Why is gathering so fucking comfy
Why is gathering so fucking comfy
Dead game
6.0 when?
because you have no standards and think walking between the same four points in the same order over and over is "cozy"
Fishing and gathering being considered comfy is the biggest fucking lie ever spewed
shit is so mind numbing
>b-but i can watch anime on my other screen
Then that just means gathering is so boring that you need additional entertainment to keep the game on
These are not arguments, either form a coherent sentence that supports your opinion or fuck off
They literally are
Try forming a counter argument
How much crit do I need as a paladin to ignore direct hit?
you need tenacity and determination
Take your meds zoomer, fishing is comfy af.
Is tanking comfy in Shadowbringers?
I wanted to main tanks for the cool factor in previous expansions, but I have the meme "tank anxiety xD" syndrome.
In theory it looks easier, so how is savage
tanking now?
Imagine having a brain this smooth
Main tanking is the easiest role in the game, 90% of the time you just fucking stand there and if you see a cast bar use a CD
Right but what about tank swapping and provoking?
Has that been made easier?
And I noticed every tank has an ability to shield your co-tank, does that come into play a lot?
The music combined with the consistent chop/strike,swish sound is soothing.
Exactly the same except agro is pretty much an afterthought now and you don't have to rely on retards to goad so you can AOE down trash.
Just started tanking in ShB. Honestly its easy as fuck. You just stand there doing your rotation. You pop a mitigation skill whenever the boss is going to hit you with something hard. That's it. The rest of the time you're just standing there watching the DPS and Healers run around in the background avoiding aoes. I remember thinking "Am I fucking up? Should I be taking this much damage? What am I doing wrong." And then I realized it was the healer just not healing enough, the DPS taking too much damage and the healers busy healing them instead of me.
DPS is much more involved, tanking is actually pretty boring.
because you don't depend on other people stressing the shit out of you
Game has a stupid good soundtrack and really well done bosses with great presentation. Some of the story is really good too
Everything else about the game is garbage. The dungeons are all hallways with the same format, progression is the same awful system every expansion, gear feels meaningless to collect, the housing is fucking stupid, crafting and gathering are dull and serve near no purpose outside of glamour, limited jobs were an awful idea, fates suck, the world is bereft of things to do
Don't worry PLD. GNB is your OTP now.
Straight Lines.
>e1s weekly clear takes several hours with multiple retarded PF groups
>e2s done first try everytime
we need a better filter before savage content
Any DRK players can confirm if Living Shadow is a visually a clone of yourself, or is it always Fray?
For instance, if a Roe or Lala uses this ability, do we see a big or small shadow?
I play a big guy so if I level this shit to 80 and see a manlet shadow I'm gonna drop the job.
>Inb4 /vg/
Sorry but /xivg/ is a fucking cesspit of degeneracy and mods won't do anything about it. The idiots in that general won't fuck off. It's all avatar posting and wanna erp? Posting. If you talk about the game you get shunned.
Mods if you're reading this let us have one fucking thread on Yea Forums.
>OT turns on tank stance and provokes
>MT turns off tank stance
That's it, thats all you have to do
Anyone dumped the OST yet?
you don't even have to turn off tank stance anymore, you can shirk the other guy
It's Esteem, I play an elezen and the shadow is shorter than I am
Well that's fucking gay, I'll stick to WAR then.
How do I find a codependent suicidal gf with low self esteem that I can take advantage of in game?
balmung server
Concession accepted!
I don't want to pay for a transfer though
Why have threads been so devoid of actual content lately? They're dying faster than I've ever seen before.
I'm worried about the direction of the game
5.1 soon bros
You just joined didn't you
Well after 2 months of playing and talking about the game constantly we talked about everything, but next month is a new patch with new content and new changes and we will pour over those and talk about people are fucking up something basic in the Nier raid and so on for a few months until things slow down but by that point another patch will be right around the corner, repeat for another couple years until this expansion is officially over and SE starts to build hype for the next expansion and then the process will repeat itself all over again, it's been that way for years now
This is normal faggot.
Wait for 5.1
Have you even done Savage?
What's the new content besides the 24man automata raid?
Story stuff, dungeon stuff, blu stuff, ishgard stuff, beast tribe stuff, I think the next trial series or at least Hades ex
>start pony farm in PF
>Nightmare drops
>get it
What's the drop rate on this thing now? It's still like 1% or something right?
I've done solo and blu farms for a while and i saw it after 60-70 runs so i'm pretty sure it's still at its vanilla ratio so yea
The entire appeal of FFXIV to me is that it has simple shit like fishing and the likes so I have something to progress in while watching tv shows/movies and the likes when I want to take a break from questing or whatever. The only decent alternative I have for that kind of thing is Legends of Aria and Runescape but LoA is in a poor state and Runescape is even more tedious then this. That said, I think gathering in it's nature can't be entertaining on it's own with how repetitious it is intended to be.
So I'm only complaining here because the thought came up to me today, but does anyone find it kind of unfair that FFXIV complete edition with all expansions is $60 but the Shadowbringers DLC on it's own is $40? I bought the game last year so I feel a bit shafted on having to practically buy the game again for the new DLC while new players get all the content for only $20 more.
I bought ARR for $20, HW for $40, SB for $40, ShB for $40, and also bought all of the above on PS4 too so I could play at work on my lunch breaks. It's just how it is. The tradeoff is that I got to play all of that content while it was new and challenging instead of the faceroll it is now
Not really, i mean the base game is 20$ and expansion is 40$ so they're kinda paying the same thing at the end. You could rename the complete edition as ARR+ShB since latest expansions always include the previous ones.
Fair point. For reasons I only made it to about level 27 when i bought it then quit until this month and realized that I still have DAYS of content I need to beat in order to even get to the newest DLC. I'm content with that, but fuck me, the amount of quest that have you go across the continent to talk to someone then go to some random place and kill 4 enemies is agonizing sometimes. I try to follow along with the story because the writing is pretty good, but I go through so much dialogue I can't even retain what's going on over a course of 4-5 hours.
All that said, I'm not the kind of guy to enjoy games like this, so the fact that it's winning me over despite all that says a lot for it.
>SCH heals feel barely adequate
>Even using every CD I sometimes feel like I barley keep up in large pulls
>GCD heals so weak I don't even use them most times unless a DPS just royally fucks up
Should I just go WHM?
Holy fuck you guys.. I play an off-meta job and it is so weak. Like, if I wasn't above average, I wouldn't be able to pug eden savage at all. Almost every party I'm in every other DPS is grey and if I was grey like them there's no way we would clear. On the other hand if I played a meta job and was grey then we could still clear. Job balance so bad right now.
it's almost like your low personal dilation per second job with low skill ceiling easily parses higher than high skill ceiling jobs that are gated by gear in the highest percentile
huh....imagine that
now this is what I call cope. Could you possibly have undergone any more extensive mental gymnastics to defend being a shitty player?
Either you're shit, or you get bad tanks.
SCH healer is the easiest out of all the healers.
>Put adlo and excog prepull on the tank
>Put sacred soil on the ground and have fairy use whispering dawn
>Aoe like a madman
>If the tank get too much damage summon seraph and use lustrate on the tank inbetween your gcd
>Aoe like a madman
Or if you have 100 fairy gauge you just
>Adlo + excog prepull
>Sacred soil + whispering dawn
>Aetherpact the tank
>Aoe like a madman
>Aldo and excog the tank
>Get two or three aoe's out before excog triggers
>They're at half HP only one GCD after excog triggers.
