What's the most recent game that is the most similar to SWAT 4?
What's the most recent game that is the most similar to SWAT 4?
Ready or Not aka SWAT 5
Really great game
Not a whole lot of options at the moment.
People that think SWAT 4 is great should give SWAT 3 and the Red Storm developed Rainbow Six games a try. They take some tweaking to get running reliably, but they're smarter tac-sims.
Is it better than Raven Shield?
I literally just finished playing it and thought it was great.
Damn. The trailer looks kino
There was an alpha a few days ago. There was a non disclosure but you can still find gameplay pretty easily. It looks...alright.
Door Kickers
not that user but yes. not because Raven Shield is bad or anything, SWAT just captures tacticool shootan better.
I remember following a game called Ground Branch a while ago that looked pretty tactical but I haven't heard about it in a good minute.
must be a pain to code AI reactions
>Hands up!
>He says while murdering
Ready or Not, once it's actually out.
I'm in the alpha, it's going to be a rolling thing until beta and release. It's shaping up pretty well, though it's still very early and rough. Don't put in for the alpha supporter edition expecting an early access game, because it's not. It's an internal testing build.
Does any one have any PDFs of SWAT training manuals? I want to make a SWAT style game and curious about all the formations and techniques
Typical american police officer
do you need training to shoot unarmed twitch streamers?
>not because Raven Shield is bad or anything, SWAT just captures tacticool shootan better.
Wut? The tacticool shooting aspects of SWAT 3/4 are the weakest part of them, they're both great games, but Ravenshield really does do tacticool shootan way better than both.
What SWAT 3 does fucking amazingly is buddy AI that can clear rooms better than any game ever made, and what SWAT 4 does fucking amazingly is atmosphere and polish... at the expense of pretty woeful AI for buddies and suspects. Both SWAT 3/4 offer better control of your squad than Ravenshield, but for straight up co-op tacticool shooting Ravenshield is pretty much the golden standard, especially with the analog leaning, door opening etc
>tfw Tarkov will never be good
LMFAO, SWAT is almost entirely comprised of cops who have been larping for too long, the training is minimal.
Rainbow Six 3 is kino, can confirm. There is a full version on PC with all DLC, at least on Steam.
Not sure what the multiplayer base is like, so you might need to sync with friends if you're looking for that.
I also had it on original Xbox (still have the copy.) Fun times. Not 1:1 with SWAT 4, but as close as you'll get with a mainstream game as far as I know of.
Fine, who's well trained with small squad formations and tactics?
army has some guides like that online, google it
raven shield was fucking great, I miss playing co-op with my friends in high school. that game had an awesome M14.
Also to answer your question, yes, SWAT 4 is probably the best tactical shooter ever made.
Isn't there a mod for SWAT 4 that allegedly fixes the AI?
Rainbow Six Siege
I want a multiplayer game like SWAT 4 or Raven Shield. I don't know how it would work but I want it.
there's literally one coming out next year called Ready or Not.
LMAO, Siege is nothing like SWAT 4. It is another bland arcade shooter with a SWAT "theme." But no SWAT mechanics.
How long does it take to git gud at SWAT 3/4? Whenever I try to get into either I walk away shamefaced from getting fucked so hard.
Well you can play both of the games you've listed online already. But a modern version (if done properly) would be nice.
Have you ever even played SWAT?
shouldn't take too long, just take it slow. I do remember failing the first mission in SWAT 3 like 20 times before completing it the first time I played it though, there is definitely a learning curve.
does anyone have a link to that video of a bunch of Yea Forums anons playing SWAT 4 and all them screaming and pelting the old lady in mission 2 with beanbags?
I find it more fun with friends, but requires some tunnel software to emulate a LAN. But since the game is easy to pirate, it is just a matter of convincing your buddies to try some slightly older FPS SWAT game.
It's more fun this way, I think.
Patience and a bit of luck.
I remember getting fucked over and over in the nightclub mission doing it solo.
"I'm not resisting!" - as they violently thrash and resist arrest
idk about SWAT but I tried playing Rainbow 3 on PC and it was beyond dead.
Why is there no HD version of SWAT4 with proper online co-op yet?
>finally got a couple friends to let me teamviewer over to their machines and get hamachi and SWAT 4 installed so we could LAN it
>mfw they didn't like the game thought it was too slow and methodical where they just wanted to run and gun with m4's
Well with most older games you need your own organized group. SWAT 4 is really dead because there is no online, you have to use LAN tunneling software to emulate being connected by LAN.
But if you can get a group together and play, it is a blast.
You could always beg Yea Forums to play with you if you are indeed so lonely.
