Pick your character Yea Forums
Pick your character Yea Forums
Cyborg here
How long until the darkcel DLC gets added?
He's been my main in all the other entries
>tfw combination of the Cerebrotonic, Mouse and Sloth
>I'm just an asshole to people now since it's the only way for me to get pleasure from strangers
Holy shit, wageslave fits me 100%
Image for ants
Somewhere between cyborg and wannabe nowadays. Ex sloth/mouse, still have a few traits of each of those though (nervous tics, awkward as fuck in public events, etc).
me too except i get arrested at least once a year, and money just keeps me afloat, not too worried about it
God I miss maining the sloth. If only my life's current meta would allow it
little bit of wage slave, little bit of cerebrotonic, and a little bit of cyborg. i dont really feel like i fit with any of these 100% though. i guess thats a good thing.
super autist here
fuck off
The Mouse hits too close to home
I'm just a normal guy who feels bored on the internet and visits Yea Forums sometimes, been here for 8 years but the humour and retardation of Yea Forums has been tiresome for a while now.
Making fun of blacks, females, and gays is not that funny when you have befriended them irl and know they're real people with real problems, quite a few of which are directly related to their identity, i really feel like i've outgrown this place's ceaseless hate and vitriol, it all just sounds so childish to me.
I think pretty much everyone on Yea Forums will be the cyborg.
Mouse describes me perfectly.
>I'm just a normal guy who feels bored on the internet and visits Yea Forums sometimes, been here for 8 years but the humour and retardation of Yea Forums has been tiresome for a while now.
>Making fun of blacks, females, and gays is not that funny when you have befriended them irl and know they're real people with real problems, quite a few of which are directly related to their identity, i really feel like i've outgrown this place's ceaseless hate and vitriol, it all just sounds so childish to me.
some people just failed to grow up. its a real shame Yea Forums and the other big boards are in such a pathetic state now, everything was so innocent back then.
you've successfully evolved to reddit
I guess that's what growing up means in this place.
cerebrotonic but I enjoy cooking
This, but unironically
the funny thing about this meme is the fact that the guy that created it probably already killed himself over the fact that /r9k/ is normalfag central now
Sloth is uncomfortably accurate and I don't know how to break out of this pit im in.
>Making fun of blacks, females, and gays is not that funny when you have befriended them irl
As someone who actually has. It makes joking even funnier.
>Will never understand there's a difference between being racially black and culturally black
>The fact that some of them'll be butt hurt until you get on your knees and kiss their feet
>Secretly thirstier than the most incel-virgin-neet
>either fall in love with one of their one night flings or becomes an emotional unavailable meat clam until their ovaries dry up
>WTF why can't I fuck everything that moves and not have bad things happen to me?
>WAHH why do my partners always cheat on me/act so unstable?
>You know those straight guys who think they can turn a lesbo straight with the power of their dick? Every gay thinks a straight man is just one dicking away from becoming homo like them.
I can't say nothing to help cause I'm the cause of their problems as a white man. But it's funny watching them wriggle and writhe in their own personally created hells.
Cerebrotonic is closet trans
I don't hate gays or black people but it's still funny calling all you faggots nigger.
Cerebrotonic leaning towards Sloth
i used to fit the wannabe archetpe 100 percent. it's really weird seeing a picture which basically stares into your soul to call you out on your bullshit
atleast its not a wojack
cyborg sloth reporting in
Cyborg here. I constantly feel like I'm at the bottom of the social barrel but then I keep finding examples of people who are way worse than I am, like legitimately socially retarded and it makes me feel good that I'm still able to talk to people.
Cyborg except for that last point.
super autist/sloth hybrid
cerebrotronic with a few elements of the mouse. except that I have zero interest in romance/sex.
>tfw wageslave/mouse
>I'm literally all the niggers on the top
It hurts
Mix of Sloth and Mouse, never been to r9k tho
They're just autistic, faggot. Leave them alone. Especially the girls, leave them alone you fucking tranny menaces
I am literally the fucking mouse with a bit of cerebrotronic
Cyborg with sloth tendencies
>tfw im a mouse
I guess I'm closest to Cerebrotronic, but I'm still too sociable for that. Does that make me a normalfag?
>Loves anonymity for it's blindness and may use it as his primary social channel, although he still craves physical contact and deeper more personal connection
What if you're none of these?
We're gonna make it brah.
then you're a fucking normalfag
Cerebrotonic but also complete normie scum
I'm pretty happy about that then
>Might really like trains
Was this updated after flaming moe's or what
Cerebrotonic with Wageslave sub-class
>hate my job even though it pays well
>hate my life even though I should be happy
>desire companionship but fear intimacy
Autists have always been attracted to trains. See: thomas the tank engine's adult fanbase
Im supposed to study for a life defining test I will have in the end of the year
>Somone posting on Yea Forums could be normal
Literally lmaoing at this gigafag
>tfw my mom said I used to love trains
That's normal for a kid, dude. Don't sweat it.
Post-2016 Yea Forums is one hell of a place.
tfw cerebrotonic sloth
wageslave cerebrotonic
I'm a 29 year old Mouse. I just want friends.
I definitely used to be the wannabe but I'm a bit more self-aware than I used to be.
is this it? looks like there's another layer below...
Sorta cerebrotonic here, fuck me..
Some mix of cerebrotonic, the mouse, and the sloth
sloth and super autist are based
>tfw a combination of mouse and sloth
Suicide is an inevitability.
i think i would have to say a cerebrotronic mouse, with a trace of elephant man thanks to the last couple points, with one key change in that if a cashier were to smile at me i would automatically assume it to not be genuine.
Wait, that isn't normal behavior?
what kinda vidya you like user?
I'm 100% cerebrotonic.
Damn, I'm actually everything in the sloth category down to a T save for the loving parents part. I need to go to a therapist.
No you don't bro just keep shitposting here on Yea Forums with your based cyber friends
>Yea Forums
Typically what you expect from someone on Yea Forums; games with customization, usually rpgs or stuff like Souls games, even to my own detriment like literally restarting to make a new character. Mystery games like Phoenix Wright and Danganronpa. I like co-op but obviously I don't touch those a lot.
I like the idea of RTS games and 4x type deals but I'm no good at rushing. I'm kind of thick. I'm alright at FPS.
I fit literally every point under Cerebrotronic, Mouse, Sloth and Elephant man except for the frail body part under Mouse, since I'm rather stocky.
hello, Le Frog Memes
Yeah I remember restarting Prey 12 hours in just because of how disappointing typhon abilities are.
It's a bit weird but the Nancy Drew mystery games are actually pretty good and campy, would recommend if your a fan of the genre.
I used to be big into Starcraft II but dropped it after heart of the swarm, trying to get back in, but I can barely macro fast enough to keep my money low. Watch koreans more than I play now.