Kinolands 3

It is approximately

>2 days
>3 hours
>39 minutes

Until the most highly anticipated game of 2019 comes out, are you ready, badasses?

Attached: kinolands3.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, are you buying it on a console?

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Pre-ordered, I couldn't give Randy my hard earned money fast enough.

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Yo ho-ho!

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Not supporting the game of the century?
What drainpipe did you crawl out of?

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this will be pirated to shit on pc, no one wants to buy it on epic, wouldve been less piracy if it was steam release

Preload when?

>fell for the epic store meme
Y-You actually believe people gave a shit about steam?

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I want to murder everyone who utters the word kino. It means absolutely fucking nothing at this point.

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How much does shilling pay nowadays and how can I sign up?

One not owned by Epic, obviously.

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Half minimum wage in your local area.
You can't.

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>not screaming for the second coming of christ that is 2 days away

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Is this the new down syndrome general?

>clicks on borderlands 3 thread just to complain
alright, neexxxt.

Oh, sure thing user. Well be sure to add us when you eventually buy it, we all know you will.

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Sure thing, retarded animenigger. See you in 6 months when the game leaves Early Access.

>posting on an anime website
You can't afford it, can you?

Nah, I'm actually sitting on ~$1200 money I can do whatever the fuck I want with. But I absolutely refuse to give Epic a single cent.
And I say that as someone who helped Alpha test Fortnite.

That's not approximately dumbass

sure buddy, larp.

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Lmao just imagine the low IQ brain dead retard mouth breather who is actually going to pay 60 for a badly written meme fest and not pirating it

if you dont pirate this you are retarded

>fuckhead randy's company
>timed epic store exclusive
Possibly a purchase once it's dirt cheap or piracy.

This game should get pirated, and not bought on steam before a huge discount.
Buying the game full price 6 months later on steam is almost as bad as buying it from epic!

it's already been confirmed as being pure shit
its so cringey and memey it makes borderlands 2 look like a game for people with a serious temperment

something went wrong with borderlands when people started to talking more about memes include in the games than ther rest of the content
now rest of the series is really cheap or free if i will pirate it, are all games other than borderlands 1 a cringe meme fests?

ironic shilling is still shilling, faggot

never post a picture of this subhuman chink ever again

really looks like a last gen game. lacks something modern.

Yohoho and a bottle of rum.

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Most highly overhyped game I think you mean.
If this game is like its predecessors itll be an absolute bore unless you play with friends and the writing will be the equivalent of a grandpa using emojis

Tim personally paid for my copy its okay.

Oh I'm ready for something to cum out alright.

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You’d have better luck commissioning rule 34 of the new characters or aged up Tina than shilling here. The only hope you have is to get gamers to buy with their dicks because any charm this series had has long since worn off.

didnt pay 60, i paid 79

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>the most highly anticipated game of 2019
Is Death Stranding coming out already?

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>epic games
gonna pass

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Tim already paid for every single copy of BL3

Randy is gonna pass your mama, steamie

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pirating because I dont want to support chinks

I have a feeling this one won't be cracked for a while. Crackers seem to not give much of a fuck about epic games. And Borderlands 3 is also not nearly as big of a deal as some people in this thread think it is.

>those man faces


Shit series

Why would anyone larp about having $1,200? Are you 15? My bank account hasn't dropped below $3,000 in like 2 decades.

why would i ever want to buy a redditlands game?

>most highly anticipated game of 2019
Seriously? Did you just start gaming 2 weeks ago? There's been a lot of hyped games this year. Sure, they were all shit when they actually came out. But tons of them were much more hyped than Borderlands.

Even if it's Borderlands 2.5 I'll still like it

>Men are trash 3
Who Am I kidding, I'll buy it anyway.

>most highly anticipated game of 2019
>can't even get an 88 from paid reviewers


Attached: bl3.jpg (431x316, 55K)

also based

The chatter about Borderlands 3 has been minimal compared to previous releases. Because most PC gamers wrote it off as soon as they heard it was an Epic exclusive. Anyone that was around here when Borderlands 2 came out knows what I'm talking about. The silence about BL3 speaks volumes.

honestly pretty interesting, could be the game or the launcher, anything goes at this point

I look forward to all the tina source filmmaker porn to come out of this

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Im honestly kinda sad about the whole thing.

I really liked borderlands 2 and I have great memories grinding it out with my freinds in high school. I was really excited for this but all the shit that happened since the announcement drained me of all enthusiasm for it

Please give me more mommy Moxie tiddies


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Nothing important happened user, if you want to be mad over useless shit i suggest politics

What is this?

There's a small thing that bothers me about borderlands.
I like the gameplay, it's mostly fun enough.
I like the artstyle, it's memorable and unique.
I love the lore, it's interesting and pretty extense, as well as thought out.

But fuck, is the main story normally filled to the brim with memes and lol so random character.
The writing is like for 12 year old kids.

This is mostly ignored when playing with friends, but it's kinda sad a game with decent potential be tainted with horrible writing.

