>still no good pirate games
New world looks cool though desu...

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Black Flag

Wait for the AC:Black Flag remaster. Assuming it’s gonna have the controls Origins had its gonna be great

>Blackwake and Sea of Thieves are dead
What's left for us now aside from Fortnite and PUBG?

1. Get the old Pirates of the Caribbean game by Bethesda on PC
2. Get the New Horizons mod
3. Enjoy the best pirate video game ever created

The only other thing that comes close is Black Flag.

Pirates are lame as fuck in almost every setting is the problem.

>get the old Pirates of the Caribbean game by Bethesda
This. There were some decent movie games for Pirates of the Caribbean

is blood and gold caribbean any good

>black flag only good pirate game

There's any good games with naval battles?

There was suppose to be his pirate penguin RPG game on the 3DS...I wonder what happened to it

blackwake has the best naval battles of any game

How do you mean? You don’t even have to make a pirates game multiplayer, just make it so you start off as a low role in a crew following a captain, then build up your reputation and go on raids and treasure hunts until you have enough funds to buy your own small ship and keep building from there. Huge modding potential aswell.

It doesn’t even need to be exclusively a tropical setting you could go more fantast and have icy terrains with skeleton crews etc just imagine the potential

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This game is actually terrible. As pointed its only real worth is playing it on PC just so you can mod it and make it not-shit, just like any Bethesda game, except in this case it's really severe.

GTA: Pirates when?

This guy gets it. Hell even throw in a mutiny option for your original captain and have that affect how your seen in the world. Are you a Gentleman Pirate or are you a cutthroat ruthless Pirate.

Black Sails was a good show, shame about the happy ending tho

Pirates of the Burning Sea ?

>he hasn't played Monkey Island 1, 2 and 3

Blood and Gold: Caribbean

Basically Mountain Blade except with a pirate ship, and you run around the tropics stealing shit and pillaging.

>it took this long for someone to mention it
It's over. Zoom zoom has taken over.

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its a retexture of the original game

Curse of the Black Pearl>Deadman's Chest>>>At the World's End>Deadmen Tell No Tales>>>>>>>>actual dog shit>>>>I actually forgot the name of this one

they did that to make it coincide with the book.

Wasn't Flint dead in the beginning of the book?

I think you mean the one from Comcept, Inafune's company. That shit got cancelled like most of Comcept's concepts.