>Sacred Soil and Whisper them
>Mother fucker is still going hp negative at a noticeable rate
>Fuck it. Seraph at the same time all this regen is going off
>Tank finally stablizes
And I probably had to use enough lustrates that I have no aetherflow left.
so it took me about a week to clear E3S, a far cry from the three weeks I struggled through O11S. Heck even E2S took me longer to get a group together that could clear.
I'm playing Shadowbringers content for the first time, currently on Dohn Mheg. The trusts are so useful for the first boss, they go exactly where to avoid the water attacks best, but when it comes to intercepting the roots for the tree wolf boss they're so fucking retarded I want to pull my hair out. I wanna play with real people but I don't wanna wait 30 minutes.
ya. I dunno what it is but I feel like embrace/whispering dawn/ even my tether is really not doing enough for heals, even with adlo up. But hey at least its not AST
>started playing a month ago
>overleveled my WHM so i'm level 61 doing level 52 story quests
>decide to pick up AST and level that along with the story until it reaches my WHM's level
>my face when i have to do things other than heal and cast holy
I wish I experienced the old version of AST, it's already a really fun job.
old AST was the perfect healer, i'm still upset they destroyed that. new AST feels like busywork now
If you get shit tanks then you also use Dissipation during the pull rather than at the end of it, you get three more Aetherflow to use AND a hefty boost to your Adlo/Physick
..Do you think maybe some classes feel like shit because they are designed from a lore standpoint?
WHM and BLM are both, in lore, so monsterously powerful they aren't allowed to be taught to anyone. Except for you. So they are strong and their kit feels good to use. Then you have SCH which is just one of the magic grunts in an ancient army of which they trained countless in the same skills. SCH feels mediocre as fuck. RDM chooses mediocrity cause it's too scared to use strong magic lest the user destroy the world. The rotation isn't bad but the DPS is less than mediocre. MNK is fine in theory, but in lore all the fists of rhalgr got killed off like chumps cause the core ideal of the class has a fatal exploitable flaw. Odd there are so few MNK players at 80. Or not odd cause the class simply isn't fun. Repetitive wank and 99.9999% of monks won't even get 50% of it's potential out anyway.
On the one hand you could say the class balance is terrible. From another perspective, maybe they got it just right...
>On the one hand you could say the class balance is terrible. From another perspective, maybe they got it just right...
no this is fucking retarded. job balance is terrible.
If the goal was to make all classes fun, class balance is monstrously awful and several people need replacing. If the goal was lore accuracy then it's perfect. Everything that's shit is just as shit as it should be in relation to the real classes.
it's just shit. enough mental gymnastics.
Even easier dps that don't need to pop anything for bosses. Just do your same rotation on everything and move.
What is the Warrior storyline like
>Royal bodyguards
>Royal bodyguards
>Dark Knight
>Roughly balanced
I would suck a dry fart straight from her asshole
PLD and GUB are both picky who they include among their numbers. DRK requires you to have a specific quality to pick up or you never would have met fray in the first place. None are just random morons.
>Brainlet WARs are made just by going out and hitting even more rocks
>and move.
Already more complex than tanking, even more so if you want to do good dps
WAR being the grug smash tank has its own charm.
GNB just feels like a magitek version of PLD, lorewise.
Personally would have preferred if they focused more on GNB being shocktroops, since they originated from breaking through infantry lines to scatter the ranged gunners in the back.
>haven't tanked for over a month
>forgot how to play GNB
>queue for expert
>healer is one of those guys who lets people drop to 5% hp before healing
tell you hwat though, certain jobs feel so much better on a controller than a keyboard and GNB is one of them.
>Swap to controller recently
>So many classes feel much more comfy.
>Healing on controller isn't so bad
>Except trying to pick the right person and rescue them
>Particularly with how many other things I need space for as a healer
Guess you're rescuing yourselves, shit bags.
come on,my friend
>play RDM/BRD/MCH/DNC/SMN but bad at the game so can't clear savage because other players aren't good enough to carry me
>switch to MNK/BLM/DRG/SAM
>Can clear just fine as long as party has other MNK/BLM/DRG/SAM even if we're all bad, or if the MCH/BRD/RDM/DNC/SMN are decently skilled
be you
be glowsummonigger/mhiggchanist discord goer
quote some shit that never happened
>E4S weekly clear party
>Everyone of them have ilvl470 weapon
>When Titan goes full giant he has 71% HP
>Different party with a DPS comp of BRD/BLM/SAM/NIN
>Only the BRD and the BLM have 470+ weapons
>When Titan go Maximum he finish at 68%
Either the first group was incredibly shitty or the second group was really good but still holy shit, what the hell is up with that difference?
could you argue with your brain and not your ass
Cause you're an npc
>ilvl 462
It's coming together lads too bad the DRK tome sword is such fucking garbage, I'm stubbornly holding out for the Titan one
I've seen the biggest retards in months with ilvl470 weapons. Legit wondering if e4s isn't as hard as people make it out to be, or am I just underestimating the amount of people that buy clears?
You can get the upgrade thingy for the 460 weapon in E3S, not E4S.
if it's not a heap of shit(implying it isn't)
welfare weaponry: the group vs people that actually cleared and weren't carried and trick attack guy
not to mention the former is literally all ment to be support in some way
why do people think 4 supports are suppose to be as strong as if not stronger than pdps?
>finally get my first character to bard after a couple days of grinding
>still overwhelmed
So it's safe to assume e3s is somewhat "easy"?
I cleared e1s/e2s but pf nightmare stories have stopped me from attempting e3s.
E3S is easier in PF than E2S honestly. E2S filters shiters way harder.
Is easier than E2S that's for sure.
This, gathering is fucking boring.
fflogs is ruining xiv
Imagine wanting to play a game so you can do other shit
>tfw only like playing MNK/DRG/SAM
I find that the scales for what people consider "good" in games is constantly sliding upward, like eventually oranges won't even be good enough as the shitposting power creeps.
Today, I will share with you the secret to winning feast matches: Pick up the fucking medals.
>mfw E2N
stay stacked for the stack up marker, then split up AoEs, how FUCKING hard is that to remember? holy fucking christ I hate this entire game and everyone who plays it
tfw you disable the markers the burger king set up in a leveling dungeon
at least it's not O12N where retards constantly stacked with the party despite having the AoE circle thus causing a wipe
What is this demonstrating?
gold already isn't good enough because theres always the speed of clear thing
people parse dungeons then get on the official forums and say parsing dungeons is stupid because it's not relevant content
>tfw no best bro bird camel
New story chapter with another dungeon for expert roulette
Another side dungeon for expert roulette
Start of relic chain/NG+ unless NG+ is just a thing unto itself
Ishgard restoration and potentially another massive dungeon zone if they aren't just bringing Diadem up to 80 (realistically they'll just be adding level 80 zones to it)
Potentially a new deep dungeon
Also ultimate(s)
It's certainly not helping anything. I think a large part of the problem is no one understands the stupid color scale they use. There's an assumption that it is a scale relative to your competency at whatever class. But it's not. The goddamn thing doesn't even take gear into consideration, which is insane because gear in ffxiv probably has a larger effect than in any other mmo I've ever played. Plus the site was built for maximum autism speedrunning. Which is fine but honestly who fucking cares? Not much of anyone. But they are all using that site as the end all be all of JUDGEMENT for each other.