Excuse me. Are these jelly beans organic?

looks like a snail


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Mechromancer is literally the best character

>you will never fuck moxxie while loli tina watches and makes ADHD tier jokes

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yes for the most part
you can ignore alot of it in 2 and pre-sequel but it seems like they are gonna turn it up to 11 in 3

is this ZTD? whos this?

I agree, maya is a close second to hottest girl

>can't play as Tina
>highly anticipated
more like highly depreciated

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go finish it my dude, its worth it for the memes


>only send review codes to a few handpicked sites
>still cant reach 90


yeah what the fuck were they thinking, she's really popular its kind of dumb they didn't make her an actual playable character

my dick as the pistol

stop shilling your garbage randy

i will right after i finish strange journey

from what i've heard it's even worse this time, just full of cringy unfunny jokes stretched out for way, way too long

>Grown up

good, go now

Prepare yourself for a meteoric drop on launch day.
It'll barely stay above 70.

Have people gone through the stats yet and decided which build of a which class is going to be the most broken?

I kind of want to play the Operative dude but don't know if I'm going to be kneecapping myself. I guess that's the experience of committing to a class in any of these sorts of games

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sure i needed a reason to get off this site anyways. good day user

its gonna be him though, the fucking kill skills he has are fucking STUPID op

Imma wait for the GOTY ultimate vault hunter bullshit edition.

bye buddy

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I'd bet on mecha girl and pet shitter to be garbage gimmick classes. It will be between muscle pajeet and soldier 76


I have a gut feeling that this game was being shilled here by gearbox ever since the announcement to appeal to the zoomer pewdiepie subscriber/election tourist demographic that browses this site, I mean just look at this op and how hard he's trying to fit in


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>most highly anticipated game of 2019

This game was a strange trip but VLR was better

I was happy to wait till it released on Steam.
But there's been too much bullshit surrounding it. Put off now.
Also if the DLC for BL2 they just released is any indication, the writing is gong to be horrible.

So, I redeemed the GMG code and got to download the game. Slowly. I thought there wasn't going to be a preload on PC?

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lilith is so fucking ugly now

>dlc story
Has borderlands ever had a decent dlc?
It's all been just random nonsense to justify unique guns or enemies.
I couldn't tell you any of the plots of the previous games outside of the main story highlights.

General Knoxx DLC, Tiny Tina DLC, Claptastic Voyage.

>hurrr dnd right guys
>good story
>Claptastic Voyage
General Knoxx was a good setting but it was just a generic plot.
The good features of a borderland game can flow with any type of plot.
It's all just filler for the main story highlights.


Anyways EOSD is 2hu Kino.

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The Tiny Tina DLC was great. The whole thing was just her making a fantasy world to cope with the death of Roland.

why am i the only one complaining about how they shat the bed with Tannis and Lilith's models HARD

Attached: 400px-BL3Tannis.jpg (400x574, 50K)

That one scene doesn't really make up a "plot" though.
The payoff was decent but it doesn't retroactively make the plot good.
I like the dlcs. Don't get me wrong.
However, that actually is what I mean by "main story highlights".
It's always a handful of memorable scenes but the main game kinda wanders all over the place and just ends up at those scenes.

driving down the highway on Knoxx was pretty cool, idk. Something about getting to actually experience what in other games would be "fast travel" is nice

I did say that it was a good setting.
Borderlands is usually pretty good at making locations interesting.


It was hinted at throughout the whole thing. Roland even comes back to life as a knight near the start of the DLC. I don't really care about the story too much in Borderlands, though. I just enjoyed the setting and all the countless new enemies and fun locations. The humor was actually pretty good in that one as well. Especially the way Tiny Tina kept changing the world with her narration and Torgue getting bullied by Lilith.

Yeah but her constantly wondering where Roland is isn't a plot.
It's a set up for a pay off.
Like if you have a scene where you introduce some weird type of animal with a specific trait that you don't hear about again and then late into the game it's brought up for the pay off.

>most highly anticipated game of 2019
>A rerelease of a 14 year old MMO blew it out of the water

Sure buddy

Tannis isn't even that bad compared to the fucking Moxxxi/Lilith abominations. Imagine modeling those chins and thinking, "Yes, this is an updated version of their characters from 1 and 2."

Didn't say it was great because of the plot, just that it was great. You won't find any decent plot in Borderlands, except from maybe Claptastic Journey where you get digitized and enter Claptrap to find some hidden Hyperion codes, which Jack then uses to self-destruct and destroy all Claptraps.

Borderlands doesn't have much story. There's like 10 cutscenes throughout the whole game and all DLCs if you don't include the intros and outros. You just get exposition through audio logs while you play the game normally. Most of the DLC provides fun new areas to explore, which is all that matters. Almost all the DLCs are filler that takes place after the main game. Only a few of them move the plot forward.

