I thank god every day I'm not cliff bleszinski

I thank god every day I'm not cliff bleszinski.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>"Ha ha ha, somebody tried something, and failed! Am I right guys? I may not amount to anything, but at least I didn't fail!"

>gender neutral toilets are a feature!!!!

It's okay, Cliffy. At least you aren't Anthony Burch.

>make a hero shooter
>call it an arena shooter
nice work cliffy

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Unpopular opinion but Lawbreakers was actually a good game.

>someone is an arrogant ass about something, flip flops between "fuck yeah omg awesome" to "and we're totally inclusive dudes" in some wierd detached marketing attempt, and spends all it's time trying to gain the attention of a few streamers instead of the whole market


never forget youtube.com/watch?v=o13N08SRvho

battleborne, radical heights lawbreakers, no man's sky, mafia 3, evolve, mass effect Andromeda, watch dog 2, sea of thieves, crackdown 3, why the fuck isn't this industry crashing already??? There's so much big titles failing lately it's incredible.

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this shits still funny. never gets old.

like a richard and mortimer iv drip

based truth spewing user

>1 million views
>900 likes and even fewer comments

explain this shit


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It was better than Overwatch and Battleborne

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Do you think the game failed to this?

Mafia 3 sold better than any other Mafia game m8. You disliking it doesn't change that.

Did it manage to have a stupidly large budget or something? I feel like we would be hearing more about another sequel by now if Mafia 3 was a success

Not specifically, no, but it was pretty obvious that they had no clue how to market their game and what they even want it to be if they tried to pass something like this as a feature

And RE5 is the most successful RE game. Wait, both of these games have something in common...

hey cliff. I think its funny how you and randy try to take credit for fortnite. peace out "homie"

t. Dude Huge

p.s. hows the book coming along?

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I don't like how a narcissist like this guy has worked on some games I do like. I just pretend he was just an overblown PR man and everyone else did the work.

>It's the dark souls of first person shooters
What made him say that Yea Forums?

What if Randy Pitchford, Cliff Bleszinski, and Anthony Burch joined forces? Could they be stopped?


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Really easily, because their clashing egos would cripple anything they try to do.

Daily reminder that CliffyB didnt even told his head developer that he was shutting down the company

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At least he stuck his neck out attempted to make something ambitious. When was the last time you did that OP? At least he has Gears of War and VR money to keep him rich. What have you done with your life? :D

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anything is better than battleborn

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is that a "which way western man" or a "soul, soulless"?
>you're not going to change japan
>so we need to shoehorn the ugliest characters we can into our games to cancel them out

>and spends all it's time trying to gain the attention of a few streamers instead of the whole market
CuckyB begging ninja to stream his putrid game for free after shitting on streamers has to bee the lowest point of the bosskey saga

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>I thank god everyday that I’m not a wealthy successful video game creator with several hits and a massive blockbuster franchise under his resume and invested in VR early and made bank and has a smoking hot wife and gets to lounge, play games, have sex, vacation, and enjoy his retirement. And he tried something new and it failed? Wow! End of the world

This is Cliff by the way. Lol. You guys are a riot. Thanks for talking about me tho. Lawbreakers was a great learning experience.


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>What have you done with your life? :D
Not releasing Lawbreakers

>Cliffy replies to his own post with "Savage AF"

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not be s cringelord like cliff blifartski

n-word protagonists?

hes the Dobson of vidya

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Can someone give me a non-meme answer as to what exactly was wrong with the game and how Cliffy messed up?

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>daily reminder that the ugly russian with a mohawk is a rape survivor that killed the russian hackers that abused her
CliffyB was insane

Retarded fag spends all his time on v critiquing things instead of playing games

I tried it when they were doing open betas, it just wasn't very good.

It was also barely known about at all, I only found it because of a Yea Forums thread.

i personally prefer those gorillas cause i like such gekiga style like fist of the north star. its his style, and i want to respect it but yeah nobody would feel they are attractive. he needed to be less sjw and casual and push an extremely manly world. pandering to modern progressive faggots and tumblr rainbowism kill everything good including the traditional gorilla styles.

>overdesigned meme

What causes devs to go, "yep make everyone incomprehensible and soulless" when determining the art design?