I also think the community got worse with Shadowbringers. It got a lot bigger and more, I dunno, aggressive. But its not out and out aggressive, its like a weird passive aggressive dickholery. Maybe I just didn't pay as much attention during the other xpacs. This is the first time I've ever really done end game after all.
Also in regards to this, I wish they'd tune the Stone, Sea, Sky better, then make it mandatory for instance entry. Then I think you'd see less judging people over their logs (or lack thereof) since the game itself would be saying "You are good to do this fight". They do that for iLevel and it prevented the community from deciding you need a higher iLevel to enter a place than it drops (like they did in WoW when last I played back in wrath).
get one
Jeez, how did people play this in ye olde days? All the melee classes are boring AF until about level 60. Thank god you can level up so quickly these days.
>All the melee classes are boring AF until about level 60
that's every class
SCH feels shittier than it used to pre 60 or so but it's easily as strong as WHM while feeling more efficient once you actually have CDs
>tfw can't carry shitter undergeared zero CD use tanks in sub 50 dungeons with back to back Boles anymore
When you kill an enemy in Feast, they drop half the medals they're carrying. The objective is to either get 600 medals or have more than the other team by timeout.
In the webm, the tank is ignoring the medals right in front of him while only carrying 50 (tanks can hold 200). It's really common for people to play PvP without reading anything about it, though that's partially the game's fault for not putting anything about the modes inside the actual game, they should still understand the basics after a match or two. At the very least, you'd think they would get the win conditions, but people just wanna DM.
Are the SSS dummies overtuned? I food and pot and execute a flawless rotation and still barely eke out the kill those fuckers, I remember I used to be able to kill the SB ones with like 10 seconds to spare sometimes even without the food and pot
WAR is literally the disney version of DRK, it can't even maintain the facade of seriousness halfway through the HW quests because it's "OOOH WE'RE CURSED TO BE HULK SMASH NIGGERS FOREVER" until you show up and just casually do WAR stuff without breaking a sweat and beat up both of the faggot Roes who whine about it
In the end it just turns into finding your mentor a lizard love interest
I can never even play PvP, no-one ever seems to queue for it on my server.
I miss 4.x AST and SMN
Bard is so fucking gay where's a manly bow class like Ranger or Hunter or crossbows
Play MCH if you want crossbows :^)
They effectively ruined the chances for any more ranged classes that aren't just throwing weapons at this point just because they've been delegated to be the loltools job
PVP is typically active for only a few hours a day
Autocrossbow doesn't even look like a crossbow.
He's got one giant toolkit for bioblast, crossbow, drill, and whatever it all comes out of the same briefcase.
A designated crossbow job holding what appears to be one when you LB1/2 would be cool.
are you ever supposed to use ranged DPS limit break or tank limit break outside of alexander prime?
>level 27
>I still have DAYS of content I need to beat in order to even get to the newest DLC
Hahaha, you wish. Try months.
Dual wield pistols.
I'm pretty sure they are, but I don't know for sure. I've just read that on different classes they are totally different experiences.
I was doing a bunch of stat formula testing with a friend the other day which had me beating on a dummy for an hour or two. I used the Titania EX one, and it seemed kind of insane how well I had to play to kill that thing when I wasn't overgeared for it. But maybe they expect you to have full badge gear before doing the Extremes? I didn't use pots or food buffs though as getting similar runs was the goal there. So I have no idea how powerful those are. Seems silly for a dummy to require buffs. It should just be a rotation + gear check. IE however flawed your rotation is is made up for with over gearing, or vice versa.
A real chad pops LB3 as soon as the meter is full before anyone else.
Doesn't matter what job you are, just pop it first or be a cuck.
Fuck that, I want Gambler
>Level 80 all WAR and Magic jobs to unlock
This is pretty heartbreaking
There so cute and love a good pet
well you got 2 years to get it. no need to rush it.
>ranged DPS limit break
Use in dungeons to take down big pulls faster, the tank and healer will thank you. A bitch ass melee might cry you didn't save it for a boss, but fuck their shit.
>tank limit break
pop it after the boss is dead to make all the dps look like retards
fflogs is ruining my mental health
God what other classes are ridiculous as this? I really liked the Bard Line it was pretty comfy
Ranged lb should be popped in Praetorium either on the last trash pack before the elevator up to the mounts or to pull Nero. Otherwise very rarely
Wait what
Warrior, Paladin, and Dark Knight all canonically gain their strength from the power of love and friendship. It was an entire running thing pre-Gunbreaker that every tank bought into that trope.
>Warriors can only conquer the beast within through the power of camaraderie and wanting to protect others, and Curious Gorge has forgotten this like fifteen times
>Dark Knights can overcome the abyss and be at peace with their inner pain and emotion through love and having something to fight for, especially others, and it takes a bunch of fucking moogles to get this through Sidurgu's head even though you figured it out at level 50
>Paladins shine brightest when their hearts are pure and selfless, and only one that places those close to them above all else can make Oathkeeper shine or make that one guy shit his pants and job switch back to Gladiator
Are you a retard or what? the achievement isn't going anywhere, so just level up casually. I say 2 years about since that'll be time for next expac.
>SCH feels mediocre as fuck.
SCH is strong as shit you dumb retard
sch is shit in dungeons which is probably all he does
>SCH is shit in dungeons
Does your Sacred Soil button not work or what
d-don't bully him Jill.. bully me instead
As another newb, I agree. It's taking forever to clear these hundreds of ARR quests, holy shit.
I have no idea why, but this cutscene in particular was the only one in the entire expansion that almost made me cry. Every other scene had its moments, but this one really got to me for some reason
it's just a fucking bird get a grip
>Divine Veil grants a shield for the PLD and party instantly
>if the PLD receives healing from a spell, the shield gets stronger
New Aussie player here, should I play on a Japanese server or an American one? I only plan on playing casually with the Mrs and maybe doing pug dungeons and raids (wow casual heroic raider , we've cleared azshara and I don't have much motivation to do classic again , want to play a different game and ffxiv seems fun)
I've been playing games for next to 20 years of my life so I think I have a right to need more stimulation. Anyways, I'm specifically talking about the gathering aspect of this game. Fishing and all that's nice because money you pretty much idle for money but there's no need for my full attention.
give that to GNB, they need something they suck
Complaining about FFlogs is greylet cope. Prove me wrong.
I have a simpler solution: let SCH manually embrace again.
It's a compassionate bird.
Tonberry is the Unofficial english server on JP data, if you're just being casul it's a good place to be without any ping issues.
I play on american servers but I need a VPN to do it. I briefly tried playing on Japanese servers but it's just no fun when you can't communicate with most players. There are english speaking communities but you can't rely on them for 100% of content so you will have to play with japs at some point.
As a newb who plays on a JP server I will say the higher complexity raids require coordination that is difficult with Japs. I guess if you studied the raids enough beforehand that's not an issue, but practice is never the same as the real thing.
Some servers like Tonberry and Kujata have more English players, though I don't how many since I'm not on one of those.
TL;DR If you think the ping will be okay, I'd say play on NA. Otherwise just try and get on Tonberry or Kujata.
>The rotation isn't bad but the DPS is less than mediocre
It still out damages NIN and Dancer and is within the same DPS as all the other midrange jobs.
Awesome thanks for the advice will have a think about it and see if any other IRL friends play.