Does SWAT4 have a server browser?
yes but not one that works now because it was gamespy I think. there might be a custom server out there you can hit with some file editing but most people who play it these days seem to just use hamachi and LAN it.
>have friends over
>'hey you wanna try SWAT? It's slow but a bit more tactical'
>they say yes and play swat
>weeks later I'm that user who plays those weird games
Since then, I only play multiplayer games with you guys
>Met my best friend through the old DayZ mod
>Play a shitload of slower more tacticool games
>Always have a bro down to try some random game as long as it's co-op
Feels good man.
try Mount Your Friends if you ever catch it onsale.
It was big during the 360 era, but I think it's on Steam now too.
I would love play SWAT 4 with Yea Forums but I'm irrationally scared to join servers listed on here.
that voice acting is terrible
True. LAN tunneling with a bunch of Yea Forumstards does sound like a bad idea.
My thought as well. No tension, they sound like they couldn't care less.
>SWAT 4 best sim.
No son, that would be SWAT 3.
but I love all of them
watching some well coordinated coop videos of rainbow six vegas 2 always makes me want to play it. perhaps i should pirate it
t. some anonymous fucking nobody on a video games board on 4channel
cuff that clown
It's anything but.
Uplay+ is free this month. Raven Shield, Vegas and Vegas 2 are all on there.
Well it certainly doesn't add much else to the table other than "instead of planting bomb, you plant defuser" and character selection rather than gun loadouts.
Very innovative.
It's coming
that's why is in closed alpha. the dev put nda in it so people don’t think and jumping to conclusion that this is what the finished game look like and then stop follow the game. the game is far from finished btw
just play SWAT4 with super sampling, still looks p good at 4K
>School shooters
>Human trafficking brothels
>Child trafficking
I'm digging the nightmare route the game is going with.
>no Yea Forums
Lucky thing we're on 4channel
that's neat. SWAT 4 flirted that stuff here and there but if RoN dives into that stuff it'll be awesome.
he's not wrong tho
That literally is more innovative than whatever game devs are doing these days kek
I never played Swat 4 and I'm considering buying it on GOG. How long is the campaign?
it's a pretty long game that's made longer by actually being pretty damned challenging at times. the GOG version includes the expansion too, so you'll be set for content if you get it.
You should get 10-20 hours, since the GOG version also includes the expansion pack. Also depends on the difficulty you play on, the higher ones are fucking ballbusting when it comes to how clean you need to be.
Battlefield: Bad Company had destruction over 10 years ago. The characters are just a sad ripoff of faggy "hero shooters" like Overwatch.
I play Siege and think it's fun, but don't be fucking retarded about it.
I'm the user that said Siege and I only said it as a joke because the game is not tactical in the slightest. At least not anymore. It was fun at first when people did try playing tactical though. Now it's CoD with abilities.
Empire of dirt. Other things being shit in the genre doesn't make the king of garbage good.
I really need to dig that out. I only vaguely remember playing it and dropping it because I just wanted to run around guns blazing.
decently long. I recommend playing the first few levels on easy until you get the flow of the game and then starting over on normal or hard depending on how confident you're feeling.
It is safe to say that the voice acting will improve, it is probably just placeholder lines
I love my buddy to death but holy fuck I hate that he suddenly develops crippling adhd when we try to play anything remotely slow.
breaching while shouting POLICE and firing wildly was funny exactly once.
A lot of games have destructible environments, no kidding. Nobody gives a f*ck about Battlefield games anymore though. There's nothing '''Overwatch''' about Siege at all
>posts alpha footage
>anons complain about it
>one user defends the game
>video goes down
VOID employee get out
>There's nothing '''Overwatch''' about Siege at all
Now you're just being retarded on purpose.
that's exactly how it went for me. by the 3rd level in they all did that every time, wed all die, and after a few times of that when I'd suggest that we set up a plan and plan it nice and synced up, they said the game was boring and slow. I wish I had bros to play tactical shit with. I do have one but he wouldn't be willing to go back to SWAT 4, so hopefully he's up for RoN when it hits.
>There's nothing '''Overwatch''' about Siege at all
lmao you must be trolling
Siege was fun, but it eventually became frustrating. Knowing all the map layouts and camera locations was a bit much. Add on top of that the ridiculous amount of getting shot through tiny holes.
It was fun when it was brand new. Metagaming ruined it.
More like arteryblock
Why did you post Gridlock? You're not proving anything to me other than she's a Siege character that fits in the Rainbow Six or Clancy universe
>he suddenly cares about a random game journalist
how convenient
what exactly is wrong with this character?
