What do you predict would happen?
This happens
Yea Forums will continue to cry and bitch about a game they allegedly don't care about
She is been paired by fans with Pharah just because the two can fly, in the comics and the lore in general (scarce tho) she has a thing for Genji.
Suicides. Lots of suicides.
people still care about these characters? kek
as long as they release a new skin that shows her bulge I would be fine with it
Doesn't matter. I've never found her whole savior relationship with Genji to be an excuse for romantic chemisty. As far as I'm concerned she's preying upon a woman half her age who happens to be the daughter of one of her old friends.
Overwatch comics are headed by an Asian who self inserts as Genji
Have Mercy and Pharah ever even interacted in the comics?
Female playerbase drops to 0.
9/11 2
im sure the cool rationals would throw yet another shitfit
I'd never buy a Blizzard game again because I don't support murder.
>can't review bomb
Makes sense.
Not really.
I care. I legit don't play Soldier since I despise sodomites.
You are legit mentally ill.
You can... on metacritic.
I honestly don't care anymore.
Who did you guys play? I was a Genji/Lucio main
Either Zen or Soldier 76
She’s already confirmed to have a thing with Genji so it’ll never happen
>tfw you'll never be mercy
>tfw you'll never have your little peashooter locked away and a plug vibrating away in your butt while you healslut
why live?
Not when another scandal happens again.
I think he's saying you're Mentally Ill vecause of your post
Oh wait, I didn’t know that was a trans flag I thought it was some lesbian shit. Penis mercy would be hot af
How did overwatch get so famous for its girls when they're not even that attractive?
who cares
bitch was supposed to be the traitor that fucked overwatch.
and my dude Winston was supposed to go fuck up evil moon monkeys for killing his science dad
overwatch could have been an ongoing story filled in with amazing Blizzard animated shorts but it got ruined by tumblerina faggotry.
oooh lets see how we can dress up our dolls and make them smooch each other.... tee hee like theyre all gay or bi now sweetie its the future.
what a fucking waste of potential.
The amount of futa porn would go through the fucking roof
>oooh lets see how we can dress up our dolls and make them smooch each other..
Thats hot yo
And that would be amazing
All people that partake in sex for reasons outside of procreation are sodomites.
Lol No one is bisexual in Overwatch. SJWs hate bi people.
You are unable to behave normally due to an aspect of your personality (homophobia/racism). When such an aspect begins to negatively impact a persons life so that they have distress constanty, cannot perform certain tasks, cannot behave normally in public etc it becomes a mental illness.
If you can't play a character due to them being gay in a story you never read, it's unlikely you can function normally in the world and do things like serve a gay or black guy in a store, or work with one. If you can't do these things, then you by definition have a mental illness
I quit playing so I don't care. Go away
Why would it matter? I presume that the medicine is so advanced in Overwatch’s future that you can do a complete sex change. Maybe even an ovarie transplant.
Then its stupid that user judges one ship by its apparent the lack of chemistry between the characters when his preferred ship literally has zero chemistry as well.
For not support degeneracy? How is that mentally ill? You have this backwards.
Interact with a woman for once, Jesus Christ.
You don't know what a sodomite is.
Also Hanzo. I dont think they can really ruin an evil ninja crimeboss assassin with wokeness
>self inserting as a limbless dickless cyborg
based retard
God I don't care. As long as I can keep playing bloodborne then nothing else matters
Don't care. I'm just here for the porn.
I actually want this to happen so I can laugh even harder at ow players.
Still mad we didnt get racist grandpa reihn.
how inclusive.
ill never get lgbt+-e=emc2 politics
Tons of OW ships run on just game synergy or gimmicks like McHanzo, rabid fangirls raged when they saw Echo on the McCree vs Ash animated short because it means he was partially involved with two females.
Sure, you're probably the sodomite expert here.
Matacritic only matters when I need to falseflag or act like Nintendo is bad so it doesn't work here
>If you can't play a character due to them being gay in a story you never read, it's unlikely you can function normally in the world and do things like serve a gay or black guy in a store, or work with one.
doubt that considering playing a video game how you want has no risk or consequences compared to actually interacting with people
Literally just buy the toys, faggot.
You can capitalize on the release for the switch version.
>bitch was supposed to be the traitor that fucked overwatch.
This. The story was obviously set up with Mercy being responsible for Genji's existential crisis and Mercy being the reason Reaper is the way he is but they retconned everything to make her a good girl and created Moira just to keep Mercy "pure"
That's not even a difficult goal to accomplish
What happened? I stopped playing in 2017
that would make her hotter
the second part doesn't work unless i'm mercy though
The overwatch devs are going to make one of the girl trans, calling it now, screencap this.
shit up, niggra
I unironically thought Reaper was cool and hated how they couldn't figure out a good motivation for him for years.
