Which era of Sonic is your favorite?
Which era of Sonic is your favorite?
Easily Adventure era. Why can't they return to those times?
master system/game gear kino
>Shadow in Modern Era
>saturn era
>has more games released on the game gear than the actual saturn
It was the first game that didn't have the Adventure-era VAs
Classic > Adventure > Saturn > Modern > Meme > Cycle is Broken
Pretty accurate chart. I remember the day Shadow the edgehog came out. I thought it looked badass and shadow was cool. Played it for a few minutes at my cousins house. Something clicked and I realized it was trash. Adventure 2 and Heroes will truly be the last Sonic games I enjoyed.
they all suck sonic has no good games good
I don't really have one, I just like games from almost all the eras
It still kept to the original story line so it should be included in the Adventure Era.
>God tier
>Great tier
>Okay tier
Broken cycle
>Mania doesn't deserve to be lumped in with them tier
>I played enough of these games to know it sucks tier
>Nearly killed the series tier
they're all pretty bad
Adventure era was the climax, everthing else became mediocre or complete shit afterwards
Adventure>Broken Cycle>Classic>>>>>>>Everything else
You didn't like Mania?
I think user meant that of that era Mania is the only exceptional game, whereas the rest are just okay/bad
Oh shit, I actually meant to reply to
Because Naka doesn't work at Sega anymore
Meme era would have been my least favorite had it not had Mania.
I guess my favorite is classic, and least favorite is Modern.
God I love Sally so much.
Why are SEGA of Japan so butthurt over everything SEGA of America did better than them?
Classic > Cycle is broken > Adventure > Meme > Modern > Saturn
Classic era unless you are a fucking furry autistic faggot.
Eh, considering how poor it tried to wrap things up via rectons I'd say it deserves it's own era as the start of Sonic Team diving way too far in the melodrama side of things.
God we really had it so much better back then, SA1 and SA2 had soul and it fucking sucks how the boost shit era pre-Forces ruined their reputation at the time.
Can we all agree that meme era is officially the worst out of all of them? I'd rather play compilations of the good games via Saturn than watch a never-ending trainwreck after trainwreck, even the goodwill from Mania vanished fast.
Adventure, but the best game is Riders
They alluded to some of it in Heroes and can you really call them retcons when they weren't explored in the first place?
It should still be considered a part of the Adventure era since 06 was internally considered a small "reboot" for the mainline series. Shadow wrapped up most of the narrative lines that existed since SA2.
SA1 and 2 were buggy, janky messes that ruined their own reputations. Even when they were new Gamecube fans were lukewarm to the prospect of them finally being on a Nintendo platform. "Yay, we finally get Sonic games, shame that these two aren't actually very good." I vividly remember it.
no, saturn is the worst, only thing they have going for is nostalgia
You mean just like with the N64?
2005-2009, since it made people finally stop pretending that sonic was ever good.
Adventure Era
Also the Adventure Era should include everything up until, and including 06
Is the Adventure 2 HD remaster worth playing?
Play the fixed cutscenes mod Speeps just put out.
Obviously Adventure era and Modern era.
Who keeps buying these games? Does this series live entirely off of autists and furries?
My thoughts exactly, MIGHT be when thing reaaaally started to go south but it still is heavily connected to the Adventure era games story and gameplay wise.
I'm just going to say this. Sonic died starting directly with Colors. A.K.A. the minute the Japanese team dropped the series and these douchebags were put in charge.
Colors is the exact point where everything in the series started turning into the caricature it is today. Even the shittier games between StH to Black Knight had beautiful soul. SC, Lost World, Generations, Mania and Forces all push this stupid western humor and meta nostalgic bullshit which sucked all the originality and inspiration right out of the series.
ShtH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literal dogshit > Heroes
Yeah, dogshit is better than the TV show Heroes.
Not sure what that has to do with Sonic though.
>the Japanese team dropped the series
Adventure = Classic = Mania > Cycle is Broken > Modern > Rest of meme
I haven't played enough of the Saturn era games to truly judge them
Shadow belongs in Adventure era
>Any Sonic game.
Adventure era was the best "Growth" of sonic. It had the best sonic controls and 3D levels with the GC adventure games, and the classic sonic gameplay with multiple characters in advance. Both the 3D and 2D games took a dip in quality in the "modern" and and "Broken" era