>are you ready badasses?
>Nothing affordable can run this shit properly

Attached: Lol try playing this crap.png (1180x1053, 485K)

>cel shading
>high def cel shading

Just turn off volumetric clouds, seems to be the norm these days to have clouds destroying 20% of your frames.

only Yea Forums and people who play boomer shooters hate borderland

I have a 1080 TI, so yes. 65 average is fine at 1440p. Could be better, but this is what happens when AMD pays someone to "optimize" their games for their hardware. Doesn't run well for anyone, and not a single AMD GPU can even play the game above 60 fps at 1440p or above. Hilarious.

>read pc reviews
>all complaaining about glitches, performabce and data loss issues
Yeah will wait on this

Planned DLC if you ask me

The score has tanked because of 1 review from a seething SJW. This review is PC exclusive, so the console versions will be higher rated.

Good thing I am not a retard and own a console that can run any game at max settings so this doesnt apply to me.

Probably not. She's part of the story and is likely a questgiver. Jack was different in the Pre-Sequel as you were playing as his body double.

Good thing I have an rtx 2080ti

0/10 b8 m8.

>own a console that can run any game at max settings

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You mean it can run any game on medium settings at 30 fps. You've settled for an inferior product, and that's fine.

Borderlands has never been properly optimized.

Is the torrent up yet?

BL has always been shit

It hasn't released and it's denuvo, so it will be at least a day.

I'm waiting for the Steam release though

Also, what's the point of pirating a game that's meant for online co-op? You can't even do most of the end-game content without other players.

Should I play as Zane or Moze? I like the idea of sprinting and shooting with unlimited ammo, but I think the holo-distraction skill is also really cool

Ironic advertising is still advertising.
The most anticipated game was and still is WoW classic.

Borderlands is a Boomer franchise, and Yea Forums is representative of the gaming community as a whole. If you think normies aren't visiting Yea Forums in higher numbers than oldfags, you're not paying attention.

Then why are all the servers dead? Oh, wait, people realized they can't recapture the magic and quit.

>started on ps3
>boomer franchise
Hard yikes from me.

Lmao thats already dead. Twitch views went from half a million to 100k in less than a month.

>own a console that can run any game at max settings so this doesnt apply to me.

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>twitch views
>"dead" servers after multiple capacity upgrades and still queues during peak hours
Cope, shill. No-one gives a fuck about blunderlands and I say that as a HUGE fan of the first game.

>twitch views
>12 year old nuthugging a game that's older than he is

Twitch views don't matter
You retarded?
Read the posts. Was mocking the other gay.
Later, Randy.

I remember Borderlands 2 and TPS both had their games leak before release, kinda hoping 3 does the same.


BL3 has confirmed LAN at launch, meaning you can just use Hamachi to play online with your friends.


Attached: ONE DAY.jpg (1131x297, 77K)

>Have sex incel and dilate poltard.

this desu



Attached: AMARABAS.jpg (466x311, 38K)

Source me on this, unless its gay futa shit.

>One day
And 23 hours you fucking idiots

no futa
google amara hentai its around the first few ones

your ranking of vault hunter by personality?

zane > amara > moze > flak

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I laugh every time I see Ryzen/Radeon logos on games that run better on Intel/Nvidia, Assassin's Creed Odyssey easily being the worst offender.

And I run a 2700x/Vega 56.

>decide to reinstall borderlands 2 and play through it again
>begin playing
>writing is dogshit awful
>gunplay is mediocre at best
>was bored to tears within a few hours
>3 is more of the same outdated garbage
To think I almost pre-ordered.

>2 days
You mean 185 days

Its weird they chose such a wacky voice actor and stuck him on one of the most hardass no nonsense characters for Fl4k.



Attached: BTFO.jpg (1908x1167, 174K)

>borderlands 2 villain
>a man doing the right thing that gets corrupted because the protagonist of the first game was a massive cunt
>borderlands 3 villains

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zane is really cool and the fact that hes the brother of flynt is fucking amazing

You guys want a BL3 spoiler?

bro please dont

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heres your villian bros...

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Reminder that Randy Bobandy can very well be the OP.

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OP here, i can confirm im not randy

Attached: randy chadford.jpg (901x1200, 141K)

Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
Kill yourself
>Kill yourself

>Choosing a character to play in a looter-shooter judging by "lore"


Attached: yawnnnnnnn.jpg (300x250, 18K)

Let me guess. There's a monster inside the Ultimate Badass Vault that's going to destroy the galaxy if the players don't stop beat it like a loot pinata.

>highly anticipated game of 2019
That belongs to Metro Exodus but as soon as it was announced it was Epic Game exclusive that fucking killed it for me.

>Read negative reviews
>Its just Borderlands again instead of a battle royale, and the humor is raunchy again

So Borderlands?

How do Zane's grenade-centered perks work if you select two skills instead of a grenade?
>drops free grenades that you can't use
>consumes up to 3 grenades
how does this work

I've got two level 60+ Salvadors and an maxed out Lilith that I only ever played solo with. I've defeated every boss and every raid boss solo. Git gud.

Fuck off Randy

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They don't. Although I think the ones where your drone drops equipped grenade mod still works.