If DNC does such bad DPS then why am I always 3rd place aggro behind the tank and one of the healers? Answer that, smart guy.
||I swear to god I am this close to getting BLM to 80 cause the only responsible thing to do is be the only good DPS on the server if no one can outdamage fucking dancer. Why do I even have a partner if I'm the one doing the most damage?||
you can literally press ctrl+s to spoiler you discord tranny
>Seeing the forest for the trees
>discord spoilers
Even ironically that shit's just retarded. Never post here again.
I know that. I just keep doing it by reflex. Fucking kill me, bro.
Low IQ subhuman, you probably play a female
I'm a dumb nigger faggot but I still do more damage on dancer than anyone I can see on this stupid data center. I love support DPS but FFXIV is really trying to force my hand.
>only people playing are bots
Amazing how quick the game died. Only people subbed are degenerates and sunk cost house owners.
>no one ever on to complete story content in low levels
>pvp queues take hours
>combat is horrible
This game is so fucking dead, why do you faggots spam this dead ass game? I can't even get enough people to group up on story content.
Im aussie and my ping is lower on US servers than jap ones
>do any sub-lvl70 content as DRK
>no TBN
like why?
I feel literally naked here.
PVP takes minutes even in the dead of night on Crystal. In trade, everyone is retarded.
pvp is almost instant you fag lmao
bet you regret joining the tranny /vg/ data center
so it's so boring you need to do addition activities
Okay... Even if that is true, which it isn't I can still never find people to do group story missions. It's like I can only realistically play this game within a 5 hour time gap. Fuck this dead ass game.
shirk you goofy frog poster
The queues favor people doing their story content for the first time. You are a liar.
>It may take a while till we see each other again, and no. The little trick you learned does not count.
Why is the Drk journal text so good?
learn your data center prime times and adjust or level a healer instead
Bros I'm gonna start learning E4S tomorrow night after work if I can find a party any protips?
>that one side quest with the faries
Fuck these little shits
Would you channel your aether into Alisaie?
It is factually untrue, you fucking retard. People are queuing for MSQ every day for that sweet xp bonus. I'm thinking you are playing DPS and for some reason 20+ minute queue times mean the game is dead to you.
other people invuln it just fine without swapping, but I seem to die every time. maybe the third spear kills but not the first?
Haha get it because if you replace the word aether to semen, and put it inside Alisaie then it can turn into a clever sex joke! xD
Why is When It Rains such a good quest?
What was good about it again? The meaningless fight that had no impact on the story? The nameless unimportant NPCs dying? The retarded "please let this work" cringe? Couldn't roll my eyes harder.
Don't follow people, learn where you need to go.
what a slut
glad i dropped her
Why is it so concerning how I enjoy my time? If I'm doing it then apparently there's a reason why.
calm down
lol @ the doomers in this thread
ShB means the game is only getting stronger. This isn't some mobage crap that'll suddenly get cancelled
(though why do mobages put so much more effort into their seasonal content than XIV?)
I was calm from the beginning
I've been crafting like a madman lately. Pushed through the 50-60 slog across all of them, but now I'm realizing that 60-70 is namazu, weekly deliveries, and no other major xp chunks. Across all my crafters it's been a slow, expensive push.
I heard 5.1 is making some crafting changes. Do we know if they're making things easier or the 70-80 push harder?
>the game being dead means it's growing!
Were you, perhaps, intentionally trained wrong, as a joke?
>tfw 6.0 will bring PVP style weponskill queueing to the rest of the game and it will basically resemble a MOBA
>the skill distribution for most jobs will still be complete ass
Throwing free shit at retards isn't effort, it's an investment
I would honestly prefer how SMN works in PVP to PVE right now.
How does it work in pvp and why would you prefer it?
is there something wrong with the pvp weaponskill system? I kinda like it
They are undoubtedly going to make things easier. Crafting in general has become extremely bloated and convoluted so I can easily see them simplifying the crafting system in general. I'm hoping they get rid of crossclass and prune all the useless abilities that have accumulated over the years.
The Soundrack is out now right?
Does.. anyone have a download?
I get nothing for sharing something that I paid for.
I wish they made omnicrafters an accomplishment rather than a necessity. I just wanted to become an alchemist. I never wanted to bother with the other crafters.
at the very least i don't see why it isn't an option for people.
My eternal thanks. I might also suck your dick.
Crafting is fundamentally fucked.
In any other game it's a support to combat, in this one it's a game unto its own for no reason other than 1.0 tried to do it.
Entire leveling section of recipes is completely useless for anything but turn-ins because the game throws sufficient gear to level at you, and push comes to shove you can just buy some NQ from vendors and that's enough.
You hardly make stuff for people while leveling, you just make turn-ins after turn-ins after turn-ins, it's messed up.
It's extremely unclear what the purpose of complex ability system is when you just macro everything.
Pentamelding can go die in a fire.
Crystals actually have no fucking purpose.
The entire thing is there to just waste people's time, then again, it is an MMO so I guess if it successfully wastes enough time it's a good system.
Still, people defending crafting in this game are fucking dumb.
>Subs continue to rise
>Game is dead
Even if crossclass skills were removed, omnicrafting would still be effectively mandatory for anyone who wants to craft seriously just because of intermediary materials like ingots and cloth. The only way to stop it would just be to set a hard limit on how many crafters you can have at max level, but we know from HW when specialist recipes were much more restrictive, people will level alts to get around this.
Egis fully removed instead of pretending they are a good idea so it no longer plays like the shittiest rhythm game ever conceived. Bahamut and Phoenix still exist as temporarily amped states that still do exactly the same thing they do in PVE. Your dots are so shit they are a giant DPS loss to even consider using, but you get a cone AOE cooldown that puts both dots on all targets int he cone. Rather than damage they primarily debuff healing and give 5% damage vuln for your team to exploit. You have fester but it's damage is also shit, and you need to spam energy drain before you can do it. Which is itself not necessarily giving more dps overall than just spamming ruin. Which is what you do now.
OH and bahamut and phoenix properly share all buttons so you don't have weird spares clogging shit up.
Things like procs and sub-100% success rates are supposed to curb the ability to just macro everything, and it worked in ARR, but they've gradually made crafting easier and easier to the point where you can easily make 100% reliable HQ rotations from NQ materials regardless of procs even without fully maximized stats.
It's fine that crafting is just its own side game. For crafting to really be crucial in any game, basically the whole game has to be designed around it.
>3rd week in a row we one shoted e2s
>can't one shot e1s
We did clear it first day, but for some reason even if it's 7th week we still die to some bullshit sometimes.
Haha that is funny, what if too much "aether" was channeled? Just as a joke haha
Your party might be retarded. E1 is easy as fuck and you shouldn't be messing up anything
>hard limit on how many crafters you can have at max level
ArcheAge did this. It was pretty great and allowed me to make a comfy living selling potions from my little cottage because few people wanted to level alchemy in favor of other crafts, and because the leveling process was a bit stupid. Would never happen in this game because it goes against the whole 'you can level any class' system we've got. You're right about the materials, which also makes it so you'll have to level gatherers too. It's the reason I can't be bothered to craft. It's such a hassle switching between multiple crafters and gatherers to get every little piece you need and then hop into crafting rotations only to realize you missed some materials.
I just want my herb garden and little crafting station of bubbling potions back.
I don't think that's the case considering we don't have any problems with e3s or e4s either. It's probably because majority just log ins for raids and haven't played at all for the week.
>Aether influx resulting in pregnancy
She's carrying a primal, isn't she?
Maybe when she's older
>basically the whole game has to be designed around it.