They've got more fecking sea monsters in the great Lochett Ness than they've got the likes of me.
Tracer's gay. Soldier's gay. OP's entertaining the idea of Mercy being trans.
Then be Mercy you faggot
Sounds pretty based to me
People will still do porn of her so I wouldn't give a fuck. Only edgy/meme artists and animators would put a dick on her
>tranny shelters
he gives money to tranny shelters because his ex girl was one but she offed her self
So nothing that impacts the gameplay.
Why should I care?
rein and zen picked up the game again to play giga nigga
Not to mention how Reaper is kind of fucked up, so he is also a traitor but he was BFFs with Widow's husband which Talon (the group he currently and willingly works for) killed, Moira is also there and now it is implied she was a double agent all along, so what's Reaper's deal? he works with people who made his life miserable.
It's amazing the mental gymnastics you people go through to justify men ass fucking.
>user brings a girl home (ik it's unrealistic but bear with me)
>things get intimate, she starts taking off his pants
>she goes to give him a BJ
>"I didn't know you were a disgusting sodomite, please leave my house"
rein and doom, because demoknight
I can use a dictionary, yes.
D.va should be the token tranny. Imagine the riots in Korea.
It just happened to Madeline from Celeste and the game suddenly feels cringier than it already was
Never played the game, never will. I do like the SFM content though.
Imagine the riot in my pants
Nice buddy, was your name on the definition?
Healslut posting ramps up to 11
imagine paying to suck on her girlcock
They wont though. They learnt from Soldier 76
Based and hammerpilled
A company with ultraprogressive pro feminist pro LGBT marketing can make shitty changes to gameplay features and balancing and ward off all criticisms as hate speech
Demo, he just needs the bottle and a lucky crit. And two tickets to the gun show.
d.va just oozes tranny energy.
>literal schoolyard insults
based, fags seething
Get out of here, disgusting corporate propaganda.
Fucking based
Based, but Yea Forumseddit is unironically a degenerate board filled with normalfags so you will receive "downvotes"
what? is that the new version of the soul meme?
>Another /pol/fag
There is nothing wrong with being progressive and feminist.
im never going to buy/play this game
i only care about the porn
How is that shit impacting the gameplay? So far blizzshit doesn't needs lgbtsjw crap to fuck things up with a billion of shields, incapacitating abilities, crappy payload maps filled with choke points and giant hitboxes...
D.Va. I loved playing dive tanks until sheilds became a necessity and any tanks diving in were met with sleep/flash/sheildbash/hack
>hanzo retard
Was schoolyards where they bullied you the most?
I'm bi and can't say how much I hate theses clowns and the gay/trans lobby ruining everything.
Are you legitimately retarded? You clearly don't know what sodomy is.
Not him but what do you care about someone else's morality system? Racism and homophobia is still quite normal.
Nothing compared to what women will do if this happened to McCree.
Exactly. SJWs will defend all this and prevent constructive change because the game has fags and dykes in it.
based futa poster
now get the fuck off my screen
You're right I'm sorry how silly of me.
sexual intercourse involving ANAL or ORAL copulation.
>For not support degeneracy?
All because you play a fictional character doesn't mean you support who he fucks you dumb chink
Jesus I had enough with mentally ill /pol/fags
based retard
nothing really. the tranny brigade on twitter would rally and pat the devs on the back. being like
>i'm so busy with my political activism I never heard of this game but now i'm definitely going to give it a buy. more trans representation is always good.
and then they wouldn't buy the game and the game would still be dead.
Gamers will get triggered. Videogame press will be all over it. Mercy would also be a pretty bad choice.
That's a pretty solid choice.
>LGBT: Letuce, guacamole, bacon + tomato
For the longest time D.Va, Mercy, and occassionally Reinhardt when needed. But after the D.Va defence matrix got trashed in favour of a more offensive style I started playing less and less of her. In the end I started playing Symmetra in FFA.
The actual meaning actually goes beyond anal. After all, Sodom was not simply homosexual. Pretty much any sinful intercourse could be classified as sodomy.
cringe. kill yourselves trannies
but what is gomorrafication, I've always wondered
i get the lgbbq politics - it is all about meat
Cringe x2
Blizzard had the chance of making Reinhardt the gay male one, but they wasted it.
based but go play a real game Overfag
Hot people are triggering.
