>sign up for credit card
>get free $500 a month
What games should I buy with it or should I just get a switch?
Sign up for credit card
>>sign up for credit card
>>get free $500 a month
Yea Forumsro.....
So who wants to tell him...
heh, I get $2000/month
nothing personnel
Wow OP that's pretty funny I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow and I haven't even started yet. I just want to play video games maybe I should get a credit card.
>mfw i get new loans that are always slightly bigger than the last to pay off old loans for infinite money and videogames
What happens when you run out of credit?
Ive never had a credit card. Im 33.
the previous loan is always paid off early for infinite credit
Smart man
Do you not buy things on the internet?
Does this actually work? It seems like it shouldn't work.
>Using credit cards
Is this from a mobage?
I have a debit card that i control the money on. Never needed credit.
Actual children in this thread not establishing credit as soon as possible when they're 16-18 to have an easy life later on. I swear if this country forced high-schoolers to take mandatory financial ed classes prior to graduation we would have a lot less idiots roaming the streets.
I've got a debit card that functions as a Visa for online purchases
Rate my credit score
>encouraging people to be indebted to the happy merchant
Can we see the credit card that goes along with this score?
>mandatory financial ed classes prior to graduation
We have those in my country. No one pays attention, everyone complains afterwards that it was never taught in school.
you don't need a credit card for anything except buying things you can't afford or trying to game the system by buying things you can afford so you can get some free penuts for your effort.
>Expected a penis icon when she looks down
Im fucked up...
This, everyone immediately fucked themselves despite clear instructions on how to avoid this given at every turn. Sometimes i wonder if people really want to be debt free or if they just figure someone else will come along and pay their shit for them out of sympathy or something.
>establishing credit
boomer goy pitfall meme to bait kids into debt early on
Based retard
Imagine getting a credit card instead of a debit card. Have fun with that debt!
Kids are just being kids, most highschoolers will remember next to nothing of what they are being taught.
Someone tell me why getting a credit card is a good idea right now.
I agree my fellow white man
If you pay it, you get good credit and can borrow more money later.
Its gotten so bad that I use most of my volunteer time to teach groups of kids in high schools in my area how to not fuck up financially. I'm still young-ish so they usually listen to me more than a older teacher so at least I'm doing my part to educate. People really just avoid things they dont understand and hope that it just goes away after a while.
>you need to be in debt to jewish bankers or you're a failure
HMmmmm, who could be behind this post?
>Not just having the money to buy shit
I don't see the point in having a credit card. Seems a lot easier to just save up money and buy the car I want rather than taking a loan and being stressed the fuck out for years.
It isn't, but sometimes you're just stuck between a bad idea and an even worse one.
>expected a neck snap
If you have a brain and pay on time they literally will pay you to use it. Why wouldn't you want free money and airline miles.
this meme is fucking dumb. good cards give you ""free"" money for using them and you need credit for housing/transportation.
they're also good for emergencies.
Differ shit into monthly payments
Usually no costs to maintain a card
Earn points to get random free shit
But the main thing is that getting good credit means youll be able to get easier loans for cars and houses
>Credit score
Is this a Chink thing?
Alright here's my thought: 150 a month spent on stuff and then pay it back afterward. I actually keep getting mail to get a credit card.
>sign up for debit card
>get free $436,737,098,736,827,271,110,382 a month
What games should I buy with it or should I just get a stadia?
Have fun buying a house lmao
It is, but people are lazy and fucking retarded.
>tfw 32 and just bought my house outright.
Mixed signals but im inclined to believe the nigga who is not telling me to get something i cant afford
>Have fun buying a house lmao
I bought my house with 14 years of savings, good luck finding anyone who's going to pay off their mortgage in that time.
How do people even go into debt?
changing circumstances, not understanding how credit cards work, plain ol' poor financial planning
If you pay it in full every month you get money back and pay zero interest. Basically it's a 1-5% discount on all your purchases as long as you're not retarded and have self control.
im 27 and i have no idea how to check my credit score
nobody is any good at fucking teaching these things though
the classes need to be taught when the kid is actually like 18 and has started to get life experience. school just tries to cram it into your brain in freshman year in some half-assed class taught by a coach or some shit.
Credit cards are like mobile games. They're free to use, but a few retards will more than they can afford. Credit card companies make all of their money from debt whales.
only way you can get into the jew system, and have a credit score.
its a meter to show how obedient a dog you are.