*uses my ult to see through walls*
heh, nothin personnelle kid
>she's a Siege character that fits in the Rainbow Six or Clancy universe
>Tier 0 operator is so fat that she bent her fucking plates
double kek
Imagine how pissed Tom Clancy would be if he saw Ela.
Imagine how pissed I am that they actually made her WORSE over time.
is it optimized so my year old gaming laptop with a 1060 can run it?
Install the Elite Force mod. SWAT 4 was released unfinished and it implements some of the planned features that had to be cut at the last minute as well as numerous fixes and upgrades to game behavior.
>boys what the fuck is this
>we make how much on this?
Clancy is already rolling in his grave enough to power a large city.
So I only played the SWAT 4 demo when I was younger. Realy liked it, but never got around to playing it. Currently play rainbow six siege and it seems pretty cool, but is SWAT 4 just much better? Worth buying?
*revives myself simply from being a stronk womynz in ur path*
nothin personel kiddo
Based and bought-off pilled
>giving a shit about Lion in 2019
>giving a shit about Zofia's withstand at all
Not an argument
I'm honestly amazed they've respected his "no playing as terrorists" thing.
Clueless here but did Tom Clancy even actually care in the first place? Rainbow Six was just an adaptation of the book hence sticking his name on it, and they consulted Clancy while he was writing it, but when it comes to the actual game, it was more about the law enforcement and HRT advisers they consulted to ensure authenticity (went out the fucking window when Ubisoft acquired it)
Fuck off, Siege fag. Your hero shooter sucks dick. We're discussing an actual tactical shooter here.
>ameriga good guy
sure buddy
OP you may want to check out ground branch.
Small as fuck community, but a decent tacticool game if you get it on sale. It doesn't have a ton of maps and stuff but the AI is hard as hell and has old school ghost recon feels to It.
I only hate how sometime the bots have like pin point accuarcy through trees
What does what I said have to do with America? You know Rainbow is based out of England, right?
SWAT and the original Rainbow Six games (up to the PC version of RS3), are different games entirely.
They're different degrees of tac-sim with emphasis on planning and precision. SWAT 4 is more arcade than the rest. Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear, Raven Shield, and SWAT 3, have massive emphasis on mission planning and movement, with some RNG luck.
Right now I'm having no major performance issues on a desktop 1080. In fact it's already had one update that improved framerates. I can't make any promises about what the 2020-ish release build will run like but given that it's a mid-budget Unreal 4 title I doubt you'll have too many issues.
Ground Branch
Not OP but this game looks pretty neat. Why have I not heard about it before?
Different games from Siege, I mean.
Rainbow Six 1998, and to a lesser extent SWAT 3, are extremely slow, methodic, and also super unforgiving. One wrong move at the wrong time, and everybody generally dies.
They try to emulate the tempo and level of danger the type of missions carry in the real world. You spend 2 or even 3:1 the amount of time in planning versus execution, so people try them and think they're boring as fuck.
you’re in my way sir
>Playing the original Rainbow Six for the first time on Dreamcast
>First mission is some hostage rescue
>Set up a complex and methodical plan for me and the AI to follow
>I end up getting shot
>Mission is still a success because the AI followed my plan
No feels like that anymore.
Siege is a tactical shooter, lil chud. '''Hero shooter''' is not an argument since everybody sucked big hero Ding's ding since he's literally perfect in the games
I've yet to play the DC Rainbow Six games. I've heard good things though. Might try to emulate it sometime.
Siege is arcade, not tactical. Adding leaning does not magically not make it arcade.
I never played the Dreamcast version but this game still has special place for me. Eagle Watch too, since you can draft up a mission plan, and if it works, just watch the AI do its thing.
Levels nice and big with random terrorist and hostage locations on Hard, so some nice replay value too. Shame there couldn't have been a level editor.
These games are still the only go-to for that experience. Because they were designed more like simulators or tools versus something for people to just pick up and play.
>Siege is a tactical shooter
MGO was more tactical than that shit.
There was a Dreamcast version of Rainbow Six 1998, along with simplified PS1 and N64 versions, but Rainbow Six is primarily PC, and the PC versions are the definitive versions.
It's literally a tactical shooter. Nobody said anything about leaning
I have RS3 on Xbox and PC, that's the one I played the most. I heard the original is slightly different, although I've heard slightly archaic. Which isn't a problem for me.
>tfw leak never ever
Lol trying to post pics of the actual tactic Rainbow Six games in a vain attempt to lump Siege into that camp.
Siege is a casual arcade shooter.
