>most trusted party member betrays you in the end game and sides with the enemy against you
Can anybody recommend similar games?
Most trusted party member betrays you in the end game and sides with the enemy against you
>sure they'll constantly tried to literally destroy me, but if i give them a little money they'll leave me in peace
>villain is not physically strong but he guilt trips the hero into doing his binding
what games do this?
I really don't understand why all this talk of integrity comes from when you literally used this faggot until he was useful to you and then threw him away like an used condom the attosecond you didn't need him anymore.
You've proven again and again that you don't stick to your own principles, and have no notion of integrity whatsoever, so why are you suprised when all your idols turn your back on you?
Supporting you only leads to ruin, every time.
>then threw him away like an used condom the attosecond you didn't need him anymore.
They changed their perception because he literally condoned pedophilia.
[tangentially related video game mechanic or quirk]
>gets hit in game
If you like these loud obnoxious faggots you are either a zoomer or a lonely 30yo
He championed himself on outing people for defending pedophile and then went on a podcast, defending pedophilia, and refused to name the pedophiles that abused him and people he knew.
wait what did pewds say this time? Thats a lot of money.
So do the people that backed him up.
He was just honest about it.
Half of /pol/ jacks it to loli doujins and actual pedo shit basically daily.
He's donating $50,000 to a kike NGO that censors no-no speech.
resetera pls go
i know that's you. only you guys project that hard.
False equivalence.
As if the jews need donations he should've given it to starving africans or some shit
No since that would spoil the plot twist
Why the fuck are you guys still in denial about it.
We both know you're the most degenerate of them all.
Felix (((Kjelberg)))
Watch his latest video and look up what ADL is.
>Kill enemy
>He come back
>Kill that fucker again
>He comes back again
>Try many times
>Enemy becomes a fucking roach
I've heard of hte ADL before. Is there really no reason? He just decided to give them a bunch of money all of a sudden?
Time to dilate
What a fucking useless organization to donate to
Literally the >dont be mean league
Yes. Some suspect he's being blackmailed into it.
The pathetic death throes of /pol/
kys you aimless faggots
The weird thing is that ADL blackmail comments are being deleted on the video , why? Why cover up something it shouldn't even exist? People are even using special characters to get around the text reading bot on YT. What did he do?
Is this genuinely anti-defamation? As in, you shouldn't be able to make up stories of sexual assault and ruin someone's life? Or pretend anti-defamation that just means "don't say mean words in Overwatch please"?
Everyone that does not think like us is a nazi league.
No it's anti-defamation specifically against jews, they don't give a fuck if you say nigger.
they have some dirt on him. no way he actually did this on his own.
Basically this is how it goes
>Youtube wants to delete content off their site that they disagree with
>however, if they do, people will accuse them of censoring political opinions and being biased
>so, youtube forms a backdoor deal with the ADF
>the ADF will flag anything they disagree with as "hate speech"
>youtube will then delete that content and say "the ADF, which is a neutral, unbiased, nonprofit organization, says this is hate speech. therefor, we deleted it because the ADF can be trusted with these issues."
>in reality youtube and the ADF are just conspiring to delete political opinions they dont like, and the ADF gives youtube the "legitimacy" they need to delete things
>they hide being the veil of the ADF being unbiased in order to enact biased moderation
tl;dr it's one big scheme to delete political opinions.
It's a jewish organization that goes after white people eveything else is secondary
>trusting a Swede
its about that jewish joke he made a couple years back that got him in the WSJ
Holy shit
so it's the better business bureau tactics except for the internet
someday people will be paying protection fees to these conglomerates as an open function, hope I don't see that day
What a fucking obvious blackmail. You call it even "pressure" if you're so much of a faggot. The point stands.
That's sketchy as fuck anyway you see it.
>Anti-Defamation League
Where were they when that one game dev committed suicide because certain bitch accused him of rape?
>someday people will be paying protection fees to these conglomerates as an open function
that's literally what's going on right now, that's why pewdiepie donated $50,000 to them. it's basically "donate money to us or we will accuse you of being a bigot and get youtube to punish you"
same tactic the BBB uses, same tactic the NAACP uses. "pay us money or we will go after you"
That's actually a good point user.
around 2:20 on his latest video - why? noone knows and given the ADL reputation of being very left and jewish friendly, while hating everything that makes pewds fun.... well it is like giving money to your enemy.
IIRC some of your companions in mount & blade leave your party but i don't remember if they join the enemy desu
>Get immediately blackmailed after marriage
These fucking jews need to be destroyed at all costs
I don't recall saying anything about integrity. You can't buy your way out of being shit binned.
The majority of the reason that pewdiepie is hated is due to his success. Disingenuously blaming him for shootings or performative outrage over him saying NIGGER are just the instruments for tearing him down. You can't buy the allyship with a $50k donation. If pewdiepie wants the ADL to leave him alone he's going to have to turn his career into doing propaganda for him, all the while the peanut gallery calls him a Nazi forever. And when he dies they'll write articles about his connection to shooters that never existed in the first place.
