Smash Ultimate DLC Tier List
Post yours

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did this one with another list, rate 'em
>Tails being over Eggman in "must have"
Whatever you say foxboy

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Almost good.

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I didn't notice Octolings, I really want them.

If echos are going to be a thing, he's in, no doubts. Also, jesus fuck hal, he was already overpowered, why did you have him go super sayian?

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Lame Echo

there's only 4 characters I want
marina liteyears, KOS-MOS, rebecca chambers, and raz karcy

Absolute fucking trash.

Pikachu, Joker, Snake

The Top 3 Tier List of Ultimate

absolutely based
fucking shit

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>calling other picks reddit while wanting Heavy and Rayman

Tried to stick to everyone who still actually mattered

Lemme know who's missing

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>Not Grovyle from mystery dungeon
Yeah it's shit

See I was confused about that Celebi thing and thought it was some weird OC but I remembered that that was part of PMD2. Put Grovyle up with Sceptile


good taste except for both monokuma and grovyle and celebi being that low

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that is all

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10/10 for Tails' placement

Fuck you in advance.

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You may not like it, but this is Nsider tier. Also WAAAAY too many irrelevant 3d Parties.

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>against hat kid
explain yourself

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laboman is going to be the pringles to game and watch's ruffles

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>Tim from Braid at bottom tiers
Why the fuck not? His time mechanics would be more unique than Bayonetta.


It is a single indie game that lacks a legacy.

I want a Digimon rep and this link doesn't let me choose one

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whats the point of these threads, no one cares what other people want


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the whole thing looks like mugen so its all garbage

You get to spend time making your own tier list before you tell everyone else that theirs sucks.

Decided to do the ones I see come up the most and some personal choices, I don't think you guys are gonna be happy.

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where the FUCK my gunvolt niggas at

>Went super Saiyan god and then ultra instinct

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all i cared to put in, some of my wants are missing from the list altogether

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It is fine

well i just wasted 15 minuets.

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This is even better than mine.

pretty good reason actually

Tried to keep this small. Everyone else is "fine but don't really care" tier
Oh also Hatsune Miku goes right at the top too

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I fucking HATE Echos, holy shit, I don't want Galacta Knight to be a faster Meta Knight clone, I want him with his actual moves from his fights.

If sans made it maybe...

Sayori Hangs With The Best

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The other reason is that from what I played of A Hat in Time, I can't imagine a moveset that wouldn't feel derivative of another character, and without a high demand or legacy I think she would cheapen Smash Bros. as an institution.


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>God Tier
Nintendo Characters
>Shit Tier
More Third Party shit


Pretty good, but Tails is a fag.

tails is only good as a benchwarmer

thats some pretty based taste OP

not bad


1/2 based 1/2 zoinks

I never understand why people who want Eggman in seem to hate all other Sonic characters.

>Not supporting your main man by hating all his enemies too
Pretty sure everyone like Knuckles though

Eggman is top tier in literary everygame that he is in. Prove me wrong. I'm not saying other characters are bad, but compared to Baldy McNosehair , they are nothing

>Edelgard's in this and Byleth isn't

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Yeah, but I mean why would you not put them in Not Against tier?

Bottom tier is that you are actively against their inclusion at all.

All I bothered ranking. I don't think I'm being unreasonable. I don't think spirits or assists are deconfirmed after the five in the fighters pass. That being said, I don't expect any Nintendo characters until the base roster for the next Smash. They can just let them stew because they'll never be an issue to get later.

Note that "doable" doesn't mean "likely" it just means he's got a shot.

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Why the fuck is nightmare from soul calibur not enlisted in the page?

He is

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good to see all these "fighting game fans" in here pulling for all these cool SNK characters and Sol Basedguy but one question friends why are people wanting Heihachi instead of the 2 better and more fitting characters who actually have more conceivable movesets and recoveries. Jin and Kazuya both have devil wings, plus they are more of protagonist while Heihachi is more of a antagonist, also hes ded

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Sorry bro, but I'm not the user that posted the tierlist
good point though

who tf is that boy with the two swords beside conker and undead dark souls protagonist is

Thank you for letting me realize I am not the only Tailsbro here.