>they're smarter tac-sims
SWAT 3 is just a more obtuse SWAT 4 and after being a huge rainbow six fan for decades I've slowly come to realize that Rainbow Six 1-3 are completely fucking retarded and not remotely tactical. That whole planning phase adds a ton of unnecessary depth that doesn't even have a real world analogy, nor would it even make any sense in real life because spot codes don't work like that.
When it comes to 3, there were pretty significant differences between the two.
The PC version is more like Rainbow Six 1 and 2, with planning phases where you draft up mission plans to be followed. The console versions ditched that phase for emphasis on real time coordination, slightly streamlined so you could jump into the action quicker.
Both were fine, just different tastes.
It's not a vain attempt at all since Siege is literally a tactical shooter. I honestly doubt you've even played any of the games mentioned in our discussion
Just because you keep saying "literally" doesn't actually make it a tactical shooter.
Sorry, it's a FACT. Your EMOTIONS won't change that FACT
It's not entirely realistic but it did strive for realism (even if it couldn't be). All I have to base my opinions on when it comes to Rainbow Six were my own experiences with them and interviews done with the different development teams on their design. They weren't trying to make it totally realistic, some of it was just about the fantasy and cool factor, but they specifically wanted to emulate the risk factor and lethality of real world scenarios, based on the information they had been given.
That did translate to a lot of frustration that put people off, but I've always found it to be an interesting take, and it feels great managing a flawless run.
Ready or Not is going to be kino.
IF I saw this I think I would accidentally my face into that ass and instantly cum with the force of a thousand sons.
But about the call codes and other omissions, it is fiction. I'm just talking about the game's design and mechanics.
but... she's dead bruh
And Skyrim is advertised as an RPG, that doesn't make it one.
>your favorite Clancy novel
>your opinion of which ghost recon is best
>t-the marketing said so!
Evolve is also listed as an arena shooter on Wikipedia. Are you actually retarded?
Have sex.
Well the idea is to give you the feeling of being the SAS storming the Iranian embassy, or GIGIN reclaiming the plane in '94. Combat needs to be quick and deadly for that kind of high speed low drag experience. You're not going to feel like an operator if you can just spray and pray to victory. Come to think of it I think that's the reason that Siege feels so different. It's not trying for any of that at its core. It's trying to be a competitive TvT multiplayer game, not a title that evokes the tension and execution of real paramilitary operations. And that's fine, but it's a distinctly different direction for the franchise.
That's the best part.
My God that's even better
>getting emotional
You mean action role-playing game
It's not though. Who gives a fuck about Evolve and arena shooters?
>high speed low drag
I can't speak for MURCA because I don't know what dumb shit they think is cool, but in most SOF communities "high speed low drag" is said as a joke because it sounds so fucking gay.
Ghost Recon Wildlands
my friends a ranger and he made this video on how rangers clear a building
that should give you a run down on basic CQB
Why are you pretending to be me?
Without Remorse, just pure hetero male fantasy.
Ghost Recon 1 + Expansions + 20GB of mods.
user, I'm using it jokingly, like the vast majority of people.
Opinion discarded
Based. I played the Breakpoint beta and as soon as I saw a fucking loot system I uninstalled.
What made me lose all interest was when it told me CAUTION LEVEL 150 ENEMIES for the Wolf or whatever squad. Though after a few tries I was able to safely pick them all off from a distance, which I don't think the game actually expected. Credit where it's due, a headshot still drops them like you'd expect it to.
Whatever you say fag
>Add on top of that the ridiculous amount of getting shot through tiny holes.
Just like real life™
Man, just hope they don't get a frag in there, or hose the building down with something that can penetrate the walls.
Hey, maybe if your country trained your baseline infantry to an acceptable standard, rangers wouldn't seem so impressive to you.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Yes, google
stop browsing this website using ancient information when google exists you dumb nigger
there's a ((new)) one that is extremely lively and usually has several games going
unlike a dead half life 2 mod, there's always like 3-4 full games at least
Man. That's legitimately terrifying.
>you thought it was a kitchen counter
>it's a trap
>you thought it was a bed
>it's a trap
Norwegians are tricky motherfuckers
>50's comic larping is now SOP
LMFAO at the absolute state of Siege fags.
It's always looked down on, but god damn I love playing games like a sneaky cunt and setting traps everywhere. Been fucking around with alert tripwires in Hunt: Showdown, placing them next to explosive barrels so when players trigger the flare it makes the barrel explode and kills them outright.
Fags never see it coming.
If people are getting pissy about you being a sneaky cunt you're doing something right.
Please tell me you're just larping and your friend isn't an actual ranger and they're not teaching that dogshit?