Damn, imagine if you had to take mats you find in dungeons and then go to a blacksmith or buy your own damn anvil, and then make yourself a piece of armor just to progress. You know, like in an RPG. Instead of magical coffers that just pop the item you need at you. Fuck Yoshi and fuck his trash game, everything about it is bad but music. Literally scientifically designed to suck up the time of mentally ill people and do nothing else well. The dumb asshole should be ashamed.
It's just the latency, that fight lags really fucking hard on reset day. If you do it later in the week you'd find it easy.
because dimensional shift is % based raid aoe damage
>play male character = high IQ
>ask someone in static how much he payed for ShB soundtrack shipping
>it's 30$
What the fuck is with SE shipping?
>wojack post trying to have an opinion
it's true, but i don't expect gamers with modded sluts to understand it
wheres the ost dump faggots
I'm guessing they won't add it officially to Spotify for some time?
>hurr hurr wojack user not allow to have opinion
I don’t use mod so I really don’t understand
Because its shipped from Japan
>no way to just buy the MP3s
Why would you want to buy MP3s when you can just convert music from the game.
At least lossless copy makes sense.
>wojack user not allow to have opinion
Yes? You might as well be frogposting.
In game music is lower quality than the one from the disc.
There are certain cutscene songs and what not that I ripped from the game and I am too retarded to loop them correctly. Also the ones on the Blu-Ray are rerecorded and cleaner then the versions we have in the game.
>You might as well be frogposting
I might as well be nazi posting, sjw posting, feminist posting, shill posting, bot posting, etc
anything you can think of
I think at this point we can all agree that you're not allowed to have an opinion here in general.
>thinks Yea Forums share the same opinion
Should be soonish I think? I've no clue how Spotify works but it is up everywhere else including itunes. Someone posted a dump on /xivg/ which literally no one pointed out since they're too busy being faggots
You're trying kinda hard there, aren't you.
Implying I was even trying at all
is that why you're so bad at pretending you're not a redditor?
LADS! I did it! I now have all 13 Anima!
Poetics nerfs for Eureka, when?
Ok tomagochis, please post your UI/hotbars, i keep remaking mine every week and have no idea what im dong at this point. Where to put my hp/enemy hp? Where to put buffs/debuffs?
>All the melee classes are boring AF until about level 60
All of the jobs have had skills pruned over the years as the level cap went up. Level 60 jobs during HW were no less complex than level 80 jobs now.
Is there a dump of the ost yet?
Ranged LB is used in Titan Savage to break both healer gaols nearly instantly
>Redditor calling someone Redditor
Unironically everything around the middle of the screen when I raid.
Post link pls
yes, pls
>A Hopeless Race
>Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Reprise
God damn Soken its beautiful
Stop ruining my favorite game
is dark knight fun now?
changes look good on paper but I want to know before investing 10 levels to max it out.
also read it's the lowest dps of the 4 tanks, true?
the dps difference is so small from best to worst of Tanks, that it literally doesn't matter.
>combos are not stacked on one key to clean up hotbars for some reason
At least they put Verflare and Verholy over these Verfire and Verstone for RDM, more like this please.
Grats, I only have 2, just started working on the 3rd.
It's funny that anima weapons still have by far the coolest looking weapon models in the game even 2 expansions later, except for maybe white mage.
It's a lot more generic and homogenized compared to HW and even SB versions, but I personally enjoy playing it. The only other tank I have levelled is Gunbreaker so can't say how it plays compared to the other 2.
question: is this actually a good game
>Shadows Withal
Do you like the SFX/visual of DRK? It's super simple to play now but personally I feel like it isn't very 'powerful.'
I loe all of you
Why are female roes such a misery to be around, but male roes are always chill?
spamming 5 bloodspillers is fun though, it's WAR but better looking.
TBN feels like a counter + parry which is also neat.
Why would normal person create femroe?
TBN is great as usual, but I still don't really like Bloodspiller. Looks cool but sounds so weak.
Thanks now my mcafee says I have virus and it's full of inappropriate dolphin pictures???
it's a good, sometimes great single player jrpg that you play next to thousands of other people. but as a mmorpg it's lacking
I actually really don't like the Bloodspiller spam, it's fucking stupid. I had to google after trying 5.0 DRK to verify if it's really what I should be doing after Delirium, because I couldn't believe it.
It's not the kind of skill that feels good to spam, the animation doesn't look very powerful, and it doesn't do that much damage. It should be at least 1,5-2 times the damage to have the appropriate oomph, and a lot better animation too.
Cause barafags in particular are usually self-aware enough as to be much less obnoxious and self-entitled as other sects of the LGBT community
There's something about that ff11 song that makes me feel weirdly nostalgic even though I've never played it
The rotation is way too simple, I need more complex shit to not want to kms so the only tank I enjoy is GNB. Not that it's complex at all but at least more busy than DRK and WAR. Never tried PLD.
does gathering lead to me getting gil? or is it crafting
>barafags in particular are usually self-aware enough as to be much less obnoxious
We have clearly had different experiences with barafags
I wanna join the male roe squad but every time I bother making up I just...can't make it look good. Why is it so hard?
Honestly after the first month, these threads become either into
Waifuposting and related faggotry
It sucks because I don't think there's any alternatives. Other sites don't even talk about the game at all.
Both, crafting without gatherers is shit.
gathering without crafting good enough any? I want to get money and just be lazy as I listen to podcasts or some shit
Not really, because anything you can gather, a bot has already gathered 50,000 of
WHM main trying out SCH
How do i make the shields big?
>get into the game at the end of hws
>take a abreak cause work/school
>start again at the launch of stormblood, preorder and everything
>love it for awhile, although i never got to hit max level
>have to be a normal fag again, cant dedicate time to raiding/gearing/leveling
>become neet and get into the game again
>run out of money and miss the kinobringers hype train
>getting the urge to play again as I have a big boy job and can support it but could only really raid on weekend
fuck my life... is it even good?
Gathering -> Decent money but nothing too big. You'll at least avoid undercut wars usually...
Probably 100k in 30mins to an hour? Sometimes more if you know what to sell.
Crafting-> BIG DICK BUCKS but only in the first month then it dies quicker then you can say oops. Better save up in the next patch.
You use adloquim to set up a shield on someone then use deployment tactics to spread it to everyone else. WAR and BRD can help make the shield stronger. You can't spread the cauterize effect.
To some extent, but it's probably to better sell materias from collectables instead of raw materials.
Selling raw mats usually only worth it during them time when new stuff to craft comes out.
just play moderately like what master Yoshi would have wanted
Party finder is a thing
I ran Rathalos extreme with a bunch of randos on the weekend for a few hours
>Starlight, Not Right
Have you been LITERALLY RAPED by your healer yet, Yea Forums?
You can earn a lot by gathering stuff people need when new crafting recipes come out (when new Savage raids open).
For example I had a friend who had to hire 4-5 gatherers to craft sets for a few statics. I also gave an hand to get my pieces done and I can assure I never gathered so fucking much in my entire life. And all the stuff I gathered was selling for so fucking much.
Bots can't have new mats and even if they do prices and demand are so high that you just sell everything pretty high anyway.
Crafting is still better for making money tho.
>Mortal Instants
I'm the one raping. Stand in my asylum you fuckers.
>no one stands in Sacred Soil
>no one knows it gives Regen now
You get a critical heal, that's how
Tfw purposely stand right outside of Asylum and Sacred Soil
Few timesin SB, rescued before I could refresh BotD, which meant I lost my eyes on DRG. Trying to be "helpful"
>he dies
>"no healing"
Fuck you dumb debiru
A healer Rescued me while I was Anatmaning during the transition on Titania EX because I wasn't in range of his heals, making me lose my GL stacks.