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How about heart aino, yu narukami, akatsuki and """Maybe""" ruby rose. they are not here.

This might be the best fighters pass here I have seen yet.

>No Estelle Bright, Adol Christin, or any other Falcom rep

List automatically discarded.

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your a jerk user rayman crash and spyro are awesome

Is it just me or are there no Advanced Wars characters on there. How can you make this shit and include Five Nights at Freddie’s and other equally retarded stuff, but no AW?

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stfu galactic knight is cool

Andy is there.

>Eggman is the only one to disobey the common Sonic design conventions by being an exaggerated human rather than cartoon animal with a variable amount of edginess
>He's the ultimate mirror of Sonic. Instead of being cutesy, he's ugly. Instead of being one-liner central, he's got a more rambling, rrrrambunctions kind of tone. Instead of being short and limber, he's tall and fat. Eggman is also the personification of the franchise's nature vs. technology theme.
>He's been there since the beginning, so he's got more legacy than most other Sonic characters. He's one of vidya's most iconic villains with tons of boss fights to take inspiration from.
>Eggman has consistently been a quality character in everything he's been in. While Sonic characters can be atrociously written, Eggman, at the minimum, is entertaining. He could be written cartoonishly, he can be written edgy, he can be mixed; nonetheless, he's always great, even in the franchise's darkest days.

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No characters I'd completely dislike. Most of A tier characters I'd think it's at least ok, but wouldn't care much. SS are the ones I want the most.

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posted the unfinished image.. anyways. why Heihachi over Jin and Kazuya or even Yoshimitsu? hes not the main protagonist of Tekken and hes ded

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I don't know how to do it, but if I could, I'd also add The Prince or The King of All Cosmos and Beat from Jet Set Radio to SS tier (and that would make Phoenix Wright go down to S tier).

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oh my god he's so deep because he's like, the complete opposite of everything sonic
i bet he is also slow because sonic gotta go fast!!!
i bet he prefers salads because sonic eat chili dog lol

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Also, I forgot to mention the lack of Metal Slug reps. It may have a lot of characters, but is still lacking.

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This isn't about liking Eggman more this is about liking Eggman and hating everyone else.

best taste incoming

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It's because eggman is unironically the only character in the series that has not aged like milk. He's an actual good character in the sea of autism the series has devolved into.

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>heavy is reddit
YOU are reddit

Actually it’s more like because he’s just simple and efficient

Sonic does not do deep well at all

Other Sonic characters and their designs greatly differ from Eggman's, which Eggchads may find more juvenile and samey in contrast to Eggman who is brimming with creative energy.
It's a simple argument of "funny YTP mad genius underdog" vs. "edgy OC furries with iPads".

thanks user. the amount of based taste in this thread is pretty incredible .. its almost like Terry set the stage for more fighting gme characters. also more Sonic characters would be cool but phuck Eggman and his "pingus" lover meme shitter fanbase. Tails and Sahdow echo fighter would be the optimal pick.

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every other sonic character is too samey to sonic except for eggman.

Yeah I would want Tails to be a bonus character for that reason.

Tails as a character sucks nowadays. And shadow should've stayed dead in SA2 now he's just an edgy faggot.

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I've always been of the mindset that you should buy the DLC for a game you support even if the DLC doesn't particularly interest you. I love the Smash series, so even though I didn't like any of Smash 4's DLC or Ultimate's DLC so far, I bought them anyway, because I wanted to support Sakurai.

But Sakurai's decisions for DLC lately have shown that he's only picking these characters for himself. He doesn't care about how disappointed he's making dedicated fanbases like the Geno fanbase. I refuse to keep supporting Sakurai's selfish decisions. Until he can prove that he the fans' best interests in mind, I refuse to spend a single extra cent on this game.

geno will never get in you fucking tard

Is Geno's fanbase that big?