You're the one saying that, civie
>Just earlier today
>Killed two guys in a hard fight because my friend and I have shitty garbage guns
>Looting the dead
>Friend gets shot in the face
>Some guy comes running over thinking my friend was alone
>Slap him in the back of the skull with a hatchet and disappear into the reeds growing out of the swamp
>Sneak around and hide behind a big dirt pile a few feet from my downed friend
>Second guy is sneaking around looking for me for 5 minutes
>Finally gives up and starts looting my friend's body before he even tries to get his own partner up
>Pop out from behind the dirt
>I look at him
>He looks at me
>Still looting my friend, doesn't even try to stop and raise his weapon as I send him to hell
Damn it feels good to be a fucking snake in the grass.
>Faggot who thinks Siege is a Tacticool Shooter calling others "civie"
Absolutely fucking based, I love when games have load outs and mechanics that allow for shit like this.
I hope the next "totally not swat 5" is good.
>seething civie thinks I'm the one saying Siege is a tactical shooter
>I was merely pretending
Enjoy your waifu hero shooter fag.
Try it out next time it has a free weekend. It's not exactly a tactical shooter, but sound plays a a huge role and sneaking is actually hard when there are very few silent weapons, and hazards that can give your position away are scattered everywhere.
>seething civie schizoid still making assumptions
get off 4channel
Will do, that sounds great.
When did I assume anything? You were defending Siege's nonsense, it's right there, look at your own posts.
Just be warned that "solo mode" only exists because people who can't stand a little 1v2 action cried until they got it, but it's a totally different game type from the actual game. I suspect a lot of the "it's just another battle royale" complaints come from people who only tried the solo mode to start out. Also, until you hit rank 30 you're placed in a "noob queue" with only other under-30s. It shouldn't be a problem anymore, but back during beta this lead to some people trying it for the first time literally being in the queue by themselves and not knowing why.
tl;dr the devs need to stop listening to whiny pussies
Fuck, I love these console Siege webms. Got any more?
This is why soldiers don't go against buildings they know are hostile.
Like fallujah. They just leveled every building that had combatants inside.
No shortage of them to be found.
Please do go on, I need to actually save them this time.
>ctrl+f "way sir"
dude this has to be edited, thats not really a pro league match is it?
It's legit, you can find the youtube vid.
My game, after I start and then finish and release it.
>When did I assume anything?
>comfy tactical shooter threads turns into a shitty Siege webm dump thread
y tho
>based SWAT 4 thread
>Siege fags shit it up, as per usual
Swat 4 AI can't do anything right.
They allow a fake surrender and die.
They open the door to throw a grenade and die.
They walk in front of each other and die.
>playing with AI
get friends, bucko
That's easy mode.
It's pretty painful how bad the AI is in SWAT 4 after 3.
They really needed to use the simple node based system they used for 3 so the AI knew where all the good positions in a room were to cover what positions etc
>playing 3
>wonder where the fuck red team went
>open door
>find red team and a lot of dead terrorists
>SWATshit is a dead series; literally who even owns the IP now?
>Rainbow Six series is alive and well
whoa, shocking
>SWAT 4 thread
>your shitty normie arcade shooter is irrelevant and has nothing in common with actual hostage tactical shooters
I liked planning in Rainbow Six 1
>SWAT 4 thread
Barely. The Rainbow Six series has always been better than the SWAT series. Reason why one is fucking dead and the other isn't
>Tactical Shooter
>Has no doors to breach
Rainbow Six Siege has nothing in common with the previous titles other than the name.
So if you are talking classic Rainbow Six then sure, but saying Siege specifically has anything in common with other RS games or SWAT 4 is hilarious and proves you're not over the age required to post on this website.
holy cringe so you basically just sat around and camped your shitty friends corpse
Overwatch is a more successful rainbow six.
>breaching walls, floors, and barricades don't count
And what would you do? Leave your friend behind and run away, or try to charge the guy with a 10-shot rifle hiding behind a tree 50 yards away with your single-shot sawed-off shotgun so you both lose your characters?
At the end of the day we got out alive and the other guys didn't.
What do you even mean by ‘swat’ mechanics? Siege offers probably the most tactical gameplay you can get atm.
you literally bored him to death, players like you are the worst.
That just shows how narrow your gaming experience is if you think Siege has any depth at all beyond arcade shooter.
There are plenty of games that are much more tactical than Siege and even more tactical than SWAT 4.
>Siege offers probably the most tactical gameplay you can get atm.
I really hope you aren't serious kid...
>Rainbow Six Siege has nothing in common with the previous titles other than the name.
