any contrast between them resulting in just black blob when the skirt flutters around.
If you draw some eyes on the exposed thigh portion you can call it a lower half burka!
Where did it all go so wrong?
What a retarded argument
What an intellectual post.
>saddest fucking image ever
Yeah I actually totally totally agree with him. There exists no reason to censor such a small detail for no reason except poorly defines social justice no one asked for.
look into your hearts user
her tits look fucking bad in dissidia
Loled at this pic because it's so fucking accurate.
It's a pretty trite list they go down.
neck yourself
Ehrgeiz Tifa is the true Tifa
Thats Bioware-tier animation.
no it fucking isn't
doomers will literally complain about anything
That's something we say here, newfag.
May your mother cut your head off with a chainsaw in your sleep.
It's on Newgrounds. It's breast expansion, not scat.
it is tho.
Especially the hair. Riggid like a plonk
Tifa pubes
And most people don't even care.
At least with that fucking sonic movie people cared.
Fuck is wrong with people. Nuke the world.
This isn't /an/ go post monkeys elsewhere.
her face is a million times better even if her tits are smaller
also at least she has the original outfit and hair
(C92) [Mimoneland (Mimonel)] Nakama to Issen Koechau Hon ~FF Hen 2~ (Final Fantasy) [English] [desudesu]
based friend
In CM this is at least 94m why is nobody talking about this?
Because fags ruin everything.
Do you have evidence to back that up? Eyeballing it doesn't count.
disgusting furry
I feel like I'm more bothered by her thigh highs and sticc arms and legs.
she just doesn't look like she can generate any power in her punches and kicks.
also they got rid of her little studded metal plate on her boot?
wtf. I always loved that little detail.
I can't find it on NG
You forgot how her new clown boots are loose as hell whereas her old ones had thick socks stuffed in them to cushion her kicks in combination with the metal plate. For being a more 'simplistic' design it sure as hell had a lot more thought put into it than the garbage we have now where there's no purpose of aesthetic theme to it.
the world is steadily progressing towards cute and funny
(and that's a good thing)
>[japanese chink talk] gentlemen, we need to make sure the final fantasy remake connects with a modern audience. we must consult with the fat women with pink hair and childless men in western studios who have created masterpieces such as mafia 3, uncharted the lost legacy, mass effect andromeda, wolfenstein the new colossus and youngblood
You might be joking but it's not exactly hard to have Sony contact these people given they are roughly all in the same city.
>Thats Bioware-tier animation.
dude what
you're a fuckin idiot
absolutely flat
This kills the Yea Forums
Its sad that women in real life will have a bigger average boob size than videogame characters in our lifetime
Her original design is so cute. Cowboy Tifa melts my heart.
Because in the latest version of feminism, women have to be like men.
Femininity is bad now.
Real life and facts = bad
Ugly females really ought to just be removed from the gene pool, their endless spite, envy and malevolence just makes the world as a whole uglier for every ugly female that exists.
I like socks
Why does her posture on the left look so ridiculous?
Because it's PoundMeToo and basedny doesn't want to be a part of rape culture that objectifies women.
you shut your whore mouth. you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
is it an earthquake or are they becoming zombies?
>is it an earthquake or are they becoming zombies?
That's not the saddest image ever. "DerekOfTheDykes" profile pic beats it already.
Jesus fuck what a piece of shit game this is. I can't believe I used to be hyped for it.
thats why
shut the fuck up you retard
I read "Boots" in OP and I got worried for a second.
>im a 5 year old autism who can't tolerate other opinions
Because you are a retard who takes his mental marching orders from gamer gate /pol/ fags, you can see tits in dozens of games from the new borderlands to whatever gay ass fantasy games have come out recently
I bet you are.
>imagine boasting about having sex on an image board
You're obese, aren't you?
And you're not? I can smell your neckbeard from here
I'm 6'4" 160 lbs. You tell me, tubby.
But Final Fantasy is all about big-breasted and/or scantily clad monstrosities.
Fucking manlet fat ass. 7' 230 pounds.
>lanklet making fun of chubsters as if women like fucking skeletons
Sad times on this Guatemalan Volcano Watching board
Your mother didn't seem to mind.
fucking based