>It's spyware
That was a lie
>It'll remove games from your library if you uninstall it
That was a lie
>Exclusivity will hurt PC gaming
That was a lie
>Steam/Valve won't improve due to Epic competition
That was a lie
>It's spyware
That was a lie
>It'll remove games from your library if you uninstall it
That was a lie
>Exclusivity will hurt PC gaming
That was a lie
>Steam/Valve won't improve due to Epic competition
That was a lie
Other urls found in this thread:
The only liar here is OP
Why are you trying to convince people here, of all places? You'd have better luck on Twitter.
based and daytime Yea Forumspilled
cringe and chinkpilled
this image is fucking retarded. if you're worried about privacy then you wouldn't be for steam or be using windows.
gog or kys
based drm-free polak store
People on Yea Forums that argue against chinknet spyware are disingenuous hypocrites. Bet they aren't off the grid as much as they'd like to pretend they are.
if you're worried about privacy why did you use an NSA portal to post on Yea Forums
It's even more retarded and funny if you consider that he google imaged those images of the chink guy and Tim
But is epic the father?
In the case of OP vs humanity, the jury finds OP guilty of being a fucking retard and sentences him to kys.
>this image is retarded because it proves me wrong
Do people actually belive that shit? Steam uses these certificates as well, your browser does as well. This is perfectly normal and intended
In the case of the seething nigger... YOU ARE the negro!
I wonder who could be behind this post....
Exactly this. When you install ANY program on any device your files are basically forfeit. The only trust you have is the good will that they won't do anything wrong.
Why do people watch shit like Maury, Jerry Springer, etc? I really do not understand the appeal whatsoever
You dont have a mom? Bitches love drama
Modern day town square where you toss tomatoes at people you don't like, if you watch those shows, the audiences really get into it
A new storefront that would compete for your money by offering you great discounts, incentives, and would out service everyone else?? We made that one up.
Turning to exclusives to compete because we had no choice since we're just a plucky startup company?? Nope, this one was invented by a man in North Carolina.
I watched Jeremy Kyle (rest in piss) to see if I recognised anyone from my job centre
I can't wait till all of daytime television is commenting on video games.
I recently watched a compilation of "you are not the father" and some of them are pretty funny. There was one where they tested two lads and both weren't the fucking father.
Top 10 anime twists
Jonathan Frakes should have been the mode land voice for Shepherd
You can link your discord server on epic, how many years will it take for valve to implement that simple feature? Or are they still pretending that anyone uses steam forums/chats?
Discord is cancer and any platform using it gets a minus 100 points.
>Epic lets you put Discord on your front page
Okay, that is actually based
>Steam/Valve won't improve due to Epic competition
Exactly how has Steam improved?
Added the 25% and 20% revenue shares
Added new discovery features
Updating Steam UI as we speak
>post things planned since chink.exe was even planned. valve just lazy and implements slowly
Look how long it took for Steam to add user reviews: 6 years. First added in 2010, and you could only do short positive ones. Then they added negative ones that could be long a year later, so 7 years total.
To do a feature Amazon had for decades
I bet everyone who reposts this image over and over has a Facebook account and uses Google Chrome
a bit biased and not support on yours claims
Yet they have reviews now.
Steam should be looked at as the minimum amount of features that should be on a storefront, no need to bring up their past if that was when it was the only storefront.
When I was a kid, I used to bump that shit to max and jump with the crowd when the lady took off her bra then the neighbor would come over and beat my ass
>no need to bring up their past if that was when it was the only storefront
It wasn't you fucking zoomer
Ok the only significant one, fagtron. My point still stands.
I like this gif, OP. I hope you do too.
I like it. What's the problem?
The weak stuff was on when I came home from school, and the harder shit late at night before bed. Good times.
Go Ricki, go Ricki, go Ricki! and so on.
Was it this one?
Reminder to report epic shills
Reminder that they have do it for frees in a discord
Reminder the chinese actually receive benefits for doing it for free
thank u gwairo fo shirring fo da Epic Stowa. Prus 10 Sesame Points have a been recarded in yer soshur score. prease keep up da good work