Why are they so UGLY

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They're influencers.

He probably meant the Fortnite Alpha part.

>The score has tanked because of 1 review
>The score has tanked because of a single 63 out of 21 reviews
If that 63 was a fucking 100, the Metacritic score would go up almost 2 points. It didn't fucking "tank" because of that score.

I want all my borderlands games in same launcher for lore reasons

Where do you know this? the trailer or somethign


It sounds like the negativity comes from

1. People expecting it to be a completely different game
2. The dialogue and jokes are as cringy as ever and didn't really improve
3. People trying to bring politics into it

and i think the cringy dialogue is apart of the games charm

That might be because vanilla WoW streams are not exactly thrilling to watch. It's absolutely garbo "Twitch game"

Lady parts are all busted. Hot dog down a skag den know what I'm sayin?

>Complaining about Tannis' model
>Not her fucking ridiculous flanderization.

Onions and Youtube don't mix

That actually makes Moxxie even worse. Jesus, I didn't think that was possible after TPS.

>Find out girl was traumatized and kept isolated after killing her mother and human contact is limited to Jack.
>Leave him immediately and then try to kill him later. Which would leave that poor girl alone to die a sad lonely death of dehydration because Jack is the only motherfucker that knows she's there and to arrange for life support, food, etc.


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Doesnt this contradict the writing in BL2? She didn't want to be held captive by him. Also he made the active choice to harness her powers as a weapon.

more like scatlands lmao

Attached: pooplands.png (628x163, 27K)

In BL2 Jack at least mentions she needed to be contained after "what she did to her mother"

But if Moxxi knew about that shit and didn't bother telling anyone. Damn.

>tfw not too worried about the cringe writing since the story content is only a few hours and the meat of the game is the actual grinding/looting afterward

Sounds like the reviewer has pretty shit humor. I'd rather have overdone childish stuff than overwrought faux drama.

30 hour campaign. Have fun.

What are you trying to say? Thats pretty good, and the bulk of the time will be spent after it. I can finish a 30 hour campaign in a day.

could someone post more of these outrageous ones?

Moxie didnt know Angel was a person. I don't think she even knew Angel was connected to Jack at all.
No one knew she was a person until the Bunker siege.

>Playing after the campaign
But.. there's no reason to

In 6 months maybe

tiny tina's dlc was amazing no idea what ur smoking

it'll be cracked within a week

"Kept her hidden for years. Second wife found out about her, bolted"
implies heavily that Moxxie knew.

It's good if you're 15

What do you think the thousands of people still playing BL2 daily are doing?

As an experience, yes. From world building point of view, no. Except maybe the end where Tina accepts black dude's death

Stop replying to bait

>Taking TPS as anything other than fan fiction.

The game itself fucking waffles on the whole "Jack was really just a misunderstood tragic character" during its run time. Athena calls jack a hero in the beginning but outside saving your ass from the fucking space station he called you too in the first place he was a glorified ideas guy. By the end its clear Athena didn't even consider him a good guy even though she strait out said he was a shitter.

Scripting? Something consolefags can't do

>someone who's never played borderlands before

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So they swapped all overt pop culture references and "this is so progressive, am I right my fellow feminist ally?" shit for jokes that wouldn't be too out of place in a Ren & Stimpy cartoon?
I can live with that.

What does console have to do with this? Anyone with a brain is getting it on PC.

But its never stated Moxxi is Jacks second wife.
Moxxi is the girlfriend who betrayed him.

The only content in the game is the campaign.

Yeah, Daemon X Machina is looking pretty sick I agree.
Don't know why you posted that unrelated image though, OP.

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TPS is canon. Tales is canon.

>Using Aqua to shill fucking Borderlands of all things
Absolutely disgusting.

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It really doesn't. It's pretty clear through the entire game Jack is textbook narcissist. Even his end goals betray the fact he's a villain considering "good" Jack imprisoned his daughter and used her to manipulate people into unleashing a monster so he could acquire its powers and make a super weapon to nuke his enemies from orbit.

The issue I have with it is that Lilith becomes an unsympathetic cunt. Everything is her fault because she decided to hit the vault thing into jack and walk out like a B A D A S S instead of finishing the job and actually killing him.

>If you think normies aren't visiting Yea Forums in higher numbers than oldfags, you're not paying attention.

Normies don't use Yea Forums. That's why I like Yea Forums. At least not in "High numbers"as you like to call it. And Yea Forums is riddled with multiple proxy users. It probably has smaller userbase than shown here.

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There's nothing there about user counts. Just horrible, horrible stat inflation from twitter due to how the website is set up inflating "page views" to high hell

I was so down to play this game until the stupid ass pronouns thing with Fl4k.....

Now I just kind of want to refund the game and forget it, maybe spend the money on some booze instead to help that along.

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So I suppose there would be a "stat inflation" for Yea Forums too due to how the website is set up

>omg dude rofl at your life right now
>tea and crumpets lmao
I'm just old.
I liked airplane humor because it was nonsensical in a good way.
Tina is only good in those few moments of clarity.