You don't have to be from /pol/ to understand what kikes are doing to video games with their propaganda
inconceivably based
>a billion people can't be wrong, r-right?
>haha actually you're jacking off to a TRANS woman!
>that's right, this is what TRANS women look like
it would be mildly annoying to read comments on porn. but just like litterally all "cannon" lore, none of this shit matters.
Unless of course some retards start doxing people that draw "cannon" gay characters as hetero in porn. that shit won't apply to me.
but that is a very real possibility.
You don't even want to know.
Bi Chad here too. Is funny how much gaycels hate me when I reject them.
Fuck fags fuck trannies only Jesus will save trust in the Lord fuck tags fuck trannies God will save you but you must believe
oh please do post examples
>Mercy canoncially would have a dick
I would be erect, OP.
>60% of heroes never die
Then how will I jack off to him fucking Bridget?
What game heavily changed the gameplay just to please the mentally disabled from Twitter? So far I only see this board throwing tantrum after tantrum for stupid shit like the bottle of shampoo in ion fury.
shoo shoo bisexuals don't get a say on anything period.
I'm pretty sure her advancements in medicine and technology would let "her" completely change sex.
>jacking off to the guys while being straight
Straight people are something else
>blizzard doesn't actually announce the change yet
>blizzard nerfs mercy so its a 66% chance to revive
>trans community thinks that implies she is trans
>trans community starts screaming this is mocking the suicide rate
Calm down muttoid.
Then wtf would be the point
Just a bunch of sjws praising blizzard as they fall for a marketing trick
And then a bunch of people arging said sjws
To give trannies hope science finally let them be real women.
If they live that long. lol
bichad here
>pre-op trans
that's hot
>post-op trans
jesus christ no
This thread is infested with our enemy.
Yeah, fuck Pharmercy fags. They should all be purged.
Todd Howard?
Exactly. Leso-dykes need to fuck off.
>What do you predict would happen?
A bunch of faggots who don't actually play video games will make Yea Forums unbrowsable for at least a week.
We don't have anything to ask, we're already happy looking at BOTH females AND males butt while you retard are busy having a stroke on a Chinese trading card forum.
People would say
>why wait so long to reveal this? Isnt this like an important piece of info about her?
And everyone else would say
Gender swap the whole crew and everyone will be happy.
Clearly I should start shitting in the street
Yea Forums is only unbrowsable for soidittors who have been slowly trying to make this board tolerable for normalfags
Wanting to talk only about video games and not about the hidden scum trying to manipulate games to destroy culture is a normalfag NPC desire
>God will save you but you must believe
It can try if it wants. I already believed for like 16 years. Maybe it shouldn't have messed up in the first place.
>our enemy
You should get rid of that mob mentality.
Yeah, Soldier was the lamest choice.
Kill yourself, you fucking electionfag.
>cry about normal fags
>at the same time despise anyone and thing abnormal and want nothing but a sanitized society where anything deemed not normal is tortured to death
Makes sense
Unironically this. Having an opposite gendered version of each hero would make them more desirable to people who might not have considered them due to their gender. It would actually improve gameplay by convincing people to branch out more.
You first you cuckold fuck
Weeding out SJeWs among the oldfags is yet another thing anons owe me for
>and not about the hidden scum trying to manipulate games to destroy culture
sounds like you should fuck off to /pol/ then, mate
they've got plenty of threads about that
I wouldn't mind a genderswapped Soldier 76 GILF being gay at all that and femme Hanzo/Genji would be cute.
why do you type like a parody from some leftist political comic
sarcastic soi attitude
depressing facts
Kill yourself, autistic_frog.
This pic still rings true
I hate beating around the bush, too many on this board are trying too hard not to offend faggots that are clearly new, by using veiled humor and sarcasm
You sound like a twat
because he is a lefty false flag
they're all over now
I'll continue not playing this trash heap.
You sound like a gutless britbong who would happily accept censorship in games and let pakis fuck your "gf"
>No true scotsman
Hog and reaper. I really enjoyed doomfists outlook on humanity but I was trash as him.
It’s fun with friends
Why is it that every time q faggot acts like this It's a "lefty false flag"?
Censorship is good. Are you saying we shouldn't ban homosexuality, SJW propaganda, trannys and the Quran?
>meme compliment
Everything's fun with friends, that's like saying "it's not that bad"
Because I want to talk about video games on the video games board? That's alot of assuming user and you know what they say about assuming.
Mercy is for Pharah's use only anyway
>Everything's fun with friends
Nah. Played plenty of shit with friends and was bored out of my mind.
