Be honest Yea Forums, do you pirate?

Be honest Yea Forums, do you pirate?

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Other urls found in this thread:!YboBhJwC!lkqtwXTsgaEeT-9YEDwyXQ!BbxjBBCR

i pirate movies, tv shows, music, etc because its easy as shit. im too retarded to pirate games unless its retro shit



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I'm a Christian so I don't pirate but I kinda just want to pirate BL3 out of spite.


Based Christian 'but i kind of just want to' poster

>Doesn't downvote at all, instead, puts up a debate or look at the data and other opinions
1. using reddit in any form is anti chad
2. a true chad pirate does not engage in moral ponderings of his craft. he disregards how others see him and takes what he wants without thought.
3. broken english means this was made by a retard or a pajeet

OP is a fag

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yes, paying for games is stupid, unless it's indie shit, in that case i support them


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>I seed

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Yoo hoo I do matey! An' I dun need to justify it since I do it because I can!

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This post was made by an underage Brazillian.

This kills the pirate

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Underage bait.

Any vpns not banned from posting here?

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why do you ask?
most paid ones aren’t

>any form of reddit is bad
fuck off newfag

Only if getting a legit copy is difficult.
So basically only to play games from like two or more generations ago and to patch a japanese only release.

I only pirate console games

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Why wouldn’t I pirate? I can get the games for free, so there’s no reason I should pay. I only care for my own interests and benefits. I can spend that money on better shit

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Most of the time when I pirate games it's usually because I know beforehand they're short and not worth the asking price or just generally overpriced. Sometimes I'll pirate a game to test the waters out then buy later as well though. And I exclusively buy multiplayer games from "shady" key sites for cheap as possible.

No mr FBI sir, I hold a great respect for copyright law.

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how to unlock dark google

A dark mode browser extension

this but unironically

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I do share 0 and 1s, yes

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>pirate from big companies that dont need the cash
>purchase everything else

literally that simple

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I pirate whenever there’s no gain in buying. So I mostly pirate Singleplayer games and buy select multiplayer games I really want to play. I also hack consoles only when it’s possible to play online, which is why I haven’t bought a switch yet.

I don't, mostly because I simply don't care enough and have a backlog large enough to last me over a year.


well we need to stop pirating then to hurt the jew developers dont we?

I pirate to try out games that have no demo. Sometimes I buy them a little later though, since I don't have that much money to spend on games. I bought Frostpunk later when it was 50% off for example. It is really rare that I don't eventually buy a game I "really" played.

Anime, pornography and occasionally music

I buy
from g2a which makes devs seeth because most of the keys are bought and charged back meaning they actively lose money

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look at all those redditors (you)'s he got,impressive bait.

Dark Reader addon tries to convert any site so you don't burn your fucking eyes out
Also get f.lux and use tomorrow Yea Forums skin
Fear the bright light

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Somewhat this. I do pirate games but its only for either EGS shit (ala Metro Exodus), games I wanna try out before buying, or just Retro Games. Thats about it tho.

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Are you serious or just baiting?

Nice samefag cope.

I pirate almost every console game.
I tend to buy PC games more often since they're easy to get very cheap

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Honestly, not as much as I used to.
Not because of a moral thing.
But because there's so little worth even pirating these days. And the few things I actually feel putting forth the energy and effort to play I figure is worth my money. Anytime I'm still short of cash or unsure I'll still pirate it, but fuck, you know it's sad when your game isn't even worth fucking taking.

every free vpn is banned
just use a proxy

Explain to me how torrenting is safer than just downloading.

no malware
no sinks

Piratechads got too cocky.

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Once in a blue moon

this here.

>no malware
It's very easy to avoid once you know the signs.
>no sinks
This has never happened to me.

Dolphin pussy best pussy

just fuckin
put the iso
in the daemon tools
drag a crack over at the most

I pirated Witcher 3 simply because I didn't want to pay $60 for it.
Now that it's on sale for $15, I'm not going to buy it because I already beat it.

stop using trash search engines

Yes, but only games from the vastly superior 16-bit systems.