No, it does and probably even more
>So if you are talking classic Rainbow Six then sure,
Correct. Don't bother playing the age card because I played the older games when they came out
So, in your opinion, I should have just let him kill me because it's more fun that way?
That's the single biggest difference between 3 and 4 really, you can finish the entirety of 3 relatively easily just commanding your squad and never firing a shot, try that in 4 and you're going to be tearing your hair out.
SWAT 4's aesthetics and atmosphere with SWAT 3's AI and go dynamic/slow it down never ever.
They don't since in real life you won't find a house, office, or a bank where there are only doorways without doors, and the maps are nothing compared to the old games:
no you should have some balls and get good at actually playing the game not just camping people out like a shitter.
Fuck no its not better than Raven Shield. Raven Shield is peak operator kino vidya.
Gunplay is better and there are more guns.
Levels are far more dynamic in design, bigger, wider, there are open environments like facilities, yards and shit. Overall much bigger levels too. SWAT4 feels cramped as fuck in a not fun way. Also Raven shield missions tend to be a lot more varied.
Play vanilla first obviously but I can also wholeheartedly recommend Elite CT mod. Adds even more guns, attachments, scopes, iron sights, improves the AI etc.
Also beware that in any state (modded or vanilla), Raven Shield on hardest difficulty is literally artificial difficulty and couple of missions will have you retring them for 30 or so times. Shit is hard.
Especially if you are playing online coop with someone I would recommend going against it because the enemy reaction time is often quicker than online latency.
t. played Raven Shield with Yea Forums back in 2013 for like 300 hours
>get good
I survived and he died and I took his fancy gun and now you're assmad about the whole story. Sounds pretty good to me.
dont worry user u did good the other user just sucks at video games ahahahahahahahahahahaha
you're a boring loser mate, there's a reason you lose all your actual fights.
>Elite CT mod
Is there a way to get this working MP?
I fucking love it, but it seems to be SP only and i'd love to play it with friends.
he's already made it quite obvious he sucks
>you lose all your actual fights.
You wish, gayboy.
I get it user he was the guy you killed it all comes full circle
If you've played the classic games like you claim and think it is anything like Siege then you're braindead.
Uhhh I'm not sure, I haven't really tried multi with it. But I did play a lot of it alone and I can say its really good and truly refreshens the game. The only glitch I found is that turning night vision on crashes the game. It's not bad honestly because you would use night vision in only one or two missions for a little bit, and the mod adds flashlights so its still doable.
Might not be crashing for others anyhow.
lol posting a screen of 1 game, post k/d ino it's trash
i play solo so no
Some of the killhouse training maps have no doors. Checkmate
>in real life
Night vision is fine for me so dig into what's causing the crash a bit more, but yeah the difference it makes to SP, especially with respect to your squad AI/movement/room clearing and formations is simply incredible.
It's not quite SWAT 3, but it's a very close second, and the addition of ADS and proper sights is great.
I'm guessing he's just the kind of retard that sprints around, scaring birds and dogs with every step, wondering how people always find him.
>i play solo
Fucking lmao nevermind he's just an actual retard and now I feel bad for laughing at him.
you are one cringey little virgin mate, i'm the solo guy that reks you and your shitty friend lol. love that you won't post kd btw, mine is 3.0 so yh i don't really know your struggles of setting off crows and waiting in one spot for 10mins for a single kill lmao
Imagine writing this reddit tier shit, get the fuck out of here kid.
Yes, Siege is similar to the older games. It even goes beyond the original game's environment destruction, which were only doors.
Enemy AI actually patrolling around instead of staying put in one of the few predetermined positions is the biggest game changer, adds a lot of replay value. I wish the mod full on smoothed friendly AI, mostly when it comes to stacking up in front of doors and flash/clearing but I get that it would make everything too easy.
Thanks for the nvg tip, good to know its on my end.
For all you other faggots in the thread, there is a fan-made compilation that combines the original Rainbow Six + its expansion alongside Rogue Spear and ALL of its expansions, even that chink exclusive one into one single campaign, and it actually works on modern systems. Very recommended for those who never played this stuff back in the day.
Sure let me load up the game to take a screenshot just for you, samefag user.
You've tried saying twice now that environment destruction is tactical.
but you'll happily sit here and spam the shitty ones you have, funny that. i knew you were trash, thanks for confirming.
>Everything in Siege is a VR training session
So when will they stop training and actualy try to complete a real mission?
Looks interesting.
Any deficiencies or regressions for RS1 or Rogue Spear having them run in that engine?
Does the content all work the same way, anything missing?
>not posting the Epub
I'm genuinely surprised you know the term samefag.
Yes, and? The original games had it and see
Didn't you watch that youtube video?