It doesn't count as censorship if it's for the good of the white race, you dumb libcuck soiboy.
twitter trannies will get thousands of likes on tweets owning the problematic gamer chuds
9volt will lose so much sleep owning the gamers online that he will actually combust
SJWs censorship is always bad because it is anti-truth
Nice try faggot
The same thing that happened when it was announced that 76 was gay
People who play overwatch won't care
Some people will celebrate it for a week
Yea Forums and other people will get mad for a week
and then everyone will forget about it
You're already a faggot for playing Overwatch.
We'd get more futa porn involving her, and seeing as the SFM porn is all that's good about this serious that's a good thing.
>Litterally using the I-It doesnt count meme as an argument
that is good and all, but who would buy the game? even if you make 10000 people get 100000000000 likes, you also make 10000 real gamers that are white men in their 20s-30s lose interest in your game.
pretty good bait
dont get mad for a week
stay angry
resist the modern world
no more fags
So some censorship is good?
>Litterally using the I-It doesnt count meme as an argument
At this point in time not being able to function in modern society means you're sane as far as I'm concerned.
dick makes her look cuter
plus Moria is kinda of already taking that roll for some part of it.
mercy is all about nanomachines son
Not him, but only one side in this fight is objectively right. You cannot look at the SJWs and the shit they fill games with and think that their tactics are justified. We can use them because we defend the sane way of things.
The game will continue to die.
>Wojak posting
Oh sweetie.....get on your knees now
I wish this to be satire but I know it isn't
The world isn't black and white user I don't have to like Trannies to also like blacks and think they deserve human rights
Censoring tranny propaganda is good. Feminist governments like Britain's censoring their own traditional culture and anything that offends pinkhairs is bad, this is fact.
>human rights
Not a real thing
>5’11” vs 6’0”
Okay so censorship IS a good thing. Got it.
It is, the right to think, read, and not be treated like a lesser being
Who are some Yea Forums approved trannies?
>the right to think
So when are you protesting Hate Speech laws in nearly every western country except USA?
uhhhh no sweetie. I am a piece of shit and basically a murderer in the waiting there for no one has rights and it will be a travesty of justice when I am punished for my mental disorder
Is anyone excited for overwatch on switch? It's going to be fun playing with a new community and I won't have to deal with voicechat and mass report. And the idea of playing overwatch in bed doesn't sounds so bad.
Depends on what is being censored. Values that support and uphold civilization are not subjective. They have been trying to subvert those through video games.
1 ruble added to your Putinaccount
Do you live in a country where everyone can read minds or something?
Go back to raiding with Crusade, McCuck
I just wanted you to admit your values are inconsistent and the people who cry most about censorship and free speech are the ones most likely to try and take it away. Thanks for being so cooperative.
So it's okay that your opinions are illegal to express as long as the police aren't actually monitoring your inner monologue?
It's not inconsistent. There are static rules as to what should be censored to prevent the fall of Western society which is objectively superior to all other societies. These are rules that protect the traditional family dynamics and social interactions in our country. Letting everything be shown without limits creates degenerates, and degenerates will then proceed to censor that which is good and natural.
Why is she so based
>inb4 “she”
Fuck you she’s a she to me
>It's not inconsistent. There are static rules as to what should be censored to prevent the fall of Western society which is objectively superior to all other societies. These are rules that protect the traditional family dynamics and social interactions in our country. Letting everything be shown without limits creates degenerates, and degenerates will then proceed to censor that which is good and natural.
Why are you on Yea Forums if you feel this way? Why do you browse a site built on degeneracy, hedonism, and depravity which thrives on all three if you're some faggot conservacuck MUH TRAD VALUES Christfag?
How about you fuck off to whatever shithole spawned you instead of hanging out in a place that clearly goes against what you believe in.
Yea Forums is virulently filled to the brim with antifa trannies
It's not gay if she's on Immortal Hot Bitch nanomachines.
Antifa literally just means you don't support an ideology that has always failed, which is most people.
Gross, I wouldn't be able to fap while fantasizing about becoming Mercy anymore
this is literal proof
>no voicechat
>on a team based game
>from a community who’s only experience with online shooters is Splatoon or CoD
Get ready for a shit ton of trickling in, no group ups, and wasted ults
What do you think ANTIFA is, user?
user, youre just as much of a tranny as actual trannies for wanting to be Mercy
No it doesn't you fucking goober. IT means you like to go LARP as a fucking ninja and yell at people who have different opinions then you.
I already forgot about it
Do you have to make a new account or can I use my current one?
I kind of miss playing shooters with thumb sticks
Do you also believe the alt right is a group with a leader?