Cars are depreciating assets. When an asset is depreciating you want to own as little of it as possible. Also for things like a house or car, saving up and buying outright isn't really viable as you both one, need a place to live and a vehicle to drive in the mean time, and two, depending on your job this could take decades.
you basically don't unless you've taken out a loan or gotten a credit card
The retards that get a card and dont pay in time aka pay loanshark interests subsidize your spendings
A system full of retards is great for someone who only gets into payments they will pay in time
Obviously you dont want to be in the wrong type of debt, ever. Being smart about things with pre planning your comfort level is very important. Loans are good tools for a variety of reasons not just including tax reasons. Real estate transactions are the number one way to create generational wealth, and typically most households start with at least some sort of mortgage to kickstart that process.
Where did you live while you were saving for a house? Did you just throw away money for 14 years on rent? If you had got a mortgage instead of buying outright, would the amount you'd have spend on interest have been more than what you paid in rent or less?
Stupid choices combined with loans creates debt. Good choices plus loans creates less debt, but still creates debt. Almost all loans are unethical.
i have both a student loan and a $500 limit credit card
i have no idea how my CC payments work, i just repay everything by the end of the month and hope im doing it right.
this whole thread is making me tear up
t. banker
it really only makes sense if you have a consistently well-paying job.
and IMO debt that is planned to last more than 5 years is a bad idea these days. you can't plan for your job or life longer than that. a house may be one thing depending on where you are at in life but otherwise, saving and paying in full is always the ideal option.
You act like most people are just born in the streets with nothing to inherit and no family.
>be american
>get debt
>make fun of greece for having debt
>out of college for 5 years
>paying off student loan every month 100$ each time
>still somehow only paid off 2,000$
Literal retardation. Anyone who makes excuses otherwise is a faggot.
you're doing fine. Most CCs will let you check your credit score for free on their website.
>want to be a banker because it sounds comfy
>would be better off as a lawyer because I'm a sociopath
shame really.
student loans are the biggest scam in the country
Credit cards are a huge kike tool that’s destroyed the west
I lived with my parents
How's mine?
its funny if not sad, because I don't even remember signing up for any of this shit. I suddenly just got a bill for my loan.
>not using a cashback rewards card and paying it off every month so you are essentially being paid to use the thing
wtf kind of playmobile credit score is this? all three bureaus max out around 850
its actually really relaxing and fun if youre good at talking to people - im 6 years in and can see myself doing it until I retire. Would rec
>Having a credit card means being in debt
>buy something with credit card
>go home, pay off the purchase via online banking system
>enjoy cash back and other card benefits, remain debt free
>credit score is like 600
>no outstanding issues, always pay on time
>its only this low because I don't owe MORE money, and haven't been using my credit card enough
I pay my credit cards on time but my student loans are fucking my credit score anyway.
I grew out of carimg about my credit score, was pretty stupid looking back in hindsight how I would almost obsess over it for like the first year I got it.
>Where did you live while you were saving for a house?
I rented.
>Did you just throw away money for 14 years on rent?
No, I paid for a place to live.
>If you had got a mortgage instead of buying outright, would the amount you'd have spend on interest have been more than what you paid in rent or less?
Yeap, had I taken out a 420k, 15 year loan from the bank i'd have paid almost 200k in interest, whereas I paid around 72k in rent instead and saved myself close to 130k by just saving myself.
if you signed up for financial aid, you might have been sent a loan offer and accepted it without realizing it was a loan rather than a scholarship.
>stayed the same
lmao’ing at this scorelet
Whats it like being 16?
>if you signed up for financial aid
ironically I was given the option to take financial aid, that they marketed as a scholarship in school, but was the only one that didn't take it.
My parents talked me out of it, and I have no idea if it was actually legit or not.
Right, just try and fuck up once and not pay on time. I double dare you. We can get back to the free money part after that
imagine not having your life together enough where you cant pay a CC on time
>Whats it like being 16?
What's it like having an IQ of 16?
don't forget
>instantly know the moment you purchase something
>able to tally up all your purchases
>can cancel any purchases that were scams mid-transaction
>warnings and all other shit they email you
if anything is a scam, its debit cards.
That shit will cause a spending spree.
>spending outside your means
>not setting up auto-pay to pay off the monthly balance every month
if you fuck up, it is entirely on you
>both of the above
>wanted an education
>most of that $100 is only paying on interest
Fucking same
Great response. No way anyone above the age of 18 has never heard of a credit score.