Alright faggots, should I resub to this shit and game and go through shadowbringers or should I wait for Archeage Unchained?
it kills the mnk optimization
The level 80 dungeon tracks are so good it's a disappointment when they get interrupted by the boss music
Just don't raid then? I finished the story and the normal tier eden raids by playing casually always relying on duty and party finder. You can do it too.
>buy game
>play it for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
^^^^^ YOU ARE HERE ^^^^^
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
>resubscribe for a month or two
>run out of things to do, muh FF14 is dead
What job will give me this feeling?
Ninja, you can turn invisible and pretend you know what you're doing.
>fishing is so boring you just stand there and wait for a bite
LITERALLY what fishing is in real life
Honestly doesn't really make much sense though
I could always find someting fun to do in GW2 or WoW or now WoW Classic
Last month in XIV all I've done is log in weekly for savage
I would have just not healed you
If you will be skipping story then it's not worth it, otherwise yes.
when's the new ultimate coming out?
sounds about right
Yoshida: "It's alright not to play it everyday. Since it's just a game, you can stop forcing yourself if it's hard on you to keep that up. Rather, it'll just pile up unnecessary stress if you limit yourself into playing just that one game since there are so many other games out there. So, do come back and play it to your heart's content when the major patch kicks in, then stop it to play other games before you got burnt out, and then come back for another major patch. This will actually make me happier, and in the end, I think this is the best solution I can answer for keeping your motivation up for the game."
Based. Safe to say I wouldn't be playing at all if it was designed any other way.
I've finished the story and current raid a long time ago, I only keep my sub active because a friend recently started playing and it's fun helping him out running story dungeons and trials.
What do you usually do in GW2 or WoW that you find fun?
does mantra work on shields?
unironically why FF14 is the best MMO. It doesn't expect retarded poopsock shit out of you and allows you to play casually. The downside is that the post-game is always lacking, but I'd much rather prefer that to having a game that doesn't respect your time.
>Static wants to start trying the old ultimates since we're done with the tier
>know they have no idea how much work it'll take
>Shadows Withal
Too bad the community doesn't know that and everyone's a stuck up sperg.
What the fuck is up with people in alliance raids and freaking the fuck out?
They were hoping for syrcus tower so they could AFK for experience
Yeah I forgot what he said in one of the past interviews, it always gets posted here as a meme of YoshiP telling people to unsub but he had a pretty good point in not wanting the players to play 24/7
2 weeks after 5.1.
>static wants to try uwu after getting Titan on farm
>nobody posts any guides, streams, information, or other vital resources except for me, some of us are literally just freeballing it and going in blind
>spend 6 hours wiping on Garuda
How do I tell them we're never going to finish this shit without them sporting out and kicking me?
>not doing a fight blind and finding it out for yourself
We will probably be taking it easy until new ultimate comes out, at least most of us have understanding how much effort it takes and that we won't be able to clear it before the new one.
They can't get past Garuda after 6 hours even with guides. No fucking way they'd ever be able to figure out half the mechanics of this phase blind.
When do the night music for zones come out usually? I hope 5.1 since I really want Amaurot's zone music's orchestration roll.
To be honest uwu is designed to be done blind, but if you didn't kill her after 6 hours then there's no reason to keep going blind
People who shit on him for that are retards who have never actually played a game, MMO or otherwise, that demands all of your time. It isn't fun, it's shit and it means the monkeys who spend 20 hours a day playing one game will always be able to outcompete you through sheer autism rather than skill.
You actually don't have to dedicate every moment of your free time to participate in endgame/postgame content, and that is objectively a good thing, it just has the downside of making the postgame weak on things to do. He's made some questionable decisions with FF14's direction but this isn't one of them. People who criticize him over this make me feel like that they've never actually experienced the alternative. It's objectively shit.
They weren't even doing it blind anymore, he said even with guides they couldn't do it. At that point everybody in that static should just uninstall the game and stick to Fortnite.
>mfw finally caved and bought an Alphascape v4 savage clear for the mount
Worth it to be honest
Just the mount?
God bless Jap work culture where they spend most of the time working and have hardly any free time.
Well the rest of the loot too but I only cared about the mount
Tell them to uninstall then
.. how did they clear E4S?
Oh ok that makes a bit more sense. Can you say more about it? How much was it and what was the process involved in making sure the deal went through?
This 100%. I want nothing to do with the alternative, and I prefer it this way.
How do I play SCH well? I toss out barriers and shit, but I feel much weaker in terms of actual healing compared to AST and WHM. I'm like 60.
SCH is proactive in how it heals. In addition to shields, you get limited use abilities. You should have indom and whispering dawn already but you'll soon get more. Timing these well and making sure you always have aetherflow to use at the right time is what makes it such a great healing job even after all the nerfs it got.
Is it still that hard with ilvl450+?
Not that user but I pugged e4s a few times. It doesn't matter how hard the fight is if the chimps you're with fuck everything up.
it wasn't hard even at i450 besides the dps check
Well yes but I remember we could faceroll past mechanics in alexander savage tiers at lvl70 with decent gear.
They were advertising on the PF, I added the guy on discord and messaged him.
Basically they offered to either log into my account since that would make the first phase easier, or they could just 7 man it for an extra fee. I took the latter since I didn't really wanna give them my account credentials.
Paid the guy through Paypal and as soon as they received the money I went in with them.
It took a few tries since they wiped to RNG but at the end they left me to roll the loot and I got muh mount
that gif is fucking kino
How much did they ask?
How much was it?
£45 including the extra fee I mentioned
I unexpectedly reached the cap on company seals. What should I spend them on? Anything worth selling on the market?
I usually dump half my seals into venture when I'm capped, I have 1400. Not sure if there is anything better to do with them, I'm interested too.
Fucking retard, we cleared it in 4.5, 1 lockout while looking up mechanics as we progressed through it.
Dummies are overturned because they have maximum uptime, which the only fight of this tier that has that is E2S. Since iirc, 1, 3, and 4 all have at least a minute of downtime
Hey good for you man must be nice to have a group of friends to do content with :)
>selling on the market
If you don't want to sell stuff you can do like me and cap Glamour Prisms, carbonized matter (repairs) and Ventures.
Ouch, a bit much considering I already feel the fat cat mount I got from mogstation for €12 on sale was a bit stretching it. But I absolutely love it so it's fine.
The people who criticize him for it are those same autists who want to play one game 20 hours a day so they can be ahead of everyone else.
MMOs have this reputation from the days of EQ and shit as being games that last forever, where you can just keep playing indefinitely and never run out of things to do or progress, because they were designed to just eat as much of your time as they possibly could. And it bred a generation of addicts who think that's the way MMOs should be, if an MMO isn't demanding all of your time then it's failed as an MMO.
What weapon to get from my Ultima token? DRK, SAM, or RDM?
Having done my time with Grindblue Fantasy, I really don't need another game that acts as a second job. (Still love the art and music, and some of the characters from that game, though.)
It's actively designed not to be a second job kind of game, as discussed in the last 10-20 posts though.
WHM is fun and SCH is fun, how is AST?
>Cool class
>meme class
>even more meme class
I know, I was just agreeing with the positive sentiment regarding that. I did enjoy GBF a lot, but the autistic grind was too much. And the community was a peak meta obsessed shit hole too.