Because the defense of man and civilized society has to start somewhere. The mass majority of gamers already have an enemy that wants to destroy them, but society must be built so that those degenerates cannot come back.
So it's like every conservative organization? Just replace ninja with soldier
puppets, easily controlled
like children because they are mentally
I don't give a fuck about the alt right. All I know is every person I've ever seen or met that considers themselves antifa are complete fucking spastics.
I don't know how anyone can dress like that and say the shit they do and not feel absolutely fucking embarrassed.
Antifa is just short for anti-fascist
At least I can separate fantasy from reality
Do you have any evidence of your claim? The market doesn't seem to agree.
>Because the defense of man and civilized society has to start somewhere.
So you admit to being the Yea Forums equivalent of a filthy Mudslime who has invaded a culture that isn't your own for the sake of trying to change it to match your own worldview.
Nah, mate. Kill yourself. Do this site as a whole a favor and end your worthless newfag electionfag life.
The market is rigged.
Is there anything sadder than the autist who thinks he's unironically saving western society by shit posting on Yea Forums?
>b-but they're dumb too
Holy fuck. you really are antifa. You can't see anything but 2 sides and think you're always combating a non existent enemy.
Take a god damn break from your online crusades and running around in your ski gear you fucking child.
>introduce a character
>years go by
>oh yeah by the way this character is legbuttbqq, take that, bigots... please buy our game.
Just an fyi I know you are trolling, but I am playing along because I got jack else to do and this is kinda fun.
>falling for bait this hard
allow it but bad
allow it but bad
allow it but bad
VERY good
VERY good
allow it but bad
VERY good
reindhart, roadhog, junkrat, and bastion. never got to play bastion much because people screeched at me to play the meta. i hear he's in the meta nowadays but i never want to play again. thank god junkrat had his big buff that one time. and thankfully hog and rein were always meta
please don't bully the LARPing /pol/cucks, user. fantasizing about themselves """""retaking society"""" is all they have now
I like to think Fujos hate this shit as much as straight men do.
I wouldn't even be mad, It's probably the only /u/ ship that doesn't make me cringe
I'm having fun, but you know a good chunk of what I wrote rings true. You cannot deny that.
It's cute how many of them are stuck in the 19th century and think some revolution in 2019 when the world is ultra high tech and has access to world ending devices is going to totally play out the same. Especially when a lot of rich people would be funneling tons of money to the evil libs, making them far more well funded. Which is also why the North won the civil war. Money talks. /pol/types would surrender the second a dirty bomb was detonated by some libs.
Life without freedom is pointless so a species that requires removal of all freedom to exist is a failure and deserves to be wiped out. If the choice is no freedom or extinction, I choose extinction.
You typed that out and consider other people LARPers. You need to look in the mirror my man.
alternating writing styles won't hide you
I'm not the one stating I'm gonna do it, retard.
>Because the defense of man and civilized society has to start somewhere.
On the website with a shit ton of degerates that will tell you to fuck off?
Communist-front organization.
Being against fascism is not bad in itself, but the "people" that form an organization about it, are communist insects trying to push their ideology. A large amount of them tend to live with their parents or are outright losers in society.
Not only is it unfeasible in the real world, but the very idea of communism should be opposed by any sane person.
this post is funny because it manages to armchair diagnose someone off of some tiny snippet of behavior and also call the people who freak out about sexy women designs as mentally ill
No, but you actually believe something like that would happen, you're coming up with comic book tier shit in your head and using it to condescend an enemy you made up.
You're fucked in the head m8.
>You typed that out and consider other people LARPers.
Where was this said? Do you think the guy who said larpers was replying to himself?
>b-but jaysus surrounded himself with s-sinners!!
That's exactly why I'm excited, I want to play without tryharding with a team of inexperienced dofus.
Don't know, but if you play it please give gyro controls a try. It should be the future of fps on console.
You are unironically correct
That is the essence of trying to start change from here
Do you think if some fascist society rose in the US that everyone would go along with it and no sort of civil war would break out and no one would begin fighting when you started executing a large chunk of the population?
States would literally secede m8
You nervous, pal?
Diffrence is those sinners accepted Jesus and he wasn't white
oh no guess I'm wrong
there are two retarded faggots instead of one
antifa cucks
>Say someone said something
>they didn't and you get called out on making something up
>deflection time
You got owned. Sometimes life is about taking those L's and accepting a loss.
Yea Forums is simultaneously right wing and has an unhealthy addiction to trap and shemale porn, this creates confusion and it's why these threads are so common.
>Do you think if some fascist society rose in the US
I don't think about this because the idea of it is fucking retarded.
Whose this qt