Tails and Shadow aren't even that bad since at least they're iconic videogame characters everyone recognizes unlike a lot of the rosterfag bait out there,

it's just I can't get it out of my mind that Eggman could be Boss Rush in character form and the possibility of it alone has me excited

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I prefer any character who is 'would be cool' and above to any of the DLC characters we have so far.

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i think you mean worst taste posted here yet. unbelievable...

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outside of maybe one or two characters who I didn't realize were in the template, anyone not listed on here is on one of the "Don't want" tiers. Doesn't really matter who I'm outright against or not because the difference is so marginally small.

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>Funky Kong
I stopped reading because I knew the rest was gonna be shit

Spirits and assist trophies not included (though might have missed one)

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Am I based?

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Fuck waifufags, westaboos and zoomers

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Bad Tier isn't for bad characters per se, just characters that wouldn't be good additions to Smash Bros.

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yikes. horrid taste

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I see you Sonic fucker.

>character reveal for smash
>trailer starts
>bunch weird shit
>nobody knows who it's gonna be
>trailer keeps going
>nothing is recognizable
>character is revealed
>literal fucking who
>nobody knows what's going on
>characters is beating shit up
>trailer ends
>trailer for new game character is from starts playing
Nintendo will never have the balls to do this and it makes me angry

>Eggman is not top tier

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This was literally Corrin's reveal to the west.

>He doesn't know about Terry Bogord's reveal

Why would that make you angry? You're very easilly angered, huh?

No company would do that because it would be better advertising to announce the new game first, then the cross over.

>Wants a le radical Donkey Kong echo and Jester Demon Kirby
Right back at you

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maybe disappointing would be a better word?
also with the hype smash gets it might not be a bad idea, especially if the game might not get as much attention beforehand.

It would still be better marketing to show the game, then immediately after do the smash reveal. As proven by all the "literally who" threads, most people don't care for characters they aren't familiar with getting added.

Considering the cult of rosterfaggotry on the internet, throwing in some literal who before anyone else's choice would be incredibly bad press for the new game. Especially if no one's played it yet.
And if the new game turns out to be bad, then the character's going to leave a terrible taste in everyone's mouths.

that's a decent point
same here although it really wouldn't matter what order, and the literally who factor could work in your favour as being the literal who is something that has never been done, look at the hype when joker was revealed to have guns, breaking rules hypes people up.

I read foxboy in the SA2 eggman voice

The rules are maintained because Joker's guns don't actually fire bullets. The rules will be broken if they ever add a character who fires actual bullets.

I’m honestly fine with whatever.

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> wants Marina and KOS-MOS

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>your favorite character
But user...

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>These Characters Have Never Been On a Nintendo Console, So They Don't Get to Be In Smash

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Tails would be a much cooler character than Jim Carrey

r8 Yea Forumsirgins

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Everyone else not shown is in do not want.

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Your kys-tier is spot on.

>has a spot reserved for 'the most retarded choices'
>Tetris block and joy con at the top of the list

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>Not wanting LaboMan
The Tetris Block is questionable, but fuck, man. LaboMan would be the best addition (second to Toad).

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all the others i just don't care about at all
it is what it is

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Probably missed some characters (like Alucard and Chell, that I think'd be really cool), but this list pretty much covers everything I want.

Oh, also, I'd put a Majora's Mask Link that functions similarly to Pkmn Trainer (but with the masks)

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>goku bottom tier on almost every list with him
cringe and fagpilled

>jester demon kirby
play video games

Fuck, I didn't even know I wanted the Bully character in until this thread and now I cannot live another day in a world where he isn't.

I like video games

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I'd like to hear more about that Majora's Mask Link idea user

I mean, it's pretty much it. You can switch the big three masks (Zora, Goron and Deku), and each one has it's own unique fighting style. Final smash would be Fierce Deity. Deku would be great for recovery(with the flower helicopter thingies), Goron would be a heavy type (with a powerful down B) and Zora would be the fast one.