Discover chads
Me too, I'll never make as much money as the average person here because I was born into a shithole
it worked for my brother so far
he also finished college owing like 27 grand to the government but since they don't take any money until you earn over 21 grand a year, he's self employed and pays himself 20 grand instead to avoid it
he's got a debt relief order ready to go when he runs out of people to borrow money from also, which will clean up to 15 grand of debt for pretty much no cost, government scheme
crafty fuck
How the fuck are you 27 with a $500 CC??? I'm 22 with a $4500 and I only got a card a year ago!
>Great response. No way anyone above the age of 18 has never heard of a credit score.
Retarded response. No way anyone above the age of 18 is dumb enough to not know when someone is having a laugh comparing the US credit score system to the Chink social credit score system.
Except they are completely different systems. But OK.
A car is a depreciating asset but debt is an appreciating asset. If you buy that car on loan, not only are you paying more than what it's worth, you're the one holding the bag on a depreciating asset. The only logical reasons to buy a new car on loan are if it will appreciate after you buy it or you have good reason to expect inflation will outpace interest. But to be honest, most of the people financing cars are buying Civics, not La Ferraris.
flee the country and change your identity
rinse and repeat
>never had debt
>avoided payment schemes, catalogues and buy now pay later shit all my life
>money good, so i buy everything in one go
>reach certain point in my life where i want to get a mortgage on a house
>find out i have no credit score
>this is the same as having an absolutely dogshit credit score
>no one wants to touch me, i'm worthless
i had to order several items to pay off over a year as well as get a few extra phones and a credit card i never actually used to build up a small amount of credit score so i could get a fucking mortgage
shit is fucked up and was a nasty surprise let me tell you
>But OK.
This is when you know someone has been absolutely, completely and irrevocably blown the fuck out
lenders generally give high limits to new holders to bait them into overspending and missing payments
No they're not, both are oppressive practices that determine your quality of life by making you jump through hoops.
Credit cards aren't very common in Europe unless you're very wealthy, people tend to use debit cards connected to a bank account with their own money in it, although many feature some level of small credit to prevent overdrafting or blocked purchases that you can pay back without extra charges if done within 30 days (500 euro or so for me).
only good post in this thread
your parents never told you the importance of credit score?
You have just the right IQ for a Switch. Go get it!
I can't imagine how hard it must be to be rich and retarded
>spend $4,294,967,295
>bank owes you money
probably not very, they're still rich
>make same thread every day for months
>Yea Forums falls for it everytime
The American credit rating system is very strange, lenders here would just look at income and downpayments.
I'll never understand why the US uses this system, it's fucking retarded. They literally force you to incur debt in order to gain the privilege to incur even more debt?
If you walk into a bank in Australia/New Zealand they would be positively moist at the fact that you've never had debt and are financially responsible, they'd look at your income, your expenses, and set you up with a mortgage without even thinking twice.
And I've been responsibly using one since I was 19.
>Oy vey just go get in debt if you want the house goy
This is fucking stupid I hate this system
Pretty much what most people do. They keep their mortgage/other steady bills on a credit card, pay them off as soon as they're able (ideally within the month so as to not rack up any debt) and it helps show that you've got some level of stability and financial planning, which makes it easier to buy/finance things that are larger purchases later in life. Another house, a new car, etc.
i'm 20 and dropped out of college after a year so now i have debt and don't know what i'm doing any more because i have actual diagnosed autism and can't learn any new skills without someone directly talking to me
i just want to make my dream game and die happy, but if i get a wagecuck job i don't have time to even attempt learning the skills needed to do that
christian universities are a mistake
>christian universities
Wait is that an actual thing? Good lord.
Exactly, never gotten into debt or never made any late payments on payment plans while having a qualifying income? Here, take this loan at a reduced interest rate.
>tfw no psycho bf to abuse me
data breaches are fun. The more people you give your SSN and personal info to, the more thrilling it is whenever the next one is announced
it was a fucking mess, but i went there because they had the only good art/animation/3d modeling degree programs in my state
they had a required "morality credits" system that required walking all the way across campus for church service every single day, making it even harder to focus on studies
turns out the guy heading the program i was in bailed out of that school and went to one of the normal universities a couple cities over after i left, so i wouldn't have been able to continue even if i'd stayed
Surely you've heard of Catholic schools before.
>Good lord.
No user, bad lord.
