This game is a masterpiece

This game is a masterpiece.

It's the best game I've played in years.

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that's pretty sad

What's this?

I'm waiting for it to drop below $60. Any day now...

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looks like you haven't played a lot of games in the last few years

i will give it a try again but damn playing sekiro after so many hours in monster hunter world is pain in the ass

Truly epic

>got it for free during the Steam sale

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a autistic rhythm game

>Artificial Difficulty: The Game
Control is better

no one remembers

If Edbert was still alive and not a massive fag I would unironically use this game among some others as an example of videogames as art.
Its a shame that the git gud meme turned out to be just that, a meme.

I guess its true that Yea Forums is bad at games and cannot appreciate action adventure without an easy mode, like in dark souls.

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Preparing myself to fight Demon of Hatred and Isshin at this very moment.

Not my GOTY but damn good, I'm hoping it's getting a DLC expansion.

how many games have you played in "years"

It's a serious shame Yea Forums formed a narrative against this game, It's truly something special

Name one game that came out and was better

protip: if you say DMC5, I'm not even gonna bother responding you

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Been watching a playthrough of it and so far it looks like repetitive and linear sword slashing. AI looks pretty artificial too but the combat is probably more engaging than Assassin's Creed. Does it improve at all?

I thought From said they had no plans for DLC.


Most of Yea Forums was demeaning the game when it came out because it was "only" 16gb.
On top of that, the lack of multiplayer triggers loads of retards because they're too used playing Dark Souls 3 multiplayer. They don't even realize multiplayer would ruin the game (unless it's PVP).
Then most of Yea Forums got filtered by the Ogre, so now they're just seething every time the game gets mentioned.

I believed that the biggest filter was the blazing bull. That nigga is hard as fuck. The first dozen of time I did not what the fuck to do with an animal twice the size of a german tank. I was just jumping and running like a little sissy.

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Your game bad my game good

I made it past the Ogre without too much trouble then my retard brain couldn't handle the basic-ass human general right after him

So was he fucking the shota?

I can name multiple but there is little point when you will just go
>implying those are good

I also wonder if the grappling hook in the game might not also be an allusion to the Spider-Man games published by Activision.

you must be exceptionally bad at this genre if you thought blazing bull was a filter

genichiro rematch was the only real filter

Just try bruh

Ace Combat
Pathologic 2
and that is all in the same year
now go on and say it

Why yes, it is in fact my first FROM game (I tasted the first boss of III and the first boss of DS1). But take a look at the achievements numbers in steam for this game. BB looks like the real deal.

i guess you have only played 1 game in years

They didn't, they just haven't said anything and people assume that means there's no plans.

>my first FROM game

Fair enough. Although I wouldn't exactly use other steamkiddy's achievements as a valid basis for comparison.

According to steam achievements numbers, only 30% of players even beat the game's final boss (top kek)

that's true for a lot of games, though.

I grant you ace combat
never played pathological
and as I said for DMC5, I'm not even gonna bother explaining you why it's a shit "game", and yeah before you ask I have it

what a dumb post

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go grind your "stylish" SSS ranks you monkey

Kuro's game silly

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