Nowhere near as much with how you're able to see an entire thread at once. Reddit has the same shit at times with wanting to follow an entire reply chain resulting in opening different windows there too.

>letting politics dictate what video games you play
Just as bad as refusing to eat at chicfila because the owner has his own personal opinions.

I'll pass, thanks.

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>the review bitching about the tales of game not getting more
The game wasn't bad but that guy is a raging homo for caring so much.

Look I'm just tired of going literally anywhere and mentioning how I enjoy how he plays only to have the conversation segway into how "non-binary" he is and how that's so fucking amazing and progressive.

Like I don't give a fuck about what gender the OBVIOUSLY MASCULINE robot is in your eyes, I just wanna shoot guns.

Most normies don't even know how to browse through Yea Forums. Just get your normiest friend who uses discord or le meme reddit and ask them to make a reply post on Yea Forums. They'll look through whole thread and ask: where the fuck is 'reply' button?

that's just sad

It's literally what you see when you open a thread before you even see the thread itself.
Stop huffing your own farts and get over this muh sekrit club shit.

>obviously masculine
>robots needing genders at all
>probably wouldn't even care if we called it an it because it is an object and not a real person who has to worry about how they are portrayed

If it doesn't care then why am I being forced to? I can't use the words "he" or "dude" with Fl4k without someone flying up my ass about how I'm a bigot.

Tales of borderlands was the best thing that ever happened to this abysmal series.

He didn't bitch about not having more Tales from the Borderlands, he said that Tales had irreversibly changed what he expected from Borderlands in terms of narrative, and that BL3 did not deliver that.

I like to imagine they're not that fucking petty and instead are really, really pushing hard for a "Hurr the robot is non-binary see what we did there?" joke at some point.

Who will be the true villain?

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I can't believe Tim is giving out this game for free

Well he should learn to pull his head out his ass and pay attention to games at least for the first few seconds as they load and note the company logos that pop up.

that red hair girl with magics

Of course they are games made by different studios, but the point is that Gearbox should have taken notes from TFTB. They didn't, and thus the complaint is valid.

Fuck off Randy your game is shit

No, it isn't. TFTB is not even remotely the same sort of game and doesn't actually have a compelling gameplay loop. The setting is borrowed and pasted on top of the same shit you get from other telltale games. There's a tremendous difference between writing a book and writing an adventure path for a tabletop rpg for instance. If you did what this faggot wanted you'd not get an actual game. Or at best you'd get one that's thoroughly jilted and plays more like The Order or David Cage's bile.

Why is everyone saying the game is out soon? Isn't it out in March?

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>You can't write compelling characters and story arcs in an FPS without destroying the gameplay loop

Attached: kot.jpg (1596x1600, 84K)

I'm just saying that's my point of view.
You don't have to get into the conversation.
Just say that it isn't important and move on. Don't engage with people who are just trying to talk politics.

You can't with what he's fucking asking for. Read the fucking review. He's asking to break up the action.

Are they still shilling BL games on Yea Forums?

I would buy it but I don't think it would run on my shitty poorfag laptop with the 960m installed.

define.. "run"

just a reminder

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More power to you for liking things. I grew out of the borderlands humor some time ago and realised it when I went through the commander lilith dlc but I really did love co op with my sister back in the days of bl1

i like co op'ing your sister too.

My mates want to buy it for 4 player coop
how is it

Where's the crack?

Frankly, I don't think the game would launch at all. Not in 1080p that is. Maybe in 720p it could. The 960m is as powerful as 750ti but has 4gb of VRAM instead of 2gb as the 750ti does and the minimum specs for Borderlands 3 call for having at least GTX 680 which is twice as powerful as my current GPU.

No bother. I'm planning on putting an actual rig for myself somewhere in spring for Metro Exodus, Borderlands 3, Dying Light 2 and Cyberpunk 2077. RTX 2070 Super should run those games just fine at 1080p and I won't have to buy it on Epic either by then.

Here's a general breakdown:
>Borderlands 1
A classic run & gun game, easily the most balanced with fairly satisfying weaponry, it's a nice loot grinder with a bit of humor mixed in. Some of the DLCs take the humor a bit further, but nothing extreme. Many people latched onto lolsorandumb Claptrap, which led to problems down the line.
>Borderlands 2
It's BL1, but with weaker gunplay, weaker guns (but hey, they got gimmicks!), and absolutely fucked level scaling, weapons become useless after Presequel
Borderlands 2 with less content and more balanced (read: all overpowered) characters. Many of the good parts of these character's kits were actually recycled in BL3. The humor is also ass and regularly reminds you that an early character is a monstrous bull-dyke also Australia, giant purple billabong filled with the wails of a million ancient souls, tuckerbag with a jumbuck in it saved by his best mate.... yeah.
Is currently looking to have the best weaponry out of any of the titles yet, the scaling isn't completely fucked, much closer to Borderlands 1, and the characters all seem fairly good but hit & miss. The humor however seems to have somehow hit a low point when people thought they couldn't do worse than BL2.