It just sounds like you need to stop being a faggot making excuses and get your shit together. If you can't skill up to the point that you can support yourself, something the average fucking 16 year old working a retail job or pumping gas has already accomplished, you'll never have what it takes to make a game. Stop wistfully dreaming of making a game and figure out what you need to do to in order to actually make it happen.
>how incels think interactions with women should go
Catholic universities tend to be relatively normal, it's weird American nu-"Christianity" stuff you have to be mindful of.
What describes is prideful and sinful on the part of the university.
credit scores are subjective bellcurves. If the average was 800 then you'd need 815 to be worth fuckall.
>mum basically forces me to go to college with the Boomer mentality it'll help HER get rich
>she ends up passing around the same time I finish
>can only afford the "income driven repayment plan"
>have to renew it every year
>have to do it for so many years before it can get "forgiven"
>The amount forgiven is considered taxable so I'll be hurting no matter
>get trade job in plumbing union
>they pay me to do the schooling and apprenticeship
>wages rise constantly and there's always work for plumbing
screw college, only thing it helped was my credit score
Is this the american thread?
Where do I get meat that isn't stuffed with chemicals? I may be turning crazy but I can clearly taste the difference in US meat and ones I can buy in my home country's supermarkets.
Sounds nice, but I need a job where I'm on my feet and working with problems.
get on disability
most non-Catholic Christian universities require some permutation of chapel hours
>>get trade job in plumbing union
>>they pay me to do the schooling and apprenticeship
>>wages rise constantly and there's always work for plumbing
Its hilarious there is an alleged Trades>Engineering>Trades cycle. No one every tells kids this, and now we have an entire generation of engineers. Thank god trade schools are so short and simple.
you pretty much have to buy organic for pre-packaged or go to the meat counter if your supermarket has one.
Tell me your secrets Moishe
>What happens when you run out of credit?
Never run out, every lender sees that I pay off early so the next is willing to lend me even more. By the time I run out of people willing to give me money I'll already be the richest person in the world.
Organic? Are you implying food depot meat is not organic? I will try looking for meat specific stores then.
>get a credit card WITHOUT an annual fee
>only use small amounts
>never EVER max it out if you can not pay it off within the next pay period
>pay the bill early every time
it builds up credit fast. that allows you to get a home and loans for things.
"organic" as in the marketing label, it means no added chemicals and shit
that's real white people shit
god dammit me too. I was terrified lol
Nothing to do with chemicals as it is always different as animal diet and meat quality is not universally the same not to mention freshness.
Or you could live in a first world country that doesn't require any of that.
>Does this actually work? It seems like it shouldn't work.
He's actually growing his debt by taking out bigger loans. Just because he pays off a 10k loan with a borrowed 20k doesnt mean he doesnt still owe 20k with interest
What fucking lenders would that be? Regional banks? I'm with a national bank and my limit is $600.
>tfw credit cards are a fucking terrible idea but not using one means no credit which is about as useful as bad credit
>Right, just try and fuck up once and not pay on time. I double dare you.
1. buy something on credit
2. open your credit card's web service
3. Pay the credit off.
4. Profit
Gotta get you suckling the jew tit at a young age user.
This thread is not funny anymore
it should tho
>get loan
>pay off loan the next day with same money before interest hits
>have excellent credit as I pay off loans in full
>get mail every month telling me I can increase my credit limit from 3k to 6k
Nice try mr. Banker. I won't ever need to spend that much in a month
I wanted to do engineering too but got strong-armed in law because it's "profitable". Which is my fault too because I believed I was hot shit being a valedictorian in HS who could do anything and still thought I was hot shit graduating with honors in college.
Then I got the bill for my first 4 years and remembered I would need further schooling (debt), more strict scheduling between work and school, and zero sleep. I realized the dumbasses weren't the welders, pipefitters, etc. it was me
fuck you shlomo, you won't catch me!
I swear every mortgage company in this country is corrupt as shit. It's 99% impossible to get a house without credit. Fucking kikes force everyone into vulnerability by using the card of debt and insinuating that they're not a trustworthy tenant if they have no credit. This shit should be illegal
>caused a financial crisis basically single-handedly by offering predatory loans to people who wouldn't be able to pay them off
>I think these guys might be corrupt!
Add in to that that almost the vast majority of inflation comes directly from mortgage industry practices and you start to see how shit they are.
Research churning. Ive made 3k off cc promo bonuses this year while paying 0 interest expense. Put all your expenses on it and immediately pay it off.