Makinh people play as terrorists is bad.
answered my own questions. Thanks
Well yes, because I already have them. What seems out of order to you?
>Everything I don't like is reddit
Amazing fresh perspective.
Then they should have made another Rainbow Six title with proper AI teammates and Coop instead of this "VR training session"
Bad website; Bad file host that absolutely doesn't want you to download files from it.
That's not what makes it tactical. Throwing in one element from the old games and slapping the name on there doesn't make it the same game, not even the same genre. The similarities begin and end at "first person shooter." Very different gameplay, gunplay, and objectives. Nothing about Siege is tactical.
Nope, RS1 stuff is 1:1 in Rogue engine. There is a single general deficiency that purists might mind, but I didn't. Throughout Rogue Spear there are couple of (two or three?) occasions where after one mission the campaign sends you into another mission in-extremis in terms of story where the team doesn't have the time to re-equip gear so the game basically pulls a switcharoo with you and sends you into the new mission with squad and gear you selected in the previous one. I only noticed it because the game explains it in the pre-mission briefings. Yet in this instance you can freely choose gear for those missions as well, I guess an oversight of the whoever made it. But like I said, it only happens a few times throughout the ~60+ missions in total. Also the chink expansion missions are in chink language but you can work it out.
As someone who played Rogue only in passing on PC and spent more time on the ps1 shitty port, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There were a few missions that were pretty cringe in terms of the pure amount of enemies the game throws at you and it basically becomes a run and gun, but there are also a lot of really, really great missions that are better than anything in Raven Shield, notably the theater mission that is 99% impossible without pre-mission planning. You will need to sync up your teams, flashbagns, everything. I never had to use the planner in Raven Shield but here it was quite fun. There are also a lot of stealth missions where you plant bugs etc that are a major pain in the ass. But the game can reward you for it, there is one instance of a particularly hard stealth missions where I spent about 4 hours to perfect it, failing all the damn time. Then a few missions later you are sent into the same level to actually kill everyone and it's satisfying as shit.
I recommend the hardest difficulty for this, unlike for Raven Shield.
Not sure what the issue is, I just tried it for myself and it works.
Prophetic post.
I'm pretty sure it was South Korean specifically.
nigga they all chinese
nvm. got it.
What's the best method to make suspects drop their weapons? Sometimes I can get right in their face after they've been tased/peppered, keep yelling at them and they still won't drop them. Pretty sure I get points deducted if I shoot them in the foot or something.
the expansion pack adds a punch you can do that helps iirc.
>That's not what makes it tactical.
What is violence of action? This shit is literally taught in the original games and in Siege. You don't even play Siege
>Kept failing the hospital
>Finally had a good run going
>One of the assholes shot an oxygen tank, which exploded and killed a hostage
>Fuck it, I'm cleaning that building out
>Switch to UMP
>Murder every suspect in the building
>Still get over 70
Felt great.
I own Siege and have played it. And almost instantly regretted it once I realized it was a completely different game from any other Rainbow Six title; And they just slapped the title on there to trick consumers.
Essentially none of the core mechanics from previous titles can be found in Siege.
>Very different gameplay
No, it's pretty fucking similar
The older games used hitscan, same with Siege
Rescuing hostages, killing terrorists, and Rainbow vs Rainbow gameplay
>Any deficiencies or regressions for RS1 or Rogue Spear having them run in that engine?
>Does the content all work the same way, anything missing?
Not the other user, but there are some pretty significant differences from a purely aesthetic standpoint.
The Rainbow Six 1 content, namely textures and models is significantly lower in that "all in one" pack for some reason, I suspect it's because whoever did the conversion was just super fucking lazy with the compression, there's also a lot of lighting differences in some missions, fog/draw distance differences, different enemy models being used for things and missing audio etc
It's nothing game breaking at all, and it's all still mechanically very good, it's just not as polished as if you're playing the original game.
I'd highly recommend just playing the original game + expansion, then having Rogue Spear + all it's expansions separately. What you gain by having them all in one game isn't worth what you lose imo.
One day i'll get off my ass and make a new pack that's mint.
And you'll see these sort of differences throughout, just much lower texture quality overall (especially with respect to interior props and anything transparent that uses alpha maps, like railing etc)
I stand corrected, I never noticed this. Good call.
Mechanically its still on point tho.
>caring about mp in the first place
>actually controlling operator instead of making a perfect assault plan and watching its flawless execution
zoom zoom
>Mechanically its still on point tho.
Yeah it absolutely is, no question about it, and the more people playing R6, the better imo.