I'm not getting SMN or why I would use one in a party, is there a point where it just clicks for me?
Clunky and demanding
>likes DRK
spotted the WHORE
Cordials and glamour prisms both sell easily
Aw. That's too bad.
I'm going to try it anyway, but still.
Dude 5% damage increase
Ah, my bad. I agree, that's why I quit GBF before it was too late and wasted significant time on it, like before I even completed chapter 10 in the story.
As someone who leveled it to 70 on two accounts before Shb dropped, it's nowhere near as busted as it used to be but it's still fun if you enjoy cycling through CDs every pull. The cards aren't anywhere near as flexible or rewarding but they're not terrible
You have to put a lot more effort to do the same or less as other healers.
I don't like it too much, seems like you have to put twice or thrice as much effort to match WHM's performance, and sometimes even that isn't enough. But people in my FC seems to like it anyway, so go ahead and try it.
Healing is quite fun, but cards and divination feels like shit. I wish there was more stuff to do with seals.
Yeah, my problem is that WHM is the exact same healing-wise, but without the unfun divination shit.
Fishing is worst job in game. It's fun only first time in ARR.
I'm going to suggest PvP combat system for pve on official forums for liveletter questions
>tfw rest of static has cleared uwu, just wanna do it again for fun since most of us are almost bis
>personally mever even cleared kefka
Cease and desist immediately.
This. I seen L2 larpers in MMO threads. But only hardcore fan slav or brazil will play something like L2 in 2019.
Play either BLM or RDM bro, since both have better party use (massive dps, or quickcast raises when someone slips during weeklies)
right now smn is a meme
If you lock jobs in PF you're tranny.
Because it's a good excuse to go into the field, not to mention how good the actual gathering sounds, especially when mining.
the road
that we walk
>just found out about world hopping and also found out that my world is the worst when it comes to materia prices
whats this cute statue from
So is stormblood as bad as people claim?
I'm getting close to it and got a bit burnt out on HW so I welcome the change in settings
I don't think it was bad, but there are plenty of people who thought it was and hated Lyse more than anything. It's clearly subjective so you will have to see for yourself.
>Bloody Excrement abreviated to B.E.
Fucking pussies.
Titan Savage
I actually played EQ way back when. Before the dumb ass mood expansion with meow meows and updated models. It's important to understand that.. it was a different sort of flow back then for MMOs. You didn't play to complete anything or level or reach cap or such things. Leveling was more of a nice bonus. There was.. an entire experience just being part of this world. The vast majority of people never got anywhere meaningful in terms of leveling or gearing. Almost none saw the level cap. Much less raiding.
I guess you could call it just fucking about. It sort of was. Explore. Hang out with your guild. Laugh at the group of retards leading a mob train to the zone line. Laugh at the other retards that didn't get out of the way of the train despite it being announced. Cross the game world to level in another zone and see new sights cause you can. Wander your ass back. Watch people try to fight guards. Finally get your travel spell and run around like the flash. Heal random people. Hang out drooling on yourself playing the mana song for a group of 4 pet classes and get paid handsomely cause you're the only bard within 10 zones.
I enjoyed it, but it is sort of autistic. You gotta enjoy just wasting your time doing random shit. Which we did. It worked. Aimless fun.
Gunbreaker is chill. Use your buffs and dont drop combos.
I think an MMO like that just wouldn't work today. The innocence has been lost and the only "mmo fans" left are the spergy optimization kind. People wouldn't care for freedom even if you gave it to them and would just immediately set about figuring out how to beat the game.
I think that kind of aimless fun ideal does still live on but it's not in MMOs, it's in sandbox survival games like Minecraft or Rust.
>I think that kind of aimless fun ideal does still live on but it's not in MMOs, it's in sandbox survival games like Minecraft or Rust.
Been thinking the same thing
That said at least some people are sticking with WoW classic which still has that old MMO feel and gameplay loop.
I'm grinding leveling but I'm running out of shards, what do I do.
45 pound on a fucking mount? Get your shit together dude
You didn't actually get some of your class shit automatically leveling up in EQ, you know? Particularly spell casters had to go and get the spell somehow. Not all were things you could just pick up and get. Some were drops. Some had more elaborate means. A crazy idea these days? Players simply NOT BOTHERING TO PICK UP THEIR NEW SHIT. People would skip things or never bother till many levels later.
I'm still the kind of person that likes aimlessly fucking about, but I get that kind of game is no longer market viable.
I never had a problem with it. It is probably underrated due to hyperbole just like heavensward is overrated.
Wait so who was that wide-eyed boyat the end of ShB?
Your rape victim.
Hey kid wanna /ss/?
Was a boy inflicted by the Sin Eater infection thing that you saved by wiping out the overabundance of light, Telseen(?) took care of him. His favourite fruit were nectarines.
Cute girls wearing the noctis outfit are God's gift
I want an aimless MMO. I couldn't play that shit back in the day because I never had a decent PC but it sounded comfy as hell.
Unironically, BotW seemed a pretty good solo experience in that mould, but there's not enough variety to the world so it eventually gets stale.
>Pain in Pleasure
I forgot this song even existed. I wish they kept this as Eulmore's theme instead of having yet another arrangement of Tomorrow and Tomorrow.
>Do Titania extreme practice
>Just want to learn how the fight works and everything
>Obviously not familiar with mechanics and didn't realize how hard she hits
>Party wipes
>Think "OK i'm more familiar with the earlier parts of the fight shouldn't be too bad to pick up where we left off"
>Entire party just fucking leaves
Can someone explain? It was just a practice session what the hell was up with those guys?
wouldnt mind having those juicy lips smear black lipstick all over my cock
Please I don't think I can handle this right now.
Probably wanted a carry
Go back to /xivg/ degenerate
Was it aether?
>tfw best bro bird camel
It was worth it
Do you have to level blue mage as well?
I really want it but god I'm to autistic to tank. It's so cute and fluffy reeeee
Luckily not. I just did it while the exploit was stilll doable just so I could say I did.
How can you even level up them all? This is insane spamming DUNGEONS all day. Fuck this leveling system NG+ WHEN
DRG, MCH or BLM as my second class?
What's your main?
DRG is apparently comfy while still being pretty high dps. MCH is JOHN FUCKING MADDEN but actually fun about it. BLM is the best designed class in the entire game.
This game has been out for years so it’s not that hard to level them if you played from the beginning.
It's really not, and this is coming from an autist that plays games for gathering/crafting.
Black Desert Online had the perfect gathering system because it involved running around the entire world and not just 4 nodes.
Gathering in 14 is so braindead that I'll use a bot for it, watch a TV show on another screen and play ANOTHER game whilst my bot gathers.
What's the name of the instance theme
I wish i had a bot
I do have 100 leves and I'm leveling my Botnist rn. I just listen to a podcast or watch king of the hill for background noise
It just happens sometimes, some parties keep at it for a while and others just disband immediately
Album is absolutely fantastic. How does Soken do it, are chicken tendies that good?
post link
That kid was a fucking drahn user, this one's a hume
How low quality is ingame soundtrack? ShB album songs sound quite differently, hearing stuff I didn't before.
I've been on the end of basically nolifing a time-demanding game and sure, its alright at first but holy fuck after a week or two it just becomes a soul-sucking job that you do for free
MT is absolute cancer since you have to cater to healers with constant mitigation and melee DPS with your boss positioning.
OT is where it's at.
any good MNK streamers?
