Games only you played


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Hey I played that, A Kappa's Trail, mostly just wanted to support Brownie Brown a little after pirating Mother 3

I unironically really liked this game. Fight me.

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I never saw anyone mention it on Yea Forums ever.
Did you finish the game? At one point it becomes really hard.

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Nope, didn't get too far, never seen anyone bring it up here either though

your IP has been logged

i win

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What button do I press to kill-myself in real life?
I still have it installed

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Why is the mermaid from mother 3 there?

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Everyone played the flash game. No one played this.

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someone else must have played this, right?
i really liked learning games as a kid, had a bunch of the reader rabbit games, there was one game that was like 10 discs or more with a yellow brick road and i had to read stuff to progress - it might have been a hooked on phonics game but i'm not really sure as it was 25+ years ago, one of the last learning games i ever played was about a whacky family in a house that sorta looked like something out of what remains of edith finch, weird construction, rooms that didn't quite fit with the rest of the house, each family member had puzzles to do in their own zones, never finished it. i remember a bathroom puzzle where i had to learn longitude and latitude and navigate a toy boat around the bathtub - so much stuff i recall from being a kid but i can't really place the name

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might have been this one

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>implying I hadn't hacked my wii by then
user, please

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Is there any way to emulate or put dsi ware on r4 cards or anything? Are all those games lost to time?

Looks comfy

This game was comfy

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Developed by Brownie Brown, same guys who did Mother 3.
There's also a pigmask and ocho (the octopus) cameos.

I can't even find a rom

It's a shame this didn't get a physical release.

wait a minute... that guy in the corner...

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There's also a Pig Mask helmet on the title screen sometimes, and maybe one other Mother 3 thing i'm forgetting