And this is what I was talking about with regards to the lighting being off in the "all in one pack", it's just proper fucked/flat in a lot of areas (exterior jungle/africa levels are particularly bad on the lighting/fog front, but desu they're shit levels anyway)
I dont remember having any of those problems with raven shield difficulty, I played it on release for a long time.
raven shield is better more militaryish, swat4 is more executing cop procedure the game. didnt play much multiplayer swat though but what I did wasnt as good as raven shield which has good coop and pvp(though frag spam sometimes was a problem)
Terrible fuckin preorders though
>video taken down
Hey devs, I'd take Ready or Not if it's practically SWAT 4 with improved AI and more missions.
The textures are an odd deal. That's like DC/PS1 level of detail. I'm not familiar with the mod scene on that so I didn't know what to expect.
Even after the patching and tweaks, RS1 still isn't perfect on Windows 10. Transparency is broken and it's stable enough, but still prone to crashing. I know anyone could probably box it in a 98/ME instance, but that's kind of a pain and too much effort for just that.
RS1 still runs though, so it's not a big deal.
some counter-strike mod
I forget the name
>That's like DC/PS1 level of detail.
That was my thinking, all "RS1" content in the "All in one Pack", isn't actually a port, but rather someone having remade the R6 levels in Rogue Spears Editor and it's entirely possible the assets/textures they used were ripped from a source other than the original PC version.
I did have a crack at batch swapping the "All in one pack" textures with the corresponding Original PC textures, but that's when I discovered that the level meshes/UV maps etc were all different as well, so there's really no quick fix other than remaking it all from scratch and my autism isn't quite there, yet.
Revisit it at some point. On Elite difficulty a view missions are particularly a pain in the ass - notably (I can't recall operation names) the one with the Car garage/salon and the one with the city parade and explosives. AI is very unforgiving on Elite difficulty because they can snipe you with pistols across the map as long as if there is a line of sight and their response times are insane on occasions. I played a lot of Raven Shield online and at some point we understood that the enemy response can be way faster than the latency. Mind you this was at the point where it was hard to get servers up at running and ubi registering didn't work even with legit keys so we had to use shit like Hamachi and Tunngle. You can measure the latency easily in-game by standing close to the wall and shooting a round in it. Between the sound and the wall registering a hit it was a gap of about half a second. It affected things.
That being said, reducing the difficulty was a too big tradeoff.
RS1 is on GOG too.
Fuck I just checked and you're right, I never noticed this because I guess its been so long since I played the original I just assumed it always looked blurry, it's kinda crazy how nice the textures are in the original.
I mean, in the alpha they were just standing so that's a long way to go
The textures in the original aren't actually that good for the time, in fact the reason they look good is because the models were fucking abysmal for 1998. It makes it seem like an older game than it is, but with nice textures, when in fact it's a newer game than you'd think, but with shit models.
when I played there was the pistol sniping thing but that's just part of the game, the latency thing I dont remember. I used to play a lot of 50 t coop and I'm pretty sure it was all max difficulty. On alerted AIs as I remember it was pretty much necessary to peek shoot them very quickly or flash/smoke them. But I also remember being able to game the AI and circle strafe them effectively.
Smoke grenades are overpowered, throw them in front of the alerted enemies and they will 100% completely ignore you and stop shooting. Makes them freeze.
Breaks the game but kinda useful if you want to solo/snipe through the campaign.
Sounds like you need Sirlin in your life user.
yeah i never liked the grug brains who only did that, you can edge the smoke so you can see out of it and the AI cant see in
There is none. Everything is arcade tacticool shit, but most importantly no games are really set up to deliver non lethal gameplay.
Nonlethal is gay
No, it made the swat series unique and interesting to play. But hey, you're not alone. American police agrees with your stance.
Isnt that vaporware?
No. You can play the alpha right now. The beta is supposed to released next year.
Oh interesting
It looks like shit right now, but it's in alpha. Hopefully it will get better. Their site says full release is expected Q4 2020.
Austrian special forces.
Australian Quick Response teams.
The portuguese shock squads, or intervention force.
You know. Real law enforcement.
Well, it's something at least. genuinely surprised it's even alive.
Why is SWAT 4 not on Steam? I hate having to use GOG.
>he doesnt have a physical copy
You gotta tell them to drop their weapons and hit the floor!
Thanks for your posts, knowledgeable user. Even posted screenshot comparisons, too.
>enter thread
>no mention of The Regiment/Terror Strike
I wonder if these corporate fucksticks think they're fooling anyone calling literally everything an alpha and every movie trailer a leak
Garbage game if i'm being honest.
Hidden and Dangerous 2 not being mentioned is a grave offense on the other hand.