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It was mostly from the bland art design but the gameplay was suffering from indecision between PC style arena shooter and straight Overwatch clone and the mix was about as soulless as the character designs

>CliffyB leaves EPIC, because no one cared about his BILLION DOLLAR IDEAS
>Epic only wanted him slaved to Gears of War
>Retires from gaming, gets insanely rich from facebook VR money
>Decides to go back to Vidya
>Cofounds Bosskey productions
>His studio has 60 employees working on a game trying to compete with AAA shooters
>His game is Overwatch, but F2P and with ugly as fuck characters
>The game is taking a long time to be finished and money is getting short
>He makes a deal with chinamen to get more money, the game stops being F2P and its $30 now
>Focuses on PS4 and PC, because more people have PS4 and it makes financial sense
>Almost no marketing budget
>Spends the budget paying twitch streamers 20k to play the game on release date
>The game is competent, but the ugly as fuck characters and "Dark Soulesque" gameplay keeps most people away
>Cliffy spends 10 months trying to blame everything for the failure, PUBG, the game difficulty, it being released at the end of summer, the logo making people confused and finally him acting like an asshole to its potential customers
>Chinamen claim the game is a 30 million dollar flop and decide to stop supporting it
>CliffyB drops the game and goes on to release a PUBG 80s themed clone
>It dies in a couple of months and shuts down his studio
>A year later he claims Yea Forums hacked his game and it was the reason it failed

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Which one? Lawbreakers was a clumsy Overwatch ripoff and Radical Heights was a barely playable BR. LB did have the gravity gimmick and that was fun for two seconds but otherwise it pretty grating.

i honestly think that if that game would have like all white male cast it would succeed
black negress is very not aesthetic

Oh yeah, remember when we hacked a mediocre shooter to defeat the extremely important guy who hasn't made a decent game in over a decade? Right after we hacked the American election, Brazilian election and Brexit Referendum.
What's this guy on?

>Cliffy B, rich from Occulus investments and Tencent buying out his Epic shares, makes a new company with Guerrilla Games co-founder Arjan Brussee
>Lawbreakers is pitched to every major publisher, who all pass on it
>Nexon steps in, seeing the shooter as their key to breaking the NA market. They purchase 30% of the company and become their chief financier and publisher
>Cliffy gets overzealous and calls it "a billion dollar IP" and "the Dark Souls of shooters"
>Game comes out with little fanfare or marketing because Nexon treats their games like shit
>Steep rec specs means it runs badly on toasters
>Bland art direction and character design make characters difficult to recognize given the game's high speed
>No tutorial at launch
>The game's playerbase evaporated in a month before the ranked mode even launched
>Brussee leaves Boss Key to go back to Epic when offered to be chief director on the mobile version of Fortnite
>Nexon, realizing their didn't get their billion dollar IP, pull the plug on funding
>Game languishes as the joke of the internet
>Boss Key makes Radical Heights to try and get a publisher to bankroll them, but it fails
>Cliffy shuts down the company, and now there's probably some magical landfill full of unsold Lawbreakers hats and hoodies

>have sex
gay sex?

fuck off cliff

Ewe Boll could stop them.

>No tutorial at launch
Holy crap, I forgot about that, their tutorials were nothing but links to youtube videos

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top fucking kek

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>What's this guy on?
huffing his own farts

I love diversification in ensemble casts, LB was really just shit. Having all white males would not have made it any better.

>Nobody gives a shit because Rick and Morty fans may eat shit, but not all shit.

Proof or stop LARPing fagotron.

Bought views, likes and comments cost extra, it just wasn't in the budget.

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The game sucked shit.
>Wants to be an Arena shooter
>Adds "Zero-G" areas that suck ass to actually play in (because it's just putting you a molasses zone, counter to Arena shooter gameplay)
>Throws in Overwatch press Q-to-awesome in a desperate attempt to poach Overwatch players
>Arena shooter folks hate it because it's not Q3 or UT
>MOBA babbies hate it because the press-Q-to-awesome isn't awesome.
>Dies on the vine before ranked mode happens
>Even if that happened nobody would've gave a shit because the gameplay sucks to where suffering through ranks wouldn't have mattered.

>tweets "the internet wants me to make a new game sooo bad"
>gets BTFO'd by a leprechaun

>only people without helmets are womyn
>the prominent female featured on the cover is an ugly gorilla

Yeah it was doomed to fail.

The entertainment industry of today relies on ultra-successful projects to compensate for the failures. (This all-in approach also means no more medium-sized, "AA" endeavors designed to make a modest profit. So it's either AAA mega-projects with bloated marketing that costs more than the actual product, or "indie" shit.)

it will take a few years. will be like the comic industry. its taken over by sjws since 2013 or so. vertigo comics was finally shut down by dc a few month ago due to woke comics that sold like shit

at least we'll always have tokyo

It required skill so all the neo PC gamers who claim to be PC Master Race gods cried because they couldn't just hit U to win the game like in Overwatch.

>teleporting melee attacks that make Halo 2 plasma swords look like they take skill
>overabundance of automatic weapons
>only a handful of characters get fun movement privileges
>neo-CoD tier map design
Still better than Overwatch

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It was just a bland ass hero shooter.

It wasnt casual friendly which was the mrket they were targeting. Shit took skill

>copies fortnite 6 months after it comes out
>calls everyone who doesn't like his version a nazi misogynist



How was the gameplay, though?

They literally say the new update has astroturf. Sounds like they weren't lying.

It was alright, most of its gameplay issues are also in Overwatch

Are there really only six people in space? I figured there were usually around like 20-30 people up there doing various science shit.