>someday people will be paying protection fees to these conglomerates as an open function, hope I don't see that day
50k does look like protection money.
pewdiepie confirmed for filthy kike and zionist shill faggot
fuck that piece of shit
kill speedonvhs kill adamantium kill hazmat kill jimmy
why do people come here and post shit like this? they have the entire internet and come here to post stupid shit like this
no it used to be a zionist activism organization that specialized in collecting intelligence on political opponents and calling criticism of israeli policy anti-semitic, but it got taken over by woke capital years back and has become a key player in brainwashing children under a campaign of "anti-bullying"
wait.... if that is the story behind the ADL.... I hope there is some backup plan for americans because they are just a colony of israel.
They have his underaged sex videos. Someone posted a clip or two on Yea Forums years ago.
So do men when they turn 30 just lose all spunk and fight that they have? I don't really care that Felix cucked out and bowed down to the ADL but it just seems to be a trend amongst youtubers as they enter their 30's.
it started when he got police protection after christchurch
the adl was created to defend a jew who raped and killed a girl and tried to blame it on a black guy
there's always schizos like that. ignore them
maybe those videos are fake? underage sex videos if legal also seem like a weak attack. he has an ok character and a loyal base, even if he fucked some other girl than the italian, he should be fine because it was a long time ago
Baldur's Gate 2
itt bunch of false flaggers arguing with each other
anyway if he donated to the adl thats pathetic
this story is one of those stories that really make me think
The ADL has double standards, this isn't anything new. It's not worth putting in money to spread awareness of all kinds of hatred, just the ones that draw the most attention.
he did lmao
This is Yea Forums retard, even though this thread is vaguely off topic It's still humour and related to certain game tropes. and in todays world reality is crazier than our games thanks to people like you that cannot tolerate anyone to be offended anywhere.
DSP is like Scrat in the ice age movies
ADL is basically a gang of extortionists. They threaten to ruin your business/life/career unless you donate money to them.
They also declare everything they disagree with as hate speech.
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
ONLY $50k ?!?!?!
He makes like 6 million in a month.
what an anti semite
unsubscribe and bring him below 100M, that should send a message that you can never win if you support the kikes.
So they blackmailed my boy pew pew??
This is actually exactly how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson operate.
Who is this shill?
well, I'd imagine it has something to do with "subscribe to pewdiepie" being a battlecry for mass shooters now
Pol boogeyman never liked him
You moron
you literally don't have to do anything
Just how jews operate Weinstein threatened all those women he raped with career suicide blackmail is one of their shifty methods
going to yell, "subscribe to pewdiepie!" while licking all of the produce in the market
>Swede cucks to the Jew
Like they've been doing for the last six seven decades?
I never trusted that kike faggot to begin with. The entire alt-right is a controlled opposition/limited hangout filled with atheists, Jews and homosexuals.
what the absolute fuck, mate, why? you monster
The ADL also defended Jewish gangsters who murdered dozens of people during the prohibition era because "muh anti-semitism!"
>they are just a colony of israel
You think? Jewish doctors, literally, mutilate the genitals of >50% of newborn boys in America for profit. Unsurprisingly, the Jewish Talmud commands Jews to circumcise their slaves.
godspeed user, godspeed
When will you retards realize no one actually follows the same autistic politics as you, and that you constructed this mental image of this basedboy swede as "'redpilled" purely because you fell for his marketing campaign as he noticed his audience had gotten older, and he needed to stay relevant in the youtube scene?
The guy married a mediterranean mutt for fuck's sake, literally every single person people paraded here as """""champions of the cause"""""" have just used you as a stepping stone for greater things yet you keep on sucking their dicks
>Anti-Defamation League
>Constantly defame people they don't like as Anti-Semites
Blame Honey.
It's obvious PDP 'took' the sponsorship money and told them just to donate it to charity instead, on his behalf.
>Most trusted party member
>he literally condoned pedophilia
way to believe the lies, retard
How is this a surprise lol
>Play fucking MINECRAFT nonstop now for super safe income
>Sucks of 50 sponsors at once at this point
>STILL shills his merch every 10 seconds
All his videos have been glorified 10+ minute long ads for a long time now anyway. He wants the maximum amount of money possible and then he is going to say goodbye eventually. And I can't actually blame him that much, there is no hope left for YT and the only winning move when you are as popular as him is to milk the cow full force until it drops dead.
He isn't your buddy or anything
i was radicalized by reading the poetry of a self-hating gay japanese man that pewdiepie mentioned once 20 years later
i will be licking each and every raspberry. not a single plum will be spared .
No, not the raspberries!
>He's going to say goodbye soon after making as much money as possible
>Gives 50K away
t. underage little shitter thinks anything ending in berg is a jewish surname
That's fuckall for him, you realize that?
>and given the ADL reputation of being very left and jewish friendly.... well it is like giving money to your enemy.