>TFW on a GTX 745 and wondering if I can hit 60 FPS with INI tweaks
I feel your pain bruv.

you're wrong. go on borderlands wiki and do 5 seconds of research

Guess I'll concentrate on the shooty loots parts and mentally tune out when story happens

Screw bl3, can someone tell me if the commander lillith dlc is any good? It’s the last piece of bl2 I need to clear for 100% completion

>Normies don't use Yea Forums.
This site ranks:
in global internet engagement
Maybe a couple years ago but Yea Forums is a different website from what it used to be

Very short and mediocre but its fine for what it is. You did get it while it was free right?

No. It's not even good if you got it for free when it first dropped.
>2 or 3 hours of content
>Adds a few new gimmicky weapons
>1 meh Raid Boss
>Raises level cap to 80 for some reason
>Overpowered levels now go up to 10
>Doesn't actually fix any problems with the scaling
>Overpowered 10 renders even more builds basically worthless and it's still just Salvador at the top, followed by Maya, Krieg, Gaige, and Zer0 in no particular order. With Axton still at the absolute bottom of the barrel.

also adds a boss with massive legendary drop rate

>I can finish a 30 hour campaign in a day

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The best thing I can say about B1 humour is that it was unobtrusive. Probably because the game went through a development hell with so many rewrites that didn't leave much time to add shitty jokes in. Honestly, it should have stayed that way. Gearbox already experimented with adding more humour in DLCs for B1 and the results were mediocre at best. B2 went full retard thanks to Burch but I actually liked the general outline of the plot in B2. Especially, compared to B1 when I felt like I was aimlessly wandering before eventually stumbling onto a Vault seemingly completely by accident.

No steam no buy no watch no care fuck sjw fuck them all it's shit

>it's shit
>A game is bad because of the platform is on

Why is Axton so shit?

Fuck epic fuck chinks steam is god cucklands 3 is not worth being on steam because steam is better.

imagine being this sperged out, but like, all the time

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nah thats you bahroo you are failure like epic is

No steam no buy

Combination of things.
>No way to circumvent the health gate while also shitting out damage
>His turret is made of fucking glass at level 30, let alone UVHM OP 10
>Still has to carry around a Slag weapon cause his turret doesn't have enough uptime that it can reliably Slag for him
>Major turret upgrades actually reduce the turret's damage for some fucking reason
>Many mediocre upgrades
>No insanely strong upgrades

>You did get it while it was free right?
It was only free for a limited time? Well good thing I have literally no reason to go back to 2 other than playing my boy Krieg.

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What's that borderlands 3? never herd of it when did they announced 3? oh what's that on epic? Well i guess you don't want my money exclusive cunt. I hope your shit hole chink country gets nuked.

Enough to affect the score on its own, retard. It sticks out like a sore thumb. The PS4 version will be at least 2 points higher.

Can’t wait to pirate it, thanks for the free copy Sweeney

But really I think the answer is that Salvador is just way OP and Axton just kinda sucks. Salvador is basically the only character that can solo the entire game and 100% everything, and make it look easy.

Borderlands 2 was insanely boring. Is this game for normalfags that need something to do so they can chat with their friends for a little bit?

>and make it look easy
The power of being able to wield a Grog Nozzle (push you out of health gate range instantly) and another overpowered gun.

Yeah only for the release date.
>my boy Krieg.
Best boy is the only reason ive kept comming back to this fuckin game for years now. Still might if I hate 3.

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I got zer0 for my 100% save and I gotta disagree. b0re and stacking debuffs can get real fucking ridiculous

Thanks, but it's my fault for falling for the laptop meme like a drooling retard that I am. Nonetheless, I can wait. I'm not afraid of spoilers. I don't care all that much about spoiling some plot elements in a looter shooter, and I don't think there's that much to spoil in B3 to begin with. However, I like to do this game justice by playing on ultra-high at at least 60fps. Maybe I could run it at sub 20 fps at very low settings with everything disabled but I don't want that. I already did that with Kingdom Come Deliverance, a game which I absolutely love but I spoiled my experiance by playing on a shitty hardware. In my opinion there's no point in PC gaming if you're playing on sub-console settings. I don't play that many video games anymore so for the very few I'm actually interested in I would like them to run really well.

I have 50 computers set up for massive downloading/seeding borderlands 3. You will get fucked epic all day every day never gonna stop your days are OVER!

Not even just the DPUH + Grog, there's also the Ahab/Pimpernel and the Conference Call/Lady Fist (or Interfacer/Lady Fist).

Zer0 takes a lot more skill and effort to reach that point. With Salvador you just need a few pieces of gear and you can cheese anything that isn't an insanely higher level than you are. Even when I barely knew what I was doing with his skill tree a DPUH and Grog Nozzle got me through OP8 without any effort.

I'm still playing classic WoW but my friends will want to play BL3
What do?