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are you a fucking fed or something?

to do that, you can still pirate. Just, when someone asks you "have you played game?" you say "no, ive never heard of game"

>pirates everything. even free games
yeah well, fuck steam and origin

Of course I do, why would I pay money when I could not pay money?

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I pirate and buy it if I like the game.

You know what gets me to go from pirate to purchaser?
Regular updates and a thriving modding community that keeps up with them
But then that's kind of worrying because what if companies start drip feeding content to fuck over pirates? It would even make it look like they're continuing to care about the game when it's actually just a release worth of content

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Only movies and music. If I dont want to pay for a game then I dont think I want to play it, I can spend time playing a game I actually like instead. Never understood this perceived need to play everything new that comes out, even games you know you wont like
>the new tomb raider is shit, holy fuck
>guess Ill waste time playing the sequel when it comes out and I pirate it. PIRATE FAGS WIN AM I RITE?
For fuck sake.

i pirate isos for emulation now that emuparadise got itself cucked
i "pirate" music by ripping it straight from youtube because the shit i listen to is too obscure to find torrents of and fuck buying it lmao
i haven't ever pirated software, movies or video games though, because i was console bound when i was poor so i never could pirate pc games and when i got a pc i could buy what i wanted, and i don't watch tv or movies at all, and i'm too shitty subhuman to want software for anything
oh and maybe i pirated a shitload of ebooks when in uni but fuck who didn't, i ain't paying like £300 for textbooks or sitting in a gay ass library full of peopple

don't pirate shitty games
don't play shitty games

>implying you can tell before playing it
Tell me what source can be believed when it comes to judging the content of a game

I only buy games that are hard to find due not having many people seeding em.

What the fuck is a downvote? Do they mean sage?

Why would a pirate have a left eye patch if most people are right-handed?

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yourself, if you aren't fucking retarded

fitgirl is seriously the most faggot third world south american tier shit and i hate it

that was black box, brainlet

I never bought a game with my own money

Holy CRAP that's a rare and based Pepe

How do I become the chad bros?

Fucking wrong
You are susceptible to all kinds of subtle influence
You are not immune to propaganda

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nope, not me.

Thank you based Dauphong for making my VR meme headset come with every meme game

I've been trying to but I can find a fucking ISO or WUD or whatever file for the Wii U port of Kamen Rider Battride War 2.

I found it, but I can't even get it to load on my Wii U, even with region-free mocha and Spiik. I don't want to bother buying the game if it won't work that way, either!YboBhJwC!lkqtwXTsgaEeT-9YEDwyXQ!BbxjBBCR


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Name your babies you fucking robot

>Why yes, I pirate all western games, how did you know?

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If it's from some corporation, then yes. Fuck those fagbois for being pissed some literally who is doing the equivalent of stealing a shaving off a penny from you. I don't play or pirate anything modern though, everything lacks soul nowadays.
If it's an indie operation, I'll support it. Unless, of course, they've done something like lock some content behind a paywall in a ridiculous manner i.e. they're making a hentai game with bestiality but decide to lock the bestiality shit behind patreon. Nah fuck that shit.

>I don't play or pirate anything modern though, everything lacks soul nowadays.
That's dumb game devs didn't just stop having sou-
>If it's an indie operation, I'll support it.
Ah fair enough

real life pirates were christians


Then keep doing that. I don't bother "avoiding" things, I just download and that's it. That's how easy it is to torrent.

I usually pirate games unless they have an component to it, haven't disappointed so far with games like dark souls. But a recent purchase I might have regretted now.
>see soulcalibur 6 on sale
>bought the deluxe edition
>play around abit, have fun
>try out multiplayer
>either no games or lobbies or big dick players hat ice you in a couple of seconds
>cant refund since I was fucking around in arcade and character creator.
Why are fighting games ducked on pc?

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You forgot the Chad
>would download a car

>t. seething faggot because he can't sex the russian FIT girl

never, unless emulation of older games counts


based level 100