Finish game

>Finish game
>Realise it was never actually fun

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>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it. I'm 22 and my dad is putting pressure on me to lose it. I still live at home and depend on my parents and they know I'm not bringing any girls over. He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name. It's getting annoying.

Ask that he respect your choice to stay clean until you find the right co-fag to marry.

The worst thing about this meme is that it completely misunderstands what the prefix nu- means

don't fall for it, I fell for it and shagged a junkie chav and now i regret it

>getting any amount of flustered by what virgins and virgin trannys call you

every farming game
destiny, wow, borderlands
people play them for the rewards not cause they are funny

Have sex.

move out

>finish game
>enjoy it
>people on Yea Forums shit on the game
>say it wasn't fun in the first place to fit in

lol classic Virgy

i finished kingdom of amalur, all of the sidequests and all of it's dlc, it probably took me 200+ hours and only enjoyed the first hour of it.
I still don't know why i did it.
BTW it's a trash game don't play it.

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>actually getting buttblasted online

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Unironically Red Dead 2.
I must of replayed the RDR a good 6 times, but I've yet to care about even 100%ing RDR2

Your virginity doesn't mean anything it's just a social construct with no value. Having sex doesn't affect your worth as a person user.

Your dad sounds like a bro, put him on.

I feel the same way
did the exact same thing with Dragon Age Inquisition too

Luigi this pasta is stale!

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Twilight Princess in a nutshell

>Dark Souls II
>Find out about ADP before hand and max it to soft cap
>Think I'm enjoying the game and finish it
>Realized I missed several bosses because of the horrible area layout
>Never get back to it
>Lose Data
>Think I can recreate that enjoyment again in a new playthrough
>It's just a massive chore now

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>Game has a hard to swallow pill

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What is enjoyable to the retard who made this?

And who are you to judge what's fun and what's nu?

You are and you'll know it

Nier Automata needs to be added to Basedfun

it IS based fun, you're right

Dark souls series

Is this what they call a 'forced discord meme'?

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Please. "nu-" doesn't mean anything other than "This wasn't around when I was young and impressionable, so it sucks."

beat the shit out of your dad and ass fuck him so you're not a virgin anymore

>play a game for 1000+ hours
>a year passes, someone mentions they play it
>yeah, it's shit and only faggots play it

Why did you keep playing if it wasn't fun? You spergs can't even decide for yourself what you play?

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What are some nu-fun red flags?
>"Without anything to unlock, there was no more incentive to keep playing"

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Hm. This definition seems to allow that fun might be something that actually exists, so it looks like Yea Forums might actually be less curmudgeonly than it was 10 years ago. That's progress.

this is great bait user, well done.

No such thing as nu-fun, just people who can extract enjoyment out of pure shit.


>Fallout 3 in Neo fun

Have sex you fucking incel.

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>Game allows you to skip the hard shit

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Yea Forums, we need to talk.

define the difference between actual fun and "nu-fun"

One is real and one is a Yea Forums buzzword.

Why not just fuck your dad?

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The true definition is
>This one person has a low IQ and thus lower standards
>He derives fun from games that have poor or dysfunctional mechanics, lower quality in terms of assets and design.

one is where you actually feel joy, the other is where you THINK you feel joy but your brain is actually just pretending because you've heard so much great things about X

Persona 5 and Xenoblade.

if you listen to Yea Forums this is literally ever game

Wasn't fun a big enough buzzword, according to Yea Forums? I just think people want to be in increasingly obscure shit to the point where they label other peoples fun as invalid, but they validate the fun they had personally. Everything is like this. People unironically like Big Bang Theory. Maybe take life less serious?

So a placebo fun? I don't believe there is such a thing, rather people exaggerate the fun they have from popular things to fit in. Being something that is of an unpopular genre helps, like with Skyrim.

It is correct for most recent games as in 2010-2020

Why haven't we made a Yea Forums wikia at this point? I can't think of any other board with this amount of buzzwords

I literally just had to go to the bathroom and puke.

This copypasta is still funny.

Fuck your mom and call your dad cucky

No one on this site has any say on anything about anyone else. Ignore them all knowing you are better than every single one of them including me.

You can sue your parents over this, you know?

This happened to me with botw
Nice pasta

Interesting how all the listed basedfun games are exclusive to a single console

witcher games
tales of vesperia
walking sim games

>He's started calling me "Virgy" in public and around my friends instead of referring to me by my real name.
Your dad sounds like a piece of shit.

Look at all the newfags who never seen this copypasta

are you retarded? unless you simply mean they are all exclusives

Nice bait. No 22yo virgins exist, unless youre a freak or something

my favorite part is all the unreleased games


>all these replies to slightly modified pasta from years ago
Just nuke Yea Forums already jesus fucking christ. Every post is a fabrication for attention just like reddit

Memes aside, at what age does being a male virgin become weird? Asking for a friend.

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Past 18. No one with a normal brain is a virgin by the time they graduate highs high school. College is FREE pussy, even for nerds. Consider suicide if you never get laid by the time you're 21

Imagine if someone was a 24yo virgin ha ha! How do you think society would view such a person?

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okay, brainlet

t. Incel

You've ever played Dota 2 or an mmorpg grinding for dozens of hours until your health is deteriorating and you start feeling a strange sense of anguish in your heart that you try to ignore and wash away while you play, and you're only able to realize how empty you were the whole time after you finish playing and the dread and feeling of having wasted your time sets down?

That's a type of nu-fun. It's adulterated fun, in the sense that it's not a purely positive feeling and it's often influenced by addiction, knowledge that you're wasting your time or have better things to do, and/or social influence telling you "this is fun and you should have fun" when maybe you wouldn't give a shit about the game if it weren't for its popularity. Sometimes you aren't able to grasp this feeling and it remains vague -but nonetheless displeasant-, and you either cannot acknowledge it or just don't want to at the moment.

Imagine being so jaded that you see "new" as a synonym for "wrong"