> in same launcher
Gog it is

>Play complete shit or partial shit
This should be obvious.

That’s a fair point I guess. Also, zer0 is woefully dull

Stop playing meme games
Stop having friends
Stop being a normie

>His turret is made of fucking glass at level 30, let alone UVHM OP 10
Damn, Moze's mech is destined to follow the same path probably. Maybe the eventual community patch could fix it.

Wait for it to be on steam stop supporting chinks.

> preload is active
Lets fucking go booys!

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>Maybe the eventual community patch could fix it
That's the thing about Bl2's community patch, it doesn't fix his turret. It's just as weak as before, but now some of the "Upgrades" don't have hidden downsides to Turret damage. Still hits like a wet noodle with max of 50% uptime.

leak inbound

Kill yourself.

Stop shilling your trash game here reddit.

>want to show a friend tina’s dlc
>he insists he wants to try a new class for it
>picks commando
do I tell him?

For low levels, it's fine.

Fuck epic
Fuck chinks
Fuck your game
It's trash!


>Tiny Tina's DLC
>low levels

No, but he could be in one of the DLC. Gearbox confirmed they won't kill off any major characters out of scene. So that one guy who gives you loot in Sanctuary might not come back, but prior MCs and major NPCs aren't gone until we see it in-game.

Low levels are until 45 or so.

Do a "new level 30" character. The best way to experience the game

Fuck your game

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I fucking hope so, krieg was the best playable character in 2, I want to see him again

enjoy your super STD

>new level 30
Why does this exist? Fucking casuals.

Because of the Commander Lilith DLC

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Because early BL2 is very boring.
>Nothing but white guns
>Liar's Berg in general with no Action Skill for half of it
>Almost all the weaponry is white rarity because they randomly decided to make it so blues and shit can't drop before Captain Flynt on normal difficulty

thank you my overlord.

Gearbox literally went and programmed the entire system for epic.

enjoy your 20-25 FPS

>most highly anticipated game of 2019
Oh Randy, naive to a fault.

No, There are too many faggot and half faggot characters in the game and even little faggot kids. Homosexuals are poisoning children's minds, also if we wanna put in all this faggotry, might as well put in some "wholesome" incest while we at it. I mean come on, faggotry and incest both morally neutral, no issues.

Have fun with laggy 60 hz 20 fps loser.

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While that's true, it's also one of the biggest names to take the Sweeneypill and I could see them wanting to get it out asap just as a fuck you to both of them.

To busy playing classic WoW to play anything else. Probably will be like this for at least a year.

Attached: goaway.gif (423x234, 1.69M)

Can’t wait until this flops and Gearbox finally gets shitcanned.


dont kid yourself. jack was a awful villain and was only somewhat decent at times thanks to his voice actor.


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>implying ultra settings isnt going to be bloated fluff that drags down the performance for minimal visual improvement.

it's an apple snail laying eggs

>playing a hellfire build krieg.

setting the World on fire has never been so much fun.

beacuse playing from level 1 for the third time just to try out a new character is boring.

I have just checked bl3 subs. People indeed use epic store and dont give a shit about steam.

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stay there you dumb tranny

the real question is if that's astroturfing or if people are just genuinely that retarded

Maybe its just steam drones who are retarded?

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Because the game is at it's best at lvl 30 TVHM

I can't wait for Daemon X Machina either user, it's gonna be great fun

>western game
LOL enjoy your $60 propaganda

It's like you can't buy the game from anywhere else yet..

modren warfare 3 has forever convinced me that voting with your wallet will never work ever.

>bl3 subs
Go back and stay there, stupid shit

I fucking hated BL2 and I'm probably still gonna play this game.
I think I'll probably pirate it at most and see if I like what I played.
I'm already busy with fighting games this year on top of Astral Chain, Death Stranding, Super Mario Maker 2, and Catherine Full Body.
I don't think I have any reason to try it out at this point when I have to complete the games above, but the gunplay looks cool I guess.
The writing sounds even worse than BL2 though, I didn't even figure it was possible.

God, I wish they'd stop that badasses and explosion gimmick already.

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It's literally redd!t humor: the game

> can't buy the game from anywhere else

The trailer was just... weird
Artstyle really didn't age well (and I say that as someone who liked the melancholic, frozen wasteland aspect of BL2's Southern Shelf)
Villains don't look very engaging (quirky dabbing youtubers)
I don't seem to add anything "new" to the game besides more explosions, and the writing for 2 is really awful when you play it again.

Also this thread is 150% pure shilling

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It is unfortunate. But I'm gonna get my squeeze outta the guns and classes first before I'll drop it. It's not like I have a seething hatred for fun, I just hate Borderlands humor.
They'll never get a laugh outta me if their best joke is a unicorn shitting diamonds.
user, I'm doing us a favor playing this game and then reporting it back to all of (you).
Trust me, I'd rather experience MGSV followed by MG Survive for the first time again than sit through the dialogue in this game.