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>All of these people not wanting Yooka-Laylee

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Well this took far too long

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Well you didn't have to do every character, but I respect the time you put in for it.

heres my invaluable input
anyone who wants kirby goomba in smash should be burned at the stake
>sir daniel
mein nigger
whats the appeal of dixie
i can see wanting another DK rep but funky is better in every way
good shit

every single other list is complete dog shit you should all be ashamed of yourselves

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>Ryu Hayabusa
DLC Pass #2
>Jin Kazama
>Jacky Bryant

>More fighting game characters

whats wrong with glover hes cool

do it for him

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Updated this with OP's maker. Some notable omissions here but it'd quite difficult to get all of these characters into one thing so I can understand. Rate 'em.

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Gaze upon my shit taste

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im open for questions on mine

ratchet is my personal preference cause i grew up with his games
but everything else is largely cause i want the biggest names in vidya history to be under one roof, so that smash can truly live up to the moniker of a "celebration of gaming," as well as a few picks that would generate a the most hype

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Where's Phoenix Wright

The only characters I can think of that I'd like in the game are a monster hunter, a resident evil rep like Leon and Viewtiful Joe. They're all Capcon reps though so if I had to pick one it'd be monster hunter for sure

>Half of your "Really Want" and "Would be cool" could fit into the "Shit only fags and zoomers want." tier
You're right, your taste is awful.

>wanting bootleg Banjo-Kazooie when the real one's already in

hello my brothers

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im largely against characters that come from relatively low-action franchises
i get why phoenix is popular but given that the only fighting he does is legal stuff outside of MvC i think he's best left in the courtroom

imagine NOT wanting more characters in the game

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>against Goku
He may as well come in at this point considering Sakurai's already spit on all his past standards.

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I'm very indecisive and couldn't whittle down my picks.

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>'really want' is almost full of literally who
Fuck off

I've got a pick that I don't think I've ever seen anyone else endorse. Of course, it's largely contingent on the idea that Sakurai doesn't want to put in any "one-off" characters from the Zelda franchise, so Impa being one of the characters with appearances in several games would theoretically give her some clout in that regard, and it's also a way of giving Hyrule Warriors the recognition it deserves.

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a true kino dlc addition would be pic related

>kiryu and travis
my fucking nigger

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Confirmed to be in next

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lol i'm not even a big Yakuza fan I just think the idea of a relatively normal guy in the Smash universe would be pretty funny.

i cant argue with you there, but even gameplay wise he could work, with his style changes and all if you wanna go off of 0 or K1

Impa is my number 1 bro

This is the only good one.

Impa would be kind of cool, but not as DLC. If they'd revealed her as part of the basegame roster, you'd probably get a lot of nodding and murmurs of approval, but revealing her as taking up one of the DLC slots would be met with outrage.

hes coming

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Quote and Phoenix are the only ones I want that aren't already in the game as assist trophies and a Rhythm Heaven character needs to be in the game.

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Very nice. I'd just love to see Hyrule Warriors get some love, and especially get some Hyrule Warriors tracks into Smash.

You're alright.

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out of curiosity
why do you want phoenix, ashley and rhythm heaven in the game; what makes you think they'd be good candidates
secondly why are isaac geno and rayman at the bottom of your list

>would be cool
you're alright, user.

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Holy fuck there was alot of characters. Good shit. Also
>Rhythm Thief
I'm just happy someone remembers this game

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I just went with how I feel at the moment. Basically characters I would love to see get in over characters I'd like to see. Cry me a river if you don't like it.

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Cause Ace Attorney features my favorite story out of any game I've played and the character and music stick with me to this day. Rhythm Heaven brings unbelievable amounts of joy in my life with how much the series wraps itself with songs that make you head bob and sway to the beat. And Warioware is just fun as hell simple as that. I also have a heavy bias towards DS games and Rhythm Games.

In retrospect I should have put Rayman in Would be Cool.

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whats so great about yooka laylee tho?

>Bandana Dee

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why you hating on BWD JERK

stop hating on bandana waddle dee hes awesome jerk

Where is The Boar?

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sora and ty the Tasmania tiger are awesome jerk especially bandana waddle dee

This one is fine.

STFU i like bandana waddle dee do you have a fucking problem with that jerk also dipshit dumbass HE...IS....NOT....A....HAT....GOOMBA!!!!!! STOP CALLING HIM THAT you retarded IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!