This is based.
>it just becomes a soul-sucking job that you do for free
This. When I got into hardcore raiding in wow and tbc days as a teenager, my life basically revolved around attending all raids and farming for pots, and keeping up to date with meta browsing forums when not playing, etc.
If I didn't do this, I had no chance at all to be in a guild that was raiding since I could easily be replaced by thousands of other kids who were willing to do the same at the time.
I quit, and when years later I got an actual job, I realized that even my actual first job at the time didn't feel as demanding as full time wow raiding. It was pretty funny when the realization hit me.
Ninja is my current main
*sprouts in your path*
So are bosses always going to be this autistic from now on or is it mostly a ARR thing? What the fuck even is this.
So doing your job is now cancer? Why do you insist on playing any other role when you really just want to dps?
It's an ARR thing. I dread getting level 50 dungeons in the 50/60/70 roulette because tons of them have annoying ass shit like this.
They mostly stopped with the gimmicky shit after ARR
I'm sorry.
That UI gave me cancer.
It's cancer because the game is not very responsive so you have to plan out your shit ahead of time. OT is much more reactive, assuming shit hits the fan, MTing is more about sticking to the spreadsheet. It's not very fun, especially when you're blowing your load on your opener and you have to squeeze in a mitigation oGCD in-between doubleweaves and spaghettios dropping from your pockets.
>level tank through roulettes
>get through most of 60 on MSQ, 50/60/70, trials, alliance, and other shit that scales me down to 60 and below
>leveling roulette
>it's the highest available dungeon
>still in augmented shire
I fucked up
fast queue times
Oh no no no
Augmented Shire is fine until you hit 70.
Geez Louise. You passive aggressive fuck.
I actually miss gimmicky bossfights like this. I hate that according to this community only the boring pull the full dungeon in one pull just to get past it asap and tank and spank bossfight constitutes good content, and anything even remotely creative or out of the norm that would spice things up is bad.
>t. sch with only broil and his dot on his hotbar
Ya bro gave you his old cum doll, be happy. But honestly I think he just cuddled it think of her and crying.
Just say what you mean dude. Stop being a passive aggressive fuck lmao.
Why the fuck did she die so fucking fast? Also she was a WAR girl so coincidence I think not
Wearing your augmented tomeset gear until you can switch it out for the next tier of augmented tomestone gear is actually acceptable and what 99% of the players are doing.
I personally only replace a pice if a dungeon happens to drop a replacement a few ilvls higher but I don't ever bother to go out of my way.
You are ugly. Now this is sexy.
I'm not sure you understand what passive aggressive is.
Fun mechanics you'd want?
I keep shilling this a lot but I want something like ivalice raid where your forced to take alternate paths and it's RNG which path you take. Maybe something like the treasure maps where it's RNG that you get a special award like bonus XP and Gil or something like that. not enough where it actually matters though.
Really sick of seeing these ugly armor sets already.
Asking a rhetorical irrelevant question in trying to make a offhanded insult is passive aggressive
I wouldn't mind gimmicky boss fights, but that one isn't much fun desu.
What do you guys think of Persona 5 Royal new opening?
Dude, get help.
Worse than original.
>Dude, get help.
These bosses don't actually change the way you play your job though, almost all of them are just annoying time waste shit, like Gogmagolem in Copperbell hard where literally all you do is one player pulls the lever then places the bomb at the boss's feet. I'm fine with gimmicks as long as the entire fight isn't just the gimmick and nothing else.
It's more in tone with what Persona 5 is anyway. I was expecting heists and hijinks when it's just a bunch of kids with a Justice BONER getting too high on power.
i randomly see this situation. can someone explain to me what it is. why are there 5 or more of the same character. in random places. their names are random letters and when I look at them they quickly disapear.
i loved experimental bosses like this from arr, remember diabolos doors at the proper ilvl? Shit was fun but now everyone wants generic steamroll aoe fest bosses
Also if you guys get this in the roulette, stun the first diamond back so you can do massive damage from the skip. I like to use a melee stun because its more reliable if i can.
Kind of shit
They use a scene of them walking twice
I saw a bunch of them simply walk past the walls and the floors going god knows where. These farmbots are creepy as fuck.
I like gimmicks when they're reasonably intuitive and an attentive player can pick up on them alone. I don't like gimmicks that need to be explained by somebody. I get that it's a multiplayer game about teamwork and shit, but it just makes me feel like a burden when I don't know.
Ranged physical dps is the weakest type, so there's your problem.
I don't know.
> Why do you insist on playing any other role when you really just want to dps?
This seems like a fairly blatantly aggressive question asked right to your face to me. You're just labeling it passive aggressive so you feel better about being human excrement. Which is exactly what we'd all expect from someone who mains tank then bitches when they have to play their class.
Gonna buy it but I'm keeping my expectation low. Atlus writing hasn't been that good lately.
>High Treason
Finally found what it was called.
I just saw a group of peps walking on air and though walls. What the fuck?
What they did mean by this?!
Sounds like you didn’t get your Garo sets yet
Akechi and MC are going to end up in a coma.
How's the series? It looks Kino
Slightly offtopic, but recently I have also been called passive aggressive on Yea Forums for a comment that was unambigiously agressive. I wonder if it's a new shitposter trend, or some recent big thing on reddit.
I don't know either, but if anyone has to ask if something comes from reddit then it is probably from reddit.
>finish Stormblood
>hold off on starting shadowbringers because I was levelling crafting
>everything is at least 50 except for armorer
>get distracted buying an apartment
>get distracted buying a house
>making my garden look pretty
I was too much of a poorfag for a medium place but I got a nice small plot on Mist and my friend gave me all of his gil when he passed fc leader to me because they all stopped playing for wow classic. How much money am I looking at to get an airship up? I haven't paid the 800k for a workshop yet.
Still think Akechi is still a product of the dream world they be trapped in the new late game. It's chair kun desire of trying to reach out and save him
Nice Reddit boogieman.
>just leveled BRD to 80
I am sorry, BRD bros. They really did you dirty. Might as well just be Archer or Ranger at this point.
Garo the animation and garo vanishing line are good. Garo crimson moon is boring.
First part sounds good. Second part sounds dumb. Fuck Akechi. I have no reason to care for the fucking twat.
Jesus you got a home
Wish there wasn't so many neets and bots buying lots. I WANT TO PLANT FLOWERS REEEE
Man it's just a fact at this point. Reddit and Yea Forums have been married for years. m00t even used reddit openly.
When we all started playing in early August Twintania was a new/preferred server and they had disabled housing. They only enabled it a couple of weeks ago for FCs only. All of the "best" plots went instantly but there's still an absolute fuck load of plots free. Like literally *nobody* has bought a plot in Goblet.
I'm just tired of the amount of go back posting and DAE THINK REDDIT SUCKS?
It was very easy getting plots 1-2 months before ShB launched.
There gonna try to redeem him but with all the shit he did to everyone you really can't without fucking the story
Understandable, but the people who don't use reddit are in the statistical minority. The site is huge.
How's the Garden? Do the flowers really show and make this look good?
I'd rather they made him a dindunothin then redeem him due to mental illness or some other bullshit.
I'm gonna laugh if they do it but that's way better than whatever they'll pump out.
So this is gay baby jail.
Well right now I'm trying to make a little privacy garden with the hedge partitions. I'm going to put some stepping stones down as a path and a bunch of plants. Not sure what to put in the hedge though but I have some benches tucked behind the corner partition.