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Dear God they made Ellie and Marcus EVEN FATTER

pretty tired of that undercut hairstyle desu

Tim messaged me saying it was okay to pirate since he already gave the devs money for the game. I responded with "based" and he said "upvoted my friend, enjoy!"

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based $3k in bank neets

At this point I'm not even sure what's ironic and what isn't

Non meme answer is that their artsyle isn't designed to render human faces properly, even though it can give us some relatively good "scenic" landscapes
The hairstyles look like shit, and the girl has a horrible "Baby face" problem
Finally their proportions are really alien and uncanny
>the guy's pecs
>the guy's arms, shoulder, and collar
>the girl's neck

It's fl4k, he has a capstone which gives him a chance of scoring critical hits anywhere on the body, combine this with the fact that he has a skill which causes critical hits to do way more damage and the torgue sticky bombs and he melts any enemy
Haha dude ultraviolence lamo

This is the rick & morty of video games

>And I say that as someone who helped Alpha test Fortnite.
I don't get how that's supposed to hurt your argument, that just gives you more of a reason to hate Epic after they fucked it up in OT10. That makes me wonder, has any of the BR money even gone into the "main" game?

literal guardians of the galaxy esque quirky humor garbage, same as the fallout 76 music trailer
will happily pirate this piece of shit

It weakens my argument in general cause most users on this site are too incompetent to even know that Save the World exists. They see Fortnite they think zoom zoom bad!
And in answer to your question, no. It's actually been weakening over time for quite a while and gets less than a tenth of the effort that the BR gets.

No mashers no buy

But there are Masher pistols.



based black man

Lets fucking gooooooooooooooooo kill yourself

Looks shit

>54.9 gb
wtf why is my chink botnet store downloading 111 gb?

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Works fine for me.

Attached: 1568195630382.png (523x312, 14K)

ok seems like it was just a visual bug. looks the same now that i've restarted the botnet

>The humor is also ass
there's only one joke that made me laugh in the entire game
>Helios space station
>scientist gives you a quest
>"hey vault hunter I need you to do something for me and... hold on it's a bit hot in here, I'll open a window"
>opens the airlock and get sucked into space while screaming
>press a button to close the airlock and turn in the quest
It's simple but funny because of how stupid it is imo

That style looks actually good but it attracts disgustos and hambeast for some reason.


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Inb4 my 760 and bulldozer CPU can still handle it.

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That's what I thought about Anno 1800 but... actually, I haven't checked, I'm not even sure if that's cracked or not yet.

fuck off randy peacockford

It appears to the same game as 2.

Kino sempai kappa onions desu,

What is wrong with the face of the one on the left?
Is that a edit?

Yea just like how BL1,2, and BL1 remasters weren't cracked on day one so theres no prior pattern to be recognized.

>classic wow

You mean sucking others people dicks and getting cucked with loot. I can understand if you want to level from 1 to 60 to see every solo quest and explore the full world. But if you unironically want to play classic past level 60 you are a literal retard.

They didn't have Denuvo. There's only 2 scene groups cracking Denuvo, and 1 of them is (CPY) is not running at full capacity like last year.

Does anyone even give a shit about this?

Tim paid for all of our copies, though. Just enjoy it, guys. It's on him.

It's worse than BL2, what is even the point?

You never even played it

Well apparently the writing is somehow even worse than in BL2. Plus all the vault hunters look like garbage compared to the ones in BL2.

almost as if nearly everyone on this board was around 15 when that released

That one is nice, but the real kicker is the modifier to his invisibility thing that removes the 3 shot limit to the skill but lowers the duration and crit damage. So he gets increased movement speed, health regeneration, and unlimited crits for 8-12 seconds.

These characters look like shit, dialogue is abysmal somehow they made a game worse than bl2. I can't wait for this game to fail my friends are getting it so I hope that realize they wasted their money.

I want to stick my dick in Moze.

30 hours is the average.

What went wrong?

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Kill epic staff fuck chinks to hell fuck Randy's cunt ass kill him fuck you all steam for life.

If that is the price for abs.
So be it.

> caring about the game enough to actually waste time to pirate it.

future sucks

It's going to flop, won't even sell 2 million.

None of this matters it's not on steam this game should be ignored and threads should be deleted off this website. Borderlands 3 should be auto banned and perma banned OP. I repeat it's not on steam therefore the game is just as bad as console shit. Be happy i'm now the owner your asses would be banned forever for even bring this trash on my website.

Didn't they already brag about how many preorders they had? Also EG already paid them for it.

Going to buy this kusoge and regret it after 2 hours

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>Being this much of a faggot

If I want to play a grinding simulator I'll just play WoW.

>really like the concept of moze
>she will probably end up being the worst character with the mech being absolutely useless since it doesn't scale with loot and gearbox can't balance for shit

>since it doesn't scale with loot
How the fuck are they making that mistake a second time?

If you liked any previous BL you will like this one.

Are peepee poopoo bonerfart jokes kino?

>using humor and dnd as escapism from reality so she doesn't have to cope with Roland's death