Based and millions of times better than Sora.

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OP here, I loved Terry. If you look at my list I even put in Nakoruru near the top.

>Agumon not an option
>Goku and the hipster faggot from Y2K are in it
It's shit

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i can understand that
i guess i see smash as more of a "hall of fame" for characters who've done huge things in their home series coming together to just have a bout with each other
i'd compare it to super mario bros 2 or the sonic advance series where every character is familiar with each other to a degree and can function in the same engine without any major or overwhelming stipulation required for them to do so

rhythm heaven and ace attorney just dont match up with the kinda mental ruleset i've got but i really do see why you want them

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>Characters must come from a video game franchise FIRST & FOREMOST

Digimon is a v-pet moron.

why do you hate bandana waddle dee hes awesome and has great potential

and no one cares about you either

wtf is mugen explain user

you want bubsy but you don't want tails neck yourself

shitty tastes

>I want him with his actual moves from his fights
so, a faster Meta Knight clone?

Poochy would be the ultimate 2nd Yoshi rep.
Don't hate, appreciate.

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If Shadow ever gets in and is more of a Lucina than an Isabelle/Luigi, I will be sad.

I really think Smash's roster is complete. The only characters left that they could add really need to have some form of unique mechanic, and I'd prefer having third-party IPs for the most part.

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>all these anons putting Arle in Would be Cool at minimum
I expected worse from this board. You guys are actually alright.

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shadow wont get in at all cause hes an assist trophy hahaha get fucked

What if Shadow gets in as a Mii Gunner outfit?

I know I'm in the minority here, but if all of the costumes were as good as the one based on Sans it would really take away from them. Again, I KNOW that I'm alone on this, but Mii Gunner has already become Sans every time and I can't help but feel that because of that costume I will no longer see original or funny Mii gunners. Then again hardly anybody ever used Mii Gunner until that Sans costume. It's almost like a monkey paw situation.
>Want to see more miis
>Everyone starts using them sudden;y
>They're all using costumes that completely change the characters

I honestly want some more generic costumes not related to other characters just cause there's not enough options to make unique characters. They even cut some generic outfits from Smash 4 for no reason.

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Based taste. I don't really care or know about that girl you posted, but Metal Slug alone proves you have greater taste than all the other posters in this thread. I wish you luck and hope you dream picks come true!

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I'd like to see Miis get more customization in general. I don't understand why certain outfits are locked to particular movesets when they can work just fine with the others. I also want more voice options.

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>Hates "third party"
>Wants a Xenoblade character (not owned by Nintendo)
>Wants Linkle (a shitty R63 with no canon presences in any LoZ games)
Jesus Christ, you are without a doubt the most retarded user in this thread.

Just want to point out that Nintendo has 80% of the shares for Monolithsoft since 2007 so yes they are part of Nintendo.

Everything else is fine though. has shit taste for sure.

sorry that i put your favorite character in do not want

fuck you asshole bandana waddle dee and sora are awesome


I tried to order within each tier to the best of my ability. In hindsight, I gave way too much weight to joke characters.
Hollow Knight, Ditto, and Reimu would be in either A- or B+. Any Metal Slug character would land easily in the top half of A.

Attached: DLCTiers.png (1064x2584, 2.97M)

Not really bothering me that you did, what does bother me is how bad your taste is.

i mean, i never said it bothered you, but since you brought it up for no reason i'm guessing it did bother you.

I honestly didn't pay much attention to who was on the list but instead your need to put almost every character in the maker on the list. I just left characters I had no opinion of out of it.

Way to many characters but the ones that aren't here I'm indifferent towards

Attached: Too many characters.png (1063x733, 809K)

This is without a doubt the best list in this thread.

Naw, I didn't have a need to put every character on the list. I just did it anyways because it took about 30, maybe 40 seconds? I've got to be honest, you're pretty weird for being bothered by that.

Didn't bother reading your list. Your need to put every single character on the list is petty. Just leave characters you don't care out of it.

>Reimu not even present

did mine.