>This shit should be illegal
>I swear every mortgage company in this country is corrupt as shit.
The housing system is the one thing holding back everything. its basically the corrupt Taxi system but something that applies to litterally every american.
I can't wait for the uber-esque loophole for housing. Then watch all those worms come out of the wood work to denounce it as evil.
Isn't that basically what AirBnB is?
That's how you should use it the thing is that people think like OP and see "FREE MONEY" and spend all of it.
I work as a Financial Consultant for a community center and the question that I ask the most is, "Why did you buy this?" I can't tell you how many people blew money on fucking NEW cars in fucking New York.
I swear to god, fucking economics 101 is the most potent redpill you can feed someone
>Yeah so money isn't real, and the economy is just absolute bullshit the top percent make up as they go along
Probably not. It would be more they actually own houses and trade them without the government interference.
Have you tried using a credit card while not being retarded with money?
>try to get a credit card
>need credit to be approved for one
>can't get ceedit without credit card
you can easily dispute a claim on a credit card. good fucking luck with a debit card. Keep the shit paid off and use it for any non cash purchases. The true red pill.
>go into massive, crippling debt
>buy every console, build a monster PC
>buy and play all the vidya you want
>commit suicide when you're done
Absolutely foolproof.
>they don't take any money until you earn over 21 grand a year
Wait what? Where do you live? I make $10,000 a year and most of that goes toward rent and student loans.
That recently got blocked or at least in Japan people tried to block it for the Olympics.
same here
Not that guy, but I did 6 years of retail banking. You will definitely be on your feet and working with problems.
This, you guys know you can just use credit and instantly pay it off to gain goy points/avoid interest/get cash back?
>Get credit card
>When maxed out, get new credit card to pay off old one
>Get higher credit limit on new card because I paid off previous card
>Rinse and repeat
>Free infinite money forever
Ahhhh yeah feels good man to be one of the few to discover how to beat the jews at their own game
Credit cards are not the only way to build up a good credit score. Anything that you make payment towards over a contracted period of time also count, such as a phone contract.
>economic teacher gets into an arguement with every other teacher daily
>best friends with the math teachers and the personal finance teacher
>body slams every student that thinks communism/socialism is the answer
>that silent cold stare when someone has an opinion in class
>like the calm before the store
This too. I can't tell you how much easier it is to dispute something through Credit. Remember, it's their money, so they actually give a fuck and usually have everything working in like a day. When someone took money from my debit account, I had no access to it for a fucking month. Even though I gave them all the information I had and told them exactly where it was taken.
>get 10 trillion dollar loan
>use it to buy national debt
>immediately demand payment
>crash economy and country so your debt becomes nothing
might look into it then.
I opened a credit account last month. I use it to buy whatever I need/want but I always make sure I actually have the money to make those purchases. Then I go home and pay the credit bill using debit. Same shit as paying directly with debit but you get bonuses like cashback and better security and building credit score. If I had an emergency I could use my credit card then pay it back later when I had the money too.
Might work for some people or business owners who have assets. I screwed my credit years ago by never paying it back. I have 7 year old debts that collections still calls about
Sometimes it might be due to available credit (low credit limit),
You're right, I think that's what they said is lowering it.
Well it's not working lol. I buy things with my credit AND only when I can almost instantly pay it off with my debit
Don't actually do this guys, you're going to get into SUPER DEBT, trust me I'm jewish.
So apparently years after I got denied a credit card for no credit my bank keeps sending me letters saying that my credit score has magically become good now just cause I pay my bills on time with no problems. Do I really need a credit card if my credit is already good and I'm not hurting for cash?
Just declare bankruptcy after borrowing money faggots.
call the bank and ask for a higher limit, if you've been consistently paying off in full, they'll probably give it to you
Done that. I've only had it since March
What does the C stand for
as has been said plenty of times in this thread already, it's good to have if you're responsible with money because it's more secure than a debit card and it's basically free money through cash back or airline miles or whatever
Get a no fee 1-2% cashback card
Put regular expenses on it (gas, groceries)
Pay it off regularly, never carry a balance to the next month
You literally get free money by paying the money back on time and if you budget well already and don't spend like a retard, it's literally a win win situation. Plus, the credit card gives you security for larger purchases.
>Treats the card like an evil debt Boogeyman
Just make regular purchases and pay it back on time dummy, I have 750 score and have literally never been charged a late fee and have literally gotten things for free by complaining to my CC