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>No F-Type

Attached: Ds53rT4U8AEy108.png (520x408, 241K)

bruh how would sora ruin smash hes awesome and bandana waddle dee is awesome as well i understand not wanting another fe rep but come on jerk at least cut waluigi some slack hes cool asshole

How would he even fight

I thought it would be fun to try out, just for the hell of it. Looking at it now, kind of difficult to parse. I tossed an 'essentials' version together.
And fuck all you people biting your thumbs at Monokuma, he would be the physical embodiment of fun.

Attached: DLCTiersSimple.png (1064x1015, 950K)

you do realize monokuma is anime right hes never getting in smash cause hes a 4th party mascot lol

Already know that Shantae's chances are nil given her appearance as a spirit, but I'd love any of those in the next tier.

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if anyone from PMD deserves to get in, it's Chatot

also fuck you sora is awesome we don't need another fe rep we have too many already everything else in the great same quality as the dlc so far is good tho

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I'll join the part. My must have is pretty bloated

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you have bad tastes fuck you bandana waddle dee hater

fuck you sora hater i love sora

I got a cool moveset planned out for him.

B: Peel Out / Rocket Start
He starts spinning his tires in place until they become red hot. Once they're hot, he can press B again to instantly blast off at top speed in the direction he's facing, which is a ramming move that has lots of potential killing power. Also has a chance of leaving flames behind on the ground where he takes off from which causes damage.
Side+B: Nitro Boost
While side+B is held down, F-Type boosts in the direction he's facing with a blue aura. Unlike the peel out / rocket start move, this move is armored, and he can change direction and hold it indefinitely until his boost meter runs out (he has a boost gauge next to his icon that refills over time).
Up+B: Stunt Ramp Launch
Like the name says, he spawns a ramp underneath him from the Stunt Trax portion of SRFX and drives up the ramp, launching off it. If done in the air the ramp becomes a falling projectile and potentially can spike people into the abyss.
Down+B: Crash Out
This essentially makes F-Type a rolling bomb. He will squint his eyes and begin shaking violently, then explode and send all his pieces flying, the size of the explosion depending on how long the button is charged. After that he reassembles himself.
He takes damage whenever this move is used, but he can move around while charging it. If an opponent is caught dead center in the middle of a fully charged explosion they will be instantly dealt 300% damage and knockback, but it's difficult to do so as he can merely be hit/grabbed out of it or avoided.

Final Smash: Radio Control
F-Type rams his opponents and they end up on a checkered field where all the other cars come in and start ramming them from all directions. Afterwards, TRAILER comes in and sideswipes the whole crowd with his tractor cab, sending everyone flying with a cartoonish 'KA-BOOM' sound effect.

Attached: DwSWeTdWwAIPrHt.jpg (1026x745, 84K)

>no robotnik
Even as a shadow clone of another character would be nice.


cannot wait to get home and fap to trap ntr and watch lets plays of games because i cannot play them.

oh boy, my favorite streamer is playing fortnite. better give him $200 to say my name again and praise me like a good boy

That is surprisingly awesome.

He came from a PSP game.

Eggman is in the second tier.

i am exactly 1 better than you and i think sora sucks so you suck

omfg fuck off you fucking stalker leave me alone already asshole why do you want to obsessively keep messing with me go back to hell

excuse me but take your ass back to the circus since you wanna be a fucking clown

Didn't occur to me to NOT include every single character on this list, but whatever. Also i know, i have good taste.

Attached: download.png (1064x2586, 3.16M)

Pretty much got everyone I've wanted after Hero was added, so the rest is just a bonus!

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>really want
Stopped reading there. Kys unironically

so? then you might as well be saying 4th party's could get in smash that's never gonna happen tho

None of your picks are ever good fuck off.

Attached: smashdlcthreads.png (158x290, 85K)

you have bad tastes neck yourself

Steve is NEVER getting in. Accept it

omfg stop with the fucking weebshit girls getting fucked faces that shit is annoying and needs to stop its making me feel very uncomfortable STOP

>even including john yiik in your list
I'm somewhere